Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, and Fullmetal Alchemist. NOTICE: To those of you who have contacted me in the past, my email has changed. Please send all messages to the new address. I am a fanwriter of the Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings persuasion. I like my characters well-rounded, my dialogue clever and interesting, and my plots well done. I like my 'fics de-Sued, my parodies original, and my pairings plausible. If you're here for HFA, then yes, you're in the right place. UPDATE: I'm back! I know, I know. Here is an FAQ that should cover most of it: Q: What happened? A: College happened. Q: Are you going to finish writing HFA? A: That's the plan. Q: Are you going to finish writing Suelove? A: ...Maybe. Q: Did you know your formatting's all messed up? A: Yes, I see that. I'll try to fix it at some point. Q: You made a ton of spelling/grammar mistakes in HFA I! How dare you! I demand blood! A: ...yes. I looked back on HFA I the other day and cringed. It was my first fic, and I apologize for all of the mistakes in there. Am I going to fix them? Probably not. Unfortunately, with the Internet you can all peruse what probably should have stayed in my desk drawer. Even so, I enjoyed writing it and I hope that nothing was too egregious to stop you from enjoying reading it. Q: ...can I still enroll in HFA? A: If you must. I am still wading through the backlog of enrollments for HFA, though, so don't expect anything immediate. Q: Can I request/report a Mini-Aragog? A: Yes, but I'm afraid I've given up keeping track of them. Ye Obligatorie Works in Progrefs: 1. "Master Suelove: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Came to Love the Mary-Sue" 2. "In the Keeping of HFA" The long-suffering sequel to "The Hogwarts Fanfiction Academy". What more can go wrong at the OFU that experienced Canon melt-down last year? Plenty. Of my writing style... I feel like I'm waking up after a long sleep, coming back to fanfiction after nearly two years of absence. Please bear with me as I try to figure this out once again, and try to get a handle on HFA. There are so many characters and plot threads running around, it's going to take me a while to get back on track with all of them. Believe it or not, the story actually has a planned ending, and I'm quite surprised that no one's figured out one of the twists that's been right under your noses for the longest time. Still, I look forward to producing more HFA for you. Cheers, Meir Brin |