He could feel the heat through his trainers. Directly underneath the sun was no place to be in this weather, but the diner didn't have an overhang and he couldn't smoke inside. He was sweating. He'd take his time, anyway. This was the last cigarette in his pack.
Denny walked up from his left and plucked the smoke from his fingers. He crushed it beneath his foot. "Let's go, I'm hungry."
Henry scowled. "That was my last smoke, Denny."
"Come on, it's hot." He reached around to open the door. "God this place is awful, you and McKay eat here?"
Henry rolled his eyes and spotted their group. He headed across the busy diner to meet them, Denny on his heels.
"Sorry we're late," Henry said, sitting down carelessly.
"Sure you are," Donnelly scoffed, glaring at him.
"Try the egg and chip, Den," he said, and then fixed his cup of coffee.
"How are we today?" Henry asked the agents.
Donnelly had been waiting for him to ask. He pulled out a folder from his bag and slid it over. "There was a local investigation of the munitions factory," he said, looking up at Henry seriously. "They seemed to think the place was sketchy."
"Really?" Henry responded, faking surprise. He motioned for Donnelly to go on.
"We took care of it," he grunted. "Also, it looks like the hit wizards visited your shop by McAllister's recently."
"I thought they might," Henry confessed, rather unconcerned.
"Did they try to dismantle or destroy anything?" he asked.
"No," Donnelly sighed. "They only wanted to know how production was going. Asked about making 'monetary contributions'."
"Orders from on high," Monroe said, speaking up for the first time while she adjusted her blouse. "How did you get central intelligence involved, anyway?"
"It was mostly an 'I know someone who knows someone' thing," he explained. "Bloke named Augustus Zabini recently got a good post with MCS76, as well. He's a consultant on magical communities. I know him. He might have spread a few rumors to the right people."
Donnelly closed his folder, staring down at it. "So, there's nothing left do," he stated, sounding tired.
Henry smiled at him. "Any time you're ready," he said.
"Jesus Christ," he cursed, picking up his coffee and draining it. "And I suppose there's no way for us to persuade you otherwise?"
Monroe glared at him. "I'm not included in your 'us'," she said. "I agree with what he's doing." She caught Henry's thankful smile and nodded back sensibly.
"You're just as insane as he is, then," Donnelly told her, rolling his eyes. "Is there anyway I can talk you out of it?"
"Wouldn't bother," Denny spoke up, his eyes trailing the attractive waitress. Henry slapped him on the arm, and Denny attended to them again, however reluctantly. "He's wasted half his life on this," he continued, glaring at Donnelly. "I've done this song and dance before, and If I can't convince him, you certainly can't, mate."
Donnelly gave him an unimpressed look. "Gotta wonder how hard you tried, Brooks," he said, huffing when Denny grinned at him spitefully.
"I know this is big," Henry said slowly. "And it's going to get rough for a while, but just keep your head down and by the time it's all through, you might think differently." When all he received for his little speech were unconvinced expressions, Henry sighed and shrugged. "I can't back out now, mates, sorry," he said.
Monroe nudged her partner with her elbow and waved a hand at Henry, ignoring Donnelly's grunt of disapproval.
"It could be a good thing," she told him, licking her lips. "I know I don't really know what we're getting into…" She stopped when Donnelly snorted. "What 'I'm' getting into, excuse me," she corrected herself, pressing on. "And I am scared. I am."
Denny blew on his hot coffee, gazing at her over the rim of his mug. "You're a smart lass," he muttered.
"The casualties - " Donnelly began heatedly, but Henry interrupted him quickly.
"Are necessary," he said, now mildly impatient with the man. "And I think you've already accepted this isn't going to be easy, but that's just the way it is. If you hadn't, we wouldn't be here right now. Denny and I don't normally share a meal with Feds. But we're here. We've got no choice but to trust each other."
"We've sort of gone all-in with them, Donnelly," Monroe reminded him.
Putting a hand over his eyes, Donnelly groaned. "We're all going to hell," he announced, still looking dreadful.
Denny shook his head. "You're already in hell, you just haven't noticed it yet," he said.
"You're a fucking ray of sunshine, Brooks."
Henry smiled, even though Monroe looked a bit shaken and Donnelly still hadn't raised his head.
"Relax," Henry addressed them, first looking at Donnelly and then meeting Monroe's worried gaze. "Everything is going to be okay," he said.
They stared at him. Then the waitress came over with Denny's food, and he sat up, pleased, until he looked down at his plate. "What's this?"
The waitress shrugged. "Your lunch, honey."
She'd given him an egg sandwich and a bag of crisps. "I asked for egg and chips," he said.
She scowled. "That's what you got."
Henry grinned as she flounced away and Denny smacked him on the shoulder. "Stupid yanks."
"Same thing happened to me when I first got here," Henry laughed.
Later, when the two Brooks' had gone, Donnelly turned to Monroe and said,
"You know what frightens me more than him starting all this?" he asked his partner weakly.
Agent Monroe gazed at him until he turned away to stare into space. "I think," Donnelly sighed. "I'm starting to like that kid."
Rashidi and Choi were already with Frank by the time Denny and Henry arrived at the house. They had come early, which was a good sign in Henry's opinion, and he took a moment to brief Denny on what not to say as they made their way up the stairs.
Henry was anxious to talk to them, but not impatient enough to let Denny run his mouth. His adoptive father was clearly able to take care of himself, but Henry knew Denny's temper too well. Hot-headed and stubborn, he would not keep his head if Rashidi said something untoward, as the man was known to do. They'd got on the first time they'd met, but things were different now. They didn't have any more time to soothe ruffled feathers.
Luckily, Denny knew how to proceed respectably; he only needed the reminder now and then. So before they went in, standing outside the entrance to Frank's study, Denny gave his word that he would be on his best behavior, and Henry shoved the doors open, only to find himself, startlingly, face to face with Arif Rahul.
"Mr Brooks," the man said in a heavily accented rush, "It is a pleasure to meet you."
Henry shook off his surprise, and, taking the outstretched hand with a pleasant smile, he said, "A pleasure for me as well, Mr Rahul."
The man abruptly turned around and sat back down. "We've just been going over your plans," he said.
Henry let Denny go in ahead of him and shut the door, holding in a laugh as his father gave the back of Rahul's head a bemused look. "Everything sound alright?" Henry asked as he sat down next to Denny.
Rahul seemed rather pleased to be addressed directly, and he cast a smug look at Rashidi, who rolled his eyes to one side. "It is happening faster than I had thought, but I am satisfied. You do not waste time, Mr Brooks."
Henry laughed and poured a drink for himself. Noticing Frank and Rashidi's empty glasses, he filled them up while he said, "I'm just impatient, that's all."
He gave the other members of the meeting drinks before pouring a glass of water for Rahul. The man watched his movements carefully, a surprised eyebrow slowly rising and the beginnings of a pleased smile twitching at the corners of his mouth.
"What about me?" Denny questioned suddenly, giving him a surly look.
Henry turned to him and raised his eyebrows. "You have legs, don't you?" he teased, but obliged his father.
"Piker," Denny grumbled.
"Arse," Henry returned.
"Forgive me for being rude," he said as he handed Rahul his drink, who grinned and nodded to him. "This is my father, Denny Brooks."
"A pleasure," Rahul said. "I've heard a lot about you."
"All of the bad stuff is true," Henry responded cheekily, and his father glared.
Rahul set down his water and shook Denny's hand. "I see you are both very much alike," he said, sounding amused and just a bit censorious.
Henry only smiled politely.
"I've told them about the end of the Wizards' war," Frank spoke up for the first time. He seemed vastly more cheerful than when Henry had seen him last. "Good job, Hen," he said, toasting him briefly.
"Yes," Rashidi agreed. "And sponsors. Government sponsors. How did you do it? I would love to know."
Henry grinned and sat down. "Monetary persuasion, Rashidi," he answered. "And stepping on the right toes at the right time."
Rahul seemed to think this was clever. "I like him very much, Mr McAllister," Rahul told him decidedly, pointing at Henry.
"We're all friends here," Frank said, his smile strained.
"We are now, at least," said Rahul.
"I'm your friend for life," Choi said to Henry unexpectedly, "I just made five hundred grand over night collecting down payments."
"You'll make more than that, Lee," Henry said to Choi. "This is a long-term investment."
Lee and Rahul were surprised. Though Rashidi was too, he had enough composure to not show it. "I had hoped - " Choi began hesitantly, but he didn't finish.
"I want to save the foundations here," Henry told them. "You three are the first we've brought it. Maybe you won't be the last, but if you're here from the start - you get the first say."
Rahul laughed. "You know what a man wants to hear," he said.
"So tomorrow, Hen?" Frank asked solemnly. "We all agreed."
There were murmurs of accordance, and Henry looked around at them all. "Yes," he nodded. "Tomorrow."
Henry moved toward his target silently. Mack Rudeck's security had dropped like flies, and Rudeck himself had fled underneath a bridge. The homeless there scattered as he stumbled, crashing into the archway and crumbling to the ground. The Thames was quiet. The streets were now empty.
"What do you want?" Rudeck sobbed, holding his bloody shoulder as his back scraped against the bridge. "Damn you, what do you want?"
"Nothing," Henry said, moving forward. "I don't think we've met, though. My name is Henry Brooks."
"Brooks?" Rudeck sputtered, blinking the sweat out of his eyes. A boat called in the distance. The river lapped at the platform beneath them. "Oh, Christ," he cried.
"There's no need to cry," Henry said.
"Fuck you," Rudeck croaked, wheezing. His hand had been moving gradually toward his coat pocket, and when he made an abrupt motion to grasp the gun that was supposed to be in there, Rudeck found that it was gone. He patted his coat and looked around with a desperate moan. Henry watched him in silence.
"I haven't done anything to you!" Rudeck shouted.
Henry sighed. "No," he said. "I guess not."
"Why - why are you after me, then? I haven't…What do you want?" he grunted in pain.
"You were in contact with Rashidi Shad recently," Henry stated, watching Rudeck struggle.
"I…yes. Yes. Why do you care?"
Henry frowned. "He said he was courteous to you, and you turned him down."
"I don't like his kind," Rudeck snarled. "Or any of you. Working together. We don't work together. Not in this business. You're all fucking stupid." He broke off and coughed. "You got him on a leash, yeah? Not me. Now fuck off."
A bit taken aback, Henry stepped closer and shook his head. "I can't do that," he said. "But I'm glad you said no to Rashidi."
"I don't care what you think, Brooks!" Rudeck panted. "But let me tell you. If you kill me, you'll regret it. You don't know what you're doing, boy."
"Maybe," he said, raising his pistol. The man's panting sped up, and he started to drag himself away painfully. "Maybe not."
"Don't - "
He shot Rudeck straight through the heart. Bits of ash floated to the ground and he stood and watched it for a moment. Then Henry turned and walked along the Thames. No one saw him leave.
"Last words, McKay," he said to his friend, munching on a meat pie Mary had made for supper. John McKay sat across from him, a heavy, anxious look crossing his eyes, though he nodded after a moment of thought.
"Denny's coming back here, I take it?" John asked gruffly. At Henry's nod, he raised one shoulder. "Heard about the job last night," he said. "I guess she's all yours."
"Denny will look after things for now. Rudeck's contacts are new to me, but they know who I am. Tyler's still got good roots here," he informed John, finishing his dinner. "At least Rudeck didn't mess that up."
"Yeah," John agreed, clearing his throat. "You want to use the manor as a base," he guessed. "Like old times."
Henry sipped his tea, smiling. "I won't Tyler's business like he did, but yes, this old place will do fine," he confirmed.
Rising to put his dishes in the sink, John said, "Before Denny moves back in, tell him to stop calling me McKye."
Henry laughed and deposited his dishes as well. "He's Scottish, John," he argued, but not maliciously.
"It's McKay," John growled. "Not McKye."
Shaking his head, Henry suddenly remembered he had something for John. He motioned for the man to shut up and grabbed the present out of his pocket. "This is for you," he said graciously. "For being patient with me."
John held up the brown paper bag, not opening it. "Is it a Playboy model, a million dollars, and a bottle of Jack Daniels?" he asked.
"Damn," he cursed, but he opened it anyway. "This is David Copperfield, I already have this one," John told him.
Henry tapped the cover with his finger. "This is a first edition," he said, rather pleased with himself.
John showed his gratefulness by promptly sitting down and diving into the book. Henry knew the man was happy, and he left the kitchen to let John read in peace. He wanted to visit Draco before he left, but as he made it up to the boy's room, he wondered if it would do any good. Would there would be any change in Draco's attitude now that his parents had moved to France? He didn't reckon so.
Preparing himself for a battle, Henry opened the door after knocking once and found himself herded backward. He got one short glimpse of the blond up close, before they were lip-locked, and he was backed up until the door clicked shut behind him.
When they pulled away from each other, Draco stared at him closely and said, "I still hate you."
Henry said nothing, and Draco kissed him again. "I need to get out of here," he whispered into his mouth.
Henry drew back and rested his lips against Draco's cheek. "Alright," he sighed.
Diagon Alley was busy. Summer had come, and it seemed like everyone had gone to the shops for the day. There were parents with students out for summer hols, wizards and witches going about their regular business, families and friends enjoying a hard-won peace.
Henry stood in front of Eeylops Owl Emporium, watching as a group of wizards made their way towards The Leaky Cauldron. They tapped the bricks to the entrance, still chatting away. They didn't notice the entrance hadn't opened until one of their group ran straight into the motionless wall. He smacked it with palm of his hand, rapped his wand against the stone - but still it would not move. Henry turned away to hide his smile.
When he caught sight of a goblin on the front steps of Gringotts, he nodded and watched as the creature hurried inside. Then, with a rumble, the entrance to the Leaky Cauldron finally opened, and the angry wizard stumbled forward.
The doors to Gringotts slammed closed.
In the doorway, the group of wizards exploded into ash. It floated to the ground, where it was scuffed by boots as men hustled through and formed a line. They raised their weapons, found a mark, and shot into the crowd.
Panic descended. People ran for entrances and exits; they tried to Apparate and failed. Some fought back. The ash fell from the sky like snow.
Henry walked in the shadow of the building. The road emptied, bit by bit, as the muggles moved forward and the wizards fell. They set fire to the shops as they went; shooting anything that moved. An eerie quiet settled as dust and smoke from the destroyed remains of Diagon Alley clouded the air.
He looked away. "With what is imperfect, with both tears and mirth," he recited to himself. "With things that have an end, with life and earth."
And then, silence.