Reviews for Devil Ninja
Guest chapter 59 . 7/22
Im not sure if you read the boruto manga but that shit is crazy. Isshiki is complety broken with hax written all over him. Isshiki in DxD universe... DxD goes bye bye
Xavier Arias Gonsalves chapter 7 . 5h
No offense to you I get its your story and you're just saying things to make it easier to understand and I'm loving how this story is going but I have to call Koneko matching Tsunade physically bullshit. No offense again but Tsunade can not only tank way more things that Koneko can't (with her bullshit regeneration ability helping as well of course) and can overpower/break things I know for a fact Koneko can't destroy like mountains for instance, or go up against and be able to break a Susanoo. Just saying but either way keep going.
DD chapter 59 . 7/22
This story has become a dumpster-fire.
WindyCitySlayer1 chapter 59 . 6h
Please continue
Can’t wait for more
Please continue
shadows24 chapter 1 . 6h
Yo you ever going to get back to Ties that Bind it's been years since the last update and it was such a good series of stories!
Fleece Johnson chapter 59 . 7/22
The most "powerful" beings were already useless in the canon and they did nothing to solve the problems, everything depended on some teenagers. And now you take that pathetic excuse from your path to make them look more pathetic than they already were.

You really have surpassed yourself as a writer for using one of the most stupid and worst ideas made for a fanfic, this story is only getting worse and being from the beginning an Oc-Naruto Wank
Wolf1741 chapter 46 . 10h
Maybe when this story is finished you could do a version where the dxd crew react to devil ninja
ghostFLIN chapter 59 . 17h
Excelente capitulo bro, te las mandaste continua pronto con el sig lo esperare con ansias muy buen trabajo, y tranqui esta seria ha sido una de mis favoritas, encuentro que lo hiciste bien con ella
Lorfaul chapter 59 . 19h
Really enjoyed the story so far. Can’t wait to see how everything is resolved!
Svenion chapter 59 . 7/23
yeah, the Ark bit was too far, imo. how the hell doss the Ark end up in the underworld? really hoping this doesn't take long to resolve. the whole yami splitting off rom Naruto thing is already getting really old. i like the story overall, just getting tired of the main cast constantly reacting. if they don't get proactive soon, they deserve to lose. and Yami sucks. hard.
TheGreatBubbaJ chapter 59 . 7/23
Urgazhi chapter 10 . 7/23
I really liked this story up until Roads became Naruto's girlfriend instead of Koneko...

And now it seems like the bird girl is getting more attention as well. There seems to be a distinct lack of Koneko main girl pairings. Ah well. It's well written but I think I'm out.
Kurokawa Uzuna chapter 59 . 7/23
arks idea is good by the way, an overlord skeleton god use ten commandments, wonder why he just use it right now though, does it have interval or he just planned it that way. and indra is an asshole as always, like no matter where he is, he is an asshole, like Shinji(F/SNon-high level. does this top ten is the people in power or in the core of earth, the listed i mean, is the Zero number countsOl Red, Trihexa, Kurama)
Kurokawa Uzuna chapter 59 . 7/23
lol, a skeleton being uppercutted now, and stuck into ceiling, it just funny... though it kinda bad if he wearing ainz like clothing from overlord, i forget a thing, if he by any kind of way lose his magic, doesn't he just being a skeleton, i mean maybe he use to have body when being born but now it just being a skeleton in change of powermaybe ), or he shapeshifted? and another question how many chapter left do you intend to end this story?
Uday Sra chapter 59 . 7/22
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