Disclaimer: Only the story is mine. Everything else belongs to Paramount.kicks Paramount But they've abandoned their characters and stuff and did really nutso things to them, so I delete Paramount. I'm not making any money off this, so leave me alone, Paramount minions! This is a femslash story, so it has a woman in love with another woman. If that offends you, please read something else. The B'Elanna in "Extreme Risk" heavily influences this story.

Warning: This fic contains graphic violence, strong language and adult situations, parental discretion is advised.

Rated: R
Genre: Angst (there's a shocker)
Feedback: I would appreciate it!

The Monster You Fear, part 9

"…find him?"

"We followed his ion trail on long-range sensors, but it ended about twenty light years away. Then we detected residual traces of a transwarp conduit." Tuvok's voice was hushed in respect for his location.

"You think that the Borg assimilated him?"

"It would appear that way, Doctor," Janeway answered, her voice thick.

"Then you mean that the Borg have one of our people, a bridge officer, nonetheless."

"It is unlikely that the Borg would assimilate him, considering that his mind was so chaotic. In all likelihood, he would have been assimilated enough to discover the defect, then deactivated." That once cold voice was now heaven to B'Elanna's ears.

"Seven?" B'Elanna managed to croak out. She was unable to open her eyes, and couldn't turn her head, even though she tried.

"You are awake?"

"How do you feel?"

"Captain, Seven, please leave my patient alone for now. This is the first time she's been awake in over a week. Let her take it slowly, she's been through a lot."

"Why can't I open my eyes?" B'Elanna's words were slurred and her jaw felt like it was clamped closed, but it didn't stop her from speaking.

"I'm afraid that I had to immobilize your face and head, until the swelling in your brain goes down a bit. Please don't try to talk, not for now. I'm going to sedate you in a few minutes, but at the moment, if you wish to communicate, use the fingers on your left hand. Tap once for yes, twice for no. Tap if you understand." B'Elanna drummed her fingers once.

"Do you remember what happened?" Tap. 'Of course I do. How could I ever forget?'

"Can you feel this?" Tap. "This?" Tap. "And, this?" Tap, tap.

"Is there anything I can bring you?" 'Yeah, you, Seven.' Tap. "Is it in your quarters?" Tap. 'Bring me Toby.' "Is it utilitarian?" Tap, tap. 'Depends on your definition.' "Is it for comfort?" Tap. "Is it a certain plush targh?" 'You know it, Seven.' Tap.

"Alright, I hate to break this up, but I'm going to have to insist that B'Elanna rests some more. So, everyone out and good-night, Lieutenant."

B'Elanna opened her eyes and looked around Sickbay, searching out the EMH. She discovered him sitting in his office and she tried to sit up. She found that she didn't have any trouble doing so and she quickly hopped off the bed, to find that she was wearing one of the gowns that didn't close in back. She tried to find her clothes, but the doctor had hidden them too well.

Feeling restless, B'Elanna walked out of Sickbay, deciding to ignore the breeze against her derriere.

"Computer, what is the location of Seven of Nine?"

"Seven of Nine is in Lieutenant Torres' quarters." B'Elanna stopped a second, then headed to her quarters; Toby tucked securely under her arm.

The doors swished open, admitting her to the quarters she had once shared with Tom, where she found Seven of Nine laying on her couch, asleep. B'Elanna was surprised at this. She walked slowly over to the ex-drone's side and sat down, reaching out to touch one of the escaped blonde tresses, which was just as soft as it looked.

Seven opened her eyes and looked at B'Elanna. She sat up quickly and locked eyes with her half-human friend. A moment later, they were embracing.

"Why did you not tell someone that he was abusing you?"

"I was embarrassed," B'Elanna answered, truthfully. "You have no idea how many times I almost told you."

"I am sorry that I did not press the issue when I saw that you were hurting. But why did you let everyone believe that you were hurting yourself?"

"Because, at one time, I was. But Captain Janeway was right; I'm past that. Instead, I was letting Tom hurt me." Seven's eyes darkened.

"Were he still here, I believe that I might cause him severe bodily harm myself." Seven pulled B'Elanna close to her. "I was frightened that you might not wake up," she confessed.

"Seven…" B'Elanna began, then looked away.

"I apologize. It is too soon for me to…" Seven trailed off.

"To what? Seven, I need to know." Without warning, Seven stood and walked to the door. B'Elanna curled up on the couch, wondering what was going to happen next, how she was going to sleep and how long before the doctor realized that she was missing.

'Just tell me that you're not going to abandon me,' B'Elanna thought desperately at Seven as she passed through the doors. Seven paused and offered a final promise as she went:

"I will be back tomorrow, B'Elanna. Every tomorrow if you like." Then the doors closed.

The End

Special Disclaimer: The title for this fic comes from "Man That You Fear" by Marilyn Manson.