
Wanda: Well would you look at that! I managed to write an actually SHORT story instead of letting it get away from me like crazy and adding on ten more chapters and subplots and whatnot. Thank you to everyone who read, reviewed and Favorited, you guys are the best audience a girl could ask for! I do not own Harry Potter.

Chapter 9: Epilogue

Wizarding Britain lost almost all respect in the magical community with the passing of the Restoration Act.

"You sell your girls like cattle!" The Amercian Minister had said. "If you want to remain in the Dark Ages that badly, be our guest – but you won't be taking our children with you!"

A trade embargo was placed on the country by most of its original primary backers, causing it to nosedive miles into debt. Even those who had been rich found themselves struggling to get by as a single loaf of bread cost almost a wheelbarrow full of galleons. A huge exodus of muggleborns and halfbloods fled the country and took refuge in Canada, Australia, America and Russia, leaving the few behind stuck in the past to struggle on.

Voldemort never returned. He lost most of his followers and remained a powerless wraith, wandering the world in a helpless fury.

Ron and Hermione eventually married. Hermione whipped any spine out of Ron not long afterwards, and they only had two children. Hermione would remain a bitter woman until her death, and she took it out on everyone. She showed her twin children no love, calling them 'mistakes' and saying that in a perfect world they didn't exist. The two, Rose and Hugo, eventually ran away from home and refused to see her on her deathbed.

Ginny Weasley, later Ginny Dawson, enjoyed a brilliant Quidditch carrier in America, gaining a lot of fame and respect from other teams. Her husband adored her and she ended up with six children, all of whom she loved dearly and would go on to do great things on their own.

Sirius Black, once settled in Bulgaria with his godson, married Amanda Davis. They would go on to have a daughter and three sons, Emily, Regulus, James and Perseus Black.

Viktor Krum, once he came of age, married Tracey and retained his status as an international Quidditch star, though he found himself facing some stiff competition.

Harry Potter became world renounced both as a Quidditch Player and as a duellist, taking several championships and earning worldwide respect. His two wives, Hestia and Flora, also took to the duelling circits and ended up with frightening reputations of their own.

The children of the house – Leah, Anna, Elsa, Tara, Jace and Claire – were beloved by their parents and would go to Drumgstrang for their education when they came of age. The school had gotten a significant uptake in popularity and acceptance after Karkeroff was jailed and a new headmaster took over, one much more moral.

In the end, Harry, Flora and Hestia could let go of their rage over the mistreatment they had suffered for so long. Instead, they could rely on happiness and contentment – which, sometimes, were more powerful.


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