It ain't my franchise just my version of a plot that has been used before and will be used again.

All I'm trying to do is survive and make good out of the dirty, nasty, unbelievable lifestyle that they gave me. - Tupac Shakur

Down the Rabbit Hole

a/n: I wanted to bring up a few things before the chapter. First I have decided to bring one more person from Harry's dimension and I have posted a poll on my profile to determine who; so please go vote. I will probably bring them the next time I update, right now Remus and the Weasley twins are tied. Also, that is partly why this chapter is so small I will try to update next week depending on my work schedule. I have ideas on what I want to right depending on who is going to be sent in. Next, I wanted to bring up Harry's animagus forms. I chose a panther because they are fierce and protective and can be deadly. Next, I chose the butterfly because they are transformed in to what they are. Also, they often appear to be something else, and they can be very fragile.

Searching the house for the locket was extremely difficult but yet funny at the same time, somehow it turned into a game hide and seek, but instead of hiding and looking for each other they were hiding from everyone else in the house and seeking the locket. The Marauders seemed to think they were in a James Bond movie. Sticking their heads around the corner and looking both ways before running out into the hall and rolling on the floor to the next room. It started out easy enough they search the library, and Harry and Hermione's rooms. They looked throughout the drawing room all coming up empty. Next they decided to look through Kreacher's old room.

His would be difficult because they would have to go through the kitchen which was full of the people they were trying to hide this from. So they decided they needed a distraction and Harry was the best one to create the distraction. After all he always ended up the center even when, especially when he didn't try. Of course he never tried before, but there was a first time for everything.

He had to stop and think for a moment. What could he do that would get everyone's attention and get them to leave the kitchen? That's when it hit him. Remus was on him to open up more and since everyone was so interested in him maybe he could, as the saying goes, kill two birds with one stone. Harry had seen Dumbledore's pensive in the Drawing room when they had searched it. Maybe he could get them in their and show them the first time he met Ron and Hermione and then how they became friends.

Harry walked into the kitchen where everyone was milling about. The kids were still trying to get more information; meanwhile the adults were trying to figure out who had blown up the ally and why they would do so. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

Dumbledore was the first one to question him, "Is there something you needed Mr. Potter?"

Harry shook his head no, "I know you all are busy with trying to find out who blew up the ally, but I have been persuaded to… open up… a little bit."

Lily looked at him in surprise, "What do you mean?"

"I saw there was a pensive up stairs…"

Dumbledore looked at him intensively and prodded, "You know what a pensive is?"

"Yes, I do. I actually looked into your, or rather my dimension's Dumbledore's pensive a few years ago. He was very forgiving. Of course he was also forgiving when I trashed his office; so, take what you will from that." Harry told them it shrugging off. "So, who wants to go up to the Drawing room?"

There was a rush for the door. Dumbledore was studying him as he walked by. Harry couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face as Dumbledore started up the stairs. He should have known better, but then Snape was in front of him. "I don't know what you have planned, but I know you're up to something."

Snape, it seemed, always knew when Harry was scheming and apparently it didn't matter that this was a completely different Snape or that for some reason this on seemed to actually like him. Harry couldn't help but wonder what his world's Snape would make of this one, or what anyone from his world would think o there counterpart. He looked Snape in the eye. It was crucial to get everyone out of the kitchen and Snape was the only one lingering, "You'll never know if you don't check it out."

He was trying to be as none specific as he could after all it wasn't the memory he was talking about, but in fact the kitchen. Snape narrowed his eyes, but followed Harry out of the kitchen anyway. After arriving in the drawing room he realized the only one missing was Hermione. Apparently the three remaining marauders were just as curious as everyone else.