Title: Project Fourteen
Series: 21 for 21
Author: jmaria
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Stan Lee & Marvel own Wolvie, and Joss owns Kaylee
Pairing: Wolverine (Logan)/Kaylee
Three: tiresome, goat, uninvited
Word Count: 569
Summary: She tries to reach out to him, but he's just so stubborn
Notes: 21 for 21 is my insane plan to write 21 ficlets for my birthday. . . except that people on lj give me a pairing and three words.
Count: 14/21
Dedication: to grapho_spasm for the characters and the three words
Project Fourteen
Kaylee grinned brightly at the dower-faced man who helped Jayne load the cargo. He'd been on board for three weeks now, and she was pretty sure she was wearing down the barrier he'd thrown up when he'd joined the crew.
"Did we have good crime?" Kaylee asked brightly, quickly closing the airlock behind the two men.
"Good as you can have with a bunch a gorram inbred idiots shootin' atcha," Jayne grumbled.
"Cap'n got shot again, I saw," Kaylee sighed. "Simon's patchin' him up now. Either of you hit?"
"Cap'n do anything but get shot up?" Logan snorted.
"Seems like he gets shot up more often then most," Kaylee sighed again.
"Takin' the supplies up to the mess," Jayne suddenly announced a few minutes later, his eyes narrowed on the doorway just over Logan's head. "You got this handled?"
"I can help him if he needs it," Kaylee said brightly.
Logan turned and followed the other man's gaze. Turned around just in time to see the Doc's sister slip back into the darkness of the corridor. As much as he understood the others man's leaving, Logan was wary about being left alone with little Kaylee. Her cheerfulness was ten times worse than Rogue or Jubilee's had been. She tended to be tiresome.
"You look good in blue and yellow, Logan. Colors are real complimentary to ya," Kaylee chirped on about fifteen minutes later. Logan swore she hadn't stopped talking since Jayne had left.
"Yeah, and I'm sure I'd look in spandex that color," Logan muttered, shoving the last of the contraband into the storage space.
"Spandex - they even make that anymore?" Kaylee grinned.
"Don't know, don't care. Always partial to leather myself," His mind wandered back to when he had been an X-Men, years ago. Just made his attitude and the pain in his side that much worse. "All done here. I'll be in my bunk."
Kaylee sighed, watching his back as he made his way towards the crew quarters. Something on his blue flannel shirt caught her eye. A speck of red that seemed to be growing. Her heart jumped up into her throat and she raced after him.
He was faster than her, and was already down in his bunk by the time she reached him. She slipped down the ladder faster than she normally did, stumbling a bit when she reached the bottom. Before he could even ask her what she was doing there, Kaylee all but pounced on him, yanking his shirt open and shoving it off his shoulders.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he demanded, grabbing both of her hands in his.
"You been shot in the back! Yer bleedin, Logan!"
"And that gives you the right to come into my bunk uninvited?"
"You been shot!" Kaylee said, yanking her hands away from him. "I was tryin' to help!"
"By stripping me?" Logan smothered the grin he knew was forming on his lips.
"Oh, yer a stubborn old goat, is what you are, Logan," Kaylee huffed, wondering why she even bothered at all.
"I'm stubborn? You're the one who yanked off my shirt for a graze that's already healed, little Kaylee."
"I was tryin' to help!" Kaylee cried, storming back up the ladder.
Logan thought he heard her muttering on in Chinese about the thick-headed idiots on this ship. He was fair certain that at least half of it wasn't just about him.