![]() Author has written 25 stories for Harry Potter. Hullo. littlebirds writes mostly short stories. littlebirds writes mostly angst. littlebirds believes in brevity. littlebirds won't peck your eyes out if you have any questions, so feel free to PM littlebirds, if you wish. Lurv, littlebirds Okay. A bit about my stuff, here (updated 04/02/2015) Goddess- Snapoetry. Written for the Teachers' Lounge forum. Terrible, sort-of Beat poem with an Eastern theme. Better Things- A nice little family-centric drabble. The Passing of Plan A- Basically, I wanted to write a death scene, so here's my short, little stream-of-conciousness experiment. To sum it up: A bad thing has happened, and then another bad thing happens, and then it gets worse. Rid of Me- Harmony! This one is an excercise in structure and alternating voices. (update: STILL NOT A DEAD FIC, BTW! I know it's been a while, but... working on it.) Hangman- Hermione's 18th birthday. The Trio is out in the wilderness and, for Ron, everything is wrong. I quite like this one. It won a Quicksilver Quill over at Mugglenet for best dark/angst fic. 2, divide by 3- Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, and an OC. This was written for Mugglenet's Great Hall Inaugaral Cotillion. My pairing was OW/OC. Of course, this is yet another fic where everything has just gone so, so wrong for the characters. I have an aversion to the cliche'd language that seems to abound within sex scenes, so i wanted to see if I could fit in a threesome without using certain words or phrases, but still make it hot, and at the same time make it sad. I think I did all right. And there's a bit of slash at the end, too. Summary- A broom closet, but it's not what you think. This one's about liminality and subtext. I Can Tell That We Are Going to Be Friends- George and Angelina. Far less squicky than JKR, herself, made it. Just A Second- Chonky Fire, spiced with rock n roll. Indubitably. The Pretender- Teddy and Mrs. Potter: They got a thing goin' on. Written for the Iron Fic challenge over at the Teachers' Lounge. What We Do In Knightsbridge Is Secret - Ron and Pansy. This thing... I don't know what to say. Fall Back, Slip Down, Fade- What would happen if Hermione left Ron and Harry in the woods? An exercise in short form and language. The Angel and the Barman- a Halloween drabble. Seamus and Pansy and cigarettes. Have You No Idea That You're In Deep - Harry and Hermione. As close to fluffy as I can get. Pupil- Everybody knows the war is over. Everybody knows the good guys lost. I've been told this is rather dark, so... reader beware. Mi Familia, La Mammalia- Hoookay. So, there was this prompt from a friend of mine, and I'd wanted to write it for a while, and the TL's Hard, Loud, and Fast challenge seemed like the perfect time... Basically, Rose is having an identity crisis, and Scorpius comes along for the ride. We Started Singing It, Not Knowing What It Was- This one. Also for the TL's H,L,& F Challenge, until it got too big for its britches. I don't really know what to say about it, other than you have never read a Dean/Lavender/Seamus story quite like this, before- probably because you, like everyone else, have never read a Dean/Lavender/Seamus story. Try out this one (if you're of age), you might like it. yn ed to nnaci chih wtahte mwohs- Luna and the Mirror of Erised. Polished version of a thing written for the Iron Fic challenge over at the Teachers' Lounge. |