Title: Over and Over Again

Catagory: Harry Potter/Charmed

Pairing: Harry Potter/Chris Halliwell

Summary: Just weeks before Chris has to return to the future his lover arrives to help save Wyatt. Years later Piper meets a confused Harry Potter at the Grocery store and can't resist inviting him home. After all if he could be the love of Chris's life in one timeline whose to say he isn't in this one as well?

Author's notes on timeline: Its totally mess up. This story takes place six months after the final battle at Hogwarts for Harry. That means Harry is 18. Chris is 1 year older than Harry making him 19 and Wyatt is two years older than Chris making him 21. Piper also has a daughter named Melinda she will be 16 other characters will be introduced as we go.

Piper, Phoebe and Chris were downstairs with Wyatt arguing about which demon to go after next. That is to say Chris was telling and the sisters were arguing that they needed a break from Demon hunting. There was a loud thunk in the attic. All three looked up before Chris said "I'll go check it out" and orbed out of sight.

Piper and Phoebe quickly ran up the stairs only to hear arguing as they approached the attic.

"You stupid git!"

"Ow Harry"

"You Promised! You promised to tell me before you did anything stupid!"

There was a crash and a yelp from Chris.

"Harry just calm down!"

Another crash.

"I bloody well will not calm down you arse!"

Piper pushed through the door and saw Chris being set upon by a short dark haired man. He held a wand and was shooting what looked like jets of light at Chris but when one missed it hit the wall with a loud crash and left a burn mark. Chris was dodging and holding up his hands still trying to talk to the stranger. Piper didn't care though this man was attacking her son and he would pay. Raising her hands she only stopped when Chris shouted.

"Don't" and jumped in front of Harry even as another jet of light shot him. Chris let out an oomph sound but didn't move away from the other man. This seemed to catch the stranger's attention because he immediately stopped shooting jets of light and caught Chris by the arms and lifted him up.

"Idiot don't jump into the spell." He muttered and Piper saw Chris shoot him a smile.

"Can someone tell me just what the Heck is going on? Who are you and how did you get into my house? You know what never mind how what are you doing in my house?"

Chris straightened at his mother's words and to her surprise she saw a faint blush grace his cheeks.

"Sorry, this is Harry. He's from the future."

Chris tried to stay calm and focus but all he could really think about was the fact that Harry's hands were still touching him. Still grasping his forearms from when he'd caught Chris after hexing him. Harry was standing close enough for Chris to feel the body head emanating from him. Chris glanced back and caught Harry's eyes and they were smoldering.

"Oh wow! Piper honey, lets let them catch up and then later they can catch us up." Phoebe exclaimed and Chris couldn't help the blush that danced across his cheeks. Phoebe's empath powers were still a little wonky as she learned to use them and he had no doubt she knew exactly on his mind. Rather then deny it however Chris nodded.

"That's a great idea Phoebe. Harry and I will just go and then come back later." He said and before Piper could argue Chris had orbed Harry back to his room at P3. Harry had somehow managed to turn mid orb so when they landed it was an easy thing to kiss him.

Piper glared at Phoebe.

"Why did you let them just leave like that? I have questions!"

"Well you weren't going to get any answers. I'm amazed those two could even form words." Phoebe responded smirking as she did so. She wasn't sure if she should explain things to Piper after all coming out of the closet was really something Chris aught to do.

"What does that even mean?" Piper demanded but Phoebe just shrugged her shoulders.

"You can talk to them later. Once they've had a chance to get reacquainted. I've got to go work on my column now. Talk to you later." Phoebe hurried away before she could become a target of Piper's wrath.

Harry was unaccountably nervous as he prepared to face Chris's mother and aunts. He wasn't sure how his appearance here would be received by them. When planning it he'd thought only of reaching Chris. When he thought about it he'd not thought much beyond kicking Chris's ass followed by some gratuitous sex. Having got that out of the way he had to face the fact that he was in the past and now meeting Chris family all of whom were dead in the future. It was more than a bit tense and as he sat down beside Chris in the sister's front room.

Piper took the lead as was to be expected and on either side were Paige and Phoebe. Phoebe was wearing a very knowing smirk that made Harry flush uncomfortably remembering what Chris had told them about their powers before he'd left. Phoebe was an empath and which made their earlier meeting decidedly embarrassing. He hadn't had a chance to even talk to Chris yet because Phoebe had stormed in and dragged them back to the manor after only a few hours.

Chris shifted next to him letting his hand fall so that their fingers were only just brushing. To an outside observer it would looked accidental but Harry knew it was Chris's way of reminding him he was there too. They were waiting in tense silence, Piper had called Leo and they were waiting for him to arrive. Piper was already heavily pregnant with Chris but Harry didn't know by how much. He wished he did as it would tell them how much time he had to find them a way home.

With a gentle twinkling sound Leo orbed in. He looked around the rest of the room his eyes lingering on Harry before turning to Piper.

"What is it? What's going on?"

"That's what I'd like to know. This man appeared in the attic and attacked Chris but Chris wouldn't let me blast him. He says he's from the future."

"He attacked Chris?" Leo asked and Harry couldn't help but flush with embarrassment before his eyes hardened.

"He had it coming."

"Harry I already told you I'm sorry. I did what I thought was right."

"What is he talking about Chris?" Leo asked turning his penetrating eyes onto his son. Chris shifted uncomfortably.

"Harry is my. . .uhh," Chris paused and glanced at Harry. Harry merely raised his eyebrow at him mockingly. After a moments hesitation Chris's eyes gained resolution he took Harry's hand and turned to his family. "I'm in love with Harry."

Piper's eyes widened as she looked at the black haired man with new eyes. He was handsome with messy black hair and piercing green eyes. He was smaller than Chris in height and probably thinner. At the moment he was dressed almost entirely in leather, in addition to his wand she could count at least two knives strapped to him. Before Piper could speak Paige did.

"Wait. You're in a relationship and he attacked you?" Paige was furious, but Chris put up his hands quickly.

"It's not like that. I really did have it coming and he didn't really hurt me anyway just knocked the wind out of me."

"Okay Harry what did Chris do to make you attack him?" Leo asked wanting to keep on track. The young man before him did not feel like a threat to him even though he was clearly powerful. Harry huffed and glared at Chris.

"I had a mission, I was gonna be gone two days. All Chris had to do was stay put and not do anything stupid."

"I had to save Wyatt! I have to change the future Harry!" Chris exclaimed.

"Then you should have waited for me! Idiot my magic is much safer and more precise."

"Time travel Magic is lost to the Wizard's Harry. You told me yourself you destroyed their time room!"

"Well obviously there are other ways Chris but you've just completely buggered it up!"

Before Chris could argue back Piper cut in furiously,

"What is it you think he's done wrong?"

"The spell he used, it had zero paradox previsions built in." Harry exclaimed everyone but Leo only gaped at him. Leo was looking thoughtful.

"Paradox Prevision? I thought Paradox's were only a concern if you didn't want to affect the future. Chris wants to change the future."

"No idiot a soul paradox. No living soul can occupy the same space and time on the same plane. The second Piper pops out little Chris, Chris will cease to exist unless he returns to the future first."

There was a gasp from Piper and a whimper from Phoebe, Leo turned to Chris.

"Is this true?"

Chris shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. If I change the future successfully little Chris will grow up to be me." Harry hit him on the back of the head.

"Git, you should have told me I would have helped you"

"So you came back with a spell that has paradox previsions?" Leo asked Harry who shifted awkwardly and glanced away.

"Err. . .not exactly."

Chris turned to stare at him.

"How did you get here Harry? I know you didn't use a time turner and you couldn't have used my spell because I took it with me."

"I did a ritual." Harry muttered but Leo could tell there was something else so he pressed.

"What sort of ritual?"

"Well I didn't exactly know when Chris was did I? His note was really vague so I used a sort of blood ritual to drag myself to him."

"Wait a blood ritual? Using Chris's blood?"

Harry nodded.

"But that means your presence here is tied to Chris. If he ceases to exist so will you."

Harry shrugged but Chris let out a gasp.

"Why would you do something like that?" Harry glowered at him.

"It's not as if I had much of a choice. I had to follow you! Wyatt was sniffing around looking for you, it's not like I could just stay and wait for you to maybe come back!"

"But why not use a safer spell?" Phoebe asked.

"And what go back to a strange future without Chris? Or worse a future where Chris exists and doesn't know me? Besides if he fails I'll be returning to a future where a wrathful Wyatt flays me alive for allowing his brother to die."

"He flays people?" Piper asked her face paling.

Harry was across the room from Chris when Gideon stabbed him. With a shout he knocked Gideon off his feet and away from baby Wyatt calling for Leo all the while. They got him comfortable and Harry lay with him while Leo went after Gideon. Harry put his head on Chris shoulder and took his hand.

"I'm sorry Harry," Chris murmured softly, Harry had cast a pain relief charm so Chris wasn't in pain unfortunately that was the extent of Harry's medical magic.

"Do you think we'll remember each other? In your new future?" Harry asked Chris. Chris nodded shakily.

"How could I ever forget those eyes?"

Leo rushed to his son's side but he could already tell it was too late. Harry lay clutching Chris's hand his face pressed to his shoulder. Harry lifted his head groggily as Leo entered and Leo could tell the magic holding him here was weakening with Chris. Harry pressed a sleepy kiss to Chris's lips.

"See you in the future baby,"

Shakily Chris bid goodbye his father before releasing a last shaky breath and both men vanished from the bed.

Authors note : I have about half of this story written and will continue to work on it but I couldn't resist throwing this out there to feel out if anybody is even interested in this sort of story. Please review and tell me your thoughts!