Reviews for Reploid's First Contact
Guest chapter 1 . 6/11/2019
Hmm... I am a little mixed on your choice on the ship designs for the Terranoids, for I feel that the Earth warships from Yamato Ressurection would've been more fitting with the art design of the ZX era.
OmegaUltima chapter 6 . 3/1/2019
I am sad that this isn't going to be getting a sequel, and am also sad we never got to see the Citadel/Counsel's reactions to the BioMetal and such...oh well...

Regardless, hope you're still alive and kicking out there!
darklinks100 chapter 6 . 12/11/2018
this was good I hope you make a sequel
amerdism chapter 6 . 4/8/2018
Awesome story, when's the next chapter going up, I hope to see more soon.
Ariel Schnee chapter 3 . 9/12/2017
Nice Castlevania reference.:)
Eeveechan chapter 6 . 4/27/2017
You've done a really great job with this! I wish you'd continue, but it's fine if you don't. Thank you for adding Biometals conversations ('_), for some reason I had it in my head that that was the last chapter, then I looked down after I hit post and saw; there's more! Hehe... Oops. Anyway I think you did a great job! Your strategies and space battles were awesome.! The only suggestion I'd make, if you do decide to continue at all, if you want, which isn't necassery, would be that you add some ground battles and Megamerging.! I just think it would be fun to see the council react to that. They really have no idea of who their dealing with (*conspiratorial snickers*). Again, great job! Your concept was, and still is, awesome!
Eeveechan chapter 3 . 4/23/2017
One day I was looking for MM crossovers and I found this. At first I was unsure and passed on. I come back, kept reading, and THIS FIC IS AMAZING. Sure, your grammar does need some work (mostly you keep confusing the present and past tenses), but your story is awesome! The Citadel Convention has no idea what they have just gotten into. Note, I know nothing about Mass Effect, but I still think your story is awesome.! I hope you chose to continue it.! And it's fine if you decide to go one your own AU and not go on into any following games. The only thing I'd say besides grammar, is that it'd be nice if you added a little bit more on the Biometals, conversation wise, at least later on... At some point... If you want to continue... (*eevee stares up with pleading eyes*). Anyway, great job! I hope to hear more!
Primus1661 chapter 6 . 7/26/2016
What about having the council meet X?
Neo-Devil chapter 2 . 11/28/2015
the 'Burn to the ground' line...yeah...that is what I think when using Red Minions in the Overlord games...

Good chapter btw...
Madara123 chapter 6 . 11/4/2015
So saren aint a dick eh?
Brenden chapter 6 . 10/19/2015
trninjakiller chapter 3 . 9/5/2015
Due to the treaty of friends a client species can have 1 dreadnought to the turbans 5, the council can have 3 to the turIan 5.
Quelthias chapter 6 . 5/21/2015
Very impressive work!
The space battles are entertaining and the interactions between races produce an excellent lead up to the next part.
I wonder if Zero or X are still around...
LordLoverDuck chapter 6 . 5/19/2015
glad to see that this still lives
Artful Lounger chapter 2 . 5/19/2015
One major problem that I have with this, which is just breaking my SoD over its knee every time I see it, is that the Mass Effect timeline has been majorly screwed up. This is the canon citadel Council, minus Valern, and they're talking about the Krogan Rebellions as if they happened recently. Hell, according to this Oraka participated in them and the current Salarian Councillor saw to the uplifting of the Krogan. In Mass Effect, the Krogan Rebellions happened more than a thousand years previously. The only people still alive in canon who can remember the rebellions were really old Krogan veterans from the war. Tevos wasn't even alive back then, much less any of the Turians who participated in the conflict. The Krogan uplifting happened centuries before THAT. During the Rachni War, of which there are no remaining survivors.

That bit of timeline screw up is really distracting.
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