The day of the execution of the UFN, and Black Knights; they are cuffed on two floats to show the world what happens to those that oppose Emperor Lelouch vi Britania. Schneizel and Nunally prisoners cuffed and chained on the Royal float where the emperor is sitting on his throne. The parade seems so long, it is probably because at the end of this road his death is waiting for me. Lelouch has killed, betrayed and conquered. Now he must face the price of his actions. Looking around a medley of emotion can be found from the prisoners and the on lookers. Lady Kaguya and Nunally's disappointment and confusion trying to figure out what is on my mind. Ohgi, Tohdoh and Xingke looked as if they have accepted their fate and the consequences of their actions. Tamaki is being hysterical but that is not something new.

The parade has reached its climax as a figure came into view. A man was waiting. Zero, the masked leader of the Black Knights stood at the opposite end of the road.

"Zero? But Lelouche is right there." a certain red head said in confusion. "Is this it? Is this what they were trying to do?"

The sutherlands guards started firing when Zero started running towards the emperor avoiding the shots as he ran left and right. Jeremiah gave an order to the guards.

"Ceasefire, I will take care of this interloper." He ordered.

He leapt from his tank to clash with the masked man. To which he was used as a platform to jump towards the float that the emperor was on. He continued towards me.

"Impudent fool!" Lelouch shouted.

Lelouche pulled a pistol from his garment but was quickly disarmed as the Zero pulled his sword and stabbed him. He smiled as the blade is pushed into his stomach. A sob can be heard from within the mask.

"Your punishment shall be this then." Lelouche said while placing his bloodied hand the mask. "You will live on. Always wearing that mask; serving as a knight for justice and truth. You will no longer live your life as Suzaku Kururugi. You shall sacrifice the ordinary pleasures of your life for the benefit of the world, for eternity."

"This geass, I do solemnly accept." He replied.

Zero pulled his sword from the emperor's body causing him to drop from the throne to where Nunally is, leaving blood on his way. Nunally in disbelief took her brother's hand and received memories of what the Lelouch and Suzaku were planning.

"You mean everything you've done until now?" She asked. "Oh big brother I love you."

"Yes, I, destroy world and created anew." Lelouch said with his dying breathe. His life started flashing before his eyes.

"You can't leave me! You can't please open your eyes big brother! Please!" Nunally screamed.

"Lelouche the demon is dead." Cornelia li Britania said. "Free his prisoners."

From the crowd, people with weapons start running towards the prisoners' floats and release them from their shackles. Everything was fading. Before succumbing to his injuries he saw Kallen Kozuki. The red head carried the look of shock, betrayal, and great sadness.

"Is that who I think it is?" Tohdoh asked.

"It's Zero." Kallen said. "It's him, it's zero."

"It unfair, all I wanted and to be happy was to be with you." Nunally said, "How could I ever look forward to the future without you?"

As they cheered the masked man for killing the tyrant that conquered the world, there were some that wanted him to live, his assassin being one of them.

Lelouche opened his eyes to see the sky. Looking around, he found that he was in C's World on the Sword of Akasha. In the sky a giant orange planet can be seen. Last time Charles and Marianne tried to destroy the collective subconscious to create a world without lies. They believed that what they were doing was for the best of all. Not thinking of what the people desired they forced their wishes on them.

"My errant son arrives." A voice said. "So you died creating your dream of a gentler world, how mundane."

Turning around Lelouch found Charles zi Britania had appeared before him. He found it amusing that the person who has come to bring him judgement was his own father. He gave the man his signature smirk.

"They say that when you die you meet your maker. I didn't think they meant it literally." He said, "So are you here to give me my judgement?"

He was neither ready for who appeared before him and what her answer was.

"No, we have already given you our answer the last time we spoke." Marianne vi Britania answered, "The ones who will judge your actions are those who were affected by what you have done."

A large crowd appeared behind Marianne and Charles. These were people that were killed in the process of recreating the world. There were those who died in battle, those that died in the massacres, those that were killed needlessly either in or out of the crossfire, and those that Lelouch killed personally. This was a grim situation. No matter how one could look at it he was guilty for the deaths of all these people. Suffering a thousand deaths would not make up for that.

"We are the ones that will judge those that have slain many to attain their desires." The crowd said in unison.

"Those?" Lelouch asked.

Wondering what they were talking about. His question was answered when Suzaku, Kallen, and C.C suddenly appeared next to him. To his horror his actions has also led these to be judged. This was his fault entirely. No one should be blamed for this except him.

"Wait, these three are only following orders." He tried to reason with the dead souls. "The crime is mine and mine alone. They should not be judge on the basis that it was my decisions and not theirs."

"Wrong!" The souls retorted. "Among those in this event, these three had done what they did of their own free will."

This came as a shock to Lelouch. The others were doing this on their own volition? Maybe C.C was doing what she did by choice, but Suzaku and Kallen as well? He manipulated them to do his bidding. A thought suddenly popped up while sifting through these thoughts. He turned to the other three.

"Wait, you are supposed to be alive." He rationalized. "Why are you in C's World?"

"There conscience has brought their consciousness here." The crowd answered him instead. "They have guilt when you died and that these are the three people who wanted to find another way for you."

"Guilt?" Lelouch asked.

"Guilt of not joining you sooner after finding out that it was you who was Zero. Guilt for burdening you with a cross, knowing full well that it too heavy for mortal man. Lastly, the guilt of leaving you with the knowledge that you had lost everything." The voices responded and pointed to the accused of each one.

He could not rebuttal what they said. He could tell they were speaking the truth because each one of those who were beside him has lowered their head as their respective regrets were blatantly pointed out to them.

"So this is the judgement that you have passed." He realized, "condemnation."

"Again wrong," The voices answered him.

Suddenly four souls moved to the front of the crowd. It was Euphemia, Clovis, Shirley, and Rolo.

"If we wanted to condemn you then we would not have had this trial at all." Euphemia said.

"This is to show you your mistakes and how many were affected by it." Rolo said.

"After all it was not entirely your fault." Clovis said.

"There are also those here who have forgiven you, although everyone here understands why you took those actions." Shirley said.

"Then why exactly are we here?" Lelouch asked.

"Your punishment shall be thus," everyone besides the four accused said in unison. "The hands of time shall be pushed back. You are to redo your actions; however, you must do it better. Fail and we will condemn you to an eternity of suffering."

"Why are you doing this?" Kallen and C.C asked.

"This man has been driven to isolation and despair. He rose from those pains and has come out with the soul of a king." The crowd said. "And do not deny that you are one of those that wished he was still alive."

"Too late," Suzaku replied. Sarcasm was evident in his voice. "He died before it can be proven."

"No, a king always puts his subjects before himself." Euphemia answered him. "He was always this way. He just masked his intent by saying: if the king does not lead, then how can he expect his subordinates to follow."

This shocked Suzaku because her answer reminded him of the Zero Requiem. If that is true then that explains some of the things that Suzaku did not understand. As to why the most powerful man in the world exchanged his power for death. Kallen head sunk even lower after the response. This silenced all of them.

"You shall all be sent back." A new voice said.

They looked at the origin of the voice. It was the orange planet that was above them. It seems that any time of explanation

"You four will have your memories of what happened. How you use that knowledge is up to you." It said. "The code on C.C will be used as the catalyst to turn back the hands of time; therefore, once you are back in time her code will be gone."

A hole suddenly opened from beneath them. It slowly pulled them through. As they were almost gone, Charles, Marianne, Shirley, Euphemia, Rolo, and Clovis waved at them.

"Good luck." They said.