Author has written 89 stories for Harry Potter. My favorite Fan Fiction is Harry Potter Joined stories order: #1 "I'm Where" & "The file" #2 "Sirius and Harry" & "Four Flames" #3 "Time Again" & "Voldemort Again" #4 "What Might Have Been" & "Planning For the Future" & "School Days" #5 "Blast From The Past" and "Triple Trouble" #6 "Betrayal" and "Revenge" #7 "Hunter" and "Mercedes Raine" #8 "It Was An Accident" and "Accidental Snippets" these are missing scenes and fun additions not included in the story The following aren't joined stories but they kind of go together "Sirius gets Serious", "Minerva's Resignation" and "All a Buzz" in that order. *Challenge: I challenged myself to see how many stories I can write from the same beginning plot idea. The first in the series to be posted was "Stopped in time". The additional stories will start with the same beginning and work toward a new ending. The other stories so far are: "Sanctuary" and "Pansy's Fault" Thanks for all the reviews even if you didn't like the story. PS: if you are going to burn my story at least give me the courtesy of allowing a response. Mini story :-) Its true really! It happened... really, I'm not crazy... quit looking at me like that. “Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.” I screamed as I literally pulled my hair until it seemed ready to fall from my head. What is it that caused this? It is a disaster of epic proportions. I have called everyone I know but no one has been able to help. I scream again. “What is all that noise?” Harry Potter stomps into the room followed by his best friend, partner and side kick/comic relief Ron Weasley. “Sorry! I’m sorry.” I called out from my corner of the room, “It’s just no one seems able to help me with my problem.” “We can help.” Ron chirped, “We are aurors after all.” “No offense but I don’t think wizards hold the answer to this computer problem.” I smirked. “Well at least let us try.” Harry moved closer, “It may be our magical aura interfering with technology that is causing it.” “Ok give it a shot.” I waved at my computer screen and rolled my chair back out of the way. In the middle of the screen covering everything else was a large brown box, plain brown, no frills or thrills. The most thrilling thing about it was that it was a 3D image and it was spinning, very slowly, on one corner. “What the heck?” Ron asked reaching at the screen to touch the box, “How are you doing that? Is it magic?” “No its technology.” I shout, “I’m muggle.” “Oh right.” Ron stepped back sheepishly. “What are you two doing in here?” Hermione asked as she entered the room, “There is delicate computer equipment in here that you could break by standing too close.” “We aren’t breaking it.” Harry replied, “We’re trying to help her fix it. It was broken before we arrived.” “Did you call the manufacturer?” she asked. “They ran a remote scan and said it isn’t a problem with my laptop.” I began. “I thought it was a computer problem.” Ron turn around confused, “How can you have a problem with your lap?” “I also hit the knowledge base at Microsoft.” I ignored Ron’s idiocy, “It isn’t a known problem with Windows or any other Microsoft product. It’s like it's completely new.” “First you have a computer problem, then your lap is broke and now you want us to fix the windows?” Ron asked completely baffled. “Get out of the way you oaf.” Hermione shoved Ron onto a nearby chair, “Sit. Stay.” “Do I get a treat?” He asked sarcastically, he isn’t really a complete imbecile after all. Hermione ignored him, just like the rest of us, “Oh! I know what this is. How many stories are you working on?” “Let’s see.” I paused to think, “Seven in my office and twenty five in the kitchen.” “You have two computers?” Harry asked impressed. “The second was my daughter's, she thought it was broke beyond repair and got a new one.” I waved him off, “I fixed it and she didn’t want it back.” “Oh, so what’s the problem Hermione?” he asked. “She has contracted a vicious bug brought on by multiple plot bunnies.” Hermione grinned and flipped her hair, “You have writers block.” “Noooooooooooooo.“ I screamed in horror. “Tough luck.” Ron shook his head. “Sorry we can’t help with that.” Harry patted my head as he turned away. “Please Hermione, can’t you think of some spell or a potion to help?” I plead. “Nothing.” She shook her head in regret, “Only time and hard work will erode the block. You may have to write and delete and rewrite several times before you break it down enough to get something worthwhile.” “Waaaaaaaaa.” I cried, tears flowing down my cheeks. Kzzzzzap “Dang it!” I shouted, “There goes my keyboard again!” “You should know better than having liquid near a computer.” Hermione pointed out. “I hate you.” I muttered. --Just so you know what's going on if I don't post for a while between stories-- PSS: You don't like my spelling mistakes and grammar errors? Sorry I'm not an English major or editor and I miss stuff. Thanks for pointing out the errors and I'll try to correct them when I have time, but try to be nice about it instead of sounding like you're a third grade teacher who's at your wits end with a trouble maker. |