Reviews for A Godfather's Promise
YuukiAsuna-Chan chapter 2 . 7/26
The whole not attack woman in the wizard world is beyond stupid considering they are just as fucking dangerous, a woman can cast a jinx, hex, curse just as easy as a male.

Honestly, what's he gonna do if Bella attacks him? Ask her nicely to stop right before she eviscerates him?
Guest chapter 19 . 7/21
This graveyard scene always reminds me of Robert Baratheon's party arriving in Winterfell in GOT/ASOIAF: fanfiction authors, 99.9% of the time, lose their originality and ability to craft anything original and just /have/ to include that fucking scene almost word for word. It's so incredibly stupid.
xxPercyRoxxx chapter 19 . 7/13
Can’t wait to read more. I haven’t had much experience into this lifestyle so I interesting to read about. Who’s joining next? My money is on Hermione since she saw the stuff Fleur was wearing.
GatorLHA2 chapter 19 . 7/10
anonymousvoice chapter 19 . 7/8
Please tell me they got the others out if the maze!? And how will this change the whole “Harry is a Liar” thing since he brought evidence back with him! Can’t wait to read what’s next!
Senseo chapter 1 . 7/6
By far the best part if ch.19 was Fleur's fight and resistance. So well done on that part.
Senseo chapter 19 . 7/6
It's very disappointing to see you use the exact same 'voldemort ressurection ritual' as in canon. Your Harry is much more trained/mature than canon Harry so kidnapping him and using him for an involuntary ritual should be much more difficult than in canon and surely Voldemort would have incorporated this fact into his plans.

He would have made sure some other death eaters were involved in the kidnapping. What use is it to use fanfiction to make a character far more competent only for him to do the exact same thing? And make the exact same mistakes?

It's also unfortunate that you stayed close to the canon duel at the graveyard with Harry's 'expelliarmus'. It would've been nice to see him use his dueling practice he trained so hard for and again proving the point I made above.

For some reason many HP fanfic authors who do fourth year and on believe that they have to make the graveyard stuff as close to canon as possible. While the very concept of fanfiction exists to make your own story.

I remember reading 'a cadmean victory'. Here too the author has Voldemort being ressurected in a ritual but he had to use several more people and the duel was far more entertaining than a simple priori incantatem.

That being said it was VERY satisfying to see Harry punch Voldemort like a muggle and put him down with it. The capture of Pettigrew was also satisfying since it proves death eaters were involved. Eventhough one of the purebloods would have been a far better and more convincing option.

But maybe you're more focusing on the smut aspect of the fic? And the plot is mainly to keep interest? Idk.
OzwaldPendragon chapter 19 . 7/4
very good story, I haven't been able to stop reading it, I hope that you have more coming to finish it.
Appetite for Illusions chapter 4 . 7/4
Didn't notice the title of the chapter.
Got to the end.
"why do you keep running away? I'd never hurt you. That'd be the last thing that I do".
Mind goes to THAT guitar riff. Is that an Angel Witch reference?
Reads AN. Fuck yeah dude. Such an awesome band, seen them live a couple of times as well. Great to see them mentioned!
M2R chapter 19 . 7/2
Xerzo LotCN chapter 19 . 7/2
a much more interfering way from the death eaters to make it happen interesting but it ended much better as no one died and fleur was made a sex slave hostage cause her pure grit killed him

as long as they stop wormtail from being killed by fudge like crouch jr he can be trialed and blow the top on everything uncover all the truth tear fudge kicking and scream into the truth to prepare for moldyshorts

also hopefully this near death encounter encourages the waifus to make the harem happen instead of being so passive
daniel2610994 chapter 19 . 7/2
Oh godfucking dammit it always pisses me off how canon always finds its way to screw with the plot no matter how good the mc is doing.
Zicou chapter 19 . 7/1
no waaay, fleur :) excellent chapter!
hope to read more soon!
Blitz Drache chapter 7 . 7/1
"Apparition is taught to students in their sixth year by a Ministry instructor." Could have been used. Also, damaged is not used when describing if someone's hurt. It's usually used to describe an objects condition. The word you are looking for is injuries.
Blitz Drache chapter 6 . 6/30
The extra drama from his fetish reveal feels incredibly forced and stupid. His reasoning for bringing the contract with him, as well as writing it in the first place, is not at all natural. He also thought it was a good idea to leave the contract at the top of his bag were it could easily fall out for Fleur to read. The most unlikely things happened in this chapter that it is unbelievable.
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