![]() Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. My social media accounts https:// /N4N3UD61 (Without spaces) Twitter: @McCusker_lee Insta: @leemccuskertbr Do give me a follow. I post updates and keep you up to date with progress and general day to day things in my life. My Completed Stories Honour Thy Blood My first foray into fanfiction. I'm very proud of what it has achieved but there are many things I would change if I was writing it again. This is being remastered to deal with grammar and plot issues Stepping Back My second offering into writing and more successful than I ever imagined. I was very dubious about writing a Harry/Bellatrix pairing, uncertain I could make it work. Lo and behold, it has done very well. NEW STORIES I of course have several things in the works, though they remain unnamed as yet. I promised a Harry/Fleur story and I fully intend of delivering yet. This will undoubtedly be my most ambitious story. Sadly, the Blacks will not be as prevalent in this one and Harry will be a strictly independent person, which of course will be explained. The timeline will span from pre-Hogwarts until I believe the story has run its course. The Horcruxes will play a bigger role than in my other stories and Harry will be quite a dark character in this, but more of a product of his upbringing and the influence of 'Tom'. Tom and Voldemort will be treated as two different characters, because they will essentially be two different people. Again, this will be explained and very early on in the story. The romance in this will not be immediate in any way. This means that Harry is not going to take a magical trip to France and fall i love with Fleur at age 12 or anything along those lines, but she will play a major part in the story from 4th year onwards. I am aiming to complete the first few years of is schooling reasonably quickly. Though canon events will occur when I see fit, the results will certainly be different. These chapters will be necessary for character development and the story will very much focus on Harry. DISLIKES Anything with a Harry/Ginny pairing. I didn't like her in canon as an overbearing fangirl and even in fanfiction I find myself disliking her just as much. SLASH. Just really isn't my thing. I've read some and tried to be objective but to me it's not believable in the slightest and ruins some potentially good stories. I am in no way homophobic but it's just one element I don't enjoy within main pairings in fics. HAREM. Just no. For me it spoils characters and it's way too ooc for my liking. A lot of characters are strong, loyal and independent and being in a harem would just never happen no matter how handsome and amazing Harry is portrayed. FEM HARRY: Just does not do it for me at all. It seems most of these are written by people with wishful desires of Harry being a girl. WHY?? Can we just not appreciate characters for who they are without besmirching their gender? Sorry to say, it is mostly female writers that take this approach and are either unable or unwilling to write from a male perspective when dealing with Harry. LIKES i love non-canon pairings and the whole AU concept. Some pairings I've read and enjoy; Harry/Daphne. i think this pairing just adds a whole new dimension to the HP universe. She is a canon character with little known about her so it provides a really flexible mould to work with someone who isn't completely oc and the whole slytherin thing just adds to it further. Harry/Fleur Harry/Gabrielle Again I fell these kind of pairings just add a whole new dimension to the universe and forms a basis of a very good AU setting. I'm not keen on the Harry/fleur/Gabrielle concept, for me it's just over the top. Harry/Tonks Harry experiences a lot of hardship and trauma so him being mature beyond his years is very likely. It's not an impossible age gap between these 2 characters and when well written it really works. It just seems unlikely for Harry to be able to relate to girls his own age who are largely immature and who fan girl him so much. Her slight immaturity for her age balances his seriousness it really just works. Harry/Bella Although a quite 'out there' pairing, what I have read really does make this pairing work. The whole redemption and finding love with 'the enemy' is a breath of fresh air is HP fanfics. Their romance usually follows a lot of hardship and requires pereverance for them both. She is a strong character and gives strength to Harry and his weaker characteristics. I also have read the more obscure pairings. Harry/Narcissa, Harry/Amelia etch and can find merit in each of them. For me it's more of how harrys' counterpart affect him and the differences each bring to the story. THE BLACKS I love fics that go more in depth into the Black family and the characters. JK really neglected this and could have added so many new factors and overall substance to the books but exploring and including more of them. i will update this more and more as I read further into the archives... Thank for reading. TBR |