Title: Destinies
Author: Angelwarrior1
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Harry Potter
Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural or Harry Potter. I make no profit from writing this.
Summary: Dean Winchester is running from destiny. Harry Potter has accepted his. This somehow results in the pair ending up in an unlikely reality. Sam is there too.
Chapter : 11
Harry and Sam spent the rest of the day in the garden, and eventually Harry ended up teaching Sam all about how to take care of the plants. Oddly, he hadn't considered leaving anyone in charge of taking care of them. He was sort of making them more independent, as not to burden anyone with the task, but Sam seemed to flourish under Harry's tutelage. He seemed to actually focus, rather than stare when Harry explained what was needed to ensure the plants stayed healthy. It was nice, and it would give Sam something to do when he left.
He hoped it would be enough.
The next day Harry felt ready to create the charm for Sam. He gathered all of the items he would need, and went outside to do the spell. Future Dean followed, and the pair were surprised when Sam joined them as well.
"I'm not gonna have to make up some story to the others am I? This isn't gonna turn into some giant light show, right?" Future Dean asked warily as he watch Harry place everything.
"No. It shouldn't be that bright. I'm channeling my magic into the bracelet, so if anything, it'll be bright at first then get darker as my magic goes into the bracelet," Harry explained calmly.
"This isn't- This won't hurt you, will it?" Future Dean started, then pushed out.
"No, I'll just be tired afterward. I'm still a bit drained from getting rid of Lucifer, so I may pass out if I put too much energy into the bracelet, but there's no need to be alarmed. I'll just need sleep and food," Harry was surprised at the seeming concern future Dean had just displayed.
It gave Harry hope for the man. He closed his eyes and concentrated on drawing his magic together and then began reciting the words of Latin while waving his hands and channeling his magic. The process was slow, as he had to give a lot of magic to the bracelet. As more time passed, he felt himself begin to grow more and more tired, and he knew he was nearing the end of the spell. Eventually, he was done and he slowly stopped channeling his magic.
He felt weak and dizzy when he opened his eyes.
"You okay? You aren't looking so good." Harry swayed a bit as he nodded.
"Jus' tired," Harry mumbled, reaching over to pick up the bracelet.
"Uh huh, come on then. Time for you to get some sleep," Future Dean spoke and went to pull Harry up, practically dragging his dead weight back to the cabin.
Future Dean put Harry on the couch, and Harry waved Sam over when he saw him hovering a few steps behind future Dean.
"Would you come here Sam? I have something for you," Harry requested of Sam, patting the spot near him.
Future Dean backed away and let Sam go if he wanted to. It took a few moments, but eventually Sam moved to sit next to him. Harry smiled and held the bracelet up for Sam to see.
"This is for you, Sam. This bracelet is for your ankle, and it'll protect you from possession from Lucifer, demons and a number of other things. Once you put this on, it'll be invisible to everyone but you, and only you can take it off. Here," Harry explained gently and handed the bracelet over to Sam, who gingerly took it.
He stared at it, and it was obvious future Dean was losing his patience, as Harry heard his breath intake to speak. Harry shot him a glare that told the man to keep his mouth shut. Silence remained. When it was obvious Sam was a bit at a loss of what to do other than stare at the bracelet, Harry gently touched the hand holding the bracelet, causing Sam to jerk a bit and look at him. Harry felt a bit like he was looking at a startled baby deer, given Sam's large doe-like eyes looking at him.
"It's alright. Do you like it? I can turn it another color if you lik-" Harry started, but Sam surprised both men when he vigorously shook his head in the negative.
"Alright, you want help putting it on?" Harry asked instead.
Sam hesitated before nodding shyly, causing Harry to smile at him, and Sam handed him the bracelet. He shifted and brought up an ankle, and watched as Harry put the bracelet on.
"There. What do you think?" Harry looked at Sam to gauge his reaction.
Sam examined the bracelet in the same intense manner he did the flowers, touching and petting the bracelet gently. He finally looked up at Harry and nodded, smiling shyly.
"You're welcome, Sam." Harry smiled back.
It was time for Harry to leave, and as much as he wanted to be with his Dean again, part of him ached at leaving these two Winchesters by themselves. He'd grown rather attached to Sam, and even future Dean was starting to grow on him.
Unfortunately for the future brothers, he was in love with Dean, a different Dean, in another time and world, and he needed to get back to him. The night before, he'd created one more bracelet, this one for Dean. It wasn't as powerful as Sam's, due to his exhaustion, but it would help protect the hard man.
Approaching Sam first, he said his goodbyes.
"You'll be alright Sam, you're free of Lucifer now. Just concentrate on getting better, and enjoy life," Harry encouraged his sad looking friend.
Sam nodded, his eyes practically begging Harry not to leave, which tugged at Harry's heart something fierce. The man seemed to hesitate for a bit, and Harry knew to wait him out. Harry was surprised to find himself wrapped into a huge body, as Sam hugged him tightly. It was so sudden and unexpected that Harry flinched slightly, old instincts flaring. Sam noticed and let him go immediately, making Harry feel terrible.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm just not used to human contact much I'm afraid. You caught me off guard. Here, let's try that again, hmm?" Harry soothed the downtrodden man, who peeked up through his hair to look at Harry in uncertainty.
Harry smiled encouragingly and Sam eventually relaxed, letting Harry initiate a hug and hugging him back more gently.
"You're my friend Sam, no matter where or when I am. Remember that," Harry whispered in Sam's ear, causing Sam to squeeze Harry tighter in response.
After a while of indulging in the warm affection of Sam Winchester, Harry let Sam go, and rose from the couch.
Future Dean was watching him, had been a lot over the few days he'd been there. He went over to future Dean to say goodbye.
"Going back, huh?" Future Dean asked, not really needing to ask, but asking anyways.
"Yes," Harry simply replied.
"Why? It's safer here. Lucifer is gone, thanks to you, and the Croats may not be fun, but they aren't as bad as angels and demons running around," Future Dean responded.
"Dean is there. My Dean," Harry stated, like that explained everything.
And it did.
"I'm Dean too, you know. I could be yours." Harry's eyes widened at that statement.
"I- I know you're Dean," Harry stuttered in shock.
"Do you, 'cause I've felt like an imposter over the passed few days. That other Dean, he's me, just younger. He's the same as I am," Fut- no, Dean insisted.
He was right, he was Dean, and while they weren't exactly the same, many parts of them were.
"That's true, you and he are the same man, but your experiences have made you slightly different than him. You're colder, more brutal, and harsh. My Dean still values human life, he's still able to express love and affection. You have trouble showing care to your own brother, I haven't seen you approach him once. I don't know what happened to make you close yourself away so fully, maybe it was losing Sam, or maybe it was something else, but I'd be fighting for your heart everyday. I'm too tired for that, and I'm too in love with the Dean I've already met to insult you by trying to give you the same. " Harry touched Dean's chest softly as he explained.
Dean sighed, his shoulders sagging.
"If only I'd met you first, maybe I wouldn't be this fucked up. I know there's shit wrong with me. I know. It's all I know now. It's how I've survived. I've been struggling so long to just stay alive. To just end things. I went to face Lucifer expecting to die, you know? I would have too, if you hadn't shown up. I've been fighting for years, and you come in and changed things, so fucking easily. You beat Lucifer. You freed Sam. I couldn't, but you did, you didn't even seem to struggle or anything. This world is already so much better, and you've only been here for a few days. What've I done in comparison?" Dean confessed somberly.
"You have changed things Dean. You run this camp. You keep these people alive. You keep hope alive. Everyday you breath is a blessing, because it's a new day for hope. It's a new possibility for change. Considering how bad things have gone for the world, I think it's very admirable how long you've survived, and kept others alive," Harry insisted, not liking the broken look on the man.
"I thought you said I was cold?" Dean uttered darkly.
"You are, but I've seen enough from you to have hope for you yet, Dean Winchester," Harry whispered quietly, taking Dean's hand and squeezing it gently.
Dean looked up and caught Harry's eyes in an intense gaze, making him freeze. Then he was being kissed hungrily, as if Dean were a starving man. He was yanked into Dean's body, slamming into his front, as the man forced his way into his mouth. Harry moaned in surprise and startling sudden arousal.
He shouldn't have been surprised, really. It was still Dean, after all, and Harry was immensely attracted to Dean Winchester. Apparently, it didn't seem to matter which one. His Dean would likely be jealous, of course, and Harry knew the man would find out. Harry wasn't the best at lying to his loved ones. Hopefully he wouldn't be too angry, and if he took the time to enjoy the kiss, it wasn't hurting anything, right?
Harry took Dean by surprise and started participating in the kiss, teasing his tongue shyly with his own. Dean growled in approval and gripped Harry's hair, guiding his head and angling it so he could deepen the kiss.
As much as Harry was enjoying the kiss, guilt welled in him, and it wasn't for his Dean. It was for this future Dean. He shouldn't be encouraging the man, as he would be leaving. Leaving right after the kiss actually. Grabbing Dean's hair, he pulled his head away from his. They both panted as they leaned their foreheads together.
"My past self is one lucky bastard," Dean gruffed out, panting.
"I'm the lucky one," Harry whispered, and dug the charm out from his pocket.
"What's that?" Dean looked down at the bracelet.
"It's your protection charm," Harry answered, taking one of Dean's hands and putting the charm on it.
"I thought you were too drained?" Dean wondered as he rotated his wrist, examining the bracelet.
"That one isn't as strong as Sam's, so it didn't take as much magic to create." Harry smiled softly up at Dean.
"Thank you." Dean's thumbed stroked at one corner of Harry's smile.
"You're welcome, Dean." Harry cupped Dean's hand to his face and closed his eyes momentarily, enjoying the moment briefly before opening his eyes and stepping away from the man.
"Stay strong Dean, and look after your brother. For me, if no one else," Harry urged, as he gathered his magic for the return trip.
"I will, Harry. Thank you. For everything," Dean spoke solemnly, trying not to let his sadness show.
Harry smiled one last time at the alternate future versions of the Winchesters, and followed the tracker to his Dean Winchester.
When Harry reached Dean, he hadn't picked the best timing. He landed on top of Sam Winchester in the passenger seat of the Impala. Dean swerved, as he yelped in surprise. Sam yelled and started trying to fight off Harry, thinking they were being attacked. Harry was just trying to calm everyone down.
Dean pulled the Impala over and looked at Harry as Sam was still trying to throw him off.
"Harry!" Dean yanked Harry off of Sam and crushed him onto his lap in an all consuming hug.
"Hey Dean," Harry replied, though it was muffled by Dean's chest.
"How'd he get here?" They heard Sam ask in confusion.
"Where the hell have you been?! I've waited for you at the motel for two days before I finally gave up. I thought... I thought you were stuck there," Dean ended quietly.
"I'm sorry. I thought you would've been there a little longer. I stayed to make a protection charm for Sam, and help him out a little," Harry explained, rubbing Dean's chest in apology, while soothing him at the same time.
"You made a protection charm? To protect against Lucifer, right?" Dean pulled back to look at Harry in surprise.
"Yes, though he really wouldn't need it unless someone were trying to trick him into saying yes. Anyhow, regardless of him saying yes, it would just repel Lucifer and send him back from where he came."
"Wait. You're saying if I went up to Lucifer, wearing that charm of yours, and said yes, it would just force him from my body and push him back into his cage?"
"Um, well, essentially, yes. As long as the energy repelling Lucifer's is greater than his it would fill your body, forcing him from you."
"Uh uh, don't even think about it Sam. Let's leave the crazy ideas as a last resort, besides, Harry's looking too tired to be doing anymore major mojo." Dean took Harry's chin and examined his face, as if confirming his words.
"How'd you-?" Harry began, cut off by Dean's chuckle.
"Your eyes aren't as lively. They never lie to me." Dean winked, causing Harry to scoff and Sam to grin in amusement as he watched the pair.
"So, where are we going?" Harry asked, as he wiggled off of Dean's lap.
He smirked mildly when he heard Dean growl softly at him.
"Hunt a few states over. Figured we'd ease Sammy back into things," Dean spoke as he waited for Harry to get situated in the back seat before pulling back onto the road.
"I told you Dean, I'm don't need to be handled with kid gloves," Sam said in frustration.
"This is for the both of us man..." Harry listened to the brothers attempting to deal with the recent rift between them, and smiled gently.
It wasn't perfect, but no time in life ever really was. He'd gone to his death firmly believing he would be moving on to be with his loved ones. Instead, he'd found himself in a different world and falling in love with an extraordinary man. He didn't know Sam very well yet, but if the other Sam was any indication, he had a feeling they'd be the best of friends. Castiel was quickly becoming a good friend, as well. It wasn't a perfect traditional family, but Harry thought it would be perfect for him, and that was all that really mattered.
Harry smiled as he looked out the window of the Impala, listening to the voice of Brian Johnson, screeching about being back in black.
So there it is, the end. There may or may not be an indirect sequel involving future Dean and Sam, cause I really felt for the pair at the end of it all. They could really use a Harry, don't 'ya think? :P
If any of you fellow authors wish to write spin offs involving this universe, I encourage it! Just be sure to give credit for this story so readers know what the heck is going on in your stories. :D
Thanks for reading, reviewing, and being awesome. :D