Poll: Which is your favorite treatment of Albus Dumbledore in fanfiction? Vote Now!
Author has written 16 stories for Harry Potter, and V, 1984. Cave of Second Chances is on hiatus for now. My intention is to write some Harry Potter fanfic. My blog may be found at . It contains further information about my stories. I really don't like it when people use their profile here for that purpose. It is cluttered and makes it hard to read. That's what free blog sites are for, people! My profile at Sink Into Your Eyes may be found at /siye/viewuser.php?uid=23437. My livejournal: . (Yeah, I never deleted it...) My AO3 account is /users/pleurocoelus/pseuds/pleurocoelus. My pinterest: /pleurocoelus. So far, that's the extent of my media "empire." Yes, I'm still active here as of: October 1, 2019 I try to update this date at least once a month. I am a man with dark hair and green eyes. I wear glasses. I have a scar on my forehead from an encounter in my early childhood. My wife is from a family larger than mine. Of course, my hair is dark brown, not black; my glasses are rectangular, not round; and the scar is from a piece of furniture, not a Dark Lord. My wife doesn't have six brothers. However, I have been told that I bear a slight resemblance to Daniel Radcliffe, or as one cashier put it: "You look like Harry Potter!". I am, however, taller than Mr. Radcliffe. Significantly taller. I proudly admit that I am married to the lovely Sage Defender. Go read her stuff! The pleurocoelus is a dinosaur (see profile pic). It's related to the brachiosaurus. Here is a close relative of the pleurocoelus (the astrodon) attacking some raptors. What can I say, I like dinosaurs. I have some ideas for short stories and some for long. There are time/interdimensional travel, humor, crossover, more humor, parody, serious (and Sirius too, for that matter) stories involved. Neville will definitely be involved. Petunia will get her time in the spotlight. Good Dumbledore, evil Dumbledore, and crazy Dumbles! Evil Draco, good Draco and antihero Draco as well (plus more evil Draco). Good Slytherins and Evil Slytherins. Good Snape and Evil Snape. I plan on exploring the themes and tropes common to HP fanfic. Some I will play straight, others I will mercilessly parody. All in all, the goal is to see what happens. Now, if I can just get these stories actually written. I prefer canon couples, though I don't mind certain other pairings if it is justified in the story context and the characterization is accurate. I'm not a shipper and I can't stand an otherwise good story that throws out the canon characterizations just because someone wants to ship. If the story justifies it, fine. At the very least, add a disclaimer that you are using alternate characterizations. For what it's worth, if you want to have a character be different from canon, at least provide some explanation as to why they are significanty different from canon. I will do my best to live up to my standard. Pretty much everything that I'm going to write will have Harry and Ginny together (getting together, already together, moving toward each other, etc). I have a couple of ideas for alternateship fics (including a couple of Harry/Harem fics just so I can say I wrote the genre), but most will be HarryGinny. Even if someone else is the main character, those two will be together. Even if they are not together in the story, in my mind that's just because they haven't gotten together yet. Honestly, I think of her as Ginny Potter, not Weasley so why would I write anything else? You have been warned. If you're a HPGW hater, then don't waste your time here. Among non-canon couples, I will admit a soft spot for RonLuna, also for FredHermione. HarryGinny is not a ship, it is a fact. I like stories to have happy endings. I will write a tragedy here and there to sharpen my skills, but honestly, real life has more than enough tragedy on its own. Stories must have conflict, heroes must have heroic challenges, but at the end of the story I believe that all should be well. I understand that part of the “point of fanfiction” is changing things, but there comes a point where you have changed a character so much that what you are writing is no longer fanfiction, but original fiction with a side of copyright and trademark infringement. I honestly believe that at least 1/3 of fanfiction falls into this category. I am probably underestimating this percentage. Story Status Complete (Marked as complete. They are done.) Ongoing (Each chapter is its own story, so most likely it won't ever be marked as complete.) (If you're looking for a story you think I wrote, but can't find it, try one of these compilations.) In Progress (Stories updated as I am able.) Unposted (I will post them when they are complete, or at least reasonably so.) Further down in the queue (cryptic hints) I once told myself that I wouldn't be one of those writers with multiple stories in progress at the same time. However, now that I am actually writing, I can see why people do that. It's just the way the muse works some times. If you get the urge to write on a story and it starts to flow, don't deny that urge or or you might not be able to write anything.
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