![]() Author has written 245 stories for Valdemar universe, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Buffy X-overs, Harry Potter, Angel, Misc. Books, Cheers, X-overs, King Arthur, Firefly, Supernatural, Legion, Alice, 2009, Doctor Who, Torchwood, NCIS, Misc. Movies, CSI: New York, Bones, Dead Like Me, Lost, Series Of Unfortunate Events, Vampire Diaries, Sons of Anarchy, Misc. Tv Shows, Downton Abbey, Munsters, Roswell, Disturbing Behavior, Little Prince, Hocus Pocus, Lilo & Stitch, Xanth, Heralds of Valdemar, Joan Of Arcadia, Sky High, Ghostbusters, Superman, Halloweentown, CSI: Miami, Fantastic 4, Carpathian Series, Dark-Hunter series, Sookie Stackhouse/Southern Vampire Mysteries, Castle, Stephanie Laurens, Tin Man, Heroes, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gilmore Girls, Glee, Battlestar Galactica: 2003, Criminal Minds, Psych, Feline Breeds series, Chronicles of Narnia, Underworld, and TV X-overs. Hi, this is my boring bio blurb. Um, just a girl, with no money, writing fanfic mostly HP/BtVS crossovers. Short-Hand for navigating the newest stories published: B.I.C. fics: Birthday Insanity Challenge stories. Because a lot of them are non-crossovers, I've decided to split up the stories by either genre or fandom, based on how many of what. If BIC is in the title, it's one of these. These stories are also reader-participation fics (i.e. the reader gives me a character/pairing/fandom, I write a ficlet), thus the randomess of characters/pairings written. The series these came from are so cleverly called 21 for 21, etc., etc. The series in their entirety are posted over at my account on Twisting the Hellmouth, under the Birthday Insanity series. This is where some explaining comes in, and the stories are listed below by their series: "The Interesting Day Trilogy" - Complete (HP/AtS) "Munster Connection" Series - Complete (Munsters/BtVS) "More Than Tea" Series - WiP (HP/BtVS) "The Triplet Manifesto" Series - WiP (HP/BtVS) "Prophecy of the Stone" Series - WiP (BtVS/AtS/HP) "Whoa!" Series - WiP (AtS/HP) "Slayer? Watcher?" Series -Complete (BtVS/HP) "The Color Cycle" -(BtVS/HP) "Brothers and Not-Really Sisters" - (BtVS/Supernatural) "Cassie Newton, This Is Your Life" - (BtVS/HP) "Mercy Comes With the Mourning" - (HP) "Nine's First Fallen Companion" - (BtVS/Doctor Who) New Fic Zone Coming soon . . . Look Forward to . . . ((title subject to change)) So, you've all probably noticed the smorgasborg of new fics popping up over the last few days? A lot of it is old stuff that for one reason or another just didn't get published here for the last couple of years (namely my 'net connection issues). Also, two computer crashes have occured in that time, and I'm now just getting back some of the lost material. Yay. Ahem. Enjoy the new!old fics. Happy Trails to You, Cult of Addiction and Fleeing Sanity have been permenently shelved, partly because I haven't been able to work out the plots for them and I lost the most of the stuff I had on them with the original computer crash. Personal Beliefs |