Okay, first things first...
I am not a Corpse yet so clearly trying to become a Dead Apostle is a long and extremely difficult procedure... if anyone reading this happens to be a former Magus who has managed to figure out how to become one then please contact me via Review.
And on a more serious note, I haven't updated anything for quite some time, quite possibly due to only recently discovering that I've been suffering from depression and haven't felt like writing... this chapter has been lying around since about April but I didn't feel it was enough to post.
But honestly, I actually just want to end this fic now given how my inspiration for it left me after the Fate Arc.
So basically, I'm going to see about ending this.
And yes, I know the length of this chapter is short, yes I know it was a long wait for such a short chapter but when you can't write, you can't write.
Also, I have turned off my PM function for my account since I am getting sick of receiving the same message over and over again asking about updating.
If you have any questions then they are most likely already answered on my forum (link on my profile).
And that is all for now.
Takami couldn't stop herself from releasing a sigh as she watched Shirou's girlfriends doing their own things as the day passed by.
Honestly, the fact that he had as many girlfriends as he did was a shock to her when she found out and even now she was finding it hard to believe that so many different girls were with the same man.
Now if they were all submissive to him then she would probably come to the conclusion that they didn't really have a choice or that there was some strange religious aspect to the relationship… but they were all acting like they were equals… well, except for the servants they had brought with them but that was only natural.
If anything Shirou seemed like the one that was being submissive in that relationship and that almost reminded her of her other son, though Minato didn't have a girlfriend at all, let alone a large group of them.
There was also another major difference, Shirou seemed far less… meek, than Minato did when he caved to the girls in his life, so it was less a matter of him being submissive and more him being prepared to spoil them.
Honestly, she wondered where he got all the money to do that from given just how many women were with him.
Regardless, there was one thing that was really beginning to get on her nerves.
"Tohsaka-san," she said with her irritation clear in her voice, "if you want to use the PC then just use it."
Honestly, the fact that Rin seemed to be actively avoiding the computer while glancing at it every now and then made it clear she wanted to use it but didn't consider the fact that she wouldn't mind if she did.
"NO!" she nearly jumped back as pretty much everyone except Rin yelled in response to her statement.
"Takami-san," the girl in red started with a clear air of authority in her tone, "I don't want to use the computer, I want to stay as far away from it as possible."
Takami found herself looking at the girl in confusion upon hearing that statement and responded with a simple "eh?"
"Rin is an expert at making computers randomly explode for no reason," the man that everyone called Archer said with a cocky grin adorning his face and Takami found herself wondering just what he meant by that.
"Shut up Archer!" the girl seemed rather flustered by that claim, "I'm not that bad!"
"Yes you are," everyone except the boy in the French Maid outfit responded bluntly.
"Nee-san," that Sakura girl started easily, "the first time you tried to use a computer it exploded just from you trying to log on."
Takami couldn't stop her jaw from dropping at how Rin's face seemed to heat up like a blast furnace at that claim as she crossed her arms and looked away from the purple haired girl.
"Yes, at least Lorelei intended on destroying the computers she's destroyed," Archer started with his grin still firmly plastered on his face, "you don't even have that excuse."
The MBI scientist found herself wondering just what was wrong with these people given their comments on destroying computers… and just why this Lorelei person seemed to hate computers.
"S-SHUT UP!" Rin yelled out in clear embarrassment… which caused Takami's eyes to widen at the realization that if Rin was getting so defensive about it then it meant she really had accidentally blown up a computer by trying to log on.
Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted by the door being shoved open and she turned to see a version of Shirou she didn't even realize existed.
He looked deadly serious.
She swallowed nervously as she watched him march in with everyone else following… with Karasuba.
Her blood ran cold at that, especially given the fact that Karasuba did not look happy at all.
"Don't tell me… you've added another girl to your harem," Archer said with a boyish grin and she found herself wanting to punch the man for that statement.
"It's Lancers fault," Shirou stated bluntly and Takami found herself wanting to beat the blue haired Irishman to a pulp, "but more importantly… Takami, we need to talk."
She prayed he wasn't going to say what she thought he was going to say but had to ask anyway.
"About what?" she tried to keep her voice steady but wasn't sure if she succeeded… this was definitely not a situation she was wanting to be involved in after all.
"This so called… Sekirei plan," Shirou said the dreaded words and she was about to open her mouth to respond when she was beaten to the punch.
"Yeah! Why didn't you tell us aliens were real?!" Yukari yelled out angrily and Takami found herself groaning in defeat at the fact that it seemed Karasuba had revealed everything to all her children.
That was when she noticed that the other members of Shirou's group that had been with her all day showed no surprise at that claim.
"You lot don't look surprised," she pointed out to the other group and in response Rin simply shrugged.
"Well, we didn't know exactly what she was but we knew she wasn't human," the red wearing girl answered easily, causing Takami to simply blink at her.
"That's not important right now," Shirou spoke up causing her to return her attention towards him, "what's important is what the hell Minaka is thinking sending these Sekirei out to compete in a tournament?"
"You're not the only one to ask that," she answered truthfully, honestly she never understood Minaka's fixation on the Sekirei plan but for some reason she simply couldn't dissuade him from that course of action.
"Wait Onii-chan!" Shirou looked at Yukari and Takami found herself praying for some form of relief from this horrific situation, "why don't we find these aliens and win the tournament for ourselves?!"
Good lord, Yukari was trying to make it worse.
"You mean outside of the fact that it is illegal," Shirou stated bluntly.
"Actually, there are no laws surrounding aliens," she decided to point out.
"Actually there are," she had to blink upon hearing Rin speak up, "the law states that any supernatural phenomena are to be kept out of the public eye and anyone found risking the state of secrecy surrounding it is to be tried and their research confiscated."
"What?" Takami found herself in sync with Yukari, Minato and Karasuba at that statement by Rin.
"Under normal circumstances, we'd be required to wipe your memories of this situation but given your relation to Shirou, you can be made exceptions," Ilya spoke up and the white haired woman found herself wondering just what the hell was going on right now.
"What are you talking about?" she asked in confusion.
"The truth is that we're representatives of the Mages Association and one of the main focuses of the organisation is maintaining the secrecy of supernatural affairs," Shirou stated bluntly and she found herself blink as she tried to process that.
Shirou and the rest of his group focused on supernatural affairs and apparently Minaka was breaking some unknown law... sure she may not have liked the man that much anymore but she at least needed to point out the issue.
"Even so, how do you expect someone to follow your laws if you don't reveal them to the public?" she asked and Shirou answered firmly and seriously.
"Because he is a member of the Mages Association," she froze at that statement.
Minaka was a member of this organisation and had apparently kept it a secret from her… while he was breaking one of their laws.
She was going to kill him.
"Now, Caster," Shirou spoke up and she found her attention drawn to the young man once again, "find Minaka and bring him here… we'll deal with him as appropriate."
"Yes Master," the woman responded with a smirk as she was suddenly obscured by a dark cloak and vanished before their eyes.
"… that… was… so… COOL!" Yukari was the first to speak up and Takami found herself wondering if Minaka had accidentally dropped her daughter on her head when she was a baby, that was the only way to explain her complete lack of ability to understand the weight of the situation she was in.
"Master huh?" Karasuba was the next to respond with a wry grin on her face, "care to explain?"
Takami found herself growing cold, Karasuba with a wry grin generally meant someone was going to be hurt and given the fact that she was now currently winged to a person without her say so only made her even more dangerous.
After all, Karasuba had already displayed a disdain for humans and Ashikabi in particular.
"It's not that far removed from you," Shirou spoke up and she found herself blinking in confusion, "Caster isn't human and due to contract between us, she uses my magical energy to sustain herself."
Wait… Caster wasn't human?
"Not human eh?" Karasuba was definitely interested, "and what exactly is she?"
"A servant," Shirou stated simply.
Everyone remained silent at that before Rin released a sigh and spoke up herself.
"A Servant is a container filled with the essence of a Heroic Spirit," the woman in red stated firmly, "a person who became so famous that their soul left the Transmigration Cycle and entered The Throne Of Heroes as a Psuedodeific force of nature."
Takami may not have heard such a thing before but she was more than smart enough to understand just what the girl meant.
"So, they're basically people that transcended to godhood by being remembered?" she asked for clarification.
"It's a little more complicated than that but that's the basic gist of it," Illyasviel spoke up easily.
"So then, who is Caster?" she asked with narrowed eyes, she had never heard of a person named Caster before after all.
"Medea of Colchis," Shirou spoke up easily and Takami found herself quickly searching her memories for that name and quickly finding the thoughts she was looking for.
"As in the wife of Jason who murdered their children when he left her?" she asked with a blank expression.
"Yeah," the redhead answered easily and she found herself wondering just how he could be so relaxed about having someone like that in his household, "just don't bring it up… she really hated the gods for that one."
"Understatement of the century there boss," Lancer spoke up with a grin, "I remember her celebrating for nearly a month straight when she figured out there were no more Greek Gods around to screw with her."
"Don't blame her," Rider spoke up quietly.
That was when something started to click in her head.
"Wait… how many of these people are one of these so called Servants?" she asked with narrowed eyes.
"Well… there's Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, Avenger and Gil," Shirou spoke up easily.
Takami found her deduction was correct as she started to wonder just who the group she was now among included.
"And who are they?" she asked, now realizing that the names they used were just some sort of class title or what-not.
"Cu Chulainn, Hound Of Ireland," Lancer spoke up with his boyish grin still in place and she found herself blinking at the fact that she was in the same room as the most famous Irish Hero.
And for once, she found herself relieved that Minaka was so obsessed with myths and legends and basically forced them down her throat.
She still wanted to kill the man though.
"Herakles, Son Of Zeus," the massive bronze skinned man stated firmly, making her suddenly pale… who didn't know Herakles… or at least his Roman equivalent Hercules.
"Medusa The Gorgon," Rider spoke up and she found herself wondering why the woman thought she'd believe that… until the violet haired woman released a sigh and started to shift into a monstrous looking form.
"That's enough!" she cried out before the transformation could finish and the attractive woman returned to the humanoid form she had always been in around her.
"Angra Mainyu, Zoroastrian God Of Evil," Avenger stated and she found herself staring in disbelief once again, "or at least, an unlucky bastard that was ritualistically forced to bear all the evils in the world."
"Gil, you're next," Shirou spoke up and she found herself focusing on the blond man with red eyes.
"Tch… Gilgamesh, King of Uruk," the man was clearly unhappy at having to introduce himself and she sort of understood his feelings… he was the earliest known legend after all.
"I am an Unnamed Assassin," Assassin stated when she turned to her, "I failed to obtain the name Hassan-I-Sabbah."
Takami had to blink at that claim… from what she remembered Hassan-I-Sabbah translated as 'the old man of the mountain'… so how could this little girl possibly take that as a name?
"In life, I was known as Arthur Pendragon," Saber spoke up and she stared at the blonde girl that claimed to be the most famous King Of England.
"Do you honestly expect me to believe that?" she asked the girl and the response she received surprised her.
"whether you choose to believe it or not, that is what I was known as," the smartly dressed woman responded without hesitation or nervousness.
"Oh, oh! Who's Archer?!" Yukari called out in clear excitement, "is he Robin Hood?!"
"No, he's ginger," Archer responded easily, causing everyone to blink and stare at the man, "what? You know I'm not the only EMIYA out there and I have been in at least one war with him."
"… wait, what do you mean Emiya?" Takami asked with concern clear in her voice.
"He's a version of me from the future of a Parallel World," Shirou answered bluntly and Takami found herself staring once more.
And to think, she honestly thought there was no getting any more ridiculous than Herakles or a Female King Arthur.
She was drawn from her thoughts when a swoosh appeared in the middle of the room and Caster reappeared dropping Minaka before them.
"Hehe… hello Takami-kun… Emiya-san," the white haired billionaire stated nervously, "is it too late to mention that I'm your father?"
"I know," Shirou responded bluntly, "now… care to explain why you've let one hundred and eight aliens run around the city unsupervised?"
Takami couldn't stop a small smile from forming on her lips at the way Minaka gulped in clear fear.
Seeing him suffer was going to be enjoyable.
I know this chapter is sub-par, I know it isn't exactly funny but I just couldn't find the inspiration for it and honestly just want to end this fic.
Shadow out.