Chapter XII.

Author's Note- Thanks to those who reviewed. This chapter has some more action in it. At the end I've added a second POV that brings us to Westeros and a tragedy that will change things monumentally for everyone. I hate killing off any of the good guys...but it had to happen. It won't happen often, and I only have one more death of the protagonist's family to endure afterwards. Their revenge will be swift, brutal, and devastating in its wrath...and it will come very soon. Thanks again!

Disclaimer: I Own Nothing.

~Daenerys I. POV~

City of Myr

[First Month of 298 AL]

She loved the feeling of freedom and exhilaration that flying upon Silverwing always brought her. Soaring through the air on the back of one of the most fearsome, yet magnificent beasts to ever grace the world was something she could never get enough of. Oftentimes, it felt like this was exactly what she had been born to do.

In her so far rather limited experience, it was a feeling unlike any other.

She knew she quickly approaching the City of Myr, and that it would not be long now till she was to get her first taste of battle on dragonback.

Not only that, but she also knew that she'd soon be reunited with those she held most dear. She was eagerly waiting to finally be with them once more.

Daenerys allowed her thoughts to drift as she continued to soar ever closer to their goal since she still had a bit more ground to cover.

Dany had been so very worried about Viserys, Rhaenys, and especially Jaehaerys when they left so quickly to defeat the naval might of the Reach and the Westerlands, and bring the Stepstones under the Targaryen banners.

She had waited so long for her best-friend to return from the East with Rhaegar.

It had seemed like an unendingly long age of near-torture to endure being so long separated from the one person she was closest to in all the world.

Then he finally returned, only to be forced to leave almost immediately again.

All her life, it had been Rhaenys, Jaehaerys, and herself. They had always been together, and only rarely ever apart.

They were the two pillars she leaned on to gain her strength and find the courage to become more than society and men in general would have her be.

In an age where women were to be seen and unheard, Jaehaerys had ever been her champion; encouraging her to speak her mind and give voice to her own wants and needs.

She'd never felt the urge to sit around embroidering or attempting other such 'lady-like' pursuits. The traditional role of a royal or nobly-born young woman had never appealed to Daenerys.

With examples of other independent-minded women like her mother, and her fierce good-sister Lyanna, Dany saw first-hand that if one was intelligent and daring enough, she need not be hindered by the worlds pre-conceived notions of where her place in life fell.

Out of all her family though, Haery had always been her strongest advocate in defying the norms of societal convention. She'd always been encouraged to do be more...than the rest of the world would see her as.

He encouraged her dreams, and challenged her mind.

He'd also taught her a great deal.

They learned many things together- just the three of them.

When Jaehaerys had shown Rhaenys and herself the wonders and might of magic, and all its thrilling possibilities, she had discovered a thirst within herself to prove to everyone she was indeed more than just a pretty little princess.

Her Haery (for that is what he would always be in both her mind and heart) had shown her such wondrous things. He taught her how to use her gifts to reach her full potential. That had given way to an infinite number of possibilities.

Those lessons had bonded the three of them together within something that she believed was entirely unique in the present age.

She'd never forget the first time she saw her best friend turn into a dragon of all the mad things!

That had been the start of everything for not only the three of them, but also for their family's resurgence as a whole.

He taught them all he could of magic and sorcery, just like the Targaryens of old.

Though she knew perfectly well that what he was capable of had likely never been seen by anyone else ever before, pre-Doom or not.

She had seen him do things that defied all the normal expectations that the magic of their world was thought to be capable of. Some of what she'd witnessed blew her away with the sheer power and strength of his magic. Not even the darkest of Blood Magicks were thought to have been able to conjure what Haery could. The Shadowbinders of Asshai would weep in envy to behold a display of his magicks that were previously only thought to have been the provinces of the gods alone.

For that was what he most resembled to Dany- a god made flesh and rendered into the most beautiful of human forms.

She knew there was so much more to Jaehaerys that they would likely never know.

Many things about her nephew simply defied all logic and reason.

While such things might have put some off, it only served to intrigue Daenerys further- if such a thing were even possible.

He was ever an enigma wrapped within a riddle; intriguing and mystifying all at the same time.

Though she may never completely understand all there was to him, she knew she would quite happily spend the rest of her life attempting to do just that.

Sometimes, when he thought no one to be looking, he would look so oddly troubled. It was as if he'd been born with the weight of the world upon his young shoulders.

It was not the same type of melancholic tendencies her eldest brother would occasionally become immersed within. No, it was more like he'd already seen and experienced such a multitude of things that none of them were likely to ever be able to completely comprehend.

She knew Rhaenys had sensed the same, yet they never spoke of it; silently agreeing that if it were possible, he'd tell them in his own time.

At least she hoped he would feel able to confide in them as their bond continued to grow.

As they'd learned and grown more together, so too did their bond.

The longer they were together, and the more they immersed themselves within their magicks, the stronger it became.

For years now, it had grown in strength on nearly a daily basis.

She could quite literally feel the both of them; Haery more than Rhaenys most of the time. The same as Rhaenys could feel Haery more than she could Dany.

They knew not what it was, only that it bound them together in an inextricable manner that was wholly unique.

Frankly, Daenerys would not have had it any other way.

She treasured them and their bond with one another above all else.

The older they became, the stronger their bond was made.

By now, it had been the only thing that made her and Rhaenys' separation from Jaehaerys for well over a year at all bearable.

They could still feel one another and each others love.

Each night that he had been gone, she had felt Haery had sent out all his love and comfort to both Rhaenys and herself before sleep claimed them. No matter the distance separating them, they always felt his presence. It even extended into their dreams, and had made the separation marginally tolerable.

They were reunited in their dreams each night without fail.

She had never experienced dreams quite so lucid either. It was as if they were all three actually together again. It had enabled them to grow even closer with one another if such a thing were possible.

That feeling had been the only thing to sustain her throughout their long separation.

She knew as she aged, so too did her feelings mature.

She was perfectly well aware that what she felt for Jaehaerys was not merely the bonds of friendship and kinship.

It was so very much more than that.

Simply put, her heart yearned for him.

She had already begun to feel such things for Haery well before he left with Rhaegar for the East.

Initially, such thoughts and feelings had confused her, but after a very long talk with Rhaenys and then her mother, she accepted her feelings as well as their bond for what they were: love.

She loved the both of them dearly, and she treasured Haery especially.

She loved him with all of her heart, and she knew she'd never be happy unless they were together always.

When Haery finally, yet briefly returned from the East, her heart had been fit to bursting when she laid eyes on him once more.

She had greedily drank in the sight of him.

At four and ten name days, Haery had truly come in to his own.

Gone were the gangly limbs and the slightly awkward phase of a boy barely upon the cusp of manhood.

The boy that returned to her was the vision of a breath-taking young Valyrian god.

His chiseled features and defined musculature had awoken a passion within herself she'd not know she was capable of feeling.

He had certainly stolen the breath away from both Rhaenys and herself.

Never before in her life had she seen a young man of such total and exquisite beauty, and she had known in that moment with absolute certainty that she was in love with him.

She loved him with every fiber of her being, and she knew there was nothing in the world that would ever change that simple, but true fact.

She cared not any longer what anyone else would think.

They could burn for all she cared.

She loved him...and that was all there was to it.

They were three parts of a whole, and only complete together as one.

She knew the true histories of their people, and she well understood why they had done the things they'd done.

The dragons had always mated with each other, and their human counterparts were no different.

It took a real sorcerer to be a true dragon, and with that came the same all-consuming lust and desire of the beasts themselves. After the initial bonding with their dragons, which had involved a fair amount of both the blood and magic of rider and mount, there would have been little they could have done to escape the desires to which it almost always inevitably led them towards.

They all knew by now that it was a consequence of the bonding, and gaining the ability and powers necessary to control the dragons.

In a way, it was the magic and work of the dragons themselves ensuring the blood of their bond mates would remain strong enough into the next generations to maintain their power and connection.

Nothing else could, or would ever possibly come close to quenching such a primal thirst they begat, nor with the strength of the longing she felt upon once again laying eyes on her nephew.

No one else would ever be able to compare to the need and love shared between them.

She was well and truly lost, and she would not have it any other way.

They were her mates, and they were bound by love, blood, and magic itself for all eternity together.

It was with those thoughts and final realizations in mind that she had resolved (and she knew Rhaenys had as well) to finally make her heart and her feelings known when next they had the opportunity for time to themselves.

Haery was too honorable to act on the feelings she knew beyond any doubt that he bore for them without prompting from her and Rhaenys first.

Which was part of the reason why putting down the Three Daughter's as quickly as possible was so important.

She wanted them back, and she wanted them back with her as soon as possible.

She was silently thankful that the recent past had been so eventful as she had dearly needed the distractions provided.

The past few weeks since Haery and Rhaenys had been away conquering the Stepstones had luckily been remarkably busy for those of them that had remained at Kingsport.

They had received word from Lord Varys that while the Lannister and Redwyne Fleets were moving towards the Straits of the Stepstones to annihilate them, Tywin Lannister had managed to gain an alliance with Tyrosh, Lys, and Myr for the sole purpose of destroying them all.

This had not been made known to the Small Council however, and the Spider had just barely managed to discover the threat in time for them to plan a counter offensive.

With Rhaegar still away in the East, and Jaehaerys, Viserys, and Rhaenys preparing to take on the Lannister and Redwyne Fleets along with the majority of their naval might under the Lord Admiral Velaryon, they found themselves in a quite difficult position.

The meeting she had been a part of when the news had come to them had been interesting to say the least.

For the first time in her life, she had felt like a true dragon.

Her mother had called all of them that remained in Kingsport together to determine the best course of action. All knew how critical it was for their future that they triumph.

They could not afford a failure this early in the game.

They had all come together in what had long been declared, 'The War Room' in the New Palace.

Besides herself and her lady mother the Queen Dowager, those in attendance included: Lyanna, Ser Gerold Hightower, Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Mark Ryswell, the leader of the Golden Company (Harry Strickland as well as his spy master), Jon Connington (who led the new regiments that had been dubbed 'The Legion of the Dragon'), Ser Jaime Lannister, Gerion Lannister, Egg (whom Haery had returned from the East with as she well knew her brother could only handle his boisterous nature for so long without his son as a shield and distraction), and surprisingly her young nephew, Prince Aelyx was allowed in council for the very first time.

Aelyx, who even though he had not quite reached his twelfth name day, had proven himself very adept as a dragon rider.

"Now that we are all here, let us begin." Rhaella declared.

"As I'm sure you all have heard by now, Lord Tywin has been at it again. He has, through whatever means, gained an alliance with Tyrosh, Lys, and Myr for the sole purpose of ending us before we come knocking on his door. With Viserys, Rhaenys, and Jaehaerys battling in the Stepstones to end the threat of the combined Lannister-Redwyne Fleet, and with Rhaegar still far to the east, we are in a delicate position. I have also just received word from the Crown Prince Jaehaerys." The Queen told them all.

"What does my son say, and how are the children?" Lyanna asked; anxious for both Rhaenys and Jaehaerys whom Dany knew she still thought to be too young to be off battling their enemies, but knowing they had in truth little choice in the matter if they were all to survive.

Rhaella smiled at her good-daughter. She well understood her worries as a mother herself as she too was just as worried for her children and grandchildren's sakes.

"They are all in good health and spirits. The Crown Prince said that he believes that himself, Rhaenys, and Aurane shall be able to deal with the threat of both Lys and Tyrosh themselves. Jaehaerys has already arranged with the Lord Admiral and Prince Oberyn to garrison the Stepstones after the Lannister-Redwyne Fleet has been dealt with by a combination of mostly Dornish troops and some few of our own men. It is his belief, and something that I too concur with, that Viserys and Vermithor will be enough protection for the Stepstones for the nonce with the aid of the Dornishmen. If they deal appropriately with the Lannister-Redwyne combine, there is no other naval power on the western shore of Westeros (with the exception of the Ironborn who won't be willing to raid as far away as the Stepstones) that is not already allied to us. That will free up Jaehaerys, Rhaenys, and Aurane Velaryon to accomplish the plan Jaehaerys had already come up with." She explained.

The former Bastard of the Driftmark had recently been legitimized by Haery with Rhaegar's approval as a long awaited reward when he'd been able to mount Syrax and fly with them in battle. It was a similar happenstance just like what his ancestor Adam of Hull had managed for Queen Rhaenyra, as was his reward.

"What plan is that, Your Grace?" Ser Jaime asked; having been unable to attend the meeting when Jaehaerys first arrived back from the east.

They now had a more definitive scope of how to go about achieving their goals and countering Lord Tywin if they acted quickly enough. Now was the time to iron out exactly how they were to implement all the necessary details and pieces in their game against the Old Lion.

"The Crown Prince wrote that if they are able to deal with the Lannister-Redwyne Fleet in a timely manner, than he would then have Rhaenys, Aurane, and himself immediately depart from Bloodstone and search out first for the Lyseni Fleet, and then the Tyroshi Fleet before they have the chance to combine forces and meet up with the Myrish."

"We've already discussed what our response should be in regards to the Three Daughter's of course. Now, it is simply a matter of organizing and planning our counter. If the naval might of both Tyrosh and Lys is destroyed, the two city-states will be extremely vulnerable."

"Volantis will not come to their aid. The Tigers have assured us on that front, and they are still laying the frame-work for our formal alliance with Volantenes. Therefore, once their navy's are eliminated, he will order the Lord Admiral Velaryon to blockade the both of them."

The Queen took another sip of her drink before finishing her explanation.

"Afterwards, once the larger threat of Myr has been dealt with, we shall be able to bear down upon them individually and en mass. Hopefully that will force them to accept the same type of union as their northern neighbors have already accepted." She explained to all those assembled.

"A fine plan, My Queen. I can see how that could work. Without their naval strength, Tyrosh and Lys would be extremely vulnerable. However what of Myr? Of the three, it is the larger threat." Ser Jaime asked; impressed once again by the Crown Prince's sharp mind and keen wits.

It had never been any wonder that Ser Jaime's little brother was counted as one of the Crown Prince's best friends and confidants. The two shared a great many similarities and interests in knowledge in all its forms. With Ser Jaime's own efforts in aiding the Royal Family, compounded with his brother's friendship with Rhaegar's heir, House Lannister was poised to not only regain the honor lost to them largely by Lord Tywin's actions, but also achieve the lasting legacy the Old Lion so craved.

Only it would be achieved in a manner and effort their child-killing father would never have managed: honest integrity with freely-given loyalty in conjunction with uncommon intellect and shared ingenuity.

Daenerys thoroughly expected Ser Jaime's brother to rise as one of Jaehaerys' most trusted advisors when his time for the throne came.

"Yes, Myr is the greater threat. It is also the one that will require us to deal with. Initially in any case." The Queen agreed.

"Prince Jaehaerys suggested that the Dragon Legion depart Kingsport and Dragon's Rest and lay siege to Myr from the land side. He would send a small portion of the Fleet to join with the remaining ships we have now guarding Kingsport and Pentos to blockade Myr from the west."

"We can afford to do so as we know that Lord Stannis' fleet is the only large naval power that could come against us in the Narrow Sea, and he has long been our own man. He also suggested, and again I concur with him on the matter, that the Golden Company and at least one of the dragons and its rider be ready and available to continue to insure the security of our new union from the Dothraki." Rhaella explained.

"Agreed. The savages could have learned of all this and think to take advantage. That is especially so where Qohor and Norvos are concerned as their distance from our main bases could hinder us. Hopefully, that will be enough protection for the moment." Lyanna added.

"I do not foresee the Three Daughter's remaining belligerent for long when have dragons flying over their heads ready to reign down fire and blood upon them should they continue their defiance." The Queen elaborated.

They all absorbed the Queen's words as they thought out the pros and cons of such moves.

"Your Grace is likely right on that score. In the past, each of the Three Daughter's have always fought their own battles with largely foreign mercenaries. They've never been willing to risk a direct threat to their city or their free-born population. I doubt it will take much for all of them to submit if their pride can be made to stomach it. They think far too highly of themselves to risk very much in the way of destruction of their fine cities." Strickland stated.

Daenerys had an idea of how to help that along.

"Mother, you and I are the two best remaining dragon riders that we have available. If the two of us approached Myr from the east and converge with Jaehaerys and Rhaenys descending upon Myr from the west, the four of us should be more than enough to cow them into submission with perhaps a few demonstrations of exactly what our mounts are capable of."

Daenerys paused to collect her thoughts.

"I think the Three Daughter's merely need to be reminded of just how hot the flames of Valyria burn as they seem to have forgotten. As the last of the Forty, we are the only remaining heirs of the Freehold. They owe their very existence to us, and will be made to remember that fact." She stated forcefully.

"That would also still leave Egg and, if necessary- Aelyx too, as protection for those whom have already placed themselves under the banners of House Targaryen. If we are quick, and forceful enough, this could be an opportunity for us to reconstitute much of the Freehold than would have otherwise been possible." She'd said; proving to most that she was no longer merely the pretty little princess they once thought they knew.

She was now well and truly a she-dragon in the fiercest sense of the word.

The proud glint in the eyes of the Queen showed just how impressed she was with her only daughter.

Her mother smiled broadly at her.

"I could not have said it better myself, My Daughter. If there are no objections to this plan, then that is what we shall endeavor to accomplish." She said looking around the table.

No one had anything negative to say, even if Dany could tell that a few of them did not like it one bit that both she and her mother would be riding to battle on dragonback for the first time.

None dared to gainsay them however.

The Queen's look softened as she looked at her middle grandson.

"Aelyx, do you think you'd be able to help Aegon to make certain our people are protected whilst we're away?" She asked the young boy.

Dany was amused to watch him puff up his chest in pride at the Queen's question.

She saw the stoicism of his Stark blood when he nodded solemnly to his grandmother.

"Of course, Grandmother. I won't let you or my brother down. That, I promise you." Aelyx proclaimed.

"Good. I know you will do your best to protect them all." She told the young prince who seemed as proud as a peacock at his grandmother's words.

"Your Grace? Might I suggest allowing the men of my company to journey with Your Grace and the Princess? I believe we can use their distraction of both the Fleet and the dragons to infiltrate the city from the land side, and open the gates for the Dragon Legion. They have all trained hard for just such times." Ser Jaime suggested.

Several years ago, Rhaegar had charged Ser Jaime with forming a company of men of his own that had been training relentlessly as what Jaehaerys had later dubbed, 'Special Forces'. The company which was comprised of only a few hundred men were highly trained in all manner of stealth and secrecy.

They could act as a guerilla unit that could strike an enemy in the dead of the night with lightning-fast precision and stealth. They were then more than capable of vanishing before an enemy even became cognizant of the fact that they had been attacked in the first place. The company struck with devastating effect and accuracy.

They were also extremely adept in many forms of close-combat, and worked well as special units designed to breach an enemy's defenses without the enemy even knowing they had ever been there until it was far too late to counter them.

If they were allowed, this would be their first real test in the field, and she knew Ser Jaime was most eager to test their mettle.

The Queen looked thoughtful momentarily whilst thinking over Ser Jaime's suggestion.

"So be it. Bring your company, and travel with the Dragon Legion. You may do as you see fit to secure the gates of the city Ser Jaime." She agreed.

Jaime bowed his head; appearing rather eager to finally test his company's mettle in truth.

Considering that the Lady Ashara was with child once again, she had a sneaking suspicion that Ser Jaime had more than merely the desire to prove his men's worth on his mind.

His dear lady wife had been far more moody than normal with her latest pregnancy, and poor Ser Jaime had been the object of his lady wife's ire for some months now as the healing bruise on his comely face could attest to. (Admittedly, it did not help matters that Lyanna, as Ashara's best friend and confidant, had been thoroughly enjoying egging the lady on in her ire at being pregnant for the fifth time when she had previously stated that four children was more than enough for her.)

"Lord Connington, give the order for the Legions to prepare themselves and to begin to make for the City of Myr, and lay siege to it. If he believes he can bear the separation from his dear wife, Ser Jaime and his men shall accompany you, and we shall be joining you ourselves when we have heard from the Crown Prince. The Lannister-Redwyne Fleet must be dealt with first. Once he and the Princess Rhaenys are able to join us, my daughter and I will fly out to join you." Rhaella decided.

"Yes, My Queen." Lord Connington agreed in his usual seemingly grumpy tone.

It was only around Rhaegar that he ever lightened up, and even then, only just. He'd never been exactly popular within the family, and any of them only tolerated the surly man for Rhaegar's sake.

Numbers, logistics, and supplies had then been discussed by all before the details had been finalized and the Legion was given their marching orders.

Dany had known then that it would not be long now until she was able to re-join with her missing loved ones, and join battle with them in the skies.

She felt anticipation building within her that she'd never felt before.

Soon enough, she knew the world as they knew it would forever be and irrevocably changed.

She had been right too she thought as her mind returned to the task at hand.

She could see the Free City of Myr approaching in the distance; sprawling out all along the shores of the Narrow Sea. She would admit that it was indeed a splendid sight to look upon. The numerous spires and towers seemed to gleam in the sun's reflected light; bathing the city in its radiance.

That the city was prosperous was more than obvious.

Already she could see the grand residences of the city's magisters. Each manse seemingly grander than its predecessor as they all appeared to attempt to out-do their peers in splendor.

Near the center of the noble quarter, Dany spied what she assumed by the sheer magnificence of the construct to be the palace of the Myrrish Prince himself. The grand palace of the current and elected Prince of Myr was unrivaled in its opulence, and was admittedly a jewel to look upon. (1.)

Whether or not it would retain its standing and grandeur remained to be seen.

This was the largest of the so-called 'Three Daughters of Old Valyria'.

The city was famous for its fine hand-crafted goods of exquisite beauty such as lace, tapestries, and carpets. Such things were extremely sought after throughout the known world by the upper echelons of society.

While those were the positive traits of the city, it also held a much darker lineage.

For all the fine crafts and beautiful goods it produced, the city was just as famous for its great number of slaves. What one did not see at first glance were the thousands upon thousands of slaves that did the actual labor to render such magnificence in to existence. In that singular distinction, Myr shared even more similarities with its two sister states.

The slaves out-numbered the freeborn three to one at the least.

As the region was considered one of the most culturally advanced areas of the known world, such a distinction was ill-earned in Dany's opinion.

Slavery was an institution that she found absolutely abhorrent.

It was anathema to everything she stood for.

While the family had planned to begin a slow and careful shift within the slave cities of Western Essos to instituting indentured servitude, generous pay-offs to the former masters, and the gradual and eventual freedom of the servile class; their alliance with the Usurper and Tywin Lannister had caused an abrupt shift in their immediate goals.

Their own ill-thought actions had put paid to Rhaegar's initial plans and generosity.

She had known that her eldest and most beloved brother had not initially held any intention of directly interfering in the running of Tyrosh, Lys, or Myr for a large number of years- if indeed he ever made any moves against them.

They did plan to gain the willing allegiance of those three city states sometime in the distant future, but they'd not held any desire to force them into anything against their wills for many years yet to come.

Their alliance against her family with their sworn enemies soon swept all such notions of non-involvement aside.

The mere fact that they dared to raise arms against the Dragons would not be born with impunity.

They would reap what they had sown.

Now, she was soaring above the errant city atop Silverwing as she kept a look-out for those she had missed the most.

Dany could feel that they were extremely close.

She felt it in her very bones.

Their bond was all but singing to her, and she knew by that alone that they were indeed close, and getting nearer by the second. She could also feel their own sense of anticipation for both the coming battle as well as the prospect of being reunited with her.

She could hardly wait.

The time was now upon them as she saw her mother steer her dragon into position.

She watched on as the Queen began to reign down dragonfire from atop her own mount Maelys; a beautiful she-dragon of a light violet coloring that was quite reminiscent of the Queen's own eyes.

In that moment, she did not think she'd ever seen her mother quite so alive as she was flying on Maelys. She was calling out commands in High Valyrian as they took out a great many of the archers manning the outer city walls of Myr.

That had been the pre-arranged signal she knew to begin.

It was time to dance.

Now, it was time for her own part in the action as she nudged Silverwing in her mind to descend closer to the battlements.

When she saw the Queen beginning to act, she was to begin doing the same with her own dragon on the portions of the city walls nearest to her.

They were to be the first frontal attack of their army.

Daenerys herself had been given the task to remove as many of the archers and men manning the walls as possible. It was hoped that their own forces would be able to assault the walls and take the gates with far less casualties than would have otherwise been the case if the defenders were still reigning down arrows and boiling pitch upon the Legion.

"Dracarys!" She yelled out in High Valyrian as Silverwing began to shoot out large bursts of silver flames upon the soldiers manning that area of the wall.

By the gods! The feeling of loosing dragonfire down upon their enemies was utterly intoxicating.

The feel of power coursing thru her veins was monumental. As blood and magic seemed to roar in her ears, and Silverwing's own joy and battle lust joined together; merging with her own...She'd never felt such total and exquisite joy as she did in that moment with the power of life and death right there at the tip of her fingers.

Now she knew what the others had warned her of.

Jaehaerys had always made sure she knew what to expect for when her time came, and that she was prepared to fight it.

She knew one could not possibly understand this all-encompassing feeling of euphoric addiction to the rush of adrenaline and power one felt battling on dragonback.

The power was a truly intoxicating experience.

Her eyes were blown wide with pleasure; pupils dilated and black as the magic swirled through her violet eyes.

Her mind ground to a halt as she did her absolute best to reign in her emotions.


She would not allow herself to be ruled by her passions and power, no matter how good it felt.

She could not allow Silverwing's lust for destruction and carnage to consume her.

It was only with an almighty lurch and a forceful exertion of her will and magic that she managed to overcome the haze of beautiful, glorious destruction her mind desired to become so immersed within.

She would not allow the dragon's desire for wanton terror to rule her.

She was a dragon too, and she'd be damned before she allowed those base instincts to overcome her better sense and disappoint her love.

She steered Silverwing higher for a moment as she forcefully regained control over herself.

Breathing deeply, she felt her magic humming with approval that she'd conquered the more beastial instincts.

It filled her will a new feeling of power that was all her own.

It was her power...not the dragon's instinct.

She then reigned in Silverwing's own lusts, and forced her will upon her mount as they descended back towards the city walls with a new-found determination to succeed raging within her.

Now that she was once again in control, she began to fly to every strategic location where the enemy remained strong; systematically weakening their positions to give their own men assaulting the walls the freedom to strike with far less threat to their lives.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a massive, lurid green explosion rock the world around it. The sound went off like an earth-shattering boom; shaking the walls enough to even topple a few of the remaining enemy archers. She knew then that Ser Jaime's men had succeeded.

The explosion was set off on the main gates whilst the enemy had been distracted by her and her mother's dragonfire. The main portion of the wall now free of enemy archers, and the gate was theirs.

The tide of the battle had just turned.

Dany was still in awe of the explosive compound used. It seemed to be even more destructively brilliant than she'd thought. Of course, it was yet another of Jaehaerys' little projects.

Haery had helped them to discover a newer method of using wildfire that had never been used before.

She had not been exactly certain how he had done it (as it was normally far too unstable to be used in conjunction with any other substance).

Somehow he managed to use a combination of silver and iron that when bonded together and placed within the alchemical mixture of wildfire, had the potential to destabilize and even explode solid steel.

The magic he used was of the type that only he had access to as far as any of them were aware. It required him to actively force his own distinctively unique type of magic into the potion he'd created. The mixture then managed to bind the iron and silver together without managing to cause the wildfire to explode on contact; (which had previously been the result of any and all attempts in modifying the alchemical composition of wildfire).

The wildfire concoction would then be doused upon whatever one wished to explode (in this case a massive gate of solid steel), and would not ignite until a spark of flame was shot at the mixture.

She noticed Ser Jaime's men had flattened themselves all along the base of the walls when the detonation occurred in order to avoid the massive green blast of steel shrapnel that resulted in the immediate deaths of any unfortunate enough to be near the blast radius.

Another side-effect of the potion and bonding used, was that unlike the smoke from either a normal fire, or even the grey-green smoke wildfire usually produced; the transformed wildfire emitted a smoke of the densest black.

The black cloud amidst the blast radius made it impossible to see anything that was occurring within the cloudy mist; giving a distinct advantage if one knew beforehand and could properly utilize the moment.

She did not need to be able to see it to know the Ser Jaime would have had his men infiltrate the entire area of where the steel gate would have previously been in place. By the time the smoke cleared, Ser Jaime's 'Wildcats', as he'd named them, would have the perimeter secured for the regiments of the Dragon Legions to begin pouring into the City of Myr.

It could not have happened at a better time either.

Dany let out a victorious battle-cry in joy as she had just spotted the massive red and black dragon approaching from the west and sea-side of the city. It was soon followed closely by the fiery-colored red and orange dragon with a beautiful dark-haired warrior princess riding atop the beast.

The red and black dragon was naturally riderless.

Daenerys could feel her heart soaring at the site of her most beloved kin.

Dany laughed out loud when she heard her mother the Queen's answering battle cry of imminent victory.

Their men were pouring into the city now as she and her mother began to fly closer to them to insure any large numbers of enemy troops remaining within the city were burned before they could deal too much damage to the Legion.

Up ahead, she saw vast plumes of smoke beginning to soar into the air as it appeared a joint effort between Sunfyre and Haery's own form had destroyed a portion of the sea-side city walls that had allowed a some of their marines to enter the city from that end.

Flying a little higher to get a better vantage point, she saw a large portion of the stone walls had actually been melted down. It was reminiscent of the tales of Harrenhal, and the fate of Harren the Black's infamous stronghold. She was surprised by that due to the obviously misleading rumors of the walls being spelled against dragonfire when the city was a founded as a colony of Valyria.

That, or the ages had worn the magic away.

The two sides of their men were converging together and spreading out all across the city. The Dragon Legion was taking out all opposition they came across.

She was heartened to know that their orders were also being obeyed.

The Queen and Jaehaerys had both given instructions to their men that there was to be no sacking of the city. They had not come only to burn and conquer. They had come to rule. There would have been very little point in attempting to rule a burned out shell of a city.

No, Myr was by far more valuable left in tact.

She was also pleased to note that she was almost certain she was seeing some of the slaves beginning to help the armies of House Targaryen take control of the city.

She knew the tales of what Rhaegar and Jaehaerys had accomplished in Slaver's Bay had likely made it to the Three Daughter's general population by now, and was heartened to see that so large a portion of the city was viewing them more as liberators than invaders.

Hopefully they would be able to find appropriate new lives for the mass amounts of soon-to-be former slaves. Daenerys would do everything in her power to aid in making the transition from bondage to freedmen as easy as possible for all.

Her heart began to beat faster indeed with what she saw next.

Fast approaching in her direction from above the city were Rhaenys and Jaehaerys.

Finally, they would be together.

Now, she would let nothing break them apart.

Just as her heart was beginning to feel full and content; thinking that the hardest portion of the fight was now over, she saw something that made her blood run cold.

Almost as if it were moving in slow motion, she saw a scorpion bolt flying through the air from somewhere unseen upon the roof of one of the grander manses.

It was headed straight at Jaehaerys' unprotected flank.

Although she was unable to do anything about the danger approaching her beloved, she tried her best to warn him.

Instinctually channeling as much magic into her voice as she was able, Dany screamed out; praying he'd hear her.

"Behind you!"

Her voice rang through the air, and to her immense surprise and relief, Haery appeared to have realized she was speaking to him.

His massive form made an abrupt turn of direction the second her voice registered.

Not a moment too soon either it appeared as the scorpion bolt was no longer aimed directly for the center of his form. Instead, the steel weapon grazed along the length of a portion of Haery's spiked tail; skimming the more volatile underside of the long appendage.

His dragon form screeched in surprised shock, and Dany watched on in enraged anger as dark red blood dripped from her beloved.

Dragonblood had been spilled!

Despite knowing full well that it was in truth a rather minor flesh wound, all four of the dragons present roared in absolute fury, and she and her mother began making their way closer to Haery and Rhaenys' location to dole out some well-earned retribution for daring to spill the blood of the dragon.

Daenerys was so focused on reaching Haery and Rhaenys' side as quickly as possible that she did not keep a sharp enough look out for any threat to herself.

She was therefore much surprised when just as she was reaching their position, she saw Haery literally diving down towards Silverwing and herself at impossible speeds she'd not known a dragon was even capable of.

So fast was the massive red dragon coming at them that both Dany and Silverwing were too stunned to react.

Just before he would have collided with them, the red dragon forcefully made an immediate about turn.

With a powerful thrust of tremendous force, his tough leathered wings stretched out to their maximum breadth. He drew himself up to his full and impressive height; flaring out before Daenerys to his full length. The red dragon's body was rigid and his muscles were tightly coiled. There was a menacing air about him that was full of deadly grace as he seemed to virtually hover in place.

She knew his magic had to be hard at work keeping him aloft in such a position as his large wings were barely even moving. They only seemed to be covering as much of Dany and the silver dragon as they possibly could.

He was absolutely magnificent flying before her; daring anything to come at such a terrifying beast. The red monstrosity cut such a glorious figure that he somehow managed to blot out the sun itself.

He was shielding Dany and Silverwing from any and all harm.

She was fast to realize why he had so abruptly covered them when she almost immediately heard Jaehaerys' ear-shattering roar of undisguised fury and pain.

Haery had taken a direct hit on his dragon form's softer underbelly from another scorpion bolt.

From the position it hit him, she knew it would have struck directly onto herself had he not intercepted the sharp steel in her stead!

While it was unlikely to have been overly dangerous to a dragon, such a strike would have undoubtedly been positively lethal to Dany's human body.

Suddenly, the very air around them became inexplicably charged with a raging crescendo of heat and magic.

Jaehaerys' fury steadily mounted until it reached a never before witnessed level of such malicious anger and all-consuming hate that it rendered all around them breathless and awed. All were thoroughly shocked to see a bright green aura of deadly eldritch light envelop the red dragon that was now staring at the roof of the manse the attack upon them had originated from.

She was certain, even without the confirmation she could intimately feel all but singing from their bond, that he was not upset that his own form had been mildly injured.

No, he was utterly enraged that anyone had dared to not just fire upon not Silverwing, but that they had been aiming for the she dragon's beautiful rider.

They had just tried to kill his mate!

Such an act would not go unpunished.

From atop Silverwing, Dany flinched violently when two more scorpion bolts suddenly struck out at Jaehaerys' form before any of them had begun to react.

What made the sight even more shocking however, was when the spear-like shaft that the bolt's lethally sharp steel tip was fastened upon suddenly burst into bright green magical fire. The fire similar to the aura radiating from the draconic prince himself was eerily akin to wildfire in it's color and ferocity. The undeniably magical fire was so intense that sharp steel warped and dulled enough that the damage from the impact was minimal. Only the bolt's momentum allowed it to break through his scales at all.

This time, he did not let out even a whimper of the pain she knew he had to be in.

Dany did not waist any more time in shock, and immediately flew Silverwing to his side.

Whether the red dragon wanted her there or not, he would not face any enemy alone!

She was not alone in her movements either.

Both her mother and Rhaenys had quickly joined them; flanking the pair on either side.

All four dragons were looking down upon the roof of the large mansion that the attack originated from with narrowed slitted eyes that promised a most painful ending to any that dwelled there.

No planning was necessary between them as they all abruptly went into a dive towards the location where they could see three scorpions mounted upon the roof.

Dany idly wondered at that.

In ages past, when aerial attack from dragons was not so unheard of, such a thing could have been feasible. However, it had been centuries since any attack by dragon had been even a remote possibility in Essos. It had to have been at least four hundred years!

That was either an exceptionally old and well maintained manse from the era when Myr was a Valyrian colony, or someone had tried make a pre-meditated hit upon them!

Dany banished her suspicious thoughts as she and her loved ones neared the origin of the attack.

The men on the roof below, (who she noted did not appear to be guards or slaves but rather nobles of some kind) had taken aim with the scorpions directed at them once again. They appeared to be rightly terrified of having gained the full and undivided attention of the four large dragons approaching them, and were scrambling to get off another round.

Dany could almost taste the amount of sheer desperation pouring off the bastards in waves.

She felt no pity for them whatsoever.

The filth had tried to murder her and her beloved.

They would burn to a man. That was all there was to it.

If anyone could have seen them from the air, they would have marveled watching them.

It looked almost like a choreographed aerial dance as the four large dragons surrounded the mansion; flying in sync to perfect positions just above the four corners. All four of them reared back simultaneously as the dragons inhaled. Just as the men below were about to loose another volley from the scorpions, the beautiful sound of High Valyrian was heard from the three female dragon riders.


The word sounded more like a melodic beat in an Old Valyrian song than the destructive command that it was.

Instantly, four torrential bursts of dragonfire came pouring out of each of the dragons; incinerating anything that happened to be on the roof instantly- be they man or tool.

It did not stop with the initial burst either.

Dragonfire reigned down upon the burning building in such a large combination from the four dragons that the manse was not just steadily burning in ever-increasing heat, but was actually beginning to melt.

When complete, the dragons pulled back into the air and surveyed their handiwork.

All that remained were some pools of melted stone and what appeared to be the burned-out shell of what was once a basement; charred and blackened beyond any recognition. The whole ground where the mansion once stood had been slightly bowled out, and resembled more of a tarred pit than the proud manse that once stood tall towering over the city.

Dany hoped it was a lesson well learned to any others that would contemplate direct attacks upon them in such manner.

This time, the four of them all remained close afterwards.

They began flying back and forth across the partially burning city to aid their men in defeating the last pieces of Myrrish resistance being made mostly in the noble quarter of the city.

Barricades and other attempts at defense were positioned haphazardly here and there throughout the city that their soldiers were quickly overcoming. Each of the remaining defenses began falling faster and faster as the dragons reigned down small bursts of fire when they came upon the barricades. This allowed their men a much easier (and safer) time in subduing the opposition.

After a couple of hours of aiding their men in quickly over-coming any defense with ease, they saw a sight that pleased them all immensely.

Over the top of what Dany assumed to be the residence of the current Prince of Myr, a white flag of surrender was being hoisted atop.

As the thousands of their men cheered, another standard was being quickly raised beside the white flag- the red on black dragon banners of House Targaryen.

For the capitulation of Myr, any hope evaporated for her sister city's of Tyrosh and Lys; blockaded and starving as they currently were. Reminiscent of a falling house of cards, the surrender of the largest of the Three Daughter's heralded the rise of their new empire. With little exception, nearly all of western Essos was now under the three-headed dragon banners of their family, or they soon would be. Those that were not integral parts of the new kingdom were already staunch allies and friends.

Lyanna and Rhaegar were now truly the sovereigns of an empire, and Dany felt immense pride that she was now a central member of a imperial family.

They were on the way to greatness, and nothing would stop them.

No more would she be separated from those she loved either. That, she swore.

She had proven herself in battle, and she would not be deterred. She was proud to be a shield-maiden of their dynasty and not some Andal flower most noble girls in their homeland were raised to be.

Dany would not allow herself to be torn from Haery's side again if at all possible.

Not now, and not ever.

They were always so much more together as apart.

Apart, they were incomplete.

Only with all three side by side did they feel whole and at peace.

She could hardly wait.

The future had never looked brighter.

That night when they took residence in their new Myrrish palace, Dany did not hesitate any longer.

The sight of her beloved diving in front of those scorpion bolts to save her was something that would never leave her mind.

She could have lost him.

She tended his wounds herself. Due to his and his dragon form's magic, he was already beginning to heal; much to her relief.

As Dany tenderly pressed her full lips against Jaehaerys' own for the first time, she staked her claim on him as her own. She could sense from their bond that Rhaenys had already acted similarly, and would allow for no miscommunication. She felt no jealousy from their part of the bond; only the feeling of rightness completing her when she deepened it from her end. He was theirs, and theirs alone.

No one else would ever be allowed to take him from them.

Feeling her beautiful nephew's own joy at her daring act, Haery did not waste a moment in reciprocating the love she could inherently feel thrumming heatedly through their bond. There would be no mistaking what she felt for him ever again.

She loved her sweet Jaehaerys with all her heart, and she would not change a single thing about her life. The future looked truly amazing, and she knew she would never lack for love nor affection. She would never be alone.

And she was content.

Despite Dany's best efforts though, she was about to learn just how much the gods love to mock the plans of mortals.

Theon I. POV

He wondered when exactly his life had begun the downward spiral he now seemed wholly incapable of extricating himself from. Events had happened too fast for his brain to truly comprehend, and now his entire life had once again been completely turned upon its head. Self-pity was ever a frequent indulgence of his, and now was no different. It seemed as if he would forever lack the courage and will power necessary to act on his own desire and belief.

Of course he was only fooling himself.

He knew exactly when it all changed, right down to the exact moment in time.

The moment he opened the letter smuggled to him by his father was the very second that set everything into motion. It had all come undone from that point onward.

Had he even been capable of standing for his own beliefs?

He knew he hadn't.

He was exactly what so many had claimed him to be: weak.

When it came to his desire for family and their recognition, he was inherently so.

He had not had any form of contact with Balon Greyjoy in nearly an entire decade.

Not one letter had he received from his father after he was sent to the 'Greenlands'.

It had been as if he were Rodrik or Maron, and that to Balon- he too...was dead.

Dead...and never to return.

That had been the hardest part of it all.

He was not dead, nor was he Rodrik or Maron.

He was alive and well, and his own father scorned him for his own mistakes in surrendering his own child to his enemies.

He would admit that after being educated in Winterfell, and seeing how the rest of Westeros functioned, he believed his father's ill-thought rebellion to be the height of idiocy.

Paying the Iron Price and the Olde Way of the Ironborn sounded adventurous and right as a small child at his father's knee. Seeing the results of such the results of such folly...and what it all really meant to the people affected by the Olde Way (as Ned Stark had made certain during his education he was fully made aware of in order to understand the people of Westeros' point of view on the Ironborn), had granted him a more realistic view altogether.

The Olde Way was dead, and it was never coming back.

The time for such things had long since past, and if they wished to survive as a people, another way of life must be found.

If he had kept his rebellion to attacking a single region that was not in favor with Robert Baratheon, things may have been entirely different.

However, he had attacked Lannisport as his very first target.

That had been supreme idiocy made manifest in the full view of the whole continent. Not being content with that, they'd set upon Seagard next; drawing the ire of the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms, and actually managing to unite them in a way nothing else could have.

How he expected to defeat them all, Theon had never understood.

Now, as his father's only remaining had been him that had suffered for Balon's mistakes these past many years.

Suffered was the wrong word, he knew that.

He may have been a hostage of the Starks to insure his father's good behavior, but he'd never been treated as such.

He well knew he'd never have been received with anything approaching similar treatment in any of the other regions of Westeros. He knew that beyond any doubt.

He'd been treated far more like a member of the family by the Starks than as a hostage. Ned Stark had diligently instructed him on the duties and obligations of being a lord the same as he had his own children. He'd been shown far more courtesy and respect by his captors than he ever remembered receiving by his own family- by his father especially!

He'd grown up as the Heir of Winterfell's best friend and as a brother in all but blood. He knew few men would have ever have had a truer friend than he'd found in Robb Stark.

Robb would have done anything for him.

And because of the first and only letter he'd ever received from Balon Greyjoy, he'd repaid that brotherly bond with death and betrayal.

Admittedly, he was unsure what he could have done differently that would have kept his head on his shoulders.

Balon's letter had been simple.

He was once again going to reave the North, but this time it was to be different.

This time he was launching the offensive with the full approval of both Robert Baratheon and with the backing of Tywin Lannister himself.

If Theon did not do as he was bid, he knew Ned Stark would be honor-bound to take his head for his father's breaching of the peace.

Balon was going to carry out his designs with or without Theon's help.

If he did not aid in the capture of his best friend and brother in all but name, his own head would be on a spike in Winterfell- or so he told himself.

In the darker recess of his mind, he knew Lord Stark would look upon the situation differently due to the fact his father was working on Robert Baratheon's behalf now. He knew in his heart that he most likely would have merely been held the same as he always had- a hostage and possible replacement for his father when the North put down the Iron Islands themselves.

He could have stayed loyal to the Starks.

He should have stayed loyal to the Starks.

However, the part of him that was forever desperate for Balon's favor...the younger boy he used to be that was ever in the shadow of his more martial brother's...that integral part of himself had yearned for the paternal approval that had ever been missing in his life.

He'd told himself he had been left with no choice.

It was them or him.

But he knew deep down that was a lie.

His fatal flaw had ever been his pride.

His over-whelming pride would not suffer him to be at the sufferance of the Starks when he had the opportunity to turn the tables.

'Pride cometh before the fall.'

The words had slithered silkily like a serpent through his mind; whispering warnings to him of the path he was about to tread.

He'd not paid it any heed.

To his everlasting shame, he'd done exactly as he'd been instructed to do.

He had placed the poison into the broth he'd uncharacteristically aided in the preparation of; being careful to insure the rabbit he and Robb would be eating themselves was untainted.

He'd thought whatever the substance was would only render the men accompanying them temporarily unconscious- not dead.

But they were.

He'd used what was widely considered a woman's weapon, and the results had been terrible to bear. His weakness had resulted in twelve men of various rank and age all dead because of him and his insecurities...and his unyielding pride.

Robb was unconscious from a couple drops of Sweet-Sleep.

At least that had been the correct drug. Unlike whatever he had slipped into the soup.

They'd been heading towards the Karhold, and had been about half of the way there. He'd suggested they make camp for the night when they neared the collapsed old keep he'd been told to insure they stayed near.

He had been expecting to find men of the Iron Islands.

That was not what was awaiting them.

'Boltons'. He thought with a shiver.

Boltons had been where he'd thought to find men from his father.

They were being led by Roose Bolton's bastard son, Ramsey Snow.

He'd heard tales of the bastard for years now.

Everyone in the North had heard of him and his horrors. The truth of the disgusting man was far worse than the tales could have hoped to describe.

The look he was given by his brother in all but blood upon regaining consciousness and becoming cognizant of his surroundings...and realizing the only way they could ended up as such...was one of the utmost loss and betrayal.

The look in the Tully blue eyes of Robb Stark upon realizing all had been arranged by his own best friend was one of devastating betrayal and tempered with fury beyond reckoning.

Still, he'd thought Robb being a hostage was better than the alternative.

Robb would be used to force Ned Stark into submission.

At least, he was supposed to have been used thus.

That's what he'd been led to believe.

He could not bring himself to admit that nowhere had such a thing actually been hinted at.

He remembered it was well into that first night, and he'd felt something hard hit him in the back of the head. That was when he really began to worry and knew no more.

When he woke, everything was changed.

Now, he was the prisoner.

And Robb...Robb was...He could hardly bring himself to acknowledge what was now an undeniable truth.

Robb Stark was dead.

He could not stomach to look at the corpse of what had once been his best friend.

What he'd been made to suffer...the agony he'd was unthinkable.

'It was not supposed to be this way! This was never supposed to happen! It wasn't part of the plan!'

He'd yelled at the Bastard in impotent rage.

None of it was.

It had not mattered.

The Bastard had just laughed at him. He'd laughed...and he'd laughed...and he'd laughed. It was as if Theon had just told the funniest joke in the world.

He was soon to realize, the joke was entirely on him.

Whatever agreement there was between Balon Greyjoy, Roose Bolton, and Tywin Lannister; neither Robb's life, nor his own had been a matter of import.

Robert Baratheon and Tywin Lannister did not want any Stark hostages. They wanted their heads. They wanted their heads by any means necessary- every single last one of them no matter their sex or age.

The Bastard said his father would be told he'd been killed by Stark guardsmen in the attempt at capturing Robb. Balon would not look to question it, as he'd long consigned Theon Greyjoy dead to him anyway. How and when it actually happened was of no consequence to him.

The black truth as it was explained to him had robbed him of all sense of self.

He did not wish to believe such...but he knew it was true.

He knew all of it was true. Whatever Balon may have claimed, he could not have cared less.

The look the Bastard was now giving him terrified him more than anything in his life ever had.

He'd never known such terror. He'd actually never known that such terror could even be felt by one person.

He thought he'd known the meaning of the word pain before.

He had been wrong- as usual.

He learned the real meaning of pain soon enough, just as he was learning what his new name was to be.

He was now Reek.

And he was Lord Ramsey's favorite toy- his own favorite having been taken from him.

The tiny, infinitesimal portion of himself in the darkest corner of his mind that remained Theon Greyjoy...the miniscule spark of humanity left remaining to knew he deserved all of his suffering. All of it...and more...for his betrayal of the only real brother he'd ever had.

It was his penance, and he would endure.

(1.)- I was unable to find out much in the way of how exactly the City of Myr was governed. Unlike Pentos or Volantis, I could not find a description that I remembered from the books or the Wiki. So, just assume it's the same as Pentos though I'm fairly certain it is not.- Thanks-