For a moment they just stood there in silence. As if no one had any words to describe what had just happened. Ginny thought vaguely that the sight of her, Harry, Ron and Lockhart, (who was still looking like a lost child), standing in the doorway covered in muck, slime, and in Harry's case, a whole lot blood, was quite a scene to behold. She was brought out of her musing when she heard a familiar voice scream her name and was enveloped by the arms of her parents. She couldn't even tell who else was in the room until they let her go to hug Harry and Ron. In addition to her parents, they were joined by Professor Dumbledore, who was beaming at all assembled, the large beautiful bird Ginny now knew to be his Phoenix, Fawkes, sitting on his shoulder. And lastly, Professor McGonagall, who looked as though she was still fighting a panic attack at their sudden appearance. Perhaps she was just upset with all the dirt that had just come into her spotless office, Ginny thought ruefully.
"You saved her! You saved her! How did you do it?" Her mum asked the boys.
"I think we'd all like to know that," said Professor McGonagall weakly. Finally released from her mother's hug, Harry wandered over to the desk and placed the Sorting Hat, a sword and Tom's battered old diary in the middle of it. Ginny listened as Harry recounted his tale and wondered when they would get to her part in the tale.
"What interests me most," said Dumbledore gently, "is How Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny, when my sources tell me he is currently hiding in the forest of Albania."
She fought the urge to scream; "Wait... what? Voldemort?" Her sense of feeling dirty intensified and she started to wonder if she'd ever truly feel clean again.
She was relieved when her father voiced his thoughts, "W... what's that? You-Know-Who en… enchanted Ginny? But Ginny's not... Ginny hasn't been... has she?" She was desperate to understand and the differing realities still swirling in her brain wasn't making things any easier. She watched as Harry pointed to the diary and explained what it was but she still didn't understand. What did Voldemort have to do with this? And then listened as Dumbledore explained that Voldemort was born Tom Riddle and about all he had done on his path to becoming the most feared dark wizard of all time.
"But Ginny," he mother asked, "What's our Ginny got to do with... with... him?"
"His d… diary! I've been writing in it, and he's been writing back all year..." Ginny stammered in explanation. She knew it wasn't the full truth but how could she ever explain that Tom had become so much more than a friend? Already she was realising that everything he did, every dream he'd given her, was so he could use her. How could she tell them that she already knew that she was going to miss Tom... she met Dumbledore's eyes. They seemed to be searching for the full truth but he seemed satisfied with her answer.
"Ginny!" Barked her father, she'd never seen him so angry. Well not at her anyway, "Haven't I taught you anything? What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain. Why didn't you show the diary to me, or your mother? A suspicious object like that, it was clearly full of Dark Magic!"
"I didn't know... Mum knew I wanted a diary for my birthday and I thought she'd slipped into my cauldron with my other books but had forgotten about it after what happened at the bookstore. I remembered that thing about the brain, Dad, but I really thought Mum had got it for me..."
"And when she mentioned it in the car..." realised Mrs Weasley, "I assumed you'd bought it for her, Arthur, and forgotten to tell me."
Dumbledore was still looking at her at intently, almost as though he could see the conflict inside her. "Miss Weasley should go up to the Hospital Wing straight away," Ginny gave him a small smile as a thank you, "this has been a terrible ordeal for her"
"You don't know the half of it," she thought.
"There will be no punishment," Dumbledore continued and she sighed audibly in relief. "Older and wiser wizards than she have been hoodwinked by Lord Voldemort." Watching as he strode to the door and opened it, she wondered again just how much the man knew. "Bed rest and perhaps a large steaming mug of hot chocolate… I always find that cheers me up." She thought it was going to take a whole lot more than hot chocolate to cheer her up but then he did. With a kindly smile he added; "You will find that Madam Pomfrey is still awake. She's just giving out the Mandrake juice... I dare say the Basilisk's victims will be waking any moment."
"Hermione!" she thought and ran from the room before anyone could stop her. She ran as fast as she should could until something stopped her dead in her tracks. In her excitement at seeing Hermione she hadn't paid attention where she was going and found herself staring at the words Tom had written using her magic. She backed up and slumped against the opposite wall as reality hit her again. She slid down to sit at the bottom as the guilt hit her.
How could she face the rest of the school, let alone, Hermione, after all that happened? She may not be responsible for what Tom did when he had taken control of her but she was responsible for how it easy it had been for him. She wanted the dreams she gave her. Even now that she knew why he had done it, she realised with sadness that her dreams were almost gone and being replaced by the vague memories of what had really happened.
She angrily wiped the tears from her face and stood with a new resolve and headed in the direction of the Hospital Wing. She was conflicted at seeing Hermione but she had to see her. Even though all the feelings she'd dreamt that Hermione had for her were just a dream, she knew, deep down, how she felt was real. She knew this because Tom wouldn't have been able to exploit those feelings if they hadn't been there. She paused at the door of the Hospital Wing door and suddenly realized that she felt so much older.
With all that was left of her will power she opened the door to the Hospital Wing and saw Hermione. Her breath caught in her throat and she fought back the tears. She watched as Madam Pomfrey fussed over her when Hermione looked up and noticed her standing there and their eyes met. She realised that Hermione probably didn't know everything that had happened yet, and wondered how much she should tell her. Hermione smiled at her and asked Madam Pomfrey something. They seemed to talk a moment before Madam Pomfrey disappeared in her office. When she returned she handed Hermione something seemed to tell her something before she walked over.
They slowly started to walk towards one another, too slowly for Ginny's taste and so she quickened her steps and flung her arms her as soon as she close enough and hugged her with all the strength she could muster. She almost started crying again when she felt Hermione return the hug with equal ferocity.
Hermione had woken with a terrible taste in her mouth and stiffness in all her limbs. She sat up slowly and looked around. "Ah Miss Granger, I see you're awake..." Madam Pomfrey greeted and handed her a glass of water; "some stiffness is to be expected of course but you'll be fine in no time," she added.
She wasn't sure what the Healer was talking about when she remembered what happened.
"Quick Madam Pomfrey," she said urgently grabbing the Healer's arm and making her turn in fright, "The beast. I need to see Dumbledore it's a ..."
"Basilisk?" Madam Pomfrey interrupted her and then resumed her fussing. She could only nod stunned. "Yes, we're aware. I was informed just before you woke that Mr. Potter somehow managed to find the Chamber of Secrets and killed the beast. Apparently the fool boy went down there when he discovered the beast had taken Miss Weasley down there."
"Not Ginny," she thought. She looked up when she heard the Hospital Wing door open and turned to find Ginny standing there. Madam Pomfrey went to fuss over the girl when Hermione stopped her. "She's been through enough don't you think?" The Healer looked at her questioningly. "Look at her…" she nodded in Ginny's direction; "she's exhausted, she's filthy and I'm thinking the last thing she wants to do right now is lay here in Hospital Wing all night with only her thoughts for company."
Madam Pomfrey sized her up a moment. "You are very wise for your age Miss Granger and I have a feeling you know that young girl far better than I. I will get you a Sleeping Draught for her; can you take her to her dorm and see that she takes it?" Hermione nodded and watched the Healer walk to her office. When she came back she handed a small potion bottle to her. "Make sure she's in bed when she takes it and make sure she takes it all," the Healer instructed.
"Thank you Madam Pomfrey," she said as she slipped the bottle into her pocket. Hermione turned back to Ginny and walked towards the young girl. Ginny looked like she been through hell and she wanted to do something, anything, to help her. She was about to run and hug her when Ginny got there first. She felt Ginny's arms tighten around her fiercely and she tried to return the hug with equal intensity. She felt Ginny lay her head on her chest and automatically reached up to stroke her hair.
She slackened her grip slightly and pushed Ginny back a little so she could look at her face; "I don't know about you but I could use a shower and a change of clothes before I head to the feast I hear they're planning."
Ginny laughed a little; "The shower sounds good," she backed out Hermione's arms and showed her the state of her robes; "but I think I'll skip the feast," she added.
"Why don't you want to go the feast?" Hermione as ked as she put her arm around Ginny's shoulders and led her from the Hospital Wing. She listened with dawning comprehension as Ginny explained about the diary and how she'd been controlled ever since she had touched it. "But it wasn't your fault Ginny... it wasn't actually you doing it."
"But I let him," Ginny thought and shook her head. "I know that Hermione but... I guess I'm just not ready to deal with everyone else. I'm still trying to figure out what's real and not real... I don't think I can answer any questions till I figure it out myself, you know?"
Hermione stopped and turned Ginny to look at her just before they entered the portrait hole to the Gryffindor common room. The looked into each other's eyes for a moment and then Ginny looked down defeated. How she could tell Hermione the truth? She felt guilty because she was guilty. She looked up as she felt Hermione's hand on her cheeks lifting her face so they again looked in each other's eyes.
"Ginny," Hermione said softly; "I know it seems hard right now but it's going to be okay. I promise." She didn't look convinced. "I know you're not ready to talk about it yet, I wouldn't be if I was you, but if you ever do need someone to talk to," she rested her forehead against Ginny's; "I'm always there for you okay? No matter what."
Ginny felt the tears slide down her cheeks before she could stop them. Ginny knew Hermione didn't feel the same way about her, but this? This was more than she'd hoped for. She felt Hermione wipe the tears from her cheeks and whispered, "Thank you," as they hugged again.
Trying to cheer her up a little Hermione broke the hug, took Ginny by the hand and said; "Now c'mon I know I need a shower... I've been laying collecting dust in these same clothes for weeks." She looked at Ginny as they entered the Common Room; "And frankly, my dear, you stink," she teased and poked Ginny in the side to make her giggle before taking her hand and lacing their fingers.
They climbed the steps to the dorms and when they separated at Ginny's door Hermione told her she'd stop in before going to the feast. Ginny let her hand go, already missing the feeling she got every time she held Hermione's, and watched her climb the stairs. Sighing, she went to take a shower.
Hermione had felt her heart breaking when she saw the fear and guilt on Ginny's face. As she undressed and stepped into the shower she found herself thinking about her, and by the time her shower was over, she knew she would do anything in her power to see that Ginny was never hurt again. She sighed as she dressed, realising that the term was almost over, there was little she could do for her while they were apart. She had dressed and then found a small piece of parchment to write her address on.
Folding it carefully she went to see Ginny, but when she entered the room she could still hear the shower running so she sat on her bed to wait. A little while later Ginny emerged from the bathroom wearing a fluffy robe. She spotted Hermione and sat next to her on the bed. For a moment neither girl said anything. Hermione again slipped her arm around Ginny's shoulders and pulled her close. She showed her the piece of parchment in her hand and explained; "It's my address... I want you to write... if you ever want to talk about..." she trailed off, unsure of how to continue.
Ginny carefully took the parchment and opened it. She read Hermione's address and then noticed something she had written underneath: "I'll always be there for you. Love, Hermione." As she stared at the words she wondered if she would ever use the address... how could she tell her all that she feels when she still didn't fully understood all that had happened? She folded the parchment back up carefully and vowed that, although she may never write Hermione, she would keep it safe and with her always.
"Thanks Hermione, I..." she started but words failed her. Hermione reached into her pocket and retrieved the vial Madam Pomfrey had given her and handed it to Ginny.
"It's a sleeping draught. Madam Pomfrey gave it to me and made me promise that you take it." She saw Ginny looking at it skeptically. "It will give you a night of dreamless sleep..." she smiled crookedly; "It was the only way I could convince her to let you stay here instead of the Hospital Wing… I thought you'd be more comfortable here."
A dreamless sleep sounded good to Ginny. She'd spent far too much time in her dreams and a break from that sounded wonderful. She knew when she woke in the morning she'd still have to deal with everything that had happened but it would be nice, even if it was only temporary. She went to take the potion but Hermione stopped her.
"You'll fall asleep right away," she said as she withdrew her arm and stood, "you should get into bed before you drink it. Wait a second," she instructed before she waved her wand over Ginny's bed.
After she had removed her robe and climbed into bed she realised Hermione had cast a warming spell on her bed. She settled herself in then drank the potion.
Hermione sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her covers up to her chin and watched as she fell asleep. "It really is going to be okay Ginny, I promise..." she whispered to the sleeping girl and placed a gentle kiss on her head. She stood and with one long last look at the girl, she headed down to the feast, promising herself that she'd check in on her before she went to bed.
The feast had been wonderful. Hermione had been so happy to see her friends. Thrilled at how Harry had figured it all out, and once again, saved the day. When she'd heard about Lockhart though... she wasn't sure, but there was something, weird, about the whole thing and remembered with a start, the theory she had begun to form about him during the Dueling Club and again wondered what the pendant was.
After a few days she decided she needed to figure it out, and despite the many complaints from Ron and Harry that the exams had been canceled and what could she possible need at the library, she went to find some answers. She asked Madam Pince for any books about memory charms and sighed when she was given three very large books, again thinking how much she missed Muggle libraries, she took the books over to a sunlit table to read.
She had flipped through two books already and was part way through the third when she found Lockhart's pendant. As she read she realised with horror what must have happened and decided to tell Dumbledore. Even though she suspected that there was nothing that could be done for him, she had to tell someone in the off chance, it could. She checked the book out and was about to the leave the library when the door opened in front of her and there stood the very man she wanted to talk to.
"Miss Granger," he said, "I was hoping I might find you here. There are a few things I would like to talk to you about before you leave for the summer."
She was stunned... Dumbledore come to find her?
"Well sir, I was actually just coming to look for you..."
He raised his eyebrows and looked at her; "Is that so? Well how fortuitous that we found each other then. Will you accompany to somewhere we can talk more privately?"
Hermione nodded, she'd always wanted to see the Headmaster's office. But that wasn't where he led her. A few doors down from the library they entered a small, rarely used, classroom. Dumbledore looked around.
"Rather dreary isn't it?" He asked and then waved his wand around the room. Suddenly there were two comfy armchairs and a table complete with tea and cookies already on it. "Please sit Miss Granger." She did and when she looked up saw Dumbledore looking at her expectantly. "What is it you wished to speak to me about?" he asked.
"Sir, it's about Professor Lockhart," she replied, sounding bracer than she felt at addressing the Headmaster.
"Yes, poor man, erased his own memory when Mr. Weasley's wand backfired. He may show improvement in time, but I suspect he will live the remainder of his life in St. Mungo's," he replied sadly.
Hermione screwed up her courage; "Sir, I think it may be more complicated than that," she began and Dumbledore raised his eyebrows at her questioningly. He gave her a nod and encouraged her to go on. "The first time I met him I had a suspicion that he had never performed the acts he was so famous for. That he had tracked down extraordinary wizards, recorded their stories and perhaps erased their memories so they could never contradict him."
"I admit, I had come to the same conclusion," Dumbledore said, nodding.
"But, Sir? I think he did more than that. I noticed after he tried to fix Harry's arm that he seemed, I don't know surprised, when it didn't work. I looked up the spell he used after it happened and I found out the spell exists and usually works, if the person casting it knows how to use it," as he seemed interested she continued; "Then, when we had the dueling club, I saw him try to perform the counter spell, but again, nothing happened. I started to think sir, what if he had somehow managed to incorporate other people's memories into his own? And what if he had incorporated so many that he could no longer remember what he had or hadn't done in the past?"
"That's a very interesting theory Miss Granger and it does certainly explain a lot."
"Thank you sir, but I think there is even more to it," she saw a look of surprise cross his face. "He came to visit me in the Hospital Wing when I..."
"Was a cat?" He provided helpfully, suppressing a smile as he did so.
She nodded. "Well sir, he had a pendant," she pulled out the book and showed him, "Just like this." She waited for him to read the description. "Sir, when I saw it, it was broken. I think it happened when he and Professor Snape were dueling. Sir, I think he ran out of room in his head for his own memories and stored them in the pendant."
"That, Miss Granger would explain everything."
"It... it does sir?"
"A memory charm, like the one he tried to perform on Mr. Weasley, should not have erased all of who he was. When it backfired it did wipe his memory, but as he already stored his long term memory in the pendant, there was nothing left."
Hermione nodded, she had come to same conclusion. "But isn't there anything that can be done for him?"
"I'm afraid not Miss Granger. He was in sorry enough shape from meddling with his own memories but when the pendant broke and released them he lost any sense of self he may have still had, and instead became an amalgamation of all the memories he had stolen. He may have continued a relatively normal life despite the pendant's loss had he not performed the one spell he was ever adept at. Removing the stolen memories, there was nothing left."
Hermione nodded again and they both grew silent, contemplating Lockhart's fate. "Sir?" She said tentatively; "You mentioned you wanted to speak to me about something?"
"Yes..."he said slowly, pulling himself from his own musings; "You have become good friends with Miss Weasley, have you not?"
"I'd like to think so," she answered, unsure of where he was going with this.
"I was wondering if I could ask you to watch over her."
"I was already planning to do that, sir, but I don't know how much I can do when she's at The Burrow and I'm at her parents." She thought for a moment; "I'd suggest she spend time with Luna, Luna Lovegood, but when I spoke to her at the feast she mentioned that she and her father were going on some "hunting" expedition this summer."
"Hmmm," said Professor Dumbledore, "I think I will have to write to Mr. Lovegood and suggest he stay home this summer. I was wondering Miss Granger if I could ask a small favour?" He smiled and removed a small box from his pocket and placed it at Hermione's feet. She leaned over to open it but Dumbledore stopped her and smiled. He waved his wand and the box grew to ten times its original size and then he indicted for her to open it. Inside were about ten notebooks with locks on them.
"Could you get these diaries to Miss Weasley?" he asked.
"I don't think Ginny ever wants to see a diary again sir..."
"I can understand how you might think that, Miss Granger," he chuckled, "however these are simple Muggle diaries with simple Muggle keys. There is nothing, whatsoever, magical about them."
"But, sir, I still don't understand"
"Miss Weasley has been through a horrible ordeal. I fear she may be very confused right now, trying to figure truth from fiction. Until she is ready to talk about what happened... well I think if she was able to write things out, they may become clearer."
Hermione nodded. "Sir? Can you teach me the spell you used to shrink them?" She asked, although she'd done the spell before, it wasn't everyday one got the chance to learn from Dumbledore himself. He smiled and then spent the next fifteen minutes teaching her until she could do with it ease.
"I have one more favour to ask of you Miss Granger and I'm not sure I have the right to ask it."
Hermione looked at him quizzically; "What can I, a thirteen year old witch, do, that he can't?" she wondered.
"It concerns Harry Potter," he stated.
"Sir?" She said in surprise.
"I need this to stay between us, but Harry has a long and difficult journey ahead of him. I would feel much more at ease if I knew he could count on you to help him," he confided.
"Me, sir?"
"Yes, Miss Granger, you." Before Hermione could interrupt him, he continued; "I unlike, my colleagues before me, look into the Muggle school records of our students who have attended them." He saw the look of shock on her face. "Yes, Miss Granger, I am well aware of your, ah, unique ability and your very high I.Q. I'm also aware of just how much you have already helped Harry during his adventures. I am simply asking that you continue to do so." She nodded but it wasn't enough. "I have your word? And you will not tell him, or anyone else, that I have asked this of you?"
"Yes sir... I'll... I'll do my best," she answered, in her shock it was the best she could do.
"One last thing before you go, Miss Granger..." he smiled; "Professor McGonagall has informed me that you have signed up for every class next year?" She nodded. "I was wondering Miss Granger how, even you, with your unique gifts, was planning on attending more than one class at a time?"
"I don't know," she shrugged; "I guess I figured I'd do them on alternating days or something..."
"No, Miss Granger that will not do..." Hermione's heart sank slightly; "I think I may have a better plan. If she agrees, Professor McGonagall will explain it to you at the start of next term."
"Thank you, sir..." Hermione slipped the small box in her pocket and stood to leave.
"And Miss Granger?" She turned and looked at him. "Well done on the Polyjuice Potion," she thought he was going to punish her until she saw the twinkle in his eye. "But next time? Be sure to check the origin of the hair you use?" He laughed quietly at the look of relief she was sure was on her face. "You truly are a remarkable young woman and very skilled witch as well. Have a good summer, Hermione."
"Thank you, sir..."
As she walked back to Gryffindor door she mused over what Dumbledore had told her.
It was the night before the train would take them all back to their homes for the summer. Hermione and the boys were sitting by the fire when she noticed Ginny come into the Common Room and then head up the stairs to the dorms. She excused herself from the boys and followed. Knocking softly on the door to Ginny's dorm she entered to find Ginny packing her trunk. She turned at the sound of the open door and saw Hermione.
"Hey Ginny..."
"Hi Hermione," she replied smiling. "What's up?"
"Um, Professor Dumbledore asked me to give these to you." Hermione showed her the box. Before Ginny could ask, "these?", as there was only the one small box, Hermione had placed it on the floor and spoke the charm Dumbledore had taught her. She opened the box, took a diary, and sat on Ginny's bed with it.
Ginny sat beside her and took the book from her hand, turning it over she frowned. "It looks like a diary... of all things why would Dumbledore think I would want a diary? Let alone a whole box of them?" She asked as she tried to give the book back to Hermione.
"That's what I said... but these aren't like Tom's diary. They are nothing more than Muggle notebooks with Muggle keys and locks. He seemed to think that it would help you sort out... well, everything that's happened to you... until you're ready to talk about it." She could see that Ginny was still thinking it over. "I'll teach you the charm to shrink the box if you'd like?" Ginny nodded.
Ginny patiently learned the charm from Hermione and then placed the box in her trunk. She turned to look at Hermione only to find her staring at her. There was so much Ginny wanted to say to Hermione, but she couldn't find the words. She was still trying to sort out her feelings for her and felt that until she had, it was best not to tell her. And then of course was the fear; "If I tell her how I feel... will I lose this friendship that already means so much to me?"
Hermione saw a look of sadness cross Ginny's face: not knowing what to say in comfort, she stepped forward and wrapped her in her arms, both feeling that tug over their hearts but neither of them understanding what it meant.
"I'm not going anywhere Ginny," Hermione whispered as though she could read the fears that Ginny was harboring; "I'm always going to be there for you when if need me," she finished leaning back to look at Ginny.
"Promise?" Ginny asked with tears in her eyes, knowing that someday that may be a promise Hermione would not be able to keep.
"Promise," she replied firmly and pulled Ginny close again.
The next day they all shared a compartment on the train ride home. Harry and Ron played a very loud game of Exploding Snap while Fred and George set off every last firework they had.
Ginny sat staring out the window next to Hermione, lost her in thoughts and how, very soon, she would have to say goodbye to Hermione for the summer. So engrossed was she in her musings she didn't even notice when Hermione left the cabin for a few minutes.
Hermione had been watching the boys when she thought she saw Luna pass. She excused herself and followed her.
"Hey Luna," she called, getting the girl to turn to talk to her.
"Hi Hermione... I was just looking for Ginny, have you seen her?"
"Yeah... she's back in my compartment," Luna turned to walk that way when Hermione stopped her with a hand on her arm. Luna looked at her questioningly. "I'm worried about Ginny, Luna. I can't be there to help her over the summer... I know you're her best friend and you live close by... can you watch over her for me?" She handed her a piece of parchment with her address, "and let me know how she's doing?" she added.
"But I already told you at the feast..." Luna started in confusion, "my Dad is taking me on one of his stupid hunting trips this summer."
"I think, Luna, you'll find those plans have changed when you get home."
"Really?" She asked excitedly. Hermione nodded and she continued; "Oh Thank Merlin... I hate those trips!" They both started to laugh and wandered back to Hermione's compartment when Luna stopped her with a hand on her arm. She considered briefly telling Hermione of Ginny's feelings, but she realized that wasn't her place. Instead she said; "Thank you Hermione... for watching out for her."
"I always will Luna... I always will..." they shared a brief hug and went into the noisy compartment, Luna going to sit with her friend.
Just before arriving at King's Cross Harry handed his phone number to Hermione and Ron, explaining that he thought he wouldn't be able to stand two months with only his cousin to talk to.
"Your aunt and uncle will be proud, though, won't they? When they hear what you did this year?" Hermione asked.
Harry laughed and replied; "Proud? Are you mad? All those times I could've died, and I didn't manage it? They'll be furious."
They all passed through the barrier to the Muggle world and were walking towards their respective parents when Hermione noticed that Ginny had stopped.
Ginny had found herself again lost for words as she looked at Hermione and realized she wouldn't be seeing her for two months. She felt as though her heart were breaking until, without a word, Hermione walked over and hugged her and she again felt as though her body was melting into Hermione's.
"I can't wait to see you again," she thought as they finally separated.
They looked at each other a moment then Ginny said, very softly; "I'm going to miss you."
Hermione wrapped Ginny in her arms again and whispered in her ear; "Me too, Gin, me too."
A/N: And so there you are... the end of Ginny's first year. When I started this I never expected the joy I would feel knowing someone out there was reading what I had written and enjoying it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I hope you've enjoyed the journey so far and rest assured, it is far from over.