Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. Sooo, Hi. I've been around for a while. I'm more into HP fandom. My favorite ships are any with Harry/someone and a good plot. I write regularly. All stories published before 2010 were in conjunction with another guy, a more slash-oriented friend of mine. Since we did not take our stories seriously and were really just bouncing plot ideas back and forth, I will soon go over then with a more serious comb. I will try not to change that original ideas behind the stories though. My current project(s): One With Magic This is my "what would have happened it Harry snapped" story. It's pretty crazy the first few chapters. I'm stuck right now, since I don't know in which direction to take the story. Revisions: The best thing about writing FanFiction for nearly a decade, it that you can literally see the development and progress of your own style and maturity. That being said, some of my older stories were good, or even great, just now thoroughly thought out or written well. I refuse to let them remain substandard, so I've decided to re-edit them in the following order: - In the Midst of it All
Harry/Bill, Harry/OC, infused with some Greek Mythology... I must have been high when I wrote this, but it is good material. - The Return: Though no one searched and no body was found, a riddle, a Weasley, and steadfast conviction leads to an eyeopening realization and the sequence of acts that it caused. Sequel to In the Midst of it All. Harry/Bill
- Summertime: Harry/Hermione Post OotP. Summer is the most trying of time, especially when you love a friend with an interesting past H/Hr Rated for fluff, mentionings of sex, scene of rape.
- Friendship: Friendships are made the strangest of times and with the strangest of people and...things. HarryTonks Harry finds out some thing s about himself, and Tonks learns more about Harry R&R
Works Done:
- The Power of the Potters
Man, I love this story!!! I'm pouring my all into it, and I hope it generates some awesome spin-offs. The response to it has been great as well! This is a story that just came to me. Harry's family and family's history rarely seem to be the focus of a story. Some use "Granny Black" or Gryffindor to give Harry more titles so that he becomes unnaturally powerful. It is, of course, difficult dealing with more OCs and their untameable personalities (Dumbledore, Sirius, Ron and Hermione are enough as it is!), but there is usually something missing, some historical context. I wanted it, so I wrote it :P It is possible that I missed a story that goes deeply into the Potter Family, if it's a good story, feel free to PM it to me. I'm considering a spin-off where Harry and Henriette get together. - Is Flying Better Than Sex?
A Harry/Ron slash. Re-editing is complete. Considering a spin-off. Harry/Seamus/(Ron?) :)