![]() Author has written 28 stories for Alpha and Omega series, Dexter, and Harry Potter. I've been writing for almost twenty years now, and it is my passion. My favorite fanfic category is Harry Potter, as you can surely tell from my fics and favs below. The more time I spend in the Harry Potter fandom, the more I find my horizons broadening. My OTP is Harry/Severus, but I love Harry/Voldemort as well and enjoy most slash pairings. I generally favor Harrycentric fics, though I love Severus, Draco, and Hermione as well. Most of my writing is intended for mature audiences even if it doesn't always include explicit sexual content. Life isn't censored, so I don't like to censor my writing. *This pic was done for me by my very talented friend Amber.* IMPORTANT NOTICE: My health is variable at best. Any and all updates will be sporadic at best, but I will do my utmost to keep them moving, even if glacially. *ABOUT ME* Some people, I've found, seem to take an inordinate amount of interest in what may or may not be the political stance of fiction writers. To head off annoying explanations later, I thought I'd make a few statements here. First off, I'm a thirty-something single, white, homosexual female living in the Midwest of the United States. I'm an introvert and mildly agoraphobic. I don't identify down party lines politically. I am pagan, but have no particular problem with people who choose to put their faith in more mainstream monotheistic religions. I am a pragmatist and a realist. I am irked by idealists, pacifists, and hippies along with anyone else who believes in World Peace as a real, workable concept or martyrdom as an acceptable solution to conflict – in this way, you may not be entirely inaccurate to call me a cynic, but I'm comfortable that way. I have nothing against anyone because of race, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, or anything else of the sort. I am an animal lover and generally more comfortable around them than people. I am strongly omnivorous and have nothing against the farming industry, but can't personally eat anything I've named, pet, or cuddled. I write FICTION. While you will inevitably see some of my personality and my beliefs make their way into my writing, please don't assign me a political agenda because of the thoughts and/or beliefs of my characters. I do not EVER make political statements in my writing, as a rule. Yes, it may sometimes be more appealing to write about things that I believe in, but I am just as likely to give my characters beliefs that I find distasteful because they fit the character. In truth, regardless of my feelings when it comes to politics, I have absolutely no desire to push my thoughts and beliefs on other people. Even if I did, I wouldn't use my fiction writing to do it. It would poison an art about which I am very passionate. Having said all of this, I love feedback on my writing and am generally happy to exchange dialog with my readers, but don't tell me what I think and who I am based on what you've read in my work because that is guaranteed to piss me off. Oneshots: Most of my oneshots are open for adoption. They tend to be good ideas that I've had, but just haven't had the inspiration or the energy to flush out into full stories. If you read one and get inspired, let me know. I ask only that you inform me if you post a story based off one of mine so that I can direct readers to it and so that I can read it myself. Oh, and a short note in the first chapter listing my story as your inspiration would be appreciated. Beyond that, I don't care if you change it around until it is almost unrecognizable or take it in a completely different direction. Feel free to do whatever you want. Get creative. WIPs: For those of you hoping and praying for updates on my WIPs, I sincerely apologize. My muse tends to be rather fickle and Real Life rarely cooperates with me. Unless I have listed a story as ABANDONED in the summary, I still hope/plan to continue it, even if it's been years since it was updated. At some point, I do not doubt that my muse will get interested in it again and I will post more as soon as that happens. I make a point to look through those fics frequently and try to get them moving again, but... Well. It's called a Work In Progress for a reason. With any luck, they will all one day be complete. Archive of Our Own: You can find me on AO3 with the same pen name. I have carried over some of my stories from this site and if any of my stories here ever get pulled for content, they will be available on AO3. I also have some additional stories posted there that I haven't posted here and presently have no plans to post here. Check it out if you're interested. Translations: I am very pleased to announce that one of my stories has been translated. "Too Far" is now available in Polish! Huge thank you to Meg-Helix for doing that. If you like Dark!Harry, do check out my community. I have read every single story listed there. They're all well written (though some a bit more than others), and I enjoyed them all for one reason or another. |