Garrus Vakarian paced the Courtroom Access hallway. Admiral Hackett had allowed him to accompany Shepard to Earth, but he had not been permitted in the room where her court-martial was being held; hence the pacing. Based on the looks he received - everything from surreptitious glances to open-mouthed stares - he gathered that turians were not a common sight in an Alliance facility. At just over six feet tall, Garrus was the height of the average human male, but the resemblance ended there. From the striking, feather-like fringe on his head to his two-toed, taloned feet his physiology was completely alien. He was tempted to flare his mandibles in a friendly grin at passers-by, but felt that those unused to turian facial expressions might find the result more terrifying than comforting.
Attempting to relax, he stepped into the main hallway and positioned himself near the window that comprised the front wall of the building. Looking out the window, he took a deep breath and cleared his mind as he would when preparing for battle. His raptor-like grey eyes wandered to the courtyard in front of the compound. Garrus found humans interesting to watch - of all of the races in the galaxy, humans were the most diverse. Whereas the other races were homogenous, with only slight variations in skin tones and tattoos to distinguish individuals, humans were an eclectic lot with an endless variety of body shapes, sizes, hair and eye color. The warmth of the early spring day had drawn people outside in droves. The fountains and pools in the quad had attracted many families; young children ran and splashed in the water with abandon, their squeals and shouts bringing smiles to their parents' faces.
Garrus raised his eyes, his gaze traveling over the city skyline. There are those that feel that humans aren't ready to play a major role on the galactic stage. They are wrong. He smiled as he surveyed the architecture of the buildings surrounding him - all concrete, steel, and soaring spires drawing the viewer's gaze to the heavens. Humans were destined for space - they reach for the stars even when their feet are on the ground.
A slight sound behind him caught his attention; he glanced over his shoulder to see that the door to the courtroom had opened. The proceedings had apparently ended; small groups of people were making their way from the room. As he made his way back to the hallway, Shepard wound her way through the crowd to meet him. Her face was carefully expressionless, but her blue eyes were blazing. As soon as she was close enough, Garrus reached out and took Linda's hands in his, pulling her closer; he could tell that she was furious.
"What happened?"
Shepard dropped her gaze and inhaled deeply through her nose, struggling to get her emotions under control before speaking. Finally, she looked back up.
"I've been stripped of my rank and I'm to be placed in detention."
"What?" Garrus was so shocked that he could barely speak. "I know the Alliance is in denial about the Reaper threat, but to do this… Are they out of their minds?"
"I'm a victim of politics." Linda shrugged, anger and despair warring for control of her face. "A lot of batarians died when I destroyed the Alpha Relay. If stripping me of my rank will prevent the batarians from going to war with humans, the Alliance will do so gladly. To hell with the fact that I'm the only one that can help them with the real threat that they're facing." She fell silent as Admiral Hackett approached.
Resplendent in his dress blues, Hackett stopped in front of them. His scarred visage was grim. "Shepard, for what it's worth - I'm sorry." Glancing at Garrus, he continued "You will be allowed a few moments to say your farewells."
Shepard did not acknowledge the Admiral's statement in any way; without speaking, she turned and walked away. Garrus fell into step beside her.
"What are we going to do now?"
She gave him a strained smile, glad that he had used the word "we". "We have plenty of friends in low places that will be willing to help us build our own team to battle the Reapers, if only because it will help them protect their own asses - and assets. Hell, we even have the new Shadow Broker on our side this time."
Garrus chuckled and slid his arm around Linda's waist. "I've said it before, but I'll say it again - I do like the way you think."
The smile she gave him this time was less strained. "Good. You're the vigilante, so you'll get to be the liaison with the lowlifes. You have a face they can trust - I'm far too clean cut for the job." The twinkle in her eyes let Garrus know that she was rapidly regaining her equilibrium.
He reached out and brushed Shepard's hair away from her face. "I'll use Palaven as my base of operations. My mom's health is failing rapidly - I need to go home and see her."
Shepard reached up and took Garrus' hand in hers, pulled it to her lips and kissed it gently. "I'm sorry. I wish I could go with you."
As the guards approached to take Shepard away, Garrus pulled her into his arms, heedless of any stares. "I love you, Linda. Stay strong. I'll stay in touch."
Shepard slid her arms around Garrus' neck and kissed him hard. "I love you, too. Be careful out there."
As Shepard was led away, Garrus called out, "When the Alliance comes crawling back asking for your help, what happens then?"
Shepard flashed him the grin that he loved. "Maybe I'll help them, maybe I won't. It depends on how nicely they ask."