Tears of Blood PG-13
Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson

Summary: Inspired by Blood Hina on and offended that the otherwise brilliant Teriyaki Chicken used Kuei-jin instead of Kindred, here's my version of how Keitaro is turned into a vampire...

Disclaimer: Love Hina, Hinata Sou and whatnot are not mine, though I certainly wish they were. The story is mine though, all mine.
If the layout looks screwy or symbols seems to be missing, you're probably reading the quickedit-mangled version of this fic on ff dot net, if it grates on your nerves too much, read it on hawksgalaxy dot com or something.

Feedback/Flames: Yes, please. Both of them are equally fun to read, although I must admit that I greatly prefer the first variety. :)
I can be found on ICQ as 21771860, MSN Messenger/E-mail as iamhawk at yahoo dot com, though not very frequently as real life lately interferes with my online existance more then I'd like. More stories are available at my nifty lil' site at hawksgalaxy dot com or by clicking on my handle up above.

emphasis/shouts/Kindred Domination/post-hypnotic triggers
+soundeffect/radio/telephone conversation/TV+

Hawkieboy Rants

Hm, since I've had like three 'Fool! How come Keitaro is still around, even though Gehenna has already happened?' mails since the morons over at White Wolf decided that it was a good idea to kill off the World of Darkness as I knew and loved it, I guess I'd better mention something now, before I get another couple of them.

If you'd direct your eyes a bunch of rows upwards if you're reading this on ff dot net, you'll notice that this fic made its first appearance at ff dot net in the summer of 2002. It made an appearance at hawksgalaxy dot com a couple of months before that. If you also take the time to consider the LH timeline, you may perhaps recall that the manga is set even earlier in time then that. So, no Gehenna just yet.

In fact, I was thinking about setting the Week of Nightmares back for a year or so from WW's suggested date in 1999, so I could bring that into play for this fic. Of course, I'd really like to get some Ravnos Vitae into Keitaro before that for added effect, but what the heck, it could be amusing enough anyway as is.

For the rule lawyers out there wailing about the fact that Kitsune has only had one taste of Keitaro's blood and still is so quick to defend him, whoever said that this had anything at all to do with the fact that she's had a taste of his blood? He's her friend for crying out loud, a friend who no longer heals as he should, is low on blood and who is about to be attacked by a capable Martial Artist.

It's not like I haven't been playing Vampire since 1991 or so and own just about every single book ever released for it, fer crying out loud. When I do start to fool around with the effects of tasting his blood that Kitsune has had the glory of experiencing, you can rest assured that I'm well aware of the difference between a first, second and third level Blood Oath.

Hell, I'm even buying the new books WW released after shutting down the old World of Darkness, even though I detest the heck outta them and still keep on gaming in the old WoD. They're decently written, as always, but it's just not my cup of tea. The WoD for me, will forever be the old WoD instead of this new crap they're trying to foist off on us.

Anyways, despite the declaration in the previous chapter, it seems as if this fic will remain PG-13 for a bit longer, as the route to the upcomming meeting became so long that I decided to save that for the next chapter. So, happily enjoy your stay in babyland for another chapter, because from this point on, we're moving into darker territory...

Hawkieboy Shutting Up

Previously, on 'Tears of Blood'

"This isn't like you, Keitaro." Kitsune observed after nearly half a minute of uncomfortable silence, in which the two of them had merely stared at each other.

"Oh?" Keitaro responded, then he got out the cleaning supplies and started cleaning up the blood stains he'd left behind.

"I've felt that there has been something wrong for the last couple of days, even if I didn't know quite what. I knew that something had happened to you, even if I first though that you'd merely gotten laid or something. Usually, you're the same old Keitaro we all know and... Well, the same Keitaro. Then, there are times when I feel like I hardly know you, like before when you stared at me like I would stare at a bottle of sake or just now, when you taped your own wound shut and spoke without a single speck of emotion in your voice." Kitsune explained.

"I've died and come back again. That's bound to change a person some, I guess." Keitaro replied cautiously.

"Yeah, about that. I've got a couple of questions for you, Keitaro. I didn't quite buy everything I heard earlier but didn't want to call you on it in front of the others, but well, whatd'ya know? We're all alone here with nowhere to go. A perfect time for you to answer a few of my questions." Kitsune stated and Keitaro privately thought that she had no call accusing others of staring and speaking coldly at others, seeing as how she did it so bloody well herself!

Roll credits

Chapter Thirteen:

"Well..." Keitaro begun, trailing off as he failed to find the words to explain the situation to the fox-eyed tenant.

"Was it Naru? Or Motoko?" Kitsune asked. "What, or who, really killed you?"

Keitaro glanced around the room, extremely uncomfortable with the current direction of their conversation. He had hoped that this wouldn't come up and that how he came to be a vampire wouldn't be further questioned. But he guessed that he shouldn't have counted on something as huge as this slipping past Kitsune. Laidback and easy-going as she was, he couldn't deny that she was one of the more perceptive people he'd ever come across. At least whenever she didn't let her enthusiasm get the better of her, in which case she could be nearly as ignorant of things as he himself was most of the time.

"Not here." he finally said, slumping slightly as he resigned himself to actually having this conversation with Kitsune.

He didn't hold out much hope of being able to lie to her either. She already knew, or at least strongly suspected that something was going on and would no doubt keep her eyes peeled for even the minutest signs of him not being entirely honest with her. He just wasn't able to lie, not even to save his own life.

Or unlife, as the case may be.

"We can see if Haruka is still up. Or we could head out on the town and make a night of it." Kitsune suggested. "You're paying, of course." she added with a sultry smile.

"Of course." Keitaro sullenly agreed, though he had to admit that his spirits were raised slightly as Kitsune proved to be her regular self, taking advantage of him any which way she could despite his current condition. It was comforting in an extremely odd and strange way, that Kitsune still saw and treated him the same way despite the fact that he was now a blood-drinking predator.

The two of them grabbed their jackets and headed outside. Kitsune to ward off the cold and Keitaro to keep up appearances. He felt permanently cold these days, although not uncomfortably so. But it seemed that no matter how cold or warm his surroundings were, it didn't really affect him in any noticeable manner. The only thing that seemed to have any effect whatsoever was feeding. That made him feel warm, but only during the feeding and for a couple of short minutes directly afterwards.

And only when the blood came straight from the source.

The medical blood Haruka had supplied him with had sated his hunger, but there had been no warmth. And the taste was awfully bland compared to the real thing, taken straight from a living human.

He was also forcing himself to feel some concern over his ever increasing detachment of everything not related to blood. He knew that he should be concerned for the upcoming conversation, but didn't feel particularly emotional about it. It was as if it was happening to somebody else and whatever concern he felt about it was merely because he knew in his head that he should be concerned.

It had started out small, but with the way things were going, he wondered if he'd eventually wind up not caring about anything at all. There were still some lingering feelings for the girls and his family, but even that was slowly fading away.

They stopped outside Haruka's place, but after seeing that all the lights were out, the two of them continued onwards with Kitsune leading them to a gloomy looking warehouse at the edges of the small industrial district. Keitaro wondered why, until Kitsune knocked on a metal door in a particular rhythmic sequence, which led to the door being opened by two unsavoury-looking individuals.

"Kitsune." one of them greeted her, nodding to himself before he stepped aside, allowing her entrance. "Who's your companion?" he asked as he took note of Keitaro following her inside, moving to stand in front of him, blocking the way inside.

"He's ok." Kitsune replied and got a silent nod in response, before the man stepped aside for Keitaro, allowing him to follow Kitsune further into the building.

"Where are we?" Keitaro asked as the two walked down a dreary-looking corridor.

"An underground club." Kitsune replied. "Open at all hours and only by invitation. No pesky closing hours or other silly restrictions." she added with a pleased smirk, as she opened the door and led him into a larger and much nicer room then the rest of the building would have led him to believe could be found here.

"Are you sure that it's safe?" Keitaro asked, absently noting the mixed clientele. The place seemed to have people from all walks of life, from the most unsavoury-looking yakuza-wannabes Keitaro had ever seen, to innocent-looking school kids. Bored salary men downing drink after drink, to tired looking streetwalkers. Youngsters dancing frantically to a wizened old man drinking tea at a table in one of the corners. Music was pumping out of speakers at a moderate volume, instead of the near-deafening-levels Keitaro would have expected.

"As long as you don't get pissed and start picking fights, yeah." Kitsune replied. "Security is kinda strict here. Management doesn't want any problems that could attract attention from the police and take care to nip any possibly problems in the bud."

"Understandable." Keitaro replied and decided to relax somewhat, taking Kitsune's word for it.

She led them over to a circular counter in the middle of the room, where she ordered two beers for them from a tired-looking bartender who nodded absently at her in recognition. Keitaro was about to speak up and let her know that it wasn't necessary for him, but held his peace and accepted the beer, paying for both of them. He wasn't thirsty and the beer wouldn't do anything for him, but he supposed he'd better do his best not to stand out too much to anyone who might be looking.

Beers in hand, Kitsune dragged him over to an unoccupied table where they seated themselves.

"So... None of the others knows of this place and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to get in without me or somebody else vouching for them. So, what is really going on? Tell me the real truth, not the crap you and Haruka told the others." Kitsune said, having moved her chair over next to Keitaro so they could talk without being overheard or having to raise their voices too much in order to be heard over the music. She took a small sip from her beer as Keitaro stalled for a few moments, considering his response.

"It was Naru who killed me." he eventually replied. "Well, that's a harsh way of putting it, but basically true. It was nothing really unusual, 'just' an unlucky landing. When I crashed, my chest was pierced by splinters and one of them unfortunately went straight through my heart. A little too much for my seeming invulnerability to handle, apparently." he explained and shrugged, once again feeling emotionally detached from the situation despite the fact that it was his own death he was talking about.

"That sucks." Kitsune stated and sipped from her beer again, remarkably restrained compared to how she usually behaved with an alcoholic beverage in her hands paid for by someone else.

"No, it's me who does that these days. Well, nights, actually." Keitaro responded, which drew a chuckle out of Kitsune.

"Thought that one out beforehand, did you?" Kitsune asked with a weird smile on her lips.

"No, it just came to me right now." he admitted. "I've been thinking more clearly since this happened."

"Dying made you smarter?" Kitsune inquired.

"I don't think so." Keitaro replied with a contemplative expression. "But it did give me a different perspective on things, shifted my concerns around quite a bit. Without being so fanatical about Todai and Naru, it's gotten easier to think. Well, about some things, at least."

"Who did it?" Kitsune asked curiously.

"Someone Haruka knew, apparently. I don't even know his name and haven't seen him since." Keitaro admitted. "Nor anybody else like me." he added.

"You are sort of lucky, in a way." Kitsune said. "I don't know much about western vampires, but I do know some about the local kind. One of them couldn't have brought you back, from what little I know. The process for becoming one is vastly different."

"You've met one?" Keitaro asked.

"Several, actually." Kitsune replied, shocking Keitaro to his core. "It's also one of the reasons why I brought you here." she continued and fixed Keitaro with a determined glare. "I don't know much, but I do know that there is significant animosity between native vampires and foreign vampires. If you are discovered for what you are, you'll be in great danger. Have Haruka taught you anything about self defence?"

"She's talked about doing it, but we haven't made time for it yet." Keitaro replied.

"You'll have to make time for it. Training with Motoko is a good start, but I don't think it'll be enough. You need a short-cut until you're good enough without it." Kitsune stated seriously.

"Short-cut?" Keitaro asked with a completely bewildered expression.

"A gun." Kitsune clarified. "You need a gun."

"I thought they didn't work well against vampires." Keitaro responded, feeling remarkably composed despite the odd subject.

"They don't." Kitsune agreed with a grim expression. "But emptying a clip into a vampire will give you time enough to get away. Or the opportunity to cut their head off." she added.

Keitaro just stared at her in contemplative silence, absently lamenting the fact that he felt no particular fear, apprehension or surprise at his friend's morbid statements. Before he was turned, even thinking about getting a gun would have made him nervous. Now, he felt no particular thing about it, at all. Though he thought that her advice made sense, that it would be a good idea for him to get a gun. It seemed that all his hot unrestrained emotions had been replaced with dead cold logic since he was turned.

"So, I can get one here?" Keitaro asked, looking around.

"Not tonight, unless you've gotten in the habit of carrying around vast amounts of cash lately. But we can find out if you can buy one later." Kitsune replied enigmatically. Keitaro looked curiously at her for a few moments, until she relented and kept on explaining. "My... Friend is rather particular about selling them and will want to meet with you before deciding to let you buy one. Or decide that you shouldn't have one and refuse to do business with you."

"All right." Keitaro replied and shrugged. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to meet with him."

"Yeah, probably..." Kitsune agreed under her breath, hoping that Keitaro was right and that she wasn't making a serious mistake by bringing him here.

"So. Why is it that you know someone who sells guns?" Keitaro asked and focused a scrutinizing gaze on Kitsune who averted her eyes, unable to meet the piercing eyes of this new predatory Keitaro.

"Let's just say that there is a reason why I'm living at the Hinata Sou and leave it at that, shall we?" Kitsune replied, unwilling to get into the whole mess that was her family and screwed up life before coming to the Hinata Sou.

"All right." Keitaro finally agreed. While he was curious how Kitsune had come to meet somebody who sold guns, unusual as it was, he respected her privacy.

Though he wished that she'd do the same for him and respect his privacy from time to time!

"Finish your beer and I'll take you to see my friend." Kitsune said. "We can finish the rest of our conversation later. There's tons of shit I want to ask you, but that can wait for a while."

"Uhm... I don't really need to drink these days, Kitsune." Keitaro responded.

"But you can, right?" Kitsune asked.

"Yeah." Keitaro agreed.

"Then do it. No sense in making yourself stand out too much around here." she suggested and he shrugged, then started making short work of his beer as she did the same with hers. "There won't be trouble while we're in here, but there's nothing stopping somebody taking offence at what you are from following us outside if you're spotted for what you are."

"Konno-dono." a sedate looking woman in a pale pink Kimono stated, bowing deeply to the two of them, having walked up unnoticed to their table. Which was a remarkable feat, seeing as how out-of-place she looked. "She requests your presence." she continued as she straightened out and looked up at them. "As well as that of your honoured... Guest." she finished, thinly veiled disgust clearly noticeable underneath the polite words. The look in her eyes as she looked at Keitaro clearly revealed that she thought he was lower then the dirt on the underside of her polished wooden sandals.

"Thank you, Sayo-chan." Kitsune responded and stood up, nudging Keitaro into motion as he contemplated the hostile girl who'd come to get them. He stood up next to Kitsune and the two of them followed the girl as she gracefully walked through the room, heading for a guarded door alongside one wall.

"What's going on?" Keitaro whispered to Kitsune.

"We're being taken to see my friend." Kitsune replied and swallowed. "And I think she already knows what you are, which isn't good. Not good at all..." she added in a strained tone of voice. "I had hoped to keep that bit a secret until she'd gotten to know you. Now, we'll have to see which way the dice will fall and hope for the best."

The End! ( For now... )