Harry clung desperately to Chris as his mind tried to reconcile the new memories alongside the ones he already had. It took several minutes for his mind to come to terms with the idea that Chris was there with him and that everything was okay. Slowly he was able to steady his breathing and soon found himself back in St. Mungo's his head resting against Chris's chest as Chris continued to rub soothing circles on his back. He looked up and met Hermione's concerned eyes and was overcome with the need to touch her and make sure she was real and not dead.
"Hermione," he cried reaching out his hand and she rushed over taking it. Her hand felt warm and real in his own but he couldn't help touching her face and hair just to be certain.
"I watched you die." he told her Chris moved back and allowed Harry the space he needed to pull Hermione close and bury his face in her hair.
"Oh Harry!" was all Hermione could say as she took over gently rubbing Harry's back "So it's all true? You changed the future?" she asked but Harry shook his head.
"No Chris changed the future, I just followed him."
"And your souls are really bound?" Harry nodded into her hair before pulling back and turning his eyes to Chris who was watching them anxiously.
"You're such an idiot Chris." Harry told him holding out his hand. Chris took it tentatively.
"I know but I did save the future if that counts for anything." Harry couldn't fight the smile that spread across his cheeks. This was Chris, his Chris.
"God I missed you so much and I didn't even know it." he pulled the other man toward him and kissed him passionately. Chris made a surprised noise before surrendering and allowing himself to relax against Harry's body. The kiss became more intense and only the sound of Hermione very pointedly clearing her throat separated them. Harry blushed and sent her an apologetic look. Suddenly Chris laughed.
"What?" Harry asked.
"I've just realized, that was our first kiss." the thought made Harry laugh as well. He tugged Chris too him and placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"Just think we can do all our firsts over again!" Chris nodded eyes sparkling in a way Harry had only seen once or twice in their other future. Chris had never seemed this happy before.
"And we get to do all the things we couldn't before. I can't wait to take you on a real date!"
"Like with dinner and no demon killing?" Harry asked with a laugh. Chris nodded and then it shifted to a smirk.
"I mean we could still kill demons sometimes. As I recall you always looked really sexy when fighting evil."
Harry grinned and nodded.
"Totally but we'll have to be careful. Remember I have Teddy to think of now, is that going to be a problem?" Harry asked his grin suddenly fading. His life was different now in a lot of ways he couldn't just jump into a relationship with Chris because it wouldn't just affect him. Chris shook his head quickly.
"No definitely not. I love you Harry! Our souls are literally bound together Teddy is important to you and that makes him important to me. Don't start to worry we already know we're perfect for each other." Chris told him firmly and Harry's smile returned.
"Harry I hate to interrupt but you two are so sweet it's making my teeth hurt. Since you're no longer rejecting the bond I really think we should leave before the papers find out you're here."
When Chris orbed into the living room grinning broadly with Harry in his arms Wyatt knew what had happened. Beside him his Aunt Phoebe who claimed to be visiting but was really just waiting to see what happened let out a squeal.
"Oh I'm so happy for you guys!" She told them quickly embracing Chris then Harry "Welcome to the family!"
Harry laughed and hugged her back.
"It's good to see you Phoebe," Harry told her as he spoke his eyes scanned the room and Wyatt couldn't help but wince as his eyes fell on him and flickered with fear.
"I'm not evil!" He said quickly "I know I attacked you and I know I was evil in the past or future or whatever but I swear that's not me."
Harry nodded slowly. He stepped away from Phoebe and toward Wyatt and he couldn't help but flinch back. He had no idea how the other future had been even Chris only had a vague idea based on his dreams but he knew he must have been pretty bad for Chris to die trying to stop him. To Wyatt's great surprise Harry pulled him into a hug.
"I know you're not evil Wyatt." Harry spoke loud enough for everyone else to hear and Wyatt felt himself relax.
"You're not scared of me?" Wyatt asked the smaller man but Harry just smiled and shook his head.
"I spent several months with evil Wyatt. You don't even resemble him I promise." Wyatt felt a rush of relief through his whole body. Ever since he'd learned about Chris changing the future there had been a small niggling doubt. A part of himself that couldn't help but wonder if Chris had failed. If deep down he was still evil and would one day it would surface and innocent people would be hurt.
There was no one to ask because no one remembered evil Wyatt. His parents had only ever had Chris's word for it and Chris himself couldn't actually remember anything detailed about the alternate future. Though he suspected that had changed because Chris was nodding in agreement with Harry's statement.
"Thanks" Wyatt said his voice shaking as Harry stepped back to Chris's side. "So what happens now?"
He watched as Chris and Harry exchanged a look both still smiling broadly before Chris answered.
"Now we fall in love all over again."
The End
Author's note: I know this chapter is short but there wasn't much left to say. I've never been great with endings so I hope this doesn't disappoint anyone. I may and probably will do an epilogue I'm also toying with the idea of writing a one shot lemon which I will likely post on Archive Of Our Own. If I do I promise to update and let you know.
Anyway I want to thank everyone for reading this story. I honestly think it may be one of if not the best thing I've ever written and I'm really proud of it. I hope you all enjoyed it too!
And lastly because my author's notes wouldn't be the same without saying it. . . .REVIEW! PLEASE!