Series: 23 for 23
Title: Four: I Am Deep Throat
Author: Jmaria
Rating: FR-15
Disclaimer: I own the World Walker, Joss Whedon owns Angel, CBS & Bellsario own NCIS.
Spoilers: General spoilers. Season 5ish of Angel, 4ish of NCIS
Series Summary: Twenty-three stories and crossings of worlds (read: insanity) to celebrate twenty-three years.
Part Summary: As much as he wanted out, he couldnt help but warn the man in question.
Words: 583
A/N: First quote comes from the into, second comes from Devil With the Black Dress On by Jack Off Jill. Also this is where the humble author-ess points out her historical ignorance (was it Deep Throat who leaked the Watergate (ftw is that, btw? I still dont get it)? Bah, bugger it.) Also, I do not know why the surprise characters popped up but they did.
Dedication: To shieldage for the fandoms and prompt.

23 for 23

Four: I Am Deep Throat

Behind them she saw the worlds that had so briefly intersected with hers.

Did you believe it cause I said so?

After everything that had happened in L.A., Lorne should have known better than to get involved with the champions. But the guy needed warning and this was the only way he was gonna go into this thing with any kind of protection. The fog was thick in the surrounding car park. Oh he was so going to sink himself into a Sea Breeze or three once this little errand was done. Lorne turned his head to the left, catching a glimpse of an extremely over-dressed young woman. Sure it was early spring, but the weather was absolutely gorgeous outside.

He didn't think on the girl for too long, because the man in question was walking briskly toward him. He was not pleased to see everyone's favorite green demon boy.

"I thought I told you to stop stalking me," Jethro Leroy Gibbs snapped, yanking his sunglasses off.

"Gibbs, pookie, I would if I didn't have this teensy little thing to tell you," Lorne said smoothly, coffee held out like the peace offering it was.

"Don't call me pookie, Lorne," Gibbs muttered. "What is it?"

"Well, the times they are a changing -"

"Skip the platitudes and just tell me already, demon."

"One of your little birdies came and sang for me at Safe Harbor," Lorne sighed. "I gave them the abbreviated answer to their booze inspired question, but I figured you should know the truth of the matter."

"Was it DiNozzo?" Gibbs groaned.

"Nope. Palmer."


"Scrawny looking boy with the girl who would be one of your own if you hadn't popped back into the picture? Let me tell you, that boy has a powerful set of lungs on him. If I still had my questionably evil connections - and not that I still associate with them now that L.A. has gone to the hellhounds, mind you - I would've had him bringing sexy back before our newly crowned prince of pop."

"Was any of that supposed to make sense, Lorne?"

"Only to those of us not living out of our basements," Lorne groaned.

"So Palmer is going to somehow bring around the end of the world?"

"Oh, pookie, he's not going to do that much damage. And I never said it was about him."

"Will you get to the point then?"

Lorne took a deep breath and spat out all of the information he could possibly think of Gibbs needing to know. The older human was silent for a few minutes as he sipped his bribe-coffee.

"And the arrival of a girl who dresses like Abby has what to do with my team?"

"Palmer is supposed to watch over her, but Ash doesn't really trust him and I think it might be a case of mistaken identities. She does look a lot like little Abbykins."

"Remind me why I get involved with your champion crap again?" Gibbs muttered, marching through the fog and far away from the demon.

"You know I ask myself that question constantly, Gibbs. I still haven't come up with a decent answer."

Lorne pulled his white fedora over his horns and donned his diva glasses. As he strolled out through the fog, he hummed the tune of 'I Must've Done Something Good' from The Sound of Music, wondering when exactly he'd become Sister Maria to Gibbs' Colonel Von Trapp. It was bad enough that the little kiddies were coming to town without Gibbs being involved. As Angel had been fond of saying, redemption was a rocky road.