And here we go again, thank you to Aroneden for there help in the story and I hope you all enjoy.
Yuzu let out a long breath as Ichigo watched her, the expressions, the questions, the looks, he guessed that this was what it was like to tell his life story to someone who was the closest thing in his family to a 'normal' person. "So," She started as she looked him in the eye, "You became a Shinigami, invaded the place where they live for Rukia-san. Then you got involved with preparations for war against a madman..."
"He was not mad," Ichigo corrected gently, "He did what he did because he thought of it as the right thing to do. I happened to disagree with it, and still do, but he was not mad."
His Dad frowned at his words, no doubt wondering when he had found time to ponder the mind of Aizen Sousuke...Ichigo had left out the fact that the man was now his teacher.
"Ok, so you get ready for a war, you learn how to control this Inner Hollow." Ichigo nodded. "Ok." Yuzu leaned back. "Ok, so from there Inoue-san was kidnapped, you, Sado-kun and Ishida-kun went and saved her."
"A lot of people from Soul Society came as well, though mostly people who had been exposed to Aizen's power so they wouldn't be as useful fighting him."
Yuzu nodded. "So you came back and Dad showed up to help you."
Isshin had been quiet this whole time as Ichigo had bared most of their secrets to Yuzu, but he did nod. "Dad gave him the middle finger and sent him though eight buildings." That got a few laughs, but Yuzu was really focused now.
"You then beat this Aizen, lost your powers and that was why you left to go to a new school."
"You met everyone here, you almost got killed by a Fallen Angel, which is not part of the world you knew?"
"As far as I can tell, the Spiritual World and the Mythological World are split."
"And they" she pointed at the devils around them "saved your life by making you a Devil, that caused you to get your other powers back. Then you had to help her get out of an arranged marriage," Rias smiled as Yuzu pointed at her, "Meet her parents," Sona nodded, " and fight her Dad."
"Any boy that tries to get one of you two will have to do the same thing." Isshin said with a firm nod.
"No they won't, Dad." Yuzu said, without looking at him, "You then came back and had to fight an army of Fallen Angels, which is what Dad and the others helped you with...and, to top it all off, you fought some sort of Demi-god level creature."
"I would like to point out that, save for Corvos, I had a lot of help with all those feats."
"Last, but not least," She continued, "You managed to get everyone here to not only fall in love with you, or at least get on the way to that point, but they all decided to share you?"
"I really did not have much to do with that situation, save for the fact that I decided I was fine with it." Isshin reached for another bottle, but stopped at Yuzu's withering glare. "I'm actually glad that Karin reacted like she did," Said girl was still giving him a look filled with such disappointment that he could feel it in his soul, "I was starting to think that only someone like me thought this thing was weird."
"Do you still think it's weird Ichigo?" Serafall smirked.
"Kind of, It makes me feel more grateful that this is happening. That even after all this stuff we have been through, you girls still want to stick around."
"Hmm, four out of ten on the romantic scale," Tsubasa said, "But I'll take it."
Sona bopped her lightly on the nose. "Quite you, he is trying."
"I thought it was romantic." Asia said, looking confused.
"Don't worry dear, it was quite acceptable." Akeno flashed him a smile. "Though, that is not to say you should not put the same effort you do into training, into the romantic arts as well."
Yuzu opened then closed her mouth, evidently deciding that whatever her question was, she did not want the answer to it. "Wow." She finally said. "I mean, I thought it was something big, but this." Her eyes drifted down to her hands. "I really am useless when it comes to stuff like that...I mean, you went into Hell to get me back?"
"That was not fun," Ichigo said, "And you are not useless. Do you think this house would run at all without you?"
"Compared to being able to help the rest of my family in the way's you all do?"
"I don't do anything." Karin said firmly.
"I have seen you practicing with your sword," Yuzu replied without looking at her, "Please don't lie to me, Sister." Karin flinched at that. "It's odd really, I can see you and I can see your sword, but I can't see the ghosts as anything more than hazy outlines."
"That is still more than most." Isshin said.
"I think Big Brother understands how I feel." She said.
"Ya, I do." Ichigo replied and he really did, after all, his response had been to run away.
Yuzu gently cuffed herself on the cheek and looked up. "Thank you Nii-san, thank you so much for trusting me with this."
"You're welcome Yuzu."
There was a long moment of silence until Tatsuki spoke up. "Can I talk now?" Inoue winced, but as her friend made no move for physical violence she did not stop her.
"Yes?" Ichigo fought back the urge to gulp.
"Are you really going to blame this all on a…" She seemed to struggle to find the words, "Species change? That somehow this is just a side effect?"
"No, there is an 'I accepted the change' in this."
She sucked in a breath and exhaled before contintining. "So, you're telling me the Ichigo Kurosaki I used to know would have done something like this?"
"I," He hesitated, "I don't know, a few months ago I would have laughed at the idea but now..." He shrugged. "I don't know."
"Pervert." She muttered.
"Guilty," he waved a hand finding that word had less and less meaning to him these days, "But you have seen the meaning of the world until you have met Issei."
"He is much better now," Rias said, "Getting two girlfriends really settled him down." Tatsauki made a sound that gave the impression someone was dying. "Honestly, I get it," Rias said, "There is something attractive about a man who has been claimed by a woman. And if its more than half-a-dozen then I guess, with all his other amazing qualities, he is quite irresistible."
"W-w-what?" Tatsuki stuttered.
"I mean, you're his childhood friend, I have no doubt you have thought about taking him to the mat."
"F-f-f-s-s.." Tatsuki looked on the verge of fainting, something that did not get any better looking as Inoue turned to her eyes shining a smile on her face.
"That would be great!" She chimed. "We would be even closer than sisters."
"I-I-I-I never," She took a step back, looking like a cornered animal, "You-you-you-you don't know anything, I'm a friend, a good friend, who's looking out for Orihime."
"Alright everyone," Ichigo said, "Stop this right now."
"Awww." Rias stuck her tongue at him, but let Tatsuki recover her sanity. Or at least try, as Inoue continued to look at her friend hopefully which seemed to mortify the girl.
It was at this point Yuzu, looking calmer and happier than he had seen in a long time, took control of the situation. "I know most of you are not staying, could you please tell me who is?
Sona nodded. "We all wanted a chance for his family to get to know us, though we do understand if this is too much right now."
"No, no," Isshin shook his head, "Just because I'm on the verge of having a heart attack does not mean I don't want to meet my son's….girlfriends.
"Yes, yes," Yuzu beamed, "I love meeting new people and you all look really cool in your own way."
"Well," Sona let out a sigh of relief, "Tonight Tsubasa was going to stay over."
"She can have my bed," Ichigo said, "I will sleep on the couch."
"Boo," the rook stuck her tongue out at him, "I will be fine with your closet, just like that Rukia girl."
Ichigo could not keep a stern expression off his face. "No, that is hers."
"Ugh?" Yuzu looked really confused at that.
"Oh," Tsubasa nodded, "Sorry."
He waved a hand. "No,nevermind sorry it's just..." He felt at a loss for words.
"Hey," she took his hand, "It's ok."
"She can sleep in our room/" Yuzu said.
"Or she can just share his bed. I mean, whatever, right?" Karin said with absolute sarcasm.
"That is an excellent idea," Isshin said, "I'm sure your mother would only slightly kill me."
"Well, it's settled then." Tsubasa smiled.
"Yes," Karin said, "We can put Ichigo in the doghouse."
"We own a dog?" Said boy asked.
"Apparently..." She muttered glaring at him.
That set the rest of his girls to laughing as he got the joke or perhaps from Karin it was a statement of fact in her mind. "Ouch."
"Anyway, Tsubasa is staying today, and the following days of the week, Rias, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, then me and lastly…"
"Me!" Serafall waved.
"Leaving one whole week with him alone for actual family time as well as Inoue showing up at some point."
"I'll know when I know." The girl said with a smile. "I've got a lot of people who want to see me, Chizuru-san is even going to throw a party." Tatsuki made a growling sound at that and Ichigo could see her 'protect my friend' meter spike even higher.
"After which, at some point, I am taking him to the Underworld to help shoot a TV show." Serafall announced.
"Thank you Onee-sama." Sona growed.
"My son...a TV star?"
"An Isekai, Magical Girl, TV star."
Isshin made a sound of pure shame and reached for a bottle that was no longer there. "Masaki, I'm sorry."
"Serafall is the Magical Girl Dad, I'm an adventurer she meets."
"Oh...that's much better."
"Though, now that you put it in my head we might do a gender bender episode..." Serafall mused.
Ichigo shuddered, but said nothing. After all, if Serafall wanted to explore some fantasy, who was he to say no, when he knew she would let him follow his. "MASAKI!" That seemed to break his Dad who went over to cry into the poster.
Yuzu, Karin and Ichigo ignored him with the ease of long habit. "Do any of you have any allergies or things you can't or don't want to eat?" His sister asked the other girls, which got a chorus of no's and shakes of the head. "Ok, good to know, but um..." She pointed at Mori-san and little Nel, "What are you two going to do?"
"We will be arowned," Nel said, "We is going to play lots of games."
"It is my job to look after this little one and give maid twirls on command." She nodded. "That is what I will be doing."
"Maid Twirl?" Karin said, unable to help herself.
The maid then stood up and did an elegant twirl which moved her mostest dress around her like an artwork, even his Dad was drawn to it. "Oh," Karin said before glancing down, "That is not cool or anything, this whole thing is stupid."
The woman gave Karin a look and after a single moment of defence his baby sister melted under the mature glare. "Sorry." Mori still stared. "It won't happen again ma'am." The maid nodded and sat back down, looking satisfied in her calm direct manner.
"Wow," Yuzu whispered, "I should take notes." The woman turned her head to the girl and Yuzu flinched.
"Do you wish to learn the secret arts of the maid?"
"Really?" His sister leaned forward. "What kind of secrets?"
"The secret kind." Mori replied in all seriousness.
"Yuzu," Karin murmured, "Don't get swept up in this."
Ichigo himself did not really know how he felt about the matter, he tried to remember Mori-san showing any interest in anyone, save for her charge. "I'll think about it." From the look on her face she had already made up her mind and was just trying to make Karin less on edge. It clearly did not work, as his other Sister stood up and walked out the back door, shortly followed by the sound of her soccer ball being kicked very hard followed a few seconds later.
"Quite the fireball you have for a sister." Akeno said.
"Karin has the best head on her shoulders." Yuzu sighed.
"No argument there." Ichigo said, deliberately not looking at his sobbing father, the man would get over it in a bit.
"Well," He said to his girls, "What did you think of the family?"
"Not too bad," Serafall said, with a knowing grin in Yuzu's direction, "But a bit more…"
"Odd?" Yuzu offered.
"Yep, that's the word. A bit more like my family than I expected."
"It kind of makes me feel a bit better." Rias laughed.
"Does not help me." Yuzu sighed. "So," She leaned back, "Now that it's over for now, uh, does anyone want some snacks?"
Sona shook her head "The rest of us should get going, otherwise we might not leave."
"To right, So-tan." Serafall stood up and stretched before tossing a card to Yuzu. "That has my number, call me and we can get some bubble tea and talk. Though, do know this is a working holiday for me, most of my time will be spent doing paperwork and meetings. Which reminds me." She pointed at Chad, who Ichigo had almost forgotten about in the corner. "We need to get you a good fitting suit, my Queen deserves the best from any man."
Chad considered that in his ponderous way, he evidently came to the conclusion that with Serafall you did not really have a choice in the matter. Or you did, you could say no, but she would find a way to make you do it anyway. "That sounds," He paused for a moment, "Reasonable."
"Don't worry, it won't be me helping you out, that will be Bassher." She led the big man out of the room as she spoke to him and he replied in one to three words.
Tatsuki was dragged out by her arm as Inoue led her away, though not before the healer boldly walked up to him and gave him a kiss right on his lips. That set off a chain reaction as every other girl, save Sona, made sure to kiss him before they left.
Sona took this chance to shepherd everyone else out but Tsubasa. "Behave." She growled.
To which her Rook winked at her. "Only as much as you do Kaichou." His poor King flinched at that statement and hurried out of the house, her face red as a beat.
"That is never going to get old." The Rook giggled.
She turned on all of them, hands on her hips, and Ichigo took that moment to look her over, a practice he never got tired of. She had her blue hair tied back in a ponytail and her Kuoh Academy uniform fit her as well as it ever had. He told her that she could wear what was comfortable, but since she was going to be meeting his family she wanted to make a good impression. The black, white and red of the uniform set incredibly well against her pale skin, the tan of their day on the beach now completely gone. Her toned legs were mostly covered by the thigh-high socks, which was a shame but looked sexy all the same. What was slightly different was that she bothered to put on some very light makeup which he personally thought she did not need but looked good. He noted that her uniform was a bit better fitting than most, not outlining her chest in detail like Akeno and Rias, though that just might have been a testament to how large their chests were. Of course he knew very well what she looked like under that uniform and it made the teasing way her outfit masked that part of her charm all the more exciting.
She saw him looking at sent a scorching look his way to let him know she noticed, hell she even cocked an eyebrow at him before speaking. "Sup, I'm Tsubasa Yura, badass athlete, Rook of the Sitri family, currently voted best girl by the girls of Kuoh Academy batting for the other team and I can cook," She looked at both Isshin who had pried himself loose from the poster and Yuzu with a very serious expression, "Over a grill."
"Wow…we don't have a grill, so I have never done anything with that."
"Well that's fine, I do not want to get in your way, not when your Brother has told me so much of your cooking."
"He did?" She grinned.
"Why would he not?" Isshin said "You have your Mother's skill, no doubt about that."
Yuzu blushed scarlet and turned away from them. "Stop it," She pleaded, "You're going to make me combust!" Her footsteps echoed as she hurried away to the kitchen where they heard the sounds of cooking start up.
Tsubasa laughed and turned her attention to his Dad. "Well Mr. Kurosaki, what do you think?"
"I think," He said, after a moment of thought, "You are the kind of girl I thought my son would end up with."
"Hmm, the athletic, sexy kind?"
"You did see Tatsuki, I kind of thought it would be her for a while, then R..." He closed his mouth and shook himself. "Anyway, at least this old man was somewhat correct."
"So," She made herself comfortable and Ichigo took his spot beside her, "Got any questions for me? I am here to make a good impression."
"Well," Isshin said, sitting down, his expression serious, "Do you want to see Ichigo's baby pictures?"
Karin knew she was being a bit of a bitch, but she felt that she could forgive herself because of all the bullshit she just had to listen to. Her foot moved in unison with her mind as she bounced the ball from leg to leg and foot to foot. How in the world was she the only one in the family with common sense? Or with just a desire to be a bit normal once in a while? She let out a huff. Was it wrong that she just wanted to do normal things, play normal sports, not have to deal with the issues of the dead, of death and battle that her brother seemed not only to thrive on, but suffer with the lack thereof?
Was she the only one who thought he really needed help, that he needed someone to help him put his head on straight? For god's sake he had spent his whole year training as if he was still going to war. It was not normal for someone to work so hard to keep a body not just in shape, but at maximum shape, at a level of fitness that one mistake would cause them to hurt themselves. She had kind of hoped that this time away would help him, and instead he came back with...this?
She did not begrudge him his powers, she did not think of them as a bad thing, but when she had wanted him to find other things to do with himself it had not included becoming some sort of playboy gigolo. She missed the ball and had to sigh and go get it. Ok that was unfair, they looked like they liked her Brother, perhaps one or two of them even looked like they loved him...but that could not be healthy.
Her Big Brother was cunning, in her mind, but not truly smart. They had pursued him and he had just let them take him. Sure, they had saved his life, but he would not have been in that situation if he had not been stupid enough to charge into a fight he could not win.
There were three people in the world Karin herself would have done that for, but for her Brother it seemed to be everyone on the street and their grandmother. Perhaps that was what was truly pissing her off, he had spoken of his almost-death as a casual affair. Yuzu brushed it off because he was alive and she believed him invincible. Dad had his own issues with death, probably from being a Reaper himself, which left her as the only one terrified that she had almost lost her Big Brother.
And with so many floozys when would he ever have time for them, when would he... "Mind if I join you Karin?"
She blinked as he walked out back to join her and glared at him for arriving just when she was setting up to a good pity party. That caused her to let out a sound of anger and kick the ball at him hard, he reacted with superhuman agility and blocked it with his knee and kicked it back to her with an easy gentleness that she remembered so well.
"What are you doing out here, don't you have Chun Li to take care of?"
He smiled at her. "I thought that about her legs too, though they look much better."
Karin huffed, that was not a difficult achievement, given that Chun Li had legs like a tank. "You did not answer my question."
"I came home so I could spend time with all of you and so you all could meet them." He sighed. "It's been awhile since we did something like this."
"And who's fault is that?"
Oh, she hated this. She did not want Ichigo, the Older Brother. She wanted Ichigo, the moron she could yell at. "How many hours a day do you spend training?"
He blinked at the whiplash shift of topics. "Uh..two hours in the morning, one hour after school with Rias' Peerage and one more hour with Sona's Peerage, Two hours in the evening with Vasco, and sometimes I take some extra time for myself." He nodded. "That's on a normal day."
"That, Big Brother, does not sound healthy. Do you spend the rest of your time with all of them?"
"Well, that and Student Council activities."
Good god he had not changed at all. "Does that not sound...too busy?"
"I take Sundays off, Saturdays are for Quincy training," He said, "And I don't tire as fast anymore."
"What do you do that's not training, romance, and work?"
"Hmm, I have been catching up with Serafall's show." He offered.
"Romance," She said, "Not applicable, what do you do for your own free time?"
He actually seemed put off by the idea, like he never fucking considred the had not been that long since he used his free time to just hang out with friends, or play with his Sisters, or hell, just watch TV. Did he consider the interactions in training, work, and Romance the same as normal relaxation?
"I," He said at last, "Um, I get ice cream sometimes."
"When was the last time you did that?" She said in a flat tone.
"Ugh...huh," He shrugged, "You might be right, but it's fine. You might say training is how I get rid of stress."
"You train because you want to be the best warrior, the Protector of All."
"How do you know that?"
"I'm your Sister, dumbass, plus Getsuryu told me." Her mouth snapped shut as she said that, though from the look in his eyes he clearly knew what that meant. Before he could say something stupid she spoke. "I do one hour of training a day and I do it for the express purpose of making sure Yuzu has someone looking out for her. A lot of those monsters have been going after her and so far Dad, me and the cat have been keeping her in the dark."
Again the change in topics changed him, his expression was terrifying, warlike, and lethal. "Do we know why? Her power has not grown or changed."
"Wrong," Karin said, "It has, but not in the way you or anyone but a Hollow would notice." Ichigo frowned and turned back to the house focusing on the kitchen where Yuzu was, she shivered as his eyes flashed yellow.
"That smell..." He said.
"The Shopkeep thinks that her power is refining itself in a way, not something useful, just because." Karin shrugged. "I'm not sure what, but Hollows love it, they can't get enough of it. They don't come near the house because of Dad, but when she goes out on her own they might just appear."
"I was told that the Hollow attacks had slowed." Ichigo said.
"They have. It seems that once Hollows get so much as a whiff of her they don't want anything else, they almost can't have anything else. When Dad or the cat is with her, they don't dare attack, most have died from starvation. They only make a move when I'm the one watching her, though I have only been doing this for a month and even then, only to make sure the cat gets a break."
Her brother visibly forced himself to calm, it looked to be something he did often. "That is not tenable."
"No," Karian agreed, "It is not." She saw it in his eye that he had an idea, but he evidently did not want to share it yet.
"Thank you Karin." The war look was gone and he gave her a look of such gratitude, such love and respect, that even her heart, which she damn well knew was after a certain white-haired boy, skipped a beat.
"Y-you're welcome." She looked away from him. "And...sorry I was a bitch to all your girlfriends."
"Believe it or not it was the reaction we expected from everyone, though the fact that Dad is drinking makes me worried."
"Well, Yuzu made him quit smoking altogether, so he does a glass a night now. No more. Hell, Yuzu does not even have to make him do that. He does not want to be a drunk or anything, it's just a way he relieves stress." 'Something you could use.' She did not think needed to be added.
"Well, I recently acquired my own, fun, way to relieve stress." He replied.
"Look, the less I know about your sex life, the better." He coughed and sputtered as if he had not expected her to get the meaning. That, in turn, made her smile a little at being able to surprise him. "I still think you need another hobby, Big Brother."
"I don't have the time for another hobby...well, I do have to pretend to be an actor in a few weeks."
"That sounds like another job." She said.
"Sometimes life is about jobs and work." He replied.
"Well then, I will make you play with me while we are here."
"Ok, I don't mind that at all."
"We can talk about this other problem with me later," She gestured to her abdomen and he winced, like he forgot about that, "But right now we play..."
"Yes ma'am." He replied, just like her dad did to Yuzu.
"Ok girls, so what do we want?" Rias called out as she tapped away on the laptop. "There are a surprising amount of restaurants in this area."
"Something with meat." Tomoe called from her spot against the wall...Sona's Knight was currently standing on her head looking shamelessly at an American Playboy Magazine.
"Got it." Rias said.
"Something healthy?" Sona offered.
"Boo, So-tan, we are on vacation." Serafall yelled through the wall, said Maou was supposed to be doing important work.
"Beli, will you refocus my sister?"
There was a loud slapping sound as the Behemoth bopped her King upside the head.
"Ow, ok." Serafall grumbled.
"Look, Sona," Rias sighed, "If I have to eat Udon noodles one more time, I am going to go on a crusade to wipe them off the Earth."
"You would not dare!" Sona replied with absolute seriousness.
"Would I not?" Rias put her hand over her heart in a dramatic fashion.
"I want fish." Koneko said from her spot in front of the TV where her hands moved like lighting on the controller. Her opponent, Asia, was doing good for a girl who had not played a video game until she became a Devil.
"Fish does sound good." Murmured the nun.
"Got it, so meat, fish and, if we can find it, they might serve Udon too."
"Rias, I feel, as your Queen, I must warn you against those giant ramen bowls I know you're thinking of." Akeno said as she walked out of the shower in a towel and nothing else. "They go right to your hips."
"And yet, somehow, your healthy diet has not let you lose any weight?" Rias countered.
"I will have you know my body will never be anything less than sinfully sexy. If that means there is a bit of plump here and there, then so be it."
"Hey ,do you know where the others went?" Tomoe said from her spot, the magazine was on the ground as she took the opportunity to stare at Akeno with a small smile on her face.
"Momo and Ruruka took Issei on date, Tsubaki and Reya….just sort of kidnapped Yuuto, I'm not really sure what they have in mind." Rias replied. "And I found just the place, gather round everyone."
The girls all squished in next to each other so they could look over the menu on screen and call out orders. Once everything was ready Rias paid for the food to be delivered and now they could really relax. Sona had, somehow, found the largest hotel room in Karakura, not for all of them, of course. There were several hotel rooms, one for Sona and Serafall, one for Akeno and Asia, one for Kiba and Issei, with everyone else having a room all to themselves.
Once upon a time Sona might have felt nervous or uncomfortable in such close proximity to so many girls, even friends...she now had two of them beside her in the same bed and yet it was fine. She felt comfortable, hell, she felt at ease more so now than she ever had by herself.
Something beyond just the boy they loved had been forged between them. The battle, the time they were spending in each other's presence. Hell, they were all practically living at her house.
"So," Akeno said after they had made there pick and orders, "I got a question for all of you ladies?"
"Oh?" Rias replied. "Akeno, for the last time I do not own any…"
The Queen waved her hand. "Yes, you do and I have seen them, but that is not the question." Her King blushed a fun shade of scarlet and threw a pillow at the girl. It bounced off her to little effect and did not even pause her speech. "I was actually going to ask if anyone wanted to start a little group. I have been….confronted by the fact that even one of my talent is lacking in some areas of magic. I have also learned that there is a power in working together, so I was thinking we could make a little Inter-Peerage coven. Pool resources, spells, knowledge, experience, ect. Help the girls who need basic training, have the experienced people compare and contrast." The Queen let out a sigh. "Honestly, it's something to help me put more effort into my magic, if I have something like this my pride will make me work harder."
Asia did not say anything, but it was clear she knew this was coming. Sona nodded at the idea. "I really like the idea."
"You would," Rias grinned, "But I like the sound of too. I mean, I did not know spells like the one you used to kill that asshole existed."
Sona shrugged, her expression serious. "Those were spells that..I think only you or I can do. I learned them before I realised that the old me did not have the power to cast them. Anyway, I know Tsubasa will want to do something like this, she has come to me already for magic lessons."
"Sounds fun." Tomoe said from her spot.
"I won't be able to come to many meetings, but I'm in." Serafall called from her room, the words were followed by a stern voice telling the Maou to focus.
"We will have to ask the others when they get back," Akeno said, "But this sounds promising."
"Agreed." Rias replied. "However this kind of talk does not make this feel like a vacation."
"True," The Queen agreed, "So what kind of thing would make you feel like you are on vacation my King?"
"Well," Rias grinned, "Since the reconstruction of Kuoh is being paid for by our families and you all have been given permission to make changes, what are you doing that is different?"
"Oh, I like this question!" Akeno leaned forward.
"Sword practice room!" Tomoe called. "And a slide from the second story to the first."
Koneko glanced at Sona, who nodded. "I'm moving in with Sona."
"Oh my...and when were you going to tell me?" Rias made a clicking sound.
"Well, I was going to offer it to you too." Sona said in a small voice.
"Oh, I thought you asked her first." Akeno stated.
"No I," Sona sighed, "I don't know why." She shook her head. "Only Tsubasa has declined, I just thought it would be easier for all of us and I really, really like having everyone around. I don't know if you know this, but this past week, with my house being full and filled with life and laughter, with voices, and even arguments it's been..." Sona moved a hand over heart. "It's been wonderful."
"Hmm." Rias hummed. "It's going to give a few people back home some heart attacks, there are already rumors that the Sitiri and Gremory families are going to join."
"Wouldn't that be something." Akeno laughed, with a shake of her head.
"Why do you say it like it would be a bad thing?" Asia questioned.
"The fusion of such clans, well, it would make some very nervous families positively murderous at the thought that they really could be under such a clan for all time."
"Oh." The girl clearly did not get it, but that was ok.
"Well, I say screw them. We can make our positions clear and they can go to Hades." Sona was surprised at the way she felt, at how the words came out. She was a different person now, she realized, they all were, or at least they were changing. Akeno seeking out power, Asia starting to show some assertion, herself feeling more at ease and sure of her own place and power. Of all of them Koneko had become more relaxed and it was a change that was completely visible. The battle and whatever had passed between her and Kurosaki on their night together, well, Koneko was different. Of all of them only Rias seemed unchanged, but that would perhaps show in time, what she had become, what the battle and the aftermath had done to her.
"Well I will think about it" Rias said and the smile Sona gave her, had the redhead's heart beating faster.
"Changing the subject I have a bet." Koneko said, leaning forward.
"Oh, gambling!" Rias cooed. "Yes, Koneko dear?"
"I bet Tsubasa breaks the rules tonight." They all knew what she meant.
Sona leaned forward. "I was very clear on the decorum of a family visit, she would not break it."
"So you're in?" Koneko asked.
"Well I am in and I will side with Sona." Rias grinned.
Akeno nudged Asia. "Come on, you take a shot. I will abstain from this as a neutral judge."
"Uh, well." The nun blushed. "I think she will."
"What are we betting on Koneko?"
The catgirl grinned her ears twitching and pulled them close together to whisper. "Oh my," Rias fanned herself as Sona just narrowed her eyes at the two, "Well, are you in or out?"
"I'm in," Rias stuffed her fist in her mouth to hold back some laughter, "I don't mind putting my ass on the line."
The old Sona would have slapped this down outright, but the new one, "Well, I trust my Rook." She glared at them as Akeno struggled to hold back her laughter and Asia looked at all of them as if this was something normal. "Plus, if I am wrong I can punish her for the transgression...severely."
"Well, in that case," Akeno said, "I will set everything up." She rubbed her hands in glee.
Sona blushed again as Serafall called out. "I'm in and I have to say I think she will go for it." There was another thunk through the wall. "Oww, why the ear Beli-chan?"
Akeno took out her phone and made a call. They all watched as she spoke to someone and explained the rules, after a few moments she looked. "Inoue is in, and on your side Buchou, she says Sona is stern enough that she would not disobey."
"Well, three on three it is," Rias laughed, "Though when did you become so naughy Koneko?"
The Catgirl sniffed the air disdainfully. "I was always so." She lied.
"Ah well, my bad." Rias waved her hands. "Though, I think we all need to do something else now?"
"What is that?" Sona said with apprehension.
"Figure out what we will be wearing if we win or lose. I'm talking about hair, clothing, the works, we need to have it all ready."
Despite Sona's discomfort she found herself drawn into the conversion and, if she was honest with herself, she was having a lot of fun. Even if now her, as Rias put it, ass depended on her Rook's self control...Sona considered that and felt that her pride as a leader just might have gotten to her head. 'I swear Yura,' She thought to herself, "If you mess this up, you won't be sitting for a week."
"Ichigo," Tsubasa called as she stepped outside, he and his sister were in the middle of a one on one soccer ball game and both stopped to look, "Your dad wants to talk to you. I think I might have given him the wrong idea when I said I would not mind kids."
"Oh no, he is in full grandparent mode, isn't he?"
"Ya, once he came to terms with our thing, well… he has adapted really fast."
Ichigo let out a long sigh. "I will tag in for you, Yuzu-chan almost has dinner ready."
He nodded. "Don't worry Karin, she is much better at sports than me."
"Great!" The girl said with an edge of sarcasm.
Ichigo winced, but before he could say anything Tsubasa waved him inside and gave him a look that said she knew what she was doing. So he kicked the ball over to her and moved past her with only a pause to touch her shoulder affectionately before vanishing into the house.
"Sup?" The Rook murmured as she dribbled the ball a little to get a feel for its weight and started to move though some basic drills. She could feel the eyes of his Sister on her as she ran through perfect set after perfect set for about sixty seconds before sending the ball Karin's way.
His Sister was in good shape for a girl her age, not the pinnacle of humanity that Ichigo had been, but from what she understood the girl had some power to make up for that. "So, who is your team for the Cup?" Apparently 'sup?' was not a good enough opening for a conversion, so Tsubasa took a swing in the dark.
That got her a blink. "What?"
" Cup, I'm personally going for the Antlers this year."
The girl gave her a suspicious look. "You think your Brother knows jack all about Football, beyond how to play it?"
Karin stared at her for a few more seconds and passed the ball back. "Antlers are overrated, this is the year for Gamba Osaka."
"Hmm," She hummed doubtfully, "Even with Yosuke injured?"
"I think that was a good thing in the long run, Akira has really stepped up in his role and now when Yosuke gets back, which should be before the finals, they will have two excellent players for goalkeep."
"You say that, but the Antlers have been consistent all year."
"Consistent, but under performing." Karin shook her head and glared at her. "Don't think I don't know what you are doing."
"Trying to get you to talk to me?"
"It worked didn't it?"
The girl considered the words and let out a sigh. "True."
"I'm not here to make you think I am the best person in the world or even to make you like me. I just wanted to have a decent conversion, that's all."
"Humph." Karin tossed her hair and returned the ball. "What If I don't want to?"
"Well, I did not get to where I am today by just not trying."
Well shit...Karin could respect that at least. "Is that how you got my Brother?"
"It took more than my fair share of try's, ending with me having to spell it out for him, but it worked."
"At least that has not changed, that gives me some hope."
The Rook began to bounce the ball on her head. "He is still your Brother you know, we might have changed a little of him, but who he is, why he does what he does, I don't think that will ever change."
"I know," Karin sighed, "He is the kind of Brother that would dive into hell for you...which he did, as you heard."
"I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that is the reason you look combat trained, despite acting like being normal is the best thing ever."
"My twin is hunted by monsters who want to eat her, body and soul...what kind of sibling would I be if I did nothing when I had the power?"
"You sound just like him."
"No, he loves what he does, he loves what he is...I'm trying not to reach that point, trying not to fully leave behind everything that makes me human."
"So ,that is why you were so angry."
Karin flinched at how perceptive the Rook was turning out to be. "What if one day he turns around to find that fighting is the only thing he has left, what happens when we all pass away?"
"Well, I would say he would then watch over your kids, but I get your point." Tsubasa sent the ball up high and bounced it off her knee at Karin. "And I'll tell you that there," She paused, "Well, Eight if you count Nel and we really don't know what Mori-san is doing so I will put her under the ish category. There are nine-ish reasons that will live just as long as him and none of us have any plans to let him fall like that."
That at least gave the girl something to think about. "And, just to let you know, humans like you do weird relationships all the time and, if we are being completely honest, I would have been fine with all this before I became a Devil, though I might be in the minority on that."
The girl blinked at her and her cheeks darkened ever so slightly. "Well I, for one, have one guy that, while pretty far out of my reach, is not someone I would want to share."
Tsubasa coughed. "Just to be clear, it's not Ichigo, right?"
"Gods no." She shook her head.
"Cause I think your twin...well." She shrugged. "She got Serafall Leviathan interested in her and..." The Rook lost the words to describe what that meant.
"Yuzu is...going through a phase," Karin replied with all the conviction she could muster, "I just need to introduce her to someone who is like my Brother, but has the qualification of not being my Brother."
"Does that girl have a type, besides an older brother figure?"
"I don't think so." Karin had no idea why she was being so open, perhaps it was the fact that this girl seems to get the ick factor, or at least understood the ick factor. Then again, she had not seen the girl so much as bat an eyelash at the two sisters in her Brothers harem.
"Well...I mean there is Issei, by the time Ichigo is done with him he is going to be something else." She shook her head. "He is powerful, nice, likes to protect people, but he is a serious pervert with a huge boob fetish."
"Scratch him off the list." Karin sighed. "Not going to let someone like that anywhere near her."
"Well, then, I know Rias has a nephew who is her age." She took out her phone and flicked through pictures until she found Millicas Gremory and showed her.
"Wow, he is cute." Karin said.
"Ya and given who his parents are he is going to be something else, but he is also Devil Royalty, so getting him here might be impossible."
Karin sighed. "Drat," There was no heat to the word, "No one in town her age is fitting the bill either. The boy's have stopped trying cause she keeps comparing them to Ichigo and they find that annoying as he is several years older than they are and it's not fair."
"Well, if you want to you can get together with some of us and see what we can come up with, just have to make sure Serafall is not there."
Karin gave her a look. "Why are you being so helpful?"
"I'm a Devil, it's my job."
"To lead people into temptation." Karin said.
"To fulfill desire...there is a difference and, on a selfish note, I would prefer no more sibling dynamics in my just seems like it might get uncomfortable."
"That," Krain allowed, "Is the understatement of year."
"So, is that a yes?"
The girl considered it for a moment and then nodded. "Sure, it can't hurt anything and if you people are going to work your hardest to make my Brother happy and healthy," She emphasized the last part, "Then perhaps it is not so bad, but I reserve judgment."
"You know, I think I like you Karin Kurosaki."
"Humph," The girl murmured, " are not so bad Tsubasa Yura."
"This seems like a good start." Tsubasa said. "Perhaps we could make this official and do a contract?"
"Don't make me hate you." The girl warned.
"Kidding, kidding," The Rook giggled, "If we can pull something off I might ask again though."
"If you can pull something like this off...I'll accept."
"Deal, now how are your favorite junior teams?
"Well, that was fast." Isshin said as Ichigo watched Karin play with his girlfriend. "That girl is incredibly smart, she just hides it well."
"I know."
"I did not really call you in here to talk about grandchildren."
"I figured that too, though that drinking was real enough."
"Tell you what son, when a child of yours comes home with seven lovers you can see how you react and we compare notes."
Ichigo raised his hands in surrender. "You win Dad."
"Humph." the old man muttered in satisfaction. "Do you make you happy?" The words were serious again.
"Very much so."
"Good, that is the most important part, though you said you wanted to marry them all, right?" Ichigo nodded. "If those two girls are from as powerful houses as they say, that might not be an option."
Ichigo blinked. "What?"
"If politics is anywhere close to the same among them as it is for the Soul Reapers, then you doing something like that will consolidate far too much power in one place. Add in the idea of taking one of the Maou as your bride and you have a recipe for civil war as everyone panics at the thought that you are going to take over." Ichigo just stared at his old man. "Once upon a time I was part of a Great House, you pick up a few things over a hundred years." That brought a sad smile to his Dad's face. "Now, I'm not saying you can't pull it off, you're my Son and you have done many things people would think impossible. But you need to consider that people on that level of any society do not look at marriage the same way most do. It is an alliance, hell, from what I gathered you helped the Redhead sever just such an arrangement. So they will not see you taking so many powerful Devils to yourself as anything other than...well, then what it is, an unmatched consolidation of power."
Ichigo bit his lip as he pushed down his first instinct which was to say "Bring it on!" to the whole fucking Devil race. "If you see that," he said, swallowing the sudden anger the words had brought on, "Then Serafall, Sona and Rias must know it too, I will talk to them about it."
"So willing to reach out your hand to others," His Dad made a tisking sound, "I might have to revoke your man license."
Wanting to turn his mind away from the conversion he lowered his voice and said. "Well, as long as the plumbing works I don't think my girls will care."
His Dad blinked in surprise, but let out a small laugh nonetheless. "True least if you take after me down there."
The fact that Ichigo knew for a fact he did…..fuck you Aizen… was more than slighly disturbing, so he changed the subject again. "What do you know of what is going on with Yuzu?"
His Dad got a careful look. "What do you mean?"
"The 'big nasty dogs'." Ichigo prompted.
"Oh, that is what you meant." Isshin coughed and muttered. "Thank the Soul King." Before speaking in very quiet tones. "It started happening a month after you left, Hollow attacks had decreased severely and we could not figure out why. I think you might have guessed this, but Karakura Town is the place with the highest concentration of Spiritually powerful people in the world."
"At least in the world that Soul Society operates in." Ichigo murmured.
"True, but the attacks stopped, save for one set. Attacks one after the other, after the other."
"Yes. As far as we can tell, if any Hollow so much as catches her scent, it goes after her with a fury that I have not seen since..." His eyes went distant, "Since my first battle in this place. What is more, they don't attack anyone else once they have found her. They will ignore any target, no matter if they are starving. It seems that as long as I, Yourichi, or at least two of the others, Chad, Ishida and...Karin are there, they will wait. They will wait and sometimes just starve to death. Other times strike if she ever slips off or is alone with only Chad, Ishida or Karin. So far none of those have been able to so much as disturb her."
"Karin did tell me that, how strong is she right now?"
"She takes after you, and does so in a way that is scary. By the time I realised what was happening she had already released her Zanpakuto by herself. I've got her through the basics and give her the crash course on everything else important right now and, so far, it is enough..but she lacks the motivation to take it further and I don't blame her."
"Neither do I." Ichigo replied. "Do we know why this started happening?"
"No," Isshin whispered, "We don't. Kisuke says that her Spiritual Power has changed, though none of us can sense any difference in it."
"Perhaps I could take a look, I have a bit of a Hollow in me after all, I might be able to find something."
"Sounds like a plan, with all the Vizard returned to the Gotei 13 that was not something we could ask."
Ichigo sat down and closed his eyes, Isshin went very quiet and still, even spuressing his Spiritual Power to make things easier. Ichigo had no problem finding his baby Sister, focusing his entire perception upon the glowing form of her being. At a casual scan there was nothing and even when he probed inward there did not seem to be anything out of the ordinary. But if there had been then his Dad would have found it with this method. Ichigo let out a long breath and reached inside himself for help.
White answered at once and, with subtle ease, his senses shifted to match that of his Inner Hollow and for one second, one split second, his mouth began to water. It was all the time it took for both him and White to lash out against the sudden desire and...pure hunger that assaulted them. Their will joined as one and the feeling shattered a bare heartbeat after it appeared. Even so, the sensation of smell and taste ran over his brain like an itch you could not reach.
It was then that Zangetsu joined in, and his power seemed to obliterate that itch, leaving their joined will and mind clear. Looking upon his baby Sister as a Hollow, the color of her soul had changed. "Her spiritual power," White said, "It's refined, its purer and more alluring than I would have believed." If that was the case then why was it happening? That did not seem like a power she would gain from her bloodline...perhaps Aizen would know. He had a feeling the Quincy King might know too, but they had not spoken since he had been severed from the man.
"Nel." He said aloud.
The Arrancar in her toddler form appeared on his lap, naked and dripping wet from the bath he had apparently interrupted. He waved a hand and used his Devil Power to make a covering for her. "That was rude." The child said.
"Sorry, I will send you right back, but did you notice anything odd about Yuzu while you were here."
"Oh that, ya she smelled really good, almost as good as your Soul, but I have the better food." Oh, that was right, he did feed her parts of his Soul every day, it had not occurred to him that he had a taste.
"Plus, she wants you." White said. "That might color her perception of your taste, because I can tell you right now, Yuzu's spiritual power is like nothing I have ever sensed."
Well, that was not what he wanted to know right now. "Thank you Nel."
"Welcome." She stood up and hugged him before vanishing back to where he had summoned her from.
He relayed everything he had learned to his Dad and the man shook his head. "We tried hiding her power, even pushed it down to almost zero, but they kept finding her."
"It's hard to explain, but it's like a smell." Ichigo shivered, now able to smell it even if he tried not to. "It's not the power or level of it, it's the fact that she is alive, it's her Soul by itself that is the attraction."
Isshin tapped his finger on his knee, glancing over to the picture of his wife before letting out a breath. "Do you have any idea what we could do, or even what is causing this?"
"Not more than you do…" Though he did have someone he could ask. "Perhaps Kisuke might have want to hear what I told you."
"Perhaps," His Dad nodded, "I will go tonight and..."
"Dinner!" Yuzu called out the words loud enough to draw in the girls playing outside and had both of the men out of their seats.
"Do that." Ichigo said. "I will have Zangetsu watch over the house tonight."
Those words brought the man up short. "What?"
"Well, I will be there and I doubt anything strong will get near me without..."
"No, what you said before, you just summon your Zanpakuto?"
Ichigo took note of the shocked look he was getting. "Is that not something normal?"
"No, it's's why that Muramasa incident was so destructive, that thing's power could have been far more devastating than it was. My generation of Soul Reapers, well...most would have died. Muramasa and even the Doll Kisuke created showed us that when manifested our Zanpakuto are fully capable of attacking us."
"That does not worry me all that much, Zangetsu wants a good fight, not just a fight."
His Dad clearly wanted to say more, but seemed to think better of it. "I trust you to know what is best for your Soul."
"Thank you Dad." Both made their way over to the kitchen and for a moment the smells of food drowned out Yuzu's scent. For a moment he was lost in the smells he remembered his Mother creating.
He had to close his eyes for a moment as he sat down and noted his Dad doing the need for tears here, even if it was just one. "Thank you." He said as Yuzu put a plate in front of him.
"You're welcome, Onii-chan."
"Smells good!" Tsubasa said, as she took her seat across from him.
Karin sat down and spoke in her normal voice. "What did you expect? I told you her cooking was good."
It felt odd, sitting in his room again, sitting on his bed, smelling the sheets, feeling the air drift through the open window...that same window, through which had stepped the woman who changed his life forever. He stood up and moved over to open his closet, it was as he left it, the stacked cushions and futon set just right for a small angry woman who had spent so much time there. He inhaled and could have sworn her smell still lingered, that the very power of her Soul still hung about the blanket on the futon, the wood of the walls.
Ichigo let out a sigh and closed it. "I really am scum, aren't I?"
"Oh, that's not the kind of thing I like to hear from you." He blinked and looked up to see Tsubasa as she brazenly walked into his room, her eyes taking in everything, lingering on the skull badge on his side table before moving to where he stood. She moved to look and saw the bedding. "This is where she slept?"
"Rukia," He answered, "Back when this all started."
"Soo, your scum because you saw something that reminded you of the first woman you felt something for?"
"No...well, yes, kind of."
"I am not the jealous type Ichigo Kurosaki, it's ok to remember, to want, to desire, even if we don't get it. Plus, who knows, when you see her again it might just click and she will join in the fun."
That made him laugh "You have not been paying attention to my stories of her, have you? But what really gets me is that you are here," He reached out to pull her to him and leaned down to inhale the smell of sweat and effort that she wore so well, "And I need to pay attention to you."
"Now that I like the sound of," She whispered, "Now I think we really need to get a shower, don't you?"
Ichigo almost said something stupid like he would wait for her and that the shower was on the left. "Really, here?"
"Well, I was thinking of sneaking into your bed, but your sisters are less likely to hear anything if the shower is running." She gave him a cute pout. "Plus, you need to make it up to me that you were thinking of some other woman."
His mind was at war with itself for a few seconds until he compromised. "Not here."
"Well, that's not a no," She smiled, "Where then?"
He let a smile touch his face. "That will have to be a surprise, Yura."
The girl laughed. "I like surprises, so I will wait, though for how long I wonder?"
"Once everyone goes to sleep." He said.
"Midnight affair, I love it."
"You would." He teased.
"What's that supposed to mean, big guy?"
"Exactly what I said, Tsubasa Yura."
"Humph," she said in false outrage, "Well I guess I will go find your baby pictures after all."
He nodded. "Come with me, I'll show you where they are." Yura of course took pictures and sent them to the other girls, but that was ok. Compared to the introductions, Ichigo was numb to such minor embarrassment and if it made his girls happy, who was he to complain? Life was good and for Ichigo Kurosaki that was enough.
The Captains filed out of the room after the weekly meeting ended so Yamamoto was ready when Mayuri Kurotsuchi passed behind him and his Lieutenant Nemu cast a Kido with such control and stealth that if he had not known it was coming he would have never been about to sense it. The minds of the two became linked through the Kido of Nemu. 'Things have been busy during your vacation.' Mayuri and Nemu began to walk away as he retrieved some paperwork and the Head Captain retired to his quarters for his normal time of meditation.
'We expected as much.' He thought back.
'True, but they will be moving by the end of the week, they have located the target and have asked me to perform the...necessary changes.'
'A weapon to defeat Ichigo Kurosaki…' For a moment there was not a single thing Head Captain Yamamoto hated more than himself. 'Have any of your calculations changed, could such a thing defeat him?'
'Kurosaki has returned to within our reach, I have taken in all the data that we could find, bought what I needed and ran it every way I could...and the answer is even more of a no now, than it ever was.'
'His new allies are that strong of will?'
'I have no doubt such creatures would strike the weapon down without a second thought or hesitation. That is not even considering the effect Kisuke Urahara has on such a situation, if he is there then it is possible that not only will it not work, but he could save the weapon.'
'Thus it would be Kurosaki's own allies that he feels indebted to and Soul Society that becomes his eternal enemy.'
'We could always go with the final plan.'
'No,' Yamamoto thought back, 'It is not our place to rule, not again.'
'Then is Rukia Kuchiki ready?'
There was a long pause as Yamamoto considered the whole situation again and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was only one way he was willing to go. 'She is ready, she will do what must be done.'
'Then I would like your permission to further modify the order's, some things have changed, but if we make it explicit in what we expect, I think Kuchiki will do what must be done.'
'And what changes are those?'
Captain Kurotsuchi laughed a little over the link. 'Did you know that Ichigo Kurosaki has formed himself something of a harem?'
Round 1 over ding, I wonder what kind of hijinks Ichigo and Tsubasa are going to get up too, see my take on the matter at Fanboy913 at An Archive Of Our Own. (Also as an extra, extra, Issei is geting to have some fun with his girls though that is not finished yet.)
Side note about Isshin, I really hope he did not come across as depressed, I was trying to be funny and over the top, perhaps I went a bit too far with that. I personally don't think he would be right one board with a Harem right off the bat, and we have seen how he reacts strongly and dramatically to things. So that was the part of his character I was drawing on, but it is ok if people found it too much. I will consider it closer next time.
Comments of the Week.
c25. It's been good but gradually getting boring.
As for now i have two main issues against this fiction.
1st, I like romance but yours was getting way too stale. Your formula is too repetitive to keep being interesting.
It's always this...
FlirtingComplimentsTeasingIchigo's Cheesy linesBlush (then repeat x100). It was good the first dozen of times but beyond that is boring..
2nd, You reallt tend to be repetitive! You tend to keep reintroducing the same character as if they just meet for the first time (again) twice. Another example is you Repeating the same discussed topic on the very same chapter on the two same conversing characters as if they didn't talk about it a few sentences upward(above).
With the way I write, sometimes I write a paragraph and have to leave for a few hours and come back and write again. This does bring up the issues you have mentioned, I will try to keep this in mind for next chapter.
As for the second one, well I will look into mixing it up a bit.
Hollow Ichigo 12
Was a bit disappointed in this chapter initially but that was because I expecting for you to reveal quite a bit at once. The DxD cast, Tatsuki, Yuzu and Karin a little needed to be filled in on the canonical events of Bleach so far while the reverse needed to happen for Ichigo's friends and family as they needed to get caught up on his DxD/Kuoh adventures. That is a lot to do even in one or two chapters while using mostly highlights for both sides.
The Saji thing was nice but also a little confusing because it kind of comes out of no where and suddenly they are talking about Saji training with someone who looks like Sona so it was confusing for a moment to understand what was happening.
For the first part my option was to just skip the whole explanation and just say it happened. Otherwise this would be broken up into three chapters. So sorry if its not quite up to standard.
As for the second thing, it was meant to be a little aside as I have deliberately not had a part of the story in Saji's Pov, Ichigo himself was just hearing a snippet of the conversion. It just want everyone to be aware that Saji is doing what he said he was doing and things might get interesting.
Just want to point that Isshin actually encouraged Ichigo to spy his sister's underwear, mind you at the time they were 11 years old, so you cold argue that he was joking, but I really think Isshin would be jumping after the harem declaration.
Otside of that little nitpick, I loved the chapter in general, specially the reactions of Yuzu (and can't wait to see what happens with Karin) Can we get the source of Mori? I think I found her but I'm not really sure.
A lot of people seemed to disagree with the way I took with Isshin's reaction and I can see why things could have gone either way, I went with the route that I felt was most fun to write. (This is my explicacion not a comeback, I really love feedback, the whole part of Tatsuki this chapter is a sign of that.)
Mori is a character from the anime GJ-bu and Best girl of that show.
I'm giving my opinions as advice (numbered for convenience)
1.I don't mind if you make Gay, Bi, Futa, straight, or Trans characters but please don't try to force sexuality traits onto characters that have been established like Ichigo who you established as slightly beta in relationships but as straight as they come.
2. Don't forget Shock and awe for the reveals. The Devils are mostly ignorant of Soul Society and the Bleach-verse characters are ignorant of the 3 Biblical factions
3. There needs to be some group bonding with Ichigo's harem. Soldiers who fought in life and death battles together usually become closer than they are sometimes with their family.
4. After affects of the battle with Kokabiel. you mentioned devils having more adaptive minds so no mental disorders makes sense but the lack of desire to improve themselves after being cast into a battle like that is unrealistic. People can't fight in a battle like that and remain exactly the same
I try not to force things, though I will admit to having built of a bit of a bi vibe in my mind for the girls in Ichigo's Harem. Though for me that is just the natural consequences of how devil groups work in my story.
That is kept in mind, though I have skipped telling the backstory again as only Yuzu did not know it by that point. Rest assured there will be some big reveal's later when things start ot heat up again.
You brought up a good point and I tried to add that into this chapter, thank you.
I also addressed that a little in this chpather.
Commet of the Week
(Once again it goes to Zathol)
Part 1
In a dark room not to different from a dark cliche interrogation room. With two females sitting on both sides of the table with serious looks. A single desk lamp being the only light to the room.
...My sister refuses to see reason, she continues to impede my progress with Onii chan... (Yuzu)
I see...this is troubling. Our plans need to be kept on schedule if we are to succeed...(Levi-tan)
I don't know what to do big sis... (Yuzu)
I got it. I don't know why I didn't think of it before! We must convert her to our ways! We must show her the true meaning of sibling love! (Levi_tan)
Can that be done? she is most resistant to my attempts with big brother. (Yuzu)
She just doesn't understand yet. We need to show her the way and to not feel ashamed of it! We must bring her into the fold! (Levi-tan)
*Gasp* Your right...that's why she keeps trying to stop me. Were twins! Of course we feel the same way for big brother! She is just jealous that she can't be honest with her feelings like I can! (Yuzu)
Yes! We have to show her that she doesn't need to deny her hidden feelings! Or be ashamed or jealous. We her together... (Levi-tan)
Together... (Yuzu)
Part 2
Karin sighs as she lays on her bed. Her sister has been relentless since Ichigo came home with his...harem. As much as she missed her brother he brought home a lot of trouble. Hell her sister has become even worse since Ichigo's girlfriend Serafall started talking with her has been making her uncomfortable. Was she the one fanning her sisters taboo flames?!
She sits up shaking her head. No, she is over thinking it. Just because the two devil sisters are dating her brother doesn't mean they are both...nope. Nope! Totally not. All the nope.
She got up and made for the door. Taking a step out and freezes as she looks down the hall.
Down the hall both her sister and Serafall are standing at the entrance of the stairs talking before they turn to her silent. The lights of the hallway flicker causing their faces to take a more frightening scene.
Both girls speak in perfect unison.
Karin...join of of us... (Yuzu Levi-tan)
Karin breaths heavily as she ran back into her room slamming the door pressing her back against the door and locking it.
Both girls look at one another confused.
Maybe we should have worded that a bit better...Levi-tan looks a bit sheepish at the younger girl.
We were in perfect sync to! Wow! Muu! I thought i told dad to fix those lights to!
ICHIGO! Karin screams from inside the room.
Both girls blink.
Hey it's working! Karin always used to go straight to Ichigo when something is wrong hehe. She was quite the cry baby when we were younger. (Yuzu)
Haha she is in denial maybe she'll figure it out herself. But we can nudge her along. (Levi-tan)
Hehe your right, shame she didn't want to join us to cook dinner. Weird. (Yuzu)
Yeah, weird right? Come on lets get started. (Levi-tan)
Back with Karin...
Karin had her phone up to her face as she yelled into it. Ichigo! I need your help! NOW!