![]() Author has written 72 stories for Harry Potter, and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Updated 16 January 2015 I'm MuggleBeene and below you'll find information on my stories, all Harry Potter stories in some fashion. Some of the stories are from the Professor Muggle series, a series that starts with a Muggle named Hank Boyd who finds himself teaching Muggle Studies at Hogwarts not too long after the epilogue of the Deathly Hallows. The stories are your view into the world of Harry Potter and his friends, family, and everything else that happens mostly through Hank’s eyes. All stories are connected in some way, shape or form; names will pop up from story to story, events referenced that happen in another story, and characters will show up in different stories. The Next Generation kids show up in the later stories, so if you like a slightly different perspective on Harry and his friends, family and everyone else in the HP universe you'll run into them eventually. There are also some non-Professor Muggle series stories, one-shots, some multi-chapter pieces, one-offs, alternate universe pieces, what have you. Those are notated as not being part of the series so they can be read in whatever order you'd like. Stories where Harry becomes Lord Baron Potter Black? Check, but with tongue planted firmly in cheek. Some Hermione pieces? Check. Rarer pairs? Check. As for me? I missed out on my Hogwarts letter a long time ago. How long? Let's just skip that question. I'm an American, which means that since I've been writing HP fanfic I've learned things such as sidewalks are called something other than sidewalks and other things, but if you run into something that's a little jarring just chalk it up to my being born in America and give it a pass. The story's the thing. I do have a forum setup but it hasn't been active in ages. If you do care to visit is is located at http://www.fanfiction.ws/myforums/MuggleBeene/2651714/. Professor Muggle Series A word of caution: The series is rated M, not so much for any of the normal flags but mostly for language. Professor Muggle has an issue with cursing, so beware of that going in. Nothing worse than you'd hear on HBO or an R-rated movie. There are also some stories other great writers have done in the Professor Muggle universe which I'll point you to later on. Please read them, they're great. 1. Professor Muggle (My first fanfiction attempt, so it is a bit rough in spots.) 2. Professor Muggle: Year 2 3. Professor Muggle and the Lost Witch 4. Professor Muggle and the Secret Author (WIP) (Not essential to understanding other stories, as this is still a WIP) The first three will help clear up any questions about characters or events. From there the stories branch and you can pick and choose, though I'd suggest the following order. If something seems confusing, drop me a PM. I never get PMs. Never Had a Doubt (HR Boyd/Lily Potter) Here are two stories I HIGHLY recommend in the Professor Muggle universe. Check out the other stories by the authors, well worth your attention. Martine Lewis Respitechristopher Other Stories Sometimes it is fun to not write in the Professor Muggle universe; so much to remember. These you can just pick up and go. Check the description for the full details, though there are a couple of stories that are connected. Oh, and some of these are tangentially referred to in the Professor Muggle series but can stand alone. Daphne Greengrass/Charlie Weasley My Lord Harry Potter (Harry/Everybody) So there you go. Hopefully it won't be another two years until I update this again. Happy reading. For any and all questions feel free to drop me a PM or post on the forums. Merlin’s socks, pants, and underwear, that was long. |