Day 50 – September 10

Friday afternoon week later Harry was entering Gringotts accompanied by Andromeda and Ted. They were whisked out of the main room and down a hall. The room they were shown into had several goblins already in attendance, Bogrot was the only one he knew.

"Lord Potter, you honor us with your presence." Bogrot spoke, "I do hope you are in better health."

"I am well Bogrot." Harry nodded, "Thank you for asking. I trust the goblin coffers are full to overflowing."

"They are." Bogrot grinned, "Today with us we have the Potter Account manager, Bloodcurl and the Dumbledore Account manager, Ironfist and the Head of Investigations Gripheart."

Harry and the two with him nodded in acknowledgement but turned back to Bogrot and sat when he indicated. The group was at a conference table in a large room. Bogrot sat with Harry across from the other three goblins. Gripheart the investigator was between the other two.

"The Tonks are staying as they are his guardians since the ministry do not yet accept his adult status as indicated by magic." Bogrot explained to the three goblins, "Mr. Potter, when you arrived knowing nothing about the magical world or yourself, I contacted Gripheart to investigate. I will ask him to now impart his findings to you."

"Thank you, Bogrot." Gripheart nodded, "When you came in on July twenty-fifth Bogrot confirmed your identity as Lord Potter Peverell Hufflepuff Gryffindor Slytherin, also heir apparent for the Black family. He also found you to be the solely named beneficiary for another fifteen vaults of other minor, now extinct, families."

Harry nodded in agreement.

"I began searching and found the letter from Mr. Dumbledore stating that he was awarded guardianship of you and required the installments indicated in the will to cover the costs of raising you." Gripheart explained, "This was accompanied with the correctly filed documents from the Wisengamot. It was known at that time by your Account manager Bloodcurl that this was contrary to the will of your late parents. Bloodcurl sent him a refusal stating he was not listed in the will and could not be the guardian. Further letters provided the order from the ministry to seal the will, do to safety concerns."

Harry wanted to know what safety concerns there were so he turned to Bogrot, "May I ask a question?"

"He will cover what those concerns were if that is what you are going to ask." Bogrot answered, "But you may ask questions to me on this note pad."

Once the they were finished Gripheart continued, "Most of the indicated guardians were either deceased or unable to care for you. Your Godfather was imprisoned, though it was a false imprisonment he was still there and unavailable for you. The only available party was a member of the Black family and the Wisengamot was unsure of their loyalties."

"Idiots." Andromeda muttered.

"I agree." Gripheart chuckled, "I have statements from three sitting members who stated they voted for Dumbledore's guardianship because he had stated you were untrustworthy due to your close relationship with Sirius Black who was obviously out to kill Mr. Potter. Recent court cases had them agreeing to give us statements."

"Covering themselves." Ted shook his head.

"However, due to the vote at that time we had no choice but to pay the installments to Mr. Dumbledore. All payments were made in galleons directly to his account." Gripheart shuffled his papers, "The same amount was removed from his own vault in the form of galleons, no money was exchanged into muggle currency."

"I wonder if it would have made a difference." Harry thought to himself but shook his head, "No it wouldn't have."

"Next was your claim and proof that Mr. Dumbledore did not raise you at Hogwarts as we thought. You were sent to your muggle relatives whom abused you." Gripheart looked up from his notes, "This was also proven, it is our understanding that the muggle authorities are dealing with the abuse case."

"They are." Harry answered, "The Dursleys were arrested on September second."

"Very good." He agreed, "Since you were not in the physical care of Mr. Dumbledore we have judged that his removal of four hundred thousand galleons from your accounts was unlawful. As was the removal of your family grimoires and other objects of value. We have begun the retrieval of these items, some are no longer in his possession so they will take longer to retrieve."

Harry noticed Gripheart give a look at Ironfist who looked a bit sour.

"The sum of five hundred thousand galleons have been awarded to you from the Dumbledore account for the installments plus interest." Gripheart continued, "For any item that cannot be found, the value will be removed from the Dumbledore account. If any of the priceless items cannot be found, you will get everything that is left of the possessions of Mr. Dumbledore. His will is to be held until your claim is satisfied."

Harry blinked in surprise several times during Gripheart's explanation. He didn't know anything about family grimoires, they had been lost to him in the other timeline. A huff from Ironfist pulled his attention to the goblin.

"Silence." Gripheart frowned at the goblin, "There will be a meeting of the Wisengamot on Wednesday this week. You and your new guardian will need to be present to take possession of the Potter seats back from the current proxy. You will then be able to assign another proxy if your guardian will not or cannot sit on the panel for you."

Harry stared in shock for a few moments. He had seats on the Wisengamot! He had never been told, not even by Kingsley, that he had seats. Andromeda speaking woke him out of his shock.

"I will take the proxy for the time being." She was talking to Harry, "We will discuss another proxy when you have time to digest all of this."

"Ok." Harry nodded, obviously shocked, "If I may, are you by any chance looking for the cloak of invisibility that was possibly taken?"

"Yes." Gripheart nodded.

"I have it." Harry told them and pulled the item from the pocket he kept it in, "I got it from Dumbledore shortly before he was killed."

Ironfist seemed to relax a little while Bloodcurl smiled. Obviously, this was one of the priceless items that were upsetting them all. Ironfist tensed back up when Gripheart began to speak again.

"That is one of the missing priceless items. But by no means the only one." He gave a look to the other goblin again.

Harry made a note to ask Bogrot about the angry look Ironfist was getting. It wasn't his fault that Dumbledore was such a thief.

"At this time, I need to speak with Mr. Potter alone." Gripheart stood.

Harry followed suit. The two walked into another area of the room with a small table for two. He could still see the others but he realized quickly they were on the other side of a privacy spell.

"In my investigation I came across something very odd." Gripheart took a seat and started right away, "You are a time traveler."

"I am." Harry agreed, "The aurors I am working with know the situation. It was an accident with some time sand, completely out of our control."

"Our control?" he asked, "I only investigated you."

"Ron and George Weasley." Harry answered.

"Have you changed things?" he asked.

"A lot of things." Harry sighed, "Do you think there will be a problem with that?"

"No." Gripheart relieved his worry, "Magic wouldn't have allowed you to come back this far if she didn't want you to make changes. What would you say is the biggest change?"

"Dumbledore died just before my sixteenth birthday." Harry gave a list, "Voldemort didn't die until almost my eighteenth birthday. We lost a lot of people but the death eaters were gone. This time we still need to deal with them."

"Will they be dealt with?" he asked.

"Madam Bones has Peter Pettigrew." Harry shrugged, "He's already given names and they've arrested a few. First were those aurors who were supporters."

"I will visit with her and see if we can share some information." Gripheart gave him a toothy grin, "Cooperation amongst the races will go a long way to seeing this world cleaned up."

Day 64 - September 25

On Saturday two weeks later, Harry and Nymphadora followed Andromeda through St. Mungo's to find the room Sirius was in. Andromeda had the two of them stay out until she was sure he was awake and decent. Once sure she opened the door. Nymphadora walked right in and up to the bed.

"Nimmy! You've grown so much." Sirius pulled her into a hug despite her hair turning red.

"Don't call me that." She hissed, "Call me Tonks."

"He could call you by your middle name." Harry grinned at her as he approached.

"Egad you do not play nice." She shivered, "Sirius this meany is your godson Harry."

"What's her middle name?" Sirius asked.

"I'm sworn to secrecy." Harry shrugged.

"Nymphadora, Praesepe isn't that bad, neither is Nymphadora." Andromeda insisted.

"Andy, how could you." Sirius huffed, "I can't even make anything out of that."

"You're not trying hard enough." Harry grinned and stepped a bit closer giving Sirius a soft hug, "I was able to think of one, that's why I'm banned."

"Harry!" Sirius pulled him close for a tighter hug, "You look so much like your dad, except…"

"My eyes, yea, I've got mom's eyes." He grinned.

"He has his father's pranks." Andromeda shook her head.

"Excellent, what pranks have you played?" Sirius' eyes danced.

"I'm not allowed to talk about most of them." Harry grinned, "But I will confess to aiding the perpetrators that turned all the Ravenclaw's robes pink last week."

"Why Ravenclaw?" he asked.

"I can get away with it." Harry grinned, "No Ravens in the friends or family realm so I'm safe."

"So, it was the twins." Tonks grinned, "I can make money off that info."

"Actually, it wasn't." Harry grinned, "I'd never rat out the twins. Not even on accident. Besides you all already know I'm funding the twins."

"Funding them?" Sirius asked.

"We're opening a joke shop in a few years." Harry grinned, "I'm the silent money for all their testing and future store premises."

"Jokes?" Sirius was grinning again.

"They make Zonko look like an amateur." Tonks provided, "I'm so glad I'm on their good side."

"I'll give them the same amount you are." Sirius offered immediately.

"Have you decided on a proxy for the Black seats yet?" Andromeda asked, "Or are you planning on keeping them yourself."

"I've made contact with a few old friends." Sirius waved her off, "I should hear back soon."

"You should do them yourself." she frowned at him.

"I will, but I want to have about a year to recover first." He stated, "I need to get to know Harry and introduce him to Moony.

7 + years later

Ron, Harry, Fred and George sat at a table on the balcony above the shop and looked over the crowd in Diagon Alley. They each had a bottle in hand as they chatted about life. A wave from below told them that Hermione, Angelina, Ginny, and two of Hermione's friends were on their way up to meet with them.

"Harry." Ron turned serious as they approached, "I want to tell Hermione."

"I don't see a problem with that." Harry shrugged, "Just get a vow from her. Same for Angelina if you're wondering Fred."

"No, I didn't come with you." Fred replied.

"I don't have anyone to tell." George answered before it could be asked, "Do you have anyone yet?"

"No." Harry grinned, "Unlike Neville, I've kept my vow of eternal bachelorhood."

"You just need to find the right girl." Ron gave him a light kick under the table, "You've got a lot more people to choose from then last time."

"It's amazing." Harry grinned, "Last time it felt like we lost, this time, victory is sweet."

"What are your plans for after the wedding Harry?" Fred asked.

"Sirius, Remus and I are going to do some traveling." Harry grinned.

"Traveling with those two mutts will be exciting." George grinned, "Where are you headed?"

"We're starting with France." Harry grinned, "I believe Sirius said the Riviera."

"With promises like that its no wonder you're still single." Ginny stated as the girls reached the balcony.

"That's just the first stop." Harry grinned, "He's planning on stopping at every tropical spot on earth."

"You will be coming back to visit now and then, won't you?" Hermione sat on Ron's lap since there were no available chairs, "Your Godchildren need to see you once in a while."

"Once you start having some of those, I'll make sure to stop by." Harry grinned, "I'll bring the fun toys. Of course, if it's fun its noisy or it flies."

"Or both." Fred and George added together.

"Harry, you will get them educational toys or I will castrate you." Hermione stated conversationally.

"Ouch." Fred shivered, "I'm only buying books for their kids."

"I'll buy the educational ones and let Sirius pick out the others." Harry chuckled, "I don't care if he gets castrated."

"I'll tell him you said that." Ron pointed at him.

"He knows she's all bark and no bite when it comes to him." Harry wasn't worried, "However, with me she does bite."

"You clued her into your true nature too quickly." George pointed out.

"Yes, she figured us out quickly too." Fred grinned and gave a salute to his soon-to-be sister.

"Too true bother mine." George nodded along.

"All my favorite people in one place." Neville stood in the doorway of the balcony.

"What do you want?" Ron asked, "You only call us your favorite people when you want help with the greenhouse fertilizer or something equally as bad."

"The rest of the time we're those clowns he hangs around." Harry grinned at his friend, "What's up?"

"I know you have plans to visit all the hot spots on earth, but I need to interrupt at the beginning." Neville grinned back, "I need a best man for my wedding in two months."

"You wound me Nev." Harry put a hand over his heart, "We had a solemn brotherly vow for eternal bachelorhood, you've squelched on me mate."

"I lasted years longer than Ron said we would." Neville countered, "Its only because you're the ugliest of the group that no girls would date you."

Harry stuck his tongue out at his friend. Girls had always been falling at his feet, or rather the feet of the boy-who-lived. It was a joke among them, but they didn't fault him for his attitude with the fan girls. Harry stood and stretched before he answered.

"So, you want the ugly friend to be the best man so you can look even better?"

"Obviously." Neville answered with a nod, "It's the duty of the best man and grooms' men to make me look good. By the way my colors are pink and maroon. Ron, Fred, George are you up for that?"

"Merlin." Ron groaned.

"Hannah will kill you if they show up like that." Hermione shook her head knowing the twins would pull something.

Of course, when handed material like that they couldn't pass it up. The wedding was perfect Hannah would settle for nothing less. But they each had a treasured memento from the occasion. One picture was allowed with Neville in his perfect black formal robes, Harry in maroon and the three red heads in pink.