Fall of the Malfoys, Rise of the Blacks
Niklas "Hawk" Jonsson
Summary: The amazing redemptionman Fumblebore has done it again, recruited yet another dubious person to the Light and inducted them into the Order of the Phoenix. But Narcissa Malfoy is not a woman to be taken lightly and doesn't suffer fools easily. She has plans of her own, plans that could prove disasterous for the Order... And Harry Potter, Champion of the Light...
FF dot net Summary: Narcissa Malfoy has joined the Order of the Phoenix and she has plans that could turn the Wizarding World upside down. Not to forget how it will affect Harry Potter...
Disclaimer: Harry Potter, Hogwarts
and whatnot are not mine, though I certainly wish they were. The
story is mine though, all mine.
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symbols seems to be missing, you're probably reading the
quickedit-mangled version of this fic on ff dot net, if it grates on
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admit that I greatly prefer the first variety. :)
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on ICQ as 21771860, MSN Messenger/E-mail as iamhawk at yahoo dot com,
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He felt like throwing up.
He had felt like throwing up two days ago, when he'd first been told.
He had felt like throwing up one day ago, when what he'd been told had finally started to penetrate his conscious thoughts.
He still felt like throwing up now.
"Hello, mother." he stated gravely in a leaden voice, his eyes falling upon the woman whom had conceived him, looking at her as he'd rarely looked before.
It was funny, really, he tried to tell himself. Funny, that he'd hardly known how his mother looked before right now. Somewhere around eight or nine years of age, he'd grown an independent streak a mile wide and depended less and less on his mother. She'd always just sort of been there and he'd hardly taken note of her.
She hadn't changed much, but now that he really looked at her, he could spot some minor changes.
She'd lost weight, for one. Not so much that it made her look sickly, but she was thinner then he remembered. Tiny lines and wrinkles showed, signs of her age that she always took meticulous care to hide from the surrounding world. Her hair still shone and shimmered, meticulously cared for as it was. He knew that she took great pride in it and would go through any amount of effort to keep it in pristine condition. Her eyes looked tired and her lips looked as if they hadn't been used to smile for quite some time, a fact which both shocked and horrified him.
He'd always remembered her smiling happily at him, but as he frantically thought back upon his last handful of years in life, he realized that he hadn't seen a true smile grace her lips since his tenth birthday party.
"It is time, then?" she asked tiredly, looking at him without surprise, as if it was normal for her teenaged son to appear in her bedroom early in the morning, looking like hell turned over and grasping his wand so tightly that his fingers had turned white.
"Time for what?" he asked with a confused expression.
"For you to kill me." she replied without emotion.
"What?" he asked as his expression grew even more confused. /How did she know/ he wondered, feeling the bile rising again.
"Stop playing games, Draco. I'm no fool and I sure didn't raise one." she snapped, finally allowing a bit of anger to creep into her voice and expression. "You-kn... Voldemort ordered you to kill me for your initiation, didn't he? Your arm isn't marked yet, you don't come to see me like this for no reason and you went with your father to the meeting two days ago." she snarled and drew herself up, glaring at him. "Just get it over with."
"I..." he started, but trailed off. /I could never do that to you, mother./ he thought, even if he couldn't finish the sentence out loud. It was, after all, what he had to do. It was what he was here to do. He gripped his wand even tighter then he already was, hearing how the wood creaked faintly under the pressure he was applying to it. "I am sorry, mother." he said instead.
"Like hell you are, Draco." she said tiredly and closed her eyes. "Just... Just get it over with."
"Do as your mother says, boy." Lucius suddenly spoke up, causing the other two occupants of the room to twirl their heads around to see him standing in a corner of the room, gradually fading into view as the spell he was under dissipated. "Our Lord doesn't tolerate failures or procrastination."
"Yes, wouldn't want to keep the 'Dark Lord' waiting, now would we?" she asked sarcastically, before gazing steadily at Lucius. "For thicker or for thin, for better or for worse, until death do us part." Narcissa snapped, shaking her head and staring dispassionately at Lucius. She laughed humourlessly and shed a few tears. "You never did love me, did you?" she asked rhetorically.
"You gave me a male Heir. For that, I will always remember you fondly." Lucius politely replied, but coldly, without a speck of emotion in his voice. "You served your purpose well enough for me and now you will serve my son as well, providing him entry into the ranks of our Lord."
Draco swallowed repeatedly, trying to avoid embarrassing himself by throwing up in front of his parents. Fear, loathing, shame, and disgust weren't feelings he was accustomed to feeling and he certainly didn't like feeling them right now. He glanced over at his father, the epitome of what he'd always strived to be, though he couldn't recall the reasons for it right now. He looked back at his mother and made his decision.
She was weak, crippled by her emotions. She held them back, both him and his father. She was the weak link, had refused Lord Voldemorts invites to join the Death Eaters and he'd barely seen her at all except for supper at the mansion and various official gatherings for the last couple of years. Even when he was at home for holidays, he rarely spent any time with her. She was a perpetual early riser, he liked to sleep in. She went to bed early, he stayed up late. He liked eating out, she preferred home-cooked meals.
He pointed his wand at her and took a deep breath, pushing the rising bile down back into his stomach where it belonged.
"Avada Kedavra." he snapped and swung his wand around, pointing it at his father who jerked back in shock.
No matter what else she was or how estranged from her he'd gotten, she was still his mother.
"Avada Kedavra!" Lucius cried out as he jerked his wand out, pointing it at Draco.
Two sickly green beams flew across the rooms, Lucius being struck first and crumpling to the floor in a boneless heap.
"Mother, I lo-grk!" Draco managed to get out, before he too was struck and was flung back by the immensely greater power of his fathers experienced attack.
Narcissa stared silently at the scene before her, her expression one of supreme shock. She slowly staggered upright from her seat in the chair standing before her make-up table. She wobbled over to Lucius and bent down, feeling for a pulse without finding one. She slowly stood up and looked down at her deceased husband, kicking him in the ribs before she wobbled over towards Draco.
She bent down next to him and felt for a pulse, without finding even the slightest hint of one. She cried a silent tear and bent down to place an affectionate kiss upon his rapidly cooling lips, before she straightened herself up, still feeling for a pulse.
"Draco! Don't do i..." a panicked voice cried out as the door was flung open and someone rushed into her bedroom, the voice trailing off in silence mid-sentence as the rushing steps slowed down and the person stopped mid-stride. "Oh..." came a quiet exclamation.
"He's dead..." Narcissa whispered, her right hand still feeling for a pulse, unable to comprehend that she couldn't feel one, unable to comprehend that her son was dead. "He... He didn't kill me." she voiced in stunned amazement. "He... Loved me."
She heard the new arrival move over towards Lucius, saw out of the corner of her eyes how this stranger bent down to check on Lucius, before he stood up and moved over towards her.
"He's dead... He spared my life... My son is dead..." Narcissa mumbled under her breath.
"I'm sorry for your loss, Mrs Malfoy." this new arrival stated and after a few moments, she felt a hand awkwardly land on her right shoulder.
She shrugged to rid herself of this stranger touching her and the hand was quickly withdrawn, almost as if burned or bitten.
"You have to come with me, Mrs Malfoy." the stranger stated. "Voldemort will know soon that Draco and Lucius are dead. I can't imagine that he'll let you live after this."
"Why bother?" she sighed and slumped, leaning forward over Draco's body, resting her head on his chest, tilting her head to look at his finely sculpted features. "Just leave me here. I've resigned myself to my fate anyway."
"Come on, Mrs Malfoy. There's already been one unnecessary death here today. I don't want there to be another one." the stranger countered.
/One? Why not two? Lucius couldn't have been this guys personal favourite, I guess./ she briefly thought, but admitted to herself that she didn't really care.
"Just leave me alone." she sighed and reached up with her left hand to caress Draco's pale cheek. He had never really gotten enough sun, always staying indoors other then when he was flying, she reflected sadly as she caressed his silky-smooth skin. /All natural.../ she reflected, feeling a brief twinge of irrational irritation at that. She acomplished the same with potions, lotions and a few handy spells. Lucius and Draco were born with it.
"Get up, Mrs Malfoy." the stranger ordered, though there was no real firmness behind his words.
"Why do you care!" she screamed and sat upright, glaring at the interference. "Who are you by the way!" she demanded to know, something in the back of her mind screaming at her that she knew this person, someone much younger then she had expected. It wasn't until she spotted the scar on his forehead that she realized who he was though.
"Harry Potter, Mrs Malfoy. We've met once, at the World Cup." he replied before she could add that she'd realized who he was.
"Then sod off, Potter! I'm staying right here." she snarled and lowered her head to Draco's chest again.
"You said that he saved you. He wanted you to live. Do you care so little for his sacrifice that you're willing to make his death pointless?" Harry asked after a few moments of awkward silence and she whimpered in response, his words feeling just as bad as if he had shoved a knife into her chest or hit her with a Cruciatus.
"You're an asshole, Potter." she hissed.
"We don't have time for the kiddie gloves, Mrs Malfoy. We need to leave this place. Now." he stated gravely, then sighed. "I'm not even supposed to be here..." he muttered under his breath, before he drew himself up, bent down and pulled her into an upright position.
"I'm not leaving him!" Narcissa snapped and prepared to throw herself down at her son's corpse again, when Harry bent down and gently picked him up.
"You're not." Harry said and looked down at Draco with a weird expression on his face, as if he was unsure about what he was doing with him in his arms. She had a feeling that he'd much rather caress a live cobra then hold her son in his arms. "I am leaving with him. He wanted you to live and died to ensure that you would. Unless you want to ignore his dying desire and be left behind to be killed, you'll have to come with us."
"Arsehole." she growled.
"You're coming, then?" he asked, completely ignoring her insults. "You have five minutes to get dressed and gather whatever you want to bring along."
"Why did you come?" Narcissa asked after having grown bored of staring disdainfully at the overcrowded Muggle transport Harry had insisted on them using. In order to distract herself from being surrounded by filthy Muggles, she tried to start up a conversation. "And how did you know to come?" she added as she realized just how odd it was for Potter to show up out of the blue like that.
"I see things, sometimes..." Harry explained after so long a silence that she thought that he'd decided to ignore her. "I get these visions, see things from Voldemorts point of view. That's how I knew what Draco had been ordered to do. We've never been friendly, in fact, we've been anything but friendly. But even if he's been a right prat ever since we first met, I still didn't want him to do something like what he'd been told to do and be condemned for all eternity for his actions. So, I came as soon as I could, hoping that I could talk some sense into him before it was too late." he added and sighed, looking over at the lifeless body beside him.
He'd asked her to make the body lighter and cast notice-me-not-charms on it, which had caused the Muggles around them to largely ignore their presence as well as make it easier for Potter to move around with her dead son in his arms.
"Why? Why do you care if I live or die?" Narcissa demanded to know.
"You're another human being, just like me. I don't want anyone to die." Harry replied. "Not even Draco." he added with a tired sigh.
"You're naive, Potter. People get killed all the time." Narcissa countered.
"I know. But they shouldn't. That's why Voldemort and everybody like him have to be stopped." he replied morosely.
"Saps like you and Dumbledore can't stop Voldemort. He won't stop until he's dead and none of you have the guts to do that. Dumbledore hasn't killed anyone since Grindelwald and I heard that was mostly by accident." Narcissa replied.
"I will have to do it." Harry replied, rubbing his temples and looking even more depressed then he had before.
"Oh, why is that?" Narcissa asked and saw how Potter became guarded.
"Because nobody else seems about to do it. Heck, most people can't even say his name without twitching and stuttering." Harry eventually replied. While she couldn't find fault in his words, she knew that he was lying. He had another reason for it, something that he didn't want to or couldn't tell her.
No matter.
She'd find out what he hid from her sooner or later.
"Where are we going?" she asked instead, figuring that the current line of questioning wouldn't lead anywhere at the moment.
"London." Harry replied.
"I guessed there was a reason that 'London' was written on the bus." she commented acidly. "Where in London are we going?" she clarified.
"Grimmauld Place." Harry answered with a sigh.
"Whatever for?" she asked. "What's in Grimmauld Place?"
"You'll see." he replied.
"Unless you answer my question, I will take Draco and leave you here. I can Apparate, you can not." she informed him.
"Sirius home." Harry replied shortly.
"My cousin Sirius? He had a place there?" she asked.
"It's under the Fidelius Charm, so you probably can't remember it." Harry explained.
"Why would a dead mans home be under the Fidelius Charm?" Narcissa asked. "Sirius couldn't have cast it himself, he wasn't powerful enough for that and even if he were, the Charm would have failed by now."
"Dumbledore cast it." Harry replied.
"Why would that old man cas... Wait... Now I get it. The Order of the Phoenix." she said with a note of distaste in her voice.
"Yeah. They'll know what to do." Harry replied.
"The light's finest. Pft!" Narcissa snorted, but refrained from commenting any further on the subject. She did think about it, however. She wasn't all that fond of Muggles, Mudbloods and Half-bloods herself, but she'd never really supported the so-called Dark Lord and his extinction policy. She certainly hadn't gone against it, but she'd never taken the mark or actively supported the 'cause' either, like Lucius had and Draco had wanted to.
She was more of an Isolationist, prefering to remain separate from them as she saw no real point in exterminating or enslaving them. She certainly didn't want them anywhere close to her, but that was something that could be easily acomplished with magic. Half-Bloods were disgusting, half Muggle as they were. But she was open-minded enough to realize that they could be taught to behave like proper wizards and witches with proper training and instruction. Mudbloods on the other hands... Muggles with magical powers... For them it would be better to seal their magic away, Obliviate them and toss them back to where they came from.
But now she was on her own and Potter was right in that the Dark Lord would want to be rid of her after having lost a member of his Inner Circle and a new recruit trying to assassinate her. She needed allies and she needed protection. The Order of the Phoenix could provide that.
At least to begin with, until she could arrange for something better.
She glanced down at Draco's still face and unmoving body, then looked out of the window to the passing scenery. If she spent any more time looking at Draco, she wouldn't be able to think clearly and she needed that now. Now that the shock had settled somewhat, she wasn't all that keen on dying just yet.
She also wanted revenge on the Dark Lord.
There was much to consider before they arrived in London.
The End! ( For now... )