A/N: Alright guys, so this is the first installment of the final chapters of this story. There will be two more after it that will be posted shortly after this one. I hope these last few chapters will answer all your questions, and I hope that you enjoy them as much as I did writing them. :) Standard Warnings and Disclaimers apply here, and I'm sure by now you know what I write.

Read and Enjoy!


August 2, 2010 – 15:00

"You won't tell anyone about my past right?" Harry said. He raised his head to look Gibbs in the eyes as he responded to his question. He wasn't too worried about Gibbs telling, but years of training had him wanting verbal proof that he wouldn't.

Gibbs smiled. "What about your past?" Gibbs said. He smirked before turning to his coat that was thrown over the back of the couch. He slipped his cell-phone out of his pocket and dialed McGee's number.

Harry sighed softly. The verbal affirmation of his past not being revealed took a great weight off of his shoulders. He was already weary from the recent events, and not having to worry about his past coming back to haunt him was a great relief.

Gibbs snapped his cell-phone closed before turning his attention back to Harry. "McGee is coming to stay with you while I go to see what we've uncovered, and do some interviews," Gibbs said. He put his coat on before making himself a cup of coffee.

"Its three in the afternoon and you're drinking coffee?" Harry said. He raised an eyebrow at Gibbs, wondering how the man could drink the nasty brew as often as he did. Gibbs just smirked and took a sip of his steaming coffee.

The sound of the front door opening broke them out of their silence as McGee walked into the kitchen. "Keep your eyes on him McGee," Gibbs said.

"I'm not a child Gibbs," Harry said. He rolled his eyes as Gibbs placed a hand on his shoulder before glaring at McGee.

"Right Boss," McGee said.

Harry just waved at Gibbs as he walked out of the house. He smiled at McGee as he stood rigidly in the entranceway of the Kitchen. "You don't have to be so nervous," Harry said.

McGee quirked a small grin before sitting in the chair across from Harry at the kitchen table. "So, what do you want to do?" McGee said.

"I'd like to get some of those muffins from the bakery," Harry said.

"I don't think that's a good idea," McGee said.

"It'll only take 5 minutes. Please," Harry said. He smiled innocently at the agent in front of him and smirked in triumph when the man sighed in defeat. He ran upstairs to grab his wallet and then rushed back down the stairs. "Let's go," he said.

McGee sighed as he was dragged out of the house by the younger man. He shook his head, but a small smile crossed his face because the younger man seemed to be happy again. Even though the case wasn't solved yet, McGee had high hopes that Harry was starting to deal.

His musings were cut off by the door to the bakery opening and Harry dragging him through the doorway. They stopped in front of the counter where a pale, thin, blonde haired man took Harry's order of four muffins. "I'm going to go to the restroom. Here's the money, pay for me. I'll be right back," Harry said.

McGee nodded as he watched Harry walk into the men's restroom. He was distracted by his number being called and he moved towards the counter to pay. He smiled his thanks at the lady behind the counter and went to sit at one of the small round tables.

He watched as a little girl, standing in line with her mother, tugged on her mother's skirt whining about wanting a chocolate donut with sprinkles, not a muffin. He smiled and shook his head at her innocent antics. He checked his watch and frowned when he noticed that Harry had been in the bathroom for ten minutes; too long to be normal.

McGee got up and headed towards the restroom, stopping to place his hand lightly on his gun just in case. He opened the door to the bathroom and entered, eyes moving over the whole restroom, taking in the fact that the bathroom was completely empty; no sign of Harry and no sign of struggle. McGee gritted his teeth and took his cell-phone out of his pants pocket.

He dialed the number for Gibbs with shaking fingers, knowing he had made two stupid mistakes; first by taking Harry out of Gibbs's house, and second by not keeping him in his sights when they didn't have any clue to a suspect in this case.

"Gibbs, Harry's gone," McGee said. He winced at the yelling that assaulted his ears through the phone. "At the bakery boss," he said. He grimaced as he closed his phone after Gibbs hung up on him. He decided to go ahead and interview the employees to keep his mind off the torture he was going to get at the hands of a pissed off Gibbs.

He headed to the counter to interview the employees and noticed that the blonde employee from before wasn't there anymore. "Miss, where's the blonde who was working here a few minutes ago?" McGee asked. The brunette frowned and looked around the front of the shop before holding up a finger to say hold on, and going to the back. She entered a room with an 'Employees Only' sign and exited again a few seconds later with a bigger frown marring her pretty face.

"Danny was supposed to be on break, but he's nowhere to be found," she said.

McGee frowned, and turned his head when the bell on the front door jingled. Gibbs and his other two team members walked through the door way into the bakery. "McGee! What were you thinking?"Gibbs said. The creases in his forehead and the frown on his face showed how mad he was at the situation.

"He wanted muffins boss. I didn't think –"

"You're right, you didn't think!" Gibbs said.

"Boss I found something out. The blonde who served us disappeared," McGee said, bypassing the fact that Gibbs was yelling at him. He felt able to withstand his yelling because there was information he needed to give to fix his mistakes.

"What's his name McGee," Gibbs said. His voice was still harsh with anger, but he realized that yelling wasn't going to help the situation right now. He'd deal with McGee's mistakes after they saved harry.

McGee turned his head towards the brunette who was still standing behind the counter near McGee. "Daniel Henderson," she said.

Gibbs frowned, taking a notepad out of his pocket, glancing at the page. "Daniel Henderson lives next door to Harry," Gibbs said.

"I know him. He always gave me the creeps," Tony said.

"Let's go," Gibbs said. He turned and made his way back to their car. McGee rushed after him, hoping that this Henderson wouldn't kill Harry too.

A/N: Alright guys, that's the first of the last. Let me know what you think and be on the lookout for the next installment. ~~Nejilovesyaoi~~