Author has written 2 stories for O.C.. ANNOUNCEMENT: 2/19/2005: I decided to post everything I'd written that I hadn't already posted on . A large portion of it will probably never be updated, but I thought I'd see if there was anything that sparked interest. ~GG Hey, gidgetgirl here. You can check out my main profile under my fave author's page... basically, a lot of people are on the automatic update email list thingy on my other profile. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have you all as readers and love that so many of you want to know when I update, but I wanted a little more freedome to play around. I feel so bad when people who are waiting for updates on other stories get emails telling them I've started a new story, hence, for those who'd like to read my stuff that falls more under 'experiment' and less under my other profile, here it is. I hope you enjoy. |