Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. For Whom it May Concern, I admire those who write fanfiction with conviction, but am not as dedicated myself. Few stories will appear under my name. I apologise for my lack of dedication, but hope you enjoy what I do provide. Though I have not posted in some time, do not give up hope on me. I have something new in the works for 2010. In terms of reviews, I would be honoured to receive them, as they are particularly useful whilst I decide whether to pursue writing as a possible career; I am eager to hear your opinions, because you clearly read a lot to be on this site. I will also endeavour to answer any direct questions posed in reviews. I will probably be writing only Harry Potter fics, as I find this universe fairly fascinating, though am blatantly ignoring the most recent installments in a childish tantrum, given that J.K. Rowling is happily disposing of my favourite characters. Considering the skill with which the seventh book manages to pull everything together, I may be forced to rethink my stance, though this last installment truly cemented my belief that J. K. Rowling is aware of which characters I favour and axes them accordingly. I am also a fan of Slash, and if this offends you, I bid you leave now, because I am passionately against homophobic berks, and will be enraged if anyone takes it upon themselves to first read and then flame Slash works, as it proves that they allow their petty prejudice to rule their lives. Don't like, don't read. But don't take it out on anyone else. For those who enjoy reading/ writing Slash... feel free to PM me and let me know what you've been reading lately, because I'm becoming stuck for new completed fics to read, and I hate reading unfinished fics in fear that they will always remain so. I favour Snarry at present, though I do still like the occasional Drarry and will read Harry with most anyone (even girls!) if it is well written. I also like Gen fics. All as long as Harry is the main character. I now offer more thanks to those who have read and reviewed my first post. That I have over a hundred reviews for a one-shot is amazing, and I want to thank every one of you for taking the time to comment. Those who added Couldn't Catch A Cold to their favourite stories list, I demand that you purchase yourself something delicious on my behalf, because I am feeling quite honoured that my silly little one-shot achieved such a thing. The fact that more people have added Couldn't Catch a Cold to their favourites than have reviewed is highly amusing to me, so thanks for that! Saying it without words, are you? /winks/ I can now comment on the response to my first multi-chapter fanfic, and admit to being quite merrily astounded; it is certainly encouraging to see what a reaction I have garnered and for this I thank you all for reviewing, and offer further thanks to those almost four hundred who have presently added Pulling Pigtails to their favourites list. That is a truly astounding response, and I thank each and every one of you for your support. I hope you enjoyed the end of the fic, as it was a damn long time in coming as a result of my flagging internet access. Everyone I made laugh, keep laughing, because it is just such fun to do! Those who reviewed to let me know that they laughed, thank you so much, especially those who made me laugh. If you have any desire to read Pulling Pigtails in French (and really, why wouldn't you?) it can be found translated by Verowyn on ff dot net under the name, 'Crêpage de chignon' or at French HP fanfiction archive here. Verowyn, I hope you buy yourself a series of delicious things for each chapter you translate so beautifully. To those I made laugh, whether you reviewed or not, it is your laughter that makes writing comedy worthwhile. I assure you that had I no idea that people found my writing funny, I would have given up. That I have made others laugh makes me feel important, in a silly kind of way, and I owe these feelings of importance to you. So thanks to you all. ~6tigercubs, AkashaV, All-Knowing Alien 2, Alya's Star, AmberStarlight, Athena61, Avada Cait-davra, aylan, bannana2, BladeMaxwell-GoddessofDeath, blueeyesbetter, Bobbie Jr, bookivore, Bouncerok, Bust, CLDillon, Closet Chocoholic, CursedShadows, denali-girl, Di-chan, discontinued-me, DragonDamsel, DrunkenHorse, elvenmagick, embyr81788, Emerald Eyes of Flame, EmeraldEyes2005, EtherealBeliever, fattoad, Gettenshi, God of Khaos, griffin black, gwenivere73, Harusume, Heatherzilla, HeavenLeighStar, hermione-lily-luna-sirius, holder.of.the.shadowed.eyes, Honeybun540, Horatio'H'Caine, I-Y-T-Y, Icce, Insanity at its Fullest, Intangible Lollipop, Iredesent, It's Just That, Jack of Chocolate, jadestar5, jimmy-barnes-13, JulzPadfootMoony, justacat1958, Kharnla, killing u with umbrellas, Kira BlackWolf, kitten7315, Konoko89, kunf'you'z-ed, LadyDrey, LadyOfTheUnreal, LadyOfTheWest14, Laimei, lil-bugga, Lillith Black, Limit, LittleLuna13, LittleWolfy, lvdmadeon, macca64, maclabv, marapotter15, McMagicG12, MenialMarvin2, Mintoz, MIS-MATCHED SOCKS, Miyako Suou, Moonlit Cascade, Moonsilk - Yaoi-Lover, Murgy31, Myou Matsuro, Mysstique, Naruto-junky, nickainai, nitre angel, Novocain, organizedchaos2006, Pecora Nera, PirateChickxArrg, Pocket Fool, Poetic Folly, Priestess Catatonia, prosaic tragedy, Pyre13, QuincePaste, SarahWRadcliffe, Savoir Faire, severusdraco, shadow lupus, Silver-Dragons-Daemon-Child, SilverDragon-Kerinthia, silverpen18, SiriusBlackIsGod, SneakyPony, softmouse, Songbird's Desk, SwarmOfFanGirls, sweetlyevil, That-Fresh-Rain-Smell, The Spork Warrior, usetherighthand, vacation, Valentine Satiguss, VampireHeir, veritas7980, Vindictive Vixen, wild wolf free, wilie, Xan Salstone, xsaraxmalfoyxpotterx, YeahYouWannaKnowMyName, Your Greatest Fear, Zephyr and an Angyl, and Zilander Kat To these one hundred and twenty-two, you must buy at least two delicious things, as you have added me to your favourites list, and I find that very flattering. Afterall, you have only had three short fics thus far to prove my worthiness, and perhaps in the future I shall truly earn your respect. Although it has been some time since I have written, I have not given up entirely. In fact, Savoir Faire, if you could consume three delicious things (steadily, over the course of a few hours so as not to make yourself feel sick) I would appreciate it as your accepting thanks for dedicating 'Paint Me a Cigarette' to me. A beautiful story, that begs the question of why it was dedicated in part to me. That-Fresh-Rain-Smell, if you would kindly eat something delicious for every lovely thing you said in those extra-long reviews, I would be most obliged. I, of course, recommend you do so over the period of a week or so, because the reviews were rather lengthly, and full of lovely things. To all else, thanks for taking the time to read/ skim over my bio. I appreciate your interest in me, and more so appreciate your interest in my writing. Yours, (most regally) Prince Edwin P.S. If you spot any mistakes in my stories, feel free to correct them in any reviews you leave (though I would be glad of your opinion overall, in addition, if you would). I am currently labouring without a beta, as I do not write enough to require one, and proof-read all of my own work. Mistakes can (and likely will) be made. |