Diary of a Lovable Mad Woman

Part 4

Dec. 8th 20XX

Dear Diary,It's been a few weeks since Petey has been living with us, and I gotta say, I like having a man around the house. Don't get me wrong Diary, I love Red with all my little black heart, but she can be a bit overprotective. Still I think this place was missing a man's touch... as am I, but I digress.

Pete is almost as nice as they come. It's actually a bit sickening, enduring and sweet, but sickening. Kinda like those rich way expensive import chocolates. When he's home he's always willing to hang out with me, and put up with my shenanigans. He's even become less of drag along on shopping trips. And probably the most surprising, he's actually up to single sentence conversations with Red.

We haven't had any outings since the last, but he's out there almost every night picking on Mask. I haven't heard from Kitty in a few days, so hopefully she's hard at work on Petey's papers.

P.S. I got a text from Joker tonight... I didn't give him the satisfaction of a response. I should really delete his number.

Dec. 10th 20XX

Dear Diary, Kitty came through! Petey has an identity now. He's officially Peter B. Parker, born in Metropolis, graduate of Metropolis U., majoring in Science and Teaching. He's got a Passport, Birth Certificate, and even fake Social Security number. He's ready for the job market, and hopefully will be able to pay for his part of the rent soon.

We may be living off ill gotten gains, but even those run dry. Red has been keeping us as far under the radar as she could for the last few months. Her now and again paycheck from STAR Labs drains pretty quick with a third mouth, and all the hideout bills. Being legit was never as easy or fun as taking what we want.

Regardless, Petey's eyes sparkled when he got his identity. It was adorable. Though Kitty is making him go with her on one of her heists as payment. But I found out that his pouty face is adorable too.


Petey and I had another session tonight, and a learned more about his past and troubles. I gotta say he's got a nasty streak of bad luck, or Parker Luck as he likes to call it. Then again it's not all fun and games when one chooses either of our lifestyles. Still he's got a nasty set of reoccurring bad guys from his stories.

P.S. Joker texted me tonight again.

Dec. 13th 20XX

Dear Diary,We've lucked out on finding Peter a job. He's interviewing for a substitute Science teacher position at Gotham County High School on the 18th. I'm so happy for him, but I will miss having him around during the day.

Hmmm... if he gets the job I may have to trash the chem labs to keep him here. Never did like chemistry or science. Psychology is where it's at.

Kitty is taking him out on their burgle tonight. I wish them luck. Red is being her usual stick in the mud self, but I think I can convince her to hang with me tonight while they are gone. I've been practicing my puppy eyes.

P.S. Mister J is persistent, but I've always known that.

Dec. 18th 20XX

Dear Diary,Petey got the job, and even had a run in with that crazy nutter butter adrenaline junkie Roxie Rocket. Best of all he tells me he's got a meeting with the Birds tomorrow night. Bout time the capes in this town are noticing him. And when he gets in good with them he can help us avoid them all the easier. I can't wait.

P.S. No Mister J message tonight. Odd, but maybe he's finally learning I wont come back.

Dec. 19th 20XX

Dear Diary, I was so bored waiting for Petey to come home from his first day as a substitute. The second he got home I had him tell me everything that happened. He told me he forgot how much he missed teaching. He liked all the kids he taught and he thinks they liked him too. I'm happy for him, but I was so lonely when he was gone.

With Red sequestering herself in Eden, and Kitty living her own life of crime, Peter has been my rock. I don't blame Red. I know how she gets during the winters now that she's become more in tune with nature. But it's almost like living with a... and I can't believe I'm using this analogy, a potted plant. I just hope it's a short winter.

P.S. Red got word through the grapevine that Roman wants to have a sit down. She let me know it was to discuss the whole Kitty stealing his secrets thing, and a deal that could absolve us of his quote unquote ire. So she is taking Petey as T to the meeting as a bodyguard, just in case. She also doesn't want me going, just in case things go south.

Man... when am I gonna get my solo time with T.

P.P.S. What is with Mister J? First he gets back in touch, and then nothing for days.

Dec. 24th 20XX

Dear Diary, IT'S CHRISTMAS! But you really wouldn't be able to tell here at home. Despite all the festive attitude I threw at Red she's still got that stiff stick up her bum. Petey has been great, but also quite distant. He tells me that he's missing his Aunt and friends back in his world. And it's obvious he feels a bit awkward for not being able to really get us presents. I don't mind, but I wish it wasn't so quiet tonight.

At least Petey came back early from patrol and hung out with me. We watched movies and I even got a kiss on the cheek from him thanks to one of the nearly three dozen fake mistletoe I hung around the loft. Not the worst Christmas Eve I've had.

P.S. Mister J finally got back to me tonight! He called me up and wished me a Merry Christmas! We talked for nearly an hour. He didn't even ask to meet me or anything, just talked about stuff. It was nice. I actually started to get worried that he was kicking me to the curb again. If anything at least it shows that he still cares for me.

Dec. 25th 20XX

Merry Christmas Diary! Red, Petey, and I actually had a social sit down breakfast this morning! Red was still pretty quiet, but at least she talked with our new housemate for a while. He got her talking about her experiments, and then suddenly it was science talk that I barely understood. I think he might be breaking her shell finally. It's a Christmas miracle.

While not many, I loved the presents I got from everyone. Petey got me the cutest stuffed bear. I named him Dr. Squeezy since he was in a doctor's coat and glasses. Petey says he got him as thanks for all the help I've been in our sessions, and that it reminded him of me. It's sooo fluffyyyy.

Red got me a couple of outfits and few DVD's I've been wanting to see pretty bad. The girl may not be all that friendly lately, but she still knows what I like and want. I think she's got some cuddles coming her way. I love me my Rose Red.

Kitty even dropped by with a gift card for each of us. Mine was to that Spencer's place. Gift cards may be as impersonal as you can get, but she knows where I like to shop.

It's been a fun Christmas, despite the somber atmosphere.

P.S. Puddin called me late at night and let me know he dropped a present off at the door. He was gone when I came out to get it, but I understand that he couldn't stay. Red would be on him in a second if she found him anywhere near me. His gift was a clown doll with Puddin's smile. I love it. I... I miss my Puddin.

A/N: Holy cow I really took my time with this one, huh? Sorry bout that folks. Truth be told I didn't want to get to far ahead with this supplemental story. If I did I would start ruining the surprise coming in future arcs. However I felt it was time to get another entry done in this one. Hope you enjoyed, and I'll update much sooner next time. Especially considering that the next arc of PP&H is directly connected to this chapter.

Until then I wish you all adieu.


TheWickedTruth: Grrr... One of these days I shall get more out of you.

HaywireEagle: While others perspectives would be interesting, they would essentially just end up being the same entries, only with different attitudes toward Peter. Hence why I stuck with my girl Harls.

im ur misconception: Sorry to make you wait so long for this one MISconception. Hehe

Wonderbee31: That is an interesting question. How would Peter's powers be affected? But I think a better question would be when is he gonna slip up and mix the styles?

Evil reviewer: Well then *Pulls cord, and drops a hundred gallons of GAK on you*

Jebest4781: It does get complicated.

marco2o: Well Harley is adorbs.

Ryuus2: Thanks for understanding my reasoning. And yeah I keep getting told I need a solid time line for the past year, but I like to keep things interesting.

Tarix: Thanks.

nekochan1994: At this point... nope.

Dudem98: I did... *rereads* Huh... I did. Oops.

ThatSadPanda: Well thank you kindly.

SolarEnergy07: Ummm... sorry it took so long, but here it is. And it's longer too.

stefaniSofelia: Okay.

diagonalpumpkin: Welcome, and here's some more. But yeah she's got a very different perspective than Peter, and that's what I'm trying to convey here. Seeing as PP&H is Peter's side I wanted to tap into at least one of the girls'.

Nick: Kay.

kspidey2: I already did, but okay I'll keep on it lol.

darkynstars: I will.

drago: May the happiness resume then.