Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. NOTE ABOUT GROWING UP FLOWER TWINS: So, I don't know when or why this happened, but it was just brought to my attention that half of this story just disappeared. I have no idea how this happened, but I am going to fix it right now. I have always planned to go through and edit this story as some of the earlier stuff does not necessarily fit with the direction I ended up taking it...however now is not the time for me to do that, so I will be putting up the original chapters, complete with the original author's notes, because they never should have been taken down in the first place. To anyone who discovered this story after that happened, I apologize for any confusion. The rest of the story should be uploaded within the next few days. Oh, and I fully intend to update Harry Potter and the Sororamor Charm soon, as well. As always, thank you to everyone who reads and enjoys my writing. (1/28/09) So it's been about 3 years since I updated my profile. I figured it was time. I am a 23 year old college graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. I joined 4 years ago because I wanted to have a place to keep all of my favorite stories to read. I had no intention of writing anything until OOTP came out and inspiration struck. I've been writing Growing Up Flower Twins for almost 4 years now, and I actually stopped writing it for a very long time, but never had any intention of giving it up. It's FINISHED now, and I only hope that all the people who used to read it discover it again. Anyway, to learn more about what I like to write and read, keep reading. Otherwise just scroll down to get to my work. :) Fandoms I read: Harry Potter: This is probably my favorite fandom to read in. I'm not really partial to any "ships" basically if it's well-written I like it. A lot of it depends on my mood though, because I'm basically a purist, so I sometimes don't want to read stories that I don't believe would EVER happen (i.e. Hermione/Draco) but every once in a while I don't mind. It's just I like the characters to somewhat resemble their originals, and in a story that puts two people together who wouldn't be together, the characters tend to lose who they are. With that said I am a Hermione/Ron, Harry/Ginny or Harry/Luna, Ginny/Neville person, because that seems to be the way the stories are headed. However every once in a while I like off-the-wall stories. One of my favorite stories is a Lily/Lucius fic, and while I know that would NEVER happen, I really like the fic. (Also, most people would say the pairings in my story Growing Up Flower Twins aren't realistic at all:) ) Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel: I LOVE these shows, but I only read a couple of stories in this fandom. Good ones are really hard to come by. I've found that the Buffy crossovers are the best though. Once again, I'm not too partial to pairings with this, I myself am a Spike/Buffy fan, but Buffy and Angel were together before, so the stories about them are still believable. If you want to know my ideal on the show, it would probably be Spike/Buffy, Willow/Oz or Willow/Tara (I just can't pick, I love Oz and Tara equally), Xander/Cordy (I never really liked him and Anya together, but I LOVED him and Cordy together), and if we go into the Angel universe I like Wes/Fred. Oh and as far as the shows go I prefer the earlier seasons. Those are really the only fandoms I read, though I do read a LOTR fic, which is a fanfiction university fic, the best genre ever invented! And I read a Buffy/LOTR crossover. Fandoms I write in: Harry Potter is the only fandom I've written in so far, mostly because I don't want to work on more than one fic at a time, because I already have other non-fan fiction stuff that I have to work on too. Also, it's the only thing I've had any ideas for. My muses for other fandoms have disappeared. Stories I've written: Growing Up Flower Twins: This is my baby. This is the reason I decided to start writing fan fiction. Basically after reading OotP, the idea that had been nagging at my brain basically SCREAMED at me to write a story based around it. So, I did...and that's Growing Up Flower Twins! Okay, so I always suspected that Lily wasn't Muggleborn, and in fact Petunia was a squib, and after her little slip in the kitched in OotP I was like, okay, you have to write a story about this. Many questions may come up based on this revelation, but I promise they will be answered! Just please give my story a chance and read it! And if you read it, then you might as well review, right? Right! But just remember, that I am all about the purity of the original work, and while I don't ACTUALLY think all the stuff in my story happened, the story will eventually end up matching the original Harry Potter world, just read and have faith. And review, don't ever forget to review! Perfect: You can blame Simple Plan for this one. The song kept following me around wherever I went, so I started thinking, that song would make a good story. Then I started thinking about which character I could apply it to, and Draco popped into my mind. So that's where that little one shot came from. I like one shots and this was my first. I've written some more since. Camping with Plot Bunnies: This is a story that chprincess put in my head in response to a "spot the character" challenge in my other story. Basically the students in Lily and James' year from my Flower Twins story go camping and are paired off to get to know each other. It is completely separate from Flower Twins, and is meant to be taken mostly as a joke. But I still hope everyone likes it. My Immortal: This is a songfic that I don't want to give too much away about. But I will say it is Harry/Ginny, and I've been told it should come with a "may require tissue" warning, so yeah. The Mystery of the Marauder's Map: This is a short little oneshot about Bill. I first introduced Bill in my Growing Up Flower Twins story, and this follows the idea that he went to school with Lily and James and the others. (If you don't believe it, look in the author's notes, I do the math) Anyway, it's about him looking back on the people he remembers from his childhood. Protege: Another Oneshot about Bill. This one focuses on the relationship between Bill and Sirius. What exactly was it like when Bill found out that Sirius wasn't the one responsible for Lily's death? Harry Potter and the Sororamor Charm: This is the sequel tto GUFT. I had an entire sequel planned out originally, but HBP flushed most of my ideas for that down the toilet. However, I have developed some new ideas that I can run with the original storyline that I had planned pre-HBP and I think it may actually end up being better than the one I had planned originally. I didn't finish it before DH came out, but I still fully intend to finish it even if updates are rather sporadic. I will try my best not to plagiarize as I have my own plot, but there may be some things that I borrow, just because . . . come on, who can do it better than Jo? Not me, that's for sure. :) Anyway, I guess that's my profile. Remember I'm always open to suggestions. Thanks for taking an interest in my writing! ~Briana Marie (updated 2/12/08) |
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