Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Batman.


The owls brought in the morning mail as they did every day. I had the Daily Prophet mailed to me, and usually Harry or Ron looked at it before I even get a good glance at it. Lately the prophet had been focusing on muggle news, mainly the events that were happening in the city where my brother and I lived. They were trying to take the nervousness from the Dark Lord being back away and trying to make it seem like the magic community had it so much better than the muggles.

"Hey! Look at this! Thy finally caught the mad man who has been terrorizing Gotham City!" Ron exclaimed. I was shaken out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, nonchalantly. Not really paying attention.

"You know that mass murderer in Gotham? The one that robs banks, and kills people for fun. That guy? They just caught him last night."

My eyes widened. "Give me that!" I snatched the paper from him.


The mad man known as the Joker's reign of terror ended last night when the city's vigilante hero caught the insane clown last night in the process of trying to kill the mayor of the city. While the Jokers true identity is still unknown even after being caught multiple times, it seems that this time the Joker was working alone. In previous years, he has been bringing death and destruction to the city with his sister, or as she's known as The Muse.

While the whereabouts of this other criminal is unknown, authorities are still working on trying to find this murderer. People of this town will not feel safe until she is also caught.

The magical community is not allowed to interfere unless it directly involves us, so we are sorry to say, that no help be brought by us.

"Damn it, Jack," I whispered under my breath. I shouldn't bother this time. I know I shouldn't. Though with Harley incarcerated as well… Damn.

"Did you say something, Hermione?" Harry asked.

"Oh, just wondering why they haven't caught the Joker's sister yet."

"Hermione, your parents are muggles. Have they ever been to Gotham, and taken you with?" Ron asked.

"I've told you before, Ron. My parents travel a lot, so I live in Gotham over the holidays with my older brother."

"Oh, I must've forgotten." He said in deep thought. "Have you ever met the Joker or Muse?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course. My brother isn't the best at making sure that I don't wander into something that I shouldn't and I have run into the Joker a few times."

"What about Muse?"

"I haven't seen her. She like to keep to her music. Muse usually is with her boyfriend creating terror." They both looked at me like I was crazy. "Did anything else come for me?"

"Oh yeah." Harry gave me the decoy letter. "It says it's from the Gotham police department."

I opened the letter. "It looks like my brother was arrested for speeding, and running into a road sign. Again. And my parents are in Asia. God damn it."

"What is it, Hermione?"

"I need to go talk to Professor Dumbledore. I may be gone a few days."

"Why?" Ron asked with his mouth full.

"I need to go bail my brother out of jail."

"Are you parents at all sane when they let you go live with him?" Harry asked.

"No, probably not. But I can't let my brother rot in a cell at the police station. And knowing Jack's reputation, he may end up rotting in Arkham Asylum this time through." I packed my bag with the decoy letter in hand. "Later guys.

"Do you want your paper?" Ron asked.

"No, you can keep it," I said. I don't really need to look at it.

"Do you think she is hiding something?" I heard Ron ask Harry.


"Do you want to follow her?"

"Absolutely not."

I knocked on the gargoyle when I reached the Headmasters office. It slid open and I took the stairs up to the office. I knocked again on the door.

"Come in!" The headmaster called. "Ah, Miss. Granger. Is there something that I can help you with?"

"Yes, Professor. My brother was caught by muggle authorities for a driving accident that he accidently caused, and is being held in prison, and I need to bail him out. Do you think it would be okay if I was allowed to leave school for a few days to go and get this mess all sorted out?"

"I don't see why not? Your grades are the top and I don't think that you will fall behind by any means. Though I do have to ask, why can't you parents do this?"

"My parents travel for a living, and I am the only one available to go and get him out of this mess," I lied straight through my teeth.

"Alright, Miss. Granger. I will have a portkey ready for you when you come back from getting your bag for the next few days."

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. He lives in Gotham City, so you know where the location is."

I ran out the door and headed to my dormitory. I opened my trunk and got out my purple backpack, green messengers bag and red guitar case. I quickly checked to make sure that all my possessions that I needed where in there. I went straight back up to the office.

"Are you ready Miss. Granger?" He asked.

"Yes." He handed me a key with a chain on it.

"It will take you back when you are ready."

"Thank you," I said with a sly grin. The portkey took off. "Look out, Gotham. Muse is coming back to play!" I sang as my feet touched the ground, in an alley near the police station. I completely dropped the whole, school girl witch façade.

"Hm. I don't think I would look like someone who would be breaking her brother out of jail, now do I? I don't think a school uniform would look right." I opened my backpack. "Now let's see. Purple hair dye, black spray paint, red lipstick, red boots. Hm, do I want a red skirt or a black one? Let's go with red, shall we? Purple tank top, even if it is November. Now where is my green leather jacket?" I dug through my bag. "Screw this." I dumped it out. "Ah! There it is." All of my weapon holders, holsters and sheathes lie next to it. My weapons, grenades', bombs and gases were still in my messenger's bag.

I stripped out of my robes and uniform and shoved them, and my wand in my backpack. I put on my clothes, gloves from my bag, and weapon holders, and pulled out the weapons from my bag. All the lethal devices were concealed on my personnel. I pulled up the hood on my jacket and walked into a convenience store, with my guitar on my back and the messenger's bag in the backpack.

Of course, there was still work to be done. I walked right into the bathroom, and locked the door. I no longer looked like Hermione Granger the seventeen year old witch, though changing clothes doesn't do much, taking a glamour charm off my face that his my scars would, one long scar that traced from my forehead, the corner of my eye to me cheek, and a scar like my brother's on the left side of my mouth. People would recognize me as Jean Napier, who was supposed to have died in the same accident as her brother, seven years ago. I drenched my hair in water, and pulled out the dye from my bag. I put it in my hair, and rolled it up in a towel. I grabbed the spray paint and the makeup and I closed my eyes, and sprayed a black line across my eyes to each edge of my face.

"Bye, Jeanie," I waved to my reflection. I grabbed the red lipstick, and made it seem like my lips were bleeding. I waited for about another fifteen minutes, and took the towel from my hair, I brushed it, and curled the bottom of my purple straight hair. Contrary to belief, I actually curl my hair, every day at school it look bushy. I had very straight, stringy hair. Most of the time, it was purple, and I was born blonde, like my brothers.

"Girl! You have been in there for twenty minutes! GET OUT!" Someone yelled. Probably the manager. I exited the bathroom, with my hood up again. I wandered around the store for another half hour. "Girl, you either have to buy something or leave." I ignored the manager.

I picked up a carton of milk, and put it back down. I hummed a song that the lyrics all had to do with killing. "I am going to ask you one more time, or I am going to call the cops."

"Who ever said that I was afraid of the cops," I said darkly. The manager shuddered at my voice.

"I will ask one last time for you to leave."

"Hm, let me think about that. No." I still didn't look at the man's face. I heard him dial a three digit number on the stores phone. I was at him in a flash and held a knife to his throat, and a gun to his head.

"You have a lot of nerve to be calling the cops, kid." I hissed in his ear. He dropped the phone. The guy must've realized that he was in danger.

"W-ho are you?" the man stuttered out.

"I'm hurt that you don't recognize me. You see my brother every day." My hand found its way to the man's throat, I pressed the knife into it; blood trickled down, but it wasn't enough to kill the man. My hood fell from my face.

"M-Muse," the mad stuttered. What is it with this stuttering? It is not at all pretty, not in anyone's voice.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!" I exclaimed.

"Please, let me live?" Why is this man asking me to let him live. He didn't show me kindness, or humor?

"You wouldn't let me stay in your store."

"I am sorry." I didn't blink at his sorry excuse for an apology.

"No, I don't think you are. I will enjoy, making your screams fill the air! It's music that I haven't heard in months!" I laughed, as I torture the man, creating music that could only come from a human slowly dying. Hearing them beg for mercy, savoring the emotions the emotions that they give off.

I wiped off my knife and walked out of the store. I checked the time on a clock across the street. Security at the station would be dying down for almost an hour as the day crew and night crew switched. I would go save my brother now. Jack wasn't my brother. Jack Napier had died in the same accident that Hermione Jean Napier died in. The Joker needs to be freed.

The Muse is the only one skilled enough to do it. Isn't that amusing?

A/N: So, I'm back with a new story! The next chapter should be up by tomorrow night at the latest, if anyone likes it. Please let me know what you think! I honestly want your opinions. Please review! This story is loosely based off of the Dark Knight Trilogy, but has a lot of comic influences as well, (and obviously Harry Potter) -Del