Reviews for A Dangerous Woman
Erica2401 chapter 23 . 6/23
Oh this was such a great story! I loved it and was hooked from the first chapter. The fights, angst and love you wrote in it were so well done and in character. I had to read on. Thank you so much for writing this fic and I hope one day you will write a sequel.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/31
I LOVE this so so much. It's so true to everyone's characters, even in these extreme circumstances.
NikitaKaralis chapter 23 . 5/14
Yay! Well done!
NikitaKaralis chapter 22 . 5/14
Let’s hope that Chakotay can be be her conscience. Well done.
NikitaKaralis chapter 21 . 5/14
She got them!
NikitaKaralis chapter 20 . 5/13
Don't go messing with Kathryn Janeway! Nice!
NikitaKaralis chapter 18 . 5/13
Oof … of course she ditched everyone. Great story so far, such a different AU following Endgame!
NikitaKaralis chapter 17 . 5/13
Interesting, but now she has reinforcements. They don’t know who they are messing with, not just Kathryn but her family too!
NikitaKaralis chapter 16 . 5/13
I hope they save her!
NikitaKaralis chapter 15 . 5/13
Oh shit indeed!
NikitaKaralis chapter 14 . 5/13
The plot keeps getting thicker and thicker! Well done!
NikitaKaralis chapter 13 . 5/13
Hmmm, I have a feeling Trevor saved her, but he was in on it. Great job!
NikitaKaralis chapter 12 . 5/13
Wow, this was a loaded chapter. I wonder if Kathryn will figure out that Trevor was an operative? Well done!
NikitaKaralis chapter 11 . 5/13
Boom Mama Gretchen makes sense!
NikitaKaralis chapter 10 . 5/13
Wow, the intensity of this story keeps getting better and better. So dark but we know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The Voyager Family will help her heal. Well done!
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