![]() Author has written 21 stories for Dragon Age, Mass Effect, NCIS, Harry Potter, Vampire: The Masquerade, and Witcher. Dear Readers, I started writing stories in October 2011 and I'm still learning. As I'm not an English native speaker, there will sometimes be weird speech structures or I'll choose a wrong word. Please indulge me. I hope you'll nonetheless enjoy reading my stories as much as I do writing them. I started to write something about my playthroughs of Dragon Age and Mass Effect but since then more and more ideas came up with the reading of other stories on FFN. Nowadays i mostly write stories about the Harry Potter universe and some crossover. Polls no actual vote News After a long break of nearly 10 months, I started another story at last: Two's a crowd. I just hit the 1,000,000 published words mark. Old News I just found a very interesting summary of all the small and big plot holes in the Harry Potter story and an equally well written summary of Headmaster Dumbledore. Please look at the profile of ARedHair to read it. I decided to rewrite my Mass Effect stories. I really like the idea of those two stories and would like to write the sequel at last, but they belong to my first stories and could really use an overhaul. Overview about my stories In Work Stories Harry Potter, kind of Shadowrun crossover (only the magic part): Two's a crowd Currently none about Dragon Age. I really hope that I'll get back my energy to continue my DA-Cycle about Natasha Amell, but in the moment other stories are simply more important to me. (More or less) Complete Stories Second Chances (a story about Harry Potter and his friendship/romance with Daphne Greengrass) Harry Potter and the Congregation of the Asp (Sequel to Second Chances) Harry Potter and the Horcrux Three (Final of the Harry/Daphne trilogy) Stormy Mountain (Dragon Age; this is the first part of my Natasha Amell Cycle, describing how she and Mikhail Cousland (yes it is a playthru with 2 wardens) save Ferelden. Enfolded the time of the fifth blight (shortly before Ostagar up to death of the archdemon)) Two Coins (Mass Effect 1;Logan Shepard is not alone on his crusade against Saren. He got some help from another Spectre. Or would it be more of an obstacle?) We are Family (Mass Effect; Sequel of "two coins", describes the events between ME1 and ME2.) Bocca della Verita (NCIS story, Prologue to season 1, Part 1 of my NCIS Cycle) To Build a team (NCIS story, season 1, Part 2 of my NCIS Cycle) -- on hiatus Bleeding Heart (Harry Potter story about Cho Chang) Russian Claws (Part one of my story about the ex-Durmstrang student Piotr, describes the prisoner of Azkaban) Eastern Boys (Part two of my story about the ex-Durmstrang student Piotr, describes the Goblet of Fire) Partial Stories: These stories are oneshots or snibits of a longer story Magical Emotions (Dragon Age; a story about the blight from the point of view of a non-warden and not very nice mage accompanying Alistair. The story is perhaps a bit difficult to read because there is a great difference between his actions and his motivations. This story was a try to write from the first-character point of view. A Soldier's Heart (Dragon Age; Little adventures at the sideline of the blight. Don't expect world-saving business here.) Prompt collection (Dragon Age; These are some of my short prompts from weekly prompt competitions in the official forum.) Shepherd of the Flock (Dragon Age; A short story about a Templar sworn to protect the mages from harm.) Weight of Decisions (Dragon Age; A former playthru, only some glimpses are written until now. I will continue it but very sporadic. Main figure is the female noble dwarf Nemain Aeducan. Not a complete story but a number of oneshots.) A short note about money in the Harry Potter Universe: As far as I know the “official” conversion rate “Galleon to Dollar/Euro” is around 1:5-7. But with the prices used in the books (around 10g for a wand, 700g for a vacation to Egypt with the whole Weasley family and 1,000g to open the WWW shop) I assume a higher rate more appropriate, one I’ve seen in other stories. So I’ll use a rate of 1:20-25 in the future. Edit: (6th of April 2014) Today I got a question from one of my readers about the wealth of the magical families in the Potterverse (Harry learned about the wealth of the Potters in chapter 25 of second chances). Here are my thoughts about the topic: To begin with: Potters have initially been a very rich family, not the richest but among the 10 highest of Britain. However they had always been the main financial backup (apart from the Longbottom) of the light side/Dumbledore. Because of that and because there hasn't been a Lord Potter for more than a decade, those assets dwindled down to the current state of barely 1 million Galleons. With the Blacks it has been similar, only they backed Voldemort instead of Dumbles and were a bit more careful. I see them now among the ten richest too, with about 5 million Galleons. The Greengrass never belonged to the top families. Even families like the Parkinsons, Bones and Abbots (all of them around the state of the current Potter wealth) are richer. They spent too much money to get a bit of influence and to pretend that they were richer than they actually are. Now, as written in my story, Cyrus Greengrass isn't even able to scrape together the 250,000 galleons for the marriage contract in my story. In comparison: The marriage money would be a serious blow to the Parkinsons, but they would be able to pay it to the Malfoys. The Malfoys, in my story, are one of the 2-3 richest families. They have been financiers of the Dark Lord, but always spend much time in increasing their wealth and had much influence in society and Ministry, able to increase their money after the last war again (especially with families like the Potters and Blacks out of the picture). The Pinegrews at last: (the family I invented for my stories) Newly invented spells I use in my stories: Caedo Disciplinae (Whip of discipline, painful "education" spell used by purebloods, weaker form of the Cruciatus) Carnifex Lucis (Light's Executioner, Patronus spell formed into a blade or whip, weapon against Dementors) Ignis terrestris (Ray of Flames, Fire elemental Spell) Lancea (similar to a Reducto but very concentrated, meant to punch holes) Messorius (Reaper Curse, kind of dark cutting curse meant to seriously injure your opponent) Oculus Aquilae (Eagle Eye, enhances long range vision) Perspicientia Corporis (Awareness of the Body, Rare Healing Spell, creates an image of the inner workings of the examined body) Pugnus saxeus (Stone Fist, Earth Elemental Spell, to destroy objects) Raptus Pectoris (Heart rapture, deadly spell targeting the enemy's heart) Sanguis Familiae (Family Blood, Rare Healing Spell, connects two or more family members to enhance healing) Scutum Terrestris (Wall of Earth, Earth Elemental Spell, creates a wall of earth for protection) Pulsus (or Pulsus Venti, a strong gust of wind, used to distract or knock over someone) Aestuate (Cook! A dark grey spell, cooking all fluids in an opponents body) Word Count (should you be interested in such statistics): Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - 76,944 words In total 1,084,000 words. |