So I'm actually going to do it. I'm actually going to join the fanfiction world in making a Harry Potter fanfiction.
This will be one of the hardest things I've ever done for the world of fanfiction. We're diving into the world together. This is the number one topic to type on for the entire website. I believe Harry Potter has reached over seven hundred thousand stories.
With this story, Harry will be born 3 years earlier. I will also be keeping his parents dead, but he will be living with Sirius. Sirius has yet to hunt down Peter Pettigrew, but will start around the time that Harry is in Hogwarts. So with this story, I'll be following Harry and Tonks. I've also given Harry a unique ability that I've noticed hasn't been used yet, I think. Other then that, it will be when Sirius is arrested that Harry's character role begins to change.
Anyway, with that being said, let's get this show on the road.
Remember loves
"This is talking"
'This is thinking'
'This is mental communication' big role in the story
"I do not own Harry Potter. Those rights belong to J.K. Roweling, but she should have feared us authors making her works better."
For some, quiet is a blessing.
Quiet is the description used to show that no sound is being made within a set area. For the citizens of London, this is a great thing before the morning. With quiet, people can wake to a fresh beginning, a feeling of refreshment from the night before, and a new start for others. Especially for the citizens that lived on Grimmauld Palace.
However, quiet isn't always as nice and peaceful for everyone. Example would be an eleven year old boy staying in Grimmauld Palace lot 12. Which was covalently located between 11 and 13.
To describe the boy was pretty simple. The boy had a thin face, while sporting short messy pitch black hair. While looking skinny, the boy had a body that had obviously started to develop from playing some sort of sport. Actually, the only thing that stood out about the boy would probably be the lightning bolt scar on his forehead and the streak of teal that went through his hair on the left side of his head.
The boy's name was Harry Potter, born to do great things, but that's a story further down the road.
Harry stood in his room looking out his bedroom door. The door was slightly ajar, so no one could see him. The reason behind standing at his door with a weird angle was also simple. Today of all days was his birthday.
Now having a birthday is a good thing for a lot of people. Some people celebrate with their family. Others get together with their friends and party. However, Harry's family was different.
That was because he didn't have parents. Harry's parents had been killed the day while he was just an infant. Now he was staying with his god father, Sirius Black. Head of the Black family. An Auror for the Order of Phoenix. Now foster parent.
Anyway, now wasn't the time for that. Now was the time to look out for Sirius. After all, there was no telling what Padfoot was bound to do. As Harry grew with his foster father, he had learned some valuable lessons. One, never trust Siruis to not attempt a prank. Two, never trust Sirius to outdo himself with his pranks. For eleven years, Harry had lived with Sirius and the constant pranks. Now Harry had developed some sort of prank sensor, which was now going haywire that a prank was coming.
Harry slowly opened his door further looking down the hall. Not seeing anything, he quickly sprinted towards the stairs to get to the kitchen. Breakfast was his goal, and he wouldn't miss it! Quickly taking to the stairs, Harry leaped over the railing completely. Normally not a well thought idea, but being in the house of Black, proved to be right. As soon as Harry had jumped, tripping hexes had launched from the wall to make Harry fall down the stairs, which would have been painful in his opinion.
Harry quickly took down the rest of the steps coming to a stop at the base. Looking around, he quickly ran towards the kitchen, power sliding past another doorway, which launched sacks of flour. While still in motion, Harry went into a forward roll over more traps coming to the kitchen and doing a front flip launch over some liquid on the floor at the entrance into his favorite chair.
Looking up from the table, Harry looked to see Sirius glance at him from over top his paper, a cup of coffee resting in front of him. "Well I see someone has gotten clever. Happy birthday by the way pup."
Harry merely nodded before starting on the bacon sandwiches. "You almost got me with the tripping hex by the way, if I hadn't just jumped over the railing, things would have been real bad."
Sirius let out a huge bark of laughter. "I was wondering what hat loud bang was. Guess that was you then. Now what do you want to do for your birthday young pup?"
Harry continued to munch on his food, while thinking on the question. "Well, I could ask for more books to read, but I've already cleared out your family library, and I'm supposed to start Hogwarts in a few months so there would be no point."
It was true. If you went into Harry's room, you'd see the standard bed, dresser, desk, and tons of books scattered everywhere. Harry loved reading, in fact, Harry loved having knowledge period. Siruis had set Harry down to explain how the houses worked at Hogwarts. After hearing all the houses, Harry had figured out which house he wanted to be in.
Any house seemed to fit for him, but he couldn't help but think that Ravenclaw was meant for him. Harry's motto stated, "Knowledge is Power." While Harry considered himself brave like a Gryffindor, he was also loyal like a Hufflepuff. He could be cunning like a Slytherin. That led to Ravenclaw, which was based on intelligence. For Harry, intelligence led to all the other attributes for the other three houses. Knowledge at a battle could make a person brave to win. Knowledge is what made people cunning. Knowledge on who your allies were could make you loyal. In the end, knowledge could rule the world, and Harry Potter would show the world the dangers of facing someone with knowledge.
Harry had listened to how Sirius was the first Gryffindor to be in the Black family. How everyone in his family had been in Slytherin. How his family had banned him, just to go and die off or get arrested, just to be placed in Azkaban.
"Anyway pup, I think I may have something you might just find interesting, since it is your birthday after all."
Harry looked at Sirius puzzled, before letting curiosity take the best of him. "What could you have possibly bought this time Sirius? Last time it was nothing but hookers and strippers, and you spent the most time with them!"
"That was different pup, and I still gave you that earring. Tell me, how does it work again?" Sirius asked, not understanding how the magic worked in the first place.
The reason being was that at the age of seven, Harry had taken an interest apparitions, or simply put, the ability to do it. When Sirius had apparated home one day, he had come down in what looked like white smoke falling to the ground.
Harry witnessed this with wide eyes, before bombarding Sirius with questions. How was the technique down? Who could use the spell? Was it even a spell? Did it take a wand? Why was it smoke? There was just so many questions from Harry that Sirius had to take a shot of fire whiskey before diving in the questions.
So after explaining how apparitions worked for wizards, Harry had immediately dived into his books. He wouldn't even come out his room, unless it was time to eat, which then he would simply take his food with him to his room.
It was three years later, when Harry had come out his room asking for an earring. However, it couldn't be any old earring like Sirius had started to purchase. This earring had to be flat, with the carving of a raven head shown. Not only that, but the earring had to be made of pure silver, no other metal could be detected in it.
"Well Sirius, after some studying, I managed to form a way to apparate easier." Showing his god father the piece of jewelry, Harry continued to explain his invention. "This baby right here will allow me to apparate in any distance with the reduced time to cast and reduced concentration on location. However, I doubt that I'll ever need to use it."
That statement would be an understatement, but Harry wouldn't know that for a while.
Sirius nodded to Harry's explanation hiding his shock well. It wasn't a surprise that Harry would invent something to help him use his magic better. He had always told Harry that a wizard with knowledge could make what was unbelievable believable. "Tell me pup, are there any other inventions or tricks you got up your sleeve?"
Harry allowed a smirk to play on his face, before finishing off his breakfast. "I've got several other things planned out, a few would require several materials to be made, and I'm almost done with another project."
"What do you need for the almost finished work?"
Harry thought for a second, quickly counting steps on his hand. "Well, thanks to the rune books you got me, I was able to carve some real nice stuff up, but I'll need at least two different rings for that. Both would need to be made with gold."
Sirius nodded his head at that. Quickly he asked his last question with a questioning smirk. "How goes the other project pup?"
This time it was Harry's turn to smirk. "I was finally able to get it down last night! The distance isn't even an issue, plus I'm able to use the basic hexes and curses."
Sirius nodded happily. He was very proud of his pup for achieving so much at a young age. It had made him think of his parents Lily and James. Harry had obviously picked up his level and thirst for knowledge from his mother, but the boys skill and looks came from his father. Sirius was sure, that they were smiling down at their son from above at his accomplishments.
"Is it possible to see it?"
"Why not?"
"Because I plan on keeping it a secret."
"We're the only ones here! Who else could possibly find out?" Sirius had all but questioned now. That was really the only thing that bothered him about Harry. The boy tended to stay secretive about everything he did. There were times where Sirius would walk by his room to see him tinkering with objects in his room. Always looking busy, even though being at a young age.
"I'm sure you can do a small demonstration right? What's the harm in a little magic?"
"Is that before or after the ministry decides to hit me with a warning for using underage magic?"
"Well if you've figured out your problem, then I highly doubt the ministry would notice, since they only keep track through children's wands."
Harry nodded at that. "I guess I can show you. I mean, I do feel like bragging on my latest achievement, and you're the only person I have to tell."
Sirius let out a bark of laughter. "I suppose that is true pup. Now on with the show then." Sirius edged Harry on.
Harry nodded, before taking a calm breath. Raising his hands in the air in the form of a surrender Harry looked at Sirius with excitement, before quickly flicking his left hand to the side. The reaction was instant.
Sirius flew backwards out his chair as if a stunner spell had hit him in the chest. It was clear that it was a hex that was used. Sirius had seen the light from the spell contacting him in his chest. He felt the magic that was behind the action. The only thing is that Harry had not used neither a wand, nor did he chant the spell.
Now it was Harry's turn to let out a bark of laughter at Sirius's questionable gaze. The senior wizard had not expected to be blasted in the chest after watching Harry's hand.
The process of casting this way had taken Harry years. Harry had always wondered how wandless magic could be down with anything. Not only that, but could it be down without chanting the spell? Feeling the drive to find out, Harry began instantly with trying to find out. Of course he had found out that it was impossible, but this was Harry Potter they were talking about. He would find a way to do anything, and it was wrong to underestimate his knowledge.
The only reason Sirius had found out about Harry's project was when he had walked past Harry's room to see a laughable site. Harry was standing in the center of his room pointing one hand with his fingers to look like a gun. Feeling magic build up, Harry quickly thought of the spell he wanted, and tried to cast it.
The reaction from this childish plan led to his magic blowing up in his face sending him flying outside his door, past Sirius, and into the wall putting a huge imprint of his body.
Sirius had laughed at Harry for months, and then several more months every time he walked past the imprinted wall. Sirius would then have to explain to Harry how magic and wandless magic worked. His explanation was that of handing Harry a book. The boy tended to do better with self-study anyway.
Needless to say, Sirius slowly got up from the floor with a devilish grin. "Nicely done Harry, nicely done. Now just imagine all the advantages you could have should you ever have to defend yourself. Can you use any other forms of magic like this?"
Harry frowned at that question. "Well, I've only been able to practice several spells like this. Each spell takes a certain amount of magic to use, and most of those require me to actually say the spell name. Not only that, but transfiguration isn't hard at all. It's a good thing I was able to read every single book in your library, either wise I'd never be as far as I've come."
Sirius nodded happily at the answer, before feeling puzzled. "Wait you said you read every single book?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Harry, there were over a thousand books in there. Books dating back to past my time. The spells in some of those books were so complex that not even I could do them. How did you have time to read everything?"
"It was easy really. All I have to do is simply open the book and read." Harry thought about the feeling from reading the books in the Black Library. Reading was always easy, even better when understanding what he read took only a matter of minutes. Explaining that feeling was something else. "Well to be honest, it's a bit weird. It only takes me maybe thirty minutes to finish one of the thicker books, and it's almost as if I instantly understand it. The only down side is that I haven't had a chance to put anything into proper practice. I need a wand for starters, and over half the stuff would require an enemy."
Sirius nodded, while his mind started to roam. Never had he heard of someone understanding what they read that fast, let alone know how to do anything with no practical knowledge to the wizarding world. Then again, he had heard of a distant Potter who could learn the history from anything he ever touched. That, and Harry had just found a way to hex him instantly without wondering if the hex was going to hit. It was almost as if Harry's magic had connected to his, and then turned into the spell he wanted. Could such a thing actually happen?
"Well anyway pup before I leave I should let you know that your birthday gift is outside on the steps. Just go grab it when you're ready."
Harry nodded finally happy to get his gift, before noticing something. "Sirius I can't get out of my chair."
"What was that Harry?"
"I said that I can't." Harry quickly stopped looking up to see Sirius back out the kitchen with an evil grin. "Sirius wait! I seriously can't get out my chair! What did you do?"
"I told you pup. You can get your gift when you you're ready, and I guess you're not ready."
Harry could only watch in horror as Sirius left laughing evilly. Even as he heard the door close, Harry could still hear the laugh in his mind. 'I can't believe he got me at the kitchen table again! Next time, I'll hex him real good.' Harry merely let out a small chuckle as he tried to figure how to get up.
Was Harry's gift good? No it wasn't. His gift was great! Rolling down the streets of Grimmauld Place. The muggles merely chuckled at the child that tended to help everyone when he had the chance. Rare was it to see the boy outside having fun, but when he did, it always seemed to bring a smile to everyone's face. "Stay safe Harry!"
"I will, thank you!" Harry quickly yelled out passing by another civilian, as his skateboard picked up speed as he went downhill. It was almost funny. It had taken Harry a couple of hours to get out his chair, how he got stuck was simply beyond him. Quickly Harry had taken back to his room to change clothes, before stepping out the house to see his board sitting there waiting in all its glory. An 8 by 32 smooth deck. The trucks and axles were perfect for catching a perfect grind, and wheels perfect for making speed.
Yes, if Morgana had wanted safety, then the world would not have given him this board. A statement that was literally about to be put to the test, as he came rolling down the street lost in thought.
If Harry had been paying attention, he would have noticed the bubblegum haired girl standing on the sidewalk in front of his house. He would have also noticed that the girl had somehow managed to trip over her own feet falling backwards towards Harry. Which led to said girl catching his leg as he flew by, making Harry lose balance, and possibly bailing in the worst way hitting concrete hard and rolling to a stop a little way from his house; board long forgotten.
Groaning, Harry merely opened his eyes to see said girl staring down at him. "Wotcher, Harry, what's going on?"
Harry merely stared at the girl before closing his eyes. She was dressed in what Harry could only understand to be some sort of rocker outfit. Blue tight jeans with a random black shirt with the name of some rock group. She even had the boots to match the outfit. Actually, the only thing odd was the pink hair, which was now violet purple. "I don't know you strange lady, but go get my board."
The girl merely stared at the board then back at Harry. "When did you get the board?"
"I can answer all questions, after the board has been returned to the rightful owner. Please make sure you deposit the board in the rightful hands at this time, thank you" Harry slowly placed his arm over his eyes with the other extended for his board to be placed in his waiting hand.
It was quiet for a few seconds, before Harry heard some sort of commotion, followed by hearing a feminine voice let out a loud curse. Finally his board was in his hand. Harry slowly rose up looking at the girl with a smile. "How you feeling Tonks? Did you fall on the way to the board or to me?"
Tonks response was a kick to Harry's leg while he was down. "Don't start with me Potter. Anyway heard you got your letter to Hogwarts. You feeling excited to go to school with dear old Tonks. I promise you it'll be great. I'll show you around the castle, just the two of us." Tonks was excited for Harry to start. She was already three years older, and would be a fourth year while Harry was still in his first.
Harry merely shrugged at the energetic girl, picking himself up and making his way to his front door. The lip on his left didn't go unnoticed by Tonks, who could only blush in embarrassment from hurting the boy from her own clumsiness.
"As much as I appreciate the offer, I do believe being shown around the castle would be left to the faculty." Seeing Tonks deflate, Harry quickly chimed in, "besides, I believe a proper date could happen in Diagon Alley."
"Who said anything about going on a date?" Tonks quickly shouted, though failing to hide the blush that appeared. It wasn't really a secret that the metamorphmagus was secretly fond of the boy. Didn't mean she'd have to admit it.
"Ah yes, I suppose no one did say anything. Either way, what can the great Harry Potter do for you Tonks?"
"Actually, just came to see what you and Sirius had going on."
At that, Harry turned back to look at Tonks with a 'really' expression. "Well, I think Sirius left to handle some sort of business. Never really tells me what's going on. Either way, it's just me chilling till it's time to go to Hogwarts."
Tonks nodded plopping down on the sofa located in the sitting room. Harry took up a seat as well, picking up a book and starting to read. "Why do you read so much?" Asked Tonks, who was watching Harry with curious eyes.
For as long as the two teens knew each other, she had always seen Harry reading a book. Not only that, but it didn't take time for Harry to finish said books either. She could remember the first time she'd met Harry.
Her mother, Andromeda Tonks, had brought her over on one of her trips to see her brother on family business. It was great that Sirius was able to become head of the Black family after their mother's death. Andromeda was allowed to be brought back into the family thanks to Sirius after running off and marrying a muggleborn named Ted Tonks.
Tonks was ten at the time. That was when she had seen the raven haired boy buried and surrounded by books. Curious enough, Tonks had run over to see the boy. Her happiness shining with the thought of playing with another kid her age.
Her excitement ruined her introduction though. Running up to the boy, Tonks managed to trip on her own feet, basically face planting into one of the towers of books. The boy seeming to finally come to his senses that someone was in the room with him, looked to see what all the commotion was.
Looking down, he only saw a girl, probably ten, rubbing her face as her hair began to go through an assortment of colors. Looking to see why she was rubbing her face, Harry only frowned at seeing why as the tower of books on the concepts of wandless magic, now lay scattered on the floor. "Excuse me, but are you okay?"
"Does it look like I'm okay?" Shouted Tonks. Her face was really hurting from that fall.
Harry only looked at girl, before huffing and getting up from his chair. "Normally if Sirius had done that I would have laughed. However, seeing as how you're not Sirius, I won't laugh. My name's Harry Potter. What's yours?"
Tonks slowly removed her hands from her face to see that raven haired boy holding out a hand to help her up. Taking his hand and getting back on her feet, Tonks quickly noticed the streak of midnight blue hair turn teal. "Hey! Your hair just changed color! My hair can do that too, see?" Tonks quickly shuffled through hair colors noticing how Harry's eyes widen for a split second, before allowing a smile to come to his face.
Finally stopping on violet purple, Tonks shook Harry's hand. "Name's Nymphadora Tonks, but just call me Tonks."
Harry tested the name silently shaking his head in agreement. "Think I'll just call you Nymphadora. Sounds like a cool name to me. Got a slight ring to it."
Tonks only blushed at Harry's response. "I-I said to just call me Tonks!"
Harry only smiled at the now pink haired girl. "We'll see."
Okay, so I'm going to stop this right here. I'm really use to typing fanfictions for Harry Potter, but I think this story has a good start. A lot of stories tend to start off with Harry before he goes to Hogwarts, so I'll just try to do the same.
I just finished reading the chapters for Barefoot, so I'll address this now, rather then later. Harry's reading ability is not 'touching' the book and then learning everything from it. Harry actually has to read every single book he takes into his possession. What I gave Harry, besides quick casting, was a high level of understanding and dexterity. See bottom for why.
Now, opinions on Harry's ability will be highly appreciated. I know the concepts of using magic wandless don't go half as far as the extent that I'm taking it. Put it like this, Harry's ability literally allows for a blasting spell to hit you instantly without any forms of dodging. Of course, I already have ways for more powerful wizards to defend from this. You can guess what those ways are, if not, then keep reading.
I'm also going to try to keep this updated weekly. I've had this story and other Harry Potter Fanfictions on my mind.
Last but not least. If you choose to review, I ask that you place at the end of your review the House that you love the best. Rather it's the House you believe Harry should be in, or it's just your favorite House, just leave it below. This will have a special effect in the story.
Now, to anyone who can guess the fictional character that Harry's ability to understand and instantly learn from what ever book he reads. I will give 20 points to your house. Guest can compete as well.
For anyone that can guess where the idea of quick casting came from, I will award your house 50 points. Again, Guest are more than welcome to try.
Also if anyone knows a good beta reader that might be interested, or is actually free to help. I will give your house 10 points.
As stated earlier, the House Points will serve a good purpose. I hope to see many smiling faces in reading this fanfiction. Sorry for the bad grammar and punctuation.
Anyways, I'll close this chapter off with this. I hope I was able to give enough details for the chapter. I want to add more, but I also don't want my first chapter to be filled with info, and then the reader turns away mocking my story with a fiery vengeance.
So without a further to do. This is Draaco Claye saying peace off!