Reviews for Mischief Managed
Guest chapter 26 . 4/26
Guest chapter 1 . 3/29
Squib is a term used for people from magic families with no capacity for magic and muggles that are aware of the magic world.
kk6669389 chapter 4 . 11/8/2019
Obviously Lockhart
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 4 . 7/10/2019
I'm betting it was that annoying Fraud Lockheart. That Loki shanghaied and is using. So in this AU everything, Loki writes would be truthful and his young rather that Gilderoy's bullshit and taking Credit for other people's work and accomplishments.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 3 . 7/10/2019
Odin is a fool no one happiness is to be ignored or sacrificed. Just to make sure others continue to survive. This is because of Odin's Bullshit belief and interpretation of a prophecy of Ragnarok. The asshole doesn't realize it is his actions on Loki and his Children/Family that is what will bring on Ragnarok thus making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. IDIOT! All of them the Aesir of Asgard whether it be Norse mythology or that of Marvel Canon.
Guest chapter 3 . 9/15/2018
Ymir was killed by odin and his brothers not borr
Zela Night chapter 29 . 8/10/2018
This is an even better ending that what I had imagined!
It is is in character for Loki.
Zela Night chapter 28 . 8/10/2018
I'm sad that this fic is ending, but happy that this story has an ending.
I believe that Loki is going to go out with a bang.
Zela Night chapter 27 . 8/10/2018
He compared her to Hitler! Wbahahahahahaha! That is hilarious!
Zela Night chapter 26 . 8/10/2018
Will the new teacher be as bad as Loki thinks he will be?
Zela Night chapter 24 . 8/10/2018
That would explain Voldemort's priorities.
Zela Night chapter 22 . 8/10/2018
I can't wait to read about the Toad vs. the god of lies. That is going to be hilarious!
Zela Night chapter 21 . 8/10/2018
Near the end of this chapter you say that Looked will 'do' if she sends any more letters, I think you ment he would 'sue' her.
Zela Night chapter 15 . 8/10/2018
Are you referring to Ginny no longer having the majority of her soul?
Zela Night chapter 14 . 8/10/2018
You spelled it you "most' have been pretty messed up instead of 'must'.
I thought both versions of the chapter were nice.
I'm glad that you kept Loki consistent with a Millenia old being.
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