AN: Welcome to my fic. This is my first To-Love-Ru fic ever and it's my take on a more serious and more powerful Rito. The main pairing will be Rito x Lala but this will be a harem fic so other girls will be included, in the review section please vote on the top three girls you want Rito to get with first and I will use those votes to decide you joins Rito and Lala first. WARNING, there will be Lemons galore so naturally do not read unless you are 18 or older or don't like that kind of stuff. Also this will be a combination of the main Darkness storyline currently in effect and my own ideas so there will also be some action, gore and even death. So sit back and enjoy, by the time I post this I will already be working on the next chapter so stay tuned.

Yuuki Rito opened his eyes at approximately 7:15 a.m. on a Saturday morning just as the sun came peeking through the curtains of his window, instinctively he reached for the body that until a few months ago would have been lying next to him while he slept. But the bed next to him was empty and a small surge of loneliness shot through him for a moment before he chased it away. His relationship with the alien princess known as Lala Satalin Deviluke was like a roller-coaster, at first she had been his fiancée. Then just his house guest after she had called it off, not because she didn't like him but because her father the current king of the universe wanted to force them together.

After that while she had still snuck into his bed from time to time suddenly she stopped, thinking back it was around the time she and Haruna really kicked off their friendship. He hadn't questioned it then, just glad he stopped getting heart attacks every time he woke up to the sight of a very naked pink haired big breasted young woman with a devils tail. He had lost count of the number of cold showers he had had over the last year and a half since the princess had entered his life. Then her two younger twin sisters joined them and they all lived in a pocket dimension house above his home so as not to intrude on the Yuuki families' resources.

Every day was a different adventure/disaster waiting to happen but slowly he had begun to realize that his feelings for the pink haired woman were growing and growing rapidly out of his control. This had led to the event a week ago when had finally told Lala that he loved her; she had reacted positively which wasn't much of a surprise since she had been telling him that she loved him for a long time. However that was not all, he had also told her that he had feeling for another girl and had since before he had ever met her.

Despite her childish demeanor Lala was actually a genius whose knowledge eclipsed the combined technical knowhow of the history of the human race. She had guessed correctly that he had a crush on Haruna which really shouldn't have surprised him and then instantly told him that he should also confess to Haruna about his feelings for her. Lala's reasoning being that if he married her than he would inherit her father's throne and that would make him the Emperor of the Milky Way Galaxy and as such he could make up any rules he wanted and have as many wives as he wanted as the rules of the Earth's Governments would no longer apply to him.

He had tried to do as she said, after getting launched to Haruna's general location via a rocket pack, but as seemed to be the usual circumstance he ended up confessing not to Haruna but several other women instead. That group had included one of Lala's little sisters Nana, the hot older alien doctor Ryouko Mikado, the alien Run who shared a body with her twin brother Ren and switched between the two with a sneeze and Yui Kotegawa the strict disciplinary president from school. It had taken some quick talking but he had managed to get out of the situation without getting killed.

But that was practically an everyday occurrence since Lala had teleported into his life and his bathtub. After getting home he had begun to think about his life and his feelings and came to several conclusions, the first was that he was scared shitless by the idea of becoming the ruler of the galaxy. Ruling over god knows how many hundreds of billions if not trillions of sentient beings was not something to be taken lightly, sure according to Lala her mother did most of the work while her father was the muscle but if he had a responsibility like that he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he just pushed the job on someone else.

But that was only a small part of what was bothering him, it was true that he had a crush on Haruna and had for a long time. But after confessing his feelings for Lala he had really thought about what that meant to both him and to her, he loved Lala and couldn't see a point in his life where she was not a part of it. Didn't want to imagine a life without her in it, that was love. Real love, what he felt for Haruna was a crush. He couldn't say for absolute certainty that he loved the girl; they had become closer as friends since Lala came into the picture and his crush endured even now. But it was still just a crush; if he had to choose between Lala and Haruna he would choose Lala every single time.

Then there was Lala herself, he had confessed to her a week ago and what had he done since then. Nothing that's what, nothing had changed about their day to day lives and now she was encouraging him to confess to Haruna with the assumption that while he loved her he loved Haruna first and therefore more than he loved her. This made him feel guilt; he was abusing Lala's feelings and differing sense of morals on relationships by treating her like this. He had confessed to Lala and she was first and foremost in his heart and he needed to tell her that.

Regardless of what happened in the future he needed to start treating Lala like his actual girlfriend, he would decide later if he even wanted to expand beyond Lala for a relationship. Haruna might be open to multi partner relationship or she might not, if she wasn't then he hoped to remain her friend, if she was they could go from there. Finally deciding he hopped out of bed got a quick bath and got dressed, it was Saturday so he figured he could get a hop on expanding his relationship with Lala and take her on a date.

He smelt and heard his little sister Mikan working in the kitchen and the excited squealing of the infant like plant girl Celine, making his way across the hall to the transport Lala had installed he stepped onto the circle and with a flash of light was teleported into the pocket dimension home of the Deviluken girls and was instantly greeted by the Lala's cheery youngest sister Momo, unlike the older twin Nana Momo had begun developing early and curvy hips a plump peach shaped ass and breasts which were either a small C cup or a very large B cup with the promise of much growth in the future.

"Rito-san good morning! Did Mikan send you to come get us for breakfast," Momo asked with a pretty smile and a slight tilt of her head, her tail twitching in the air behind her.

"No, but I could hear her working before I came up here so I imagine that it's only a matter of time before she calls for us," Rito answered.

"Ok, but if you're not up here to get us for breakfast then why are you here so early in the morning?" Momo asking looking interested, it was not something Rito did often as they would usually hang out in the Yuuki household unless one of the girls invited Rito or Mikan up to their house.

"Well actually I was going to go ask Lala if she wanted to go out on a date with me tonight," Rito said scratching his cheek with his finger lightly with a faint hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"I see," Momo said smiling light seemingly not quite understanding what she had just heard. Then her eyes grew wide with shock and disbelief and she cried, "YOU WHAT!"

"Well you know I told her how I felt about her at the pool a week ago," Rito explained slowly. "Well I decided that I really needed to take this relationship seriously so I guess the first thing I'm going to do is to officially ask her to be my girlfriend. Then I will ask her on a date, probably dinner and a movie tonight so I will talk to you later Momo."

He patted her on the shoulder and then walked towards Lala's room completely missing the look in Momo's eyes as he did so. Momo's mind was racing a thousand miles a minute as what she had just been told started to settle in her mind, over the last few weeks she had been concocting a plan to get Rito to open up to the idea of having a Harem. Her own feeling for the red haired young man had exploded since she had first met him and now she held great affection for the man, even was able to admit to herself that she loved him.

But he was always so shy and the Earth's stance on relationships was so restrictive that she knew he would never be able to form multiple relationships on his own. He had confessed to her older sister a week ago and that was a good start, she planned on jumping him in the bath before the school semester started up again. She hoped that appearing before him naked would be enough of a shock to propose her Harem plan to him before he tried to bolt; also if she could get away with it she wanted to try and give him a blow job. That way he would have first hand experience on what a woman could do for a man and encourage his bestial side, with any luck he would start coming to her for blow jobs often.

But now she would have to rethink things, him getting serious with her sister opened and closed several doors. She turned around just in time to see her sister's rooms door close behind Rito after he entered and moved to follow and eavesdrop on their conversation when a voice stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going Momo," Nana asked stopping her twin in her tracks.

"Just going to see big sis's and Rito's conversation," Momo said slowly trying to sound innocent.

"Oh no you don't," Nana said narrowing her eyes. She reached forward and grabbed the back of Momo's shirt and started dragging her away. "That beast is finally wising up and acting right and you are not going to spy on our sisters private conversations. That's for Rito and Big Sis only got it?"

"Nana!" Momo whined as Nana dragged her to the teleport and took them downstairs. Internally Nana was glad she had heard Rito talking to Momo about how he planned on treating her big sis, really it was big step forward in her mind and it made her happy for Lala and made her like Rito much more for his mind set. There was a light squeeze in her heart but she ignored it.

Back upstairs Rito walked into Lala's room, he didn't see her so he assumed she was still in her bathroom as he could lightly hear the sound of running water coming from the closed door. Looking around he was greeted to a view of a mess of assorted and scattered inventions as was usual, but his eyes were suddenly drawn to a large pod against one wall with a computer attached beeping. It wasn't one he recognized so he assumed that it was something new Lala was working on.

Up close on the screen he saw several diagrams of DNA on the computer screen; one had a picture of Lala next to a segment of DNA. The next one had a picture of Celine and what he assumed was her DNA which was shaped differently from Lala's and finally the last segment seemed to be from Dr. Mikado, while wondering what the machine did he didn't hear the bathroom door open and Lala step into her room.

"Rito! Good morning!" Lala called out in joy as soon as she spotted the man she loved. Reacting instinctively Rito turned to greet Lala but his words caught in his throat as he saw her, you see Lala had a habit of walking around the house naked so he really should have expected that she would walk around her room naked as well. As it were the only thing she had was a towel in her hand that she was using to dry her semi damp long pink hair, her skin was fair with a light tan and he could make out faint tan lines from the time she spent out in the sun. Her breasts were large at least a D Cup well on its way to DD and topped with bright pink nipples only a few shades lighter than her hair.

Her stomach was toned and her hips round and wide and as womanly as you could get and between her legs where her stomach curved down into the apex between her thighs was a light spattering of bright pink hair proving that her hair was all natural. And situated just below that light peach fuzz the thin pink slit of her sex glistened invitingly, Rito instantly felt his face heat up and he spun back around back stiff and rigid.

This both prevented him from staring at her naked form and hid the raging erecting that had sprung to life the moment he had realized she was naked. "I'm sorry Lala; I should have realized you would come out naked before I came into your room without permission."

Lala looked down at her naked body then back up at Rito and giggled. "Oh that's fine Rito I come into your room all the time so you are free to come into mine whenever you like," she said completely disregarding her nakedness or Rito's reaction to it. At least that's what it seemed from Rito's perspective; from Lala's the truth was quite different.

While she seemed to all to be very innocent with no knowledge of sexual relationships or where babies came from this was actually false. Truth was she had looked up the mechanics of baby making long ago and from that had discovered sex and all that it entailed, months ago she had been curious about human mating habits and had used the internet to discover what those were. Internet porn turned out to be no different from the porn that appeared on the intergalactic web, the only difference being that all the porn on earth feature humans only as far as the humans knew while the intergalactic version hosted all kinds from all species.

Satisfied with her research she didn't look up any more porn after that, she had no need for it. As for her walking around the Yuuki's house naked was not something she did normally back on Deviluke, it was actually something she did because she liked the idea of Rito seeing her naked body. Every time she had crawled into his bed naked and he had woken up flustered from glomping onto her in his sleep she had gotten a secret thrill from it, she also hoped that in the future they might actually have sex together.

But she was patient and would wait until she thought he was ready, since he had confessed to her a week ago she had been over the moon with happiness. On top of that she learned that he also loved Haruna which was great, Haruna was her best friend on Earth and she saw no reason why they both couldn't be with Rito. She knew that she would have to ease her into the idea but she was ready to work her into it now that she knew Rito had real feelings for her as well.

Getting dressed while Rito kept his back turned, which was too bad because if he had looked he would have seen her bend over at the waist giving him a perfect view of her pussy and anus when she pulled up her panties, she decided to ask him why he was there. "Not that I mind Rito but was there a reason you wanted to see me so early in the morning?"

Rito gave a peek over his shoulder just as Lala pulled on a nice short sleeve white lace summer dress which he though looked very nice on her he coughed clearing his throat and turned all the way back around to look into her curious and kind eyes. "Ah yes there was actually Lala. You see I've been doing some thinking over the past week since the pool and there's something that I need to ask you."

Curious Lala looked at him noticing his shy yet determined appearance and her mind instantly began running a million scenarios a second. It was rare for him to act so serious, it was usually something he only did in life threating scenarios like when Celine had been sick or one of her misguided suitors tried to kidnap her. "What is it Rito, you know you can ask me anything."

Rito took a deep breath steeling himself before he began speaking, "listen Lala I've been thinking and I've come to realize that I've been taking your feelings for granted. A week ago I told you that I loved you and then followed it up by also telling you that I had a crush on another girl. Sure your mind set is different from mine but I realize that while it's true that I have a crush on Haruna I don't actually love her, I don't have the same experiences with her that I have with you. We've become good friends since you came into our lives and had a lot of fun times together but it's not the same."

"Yes I care for her a lot but so what, but I figured out last night that if I had to choose right now between you and her I would choose you in an instant. And yes I know you would just say I could have you both a king of the galaxy but while the rules of the Earth might not apply to me anymore if I marry you the morals we both grew up with are still there. I'm not sure I would even want to be in a relationship with multiple girls and I certainly don't know if she would be ok with it," Rito took a step forward towards a frozen pink haired princess and took her left hand in his right.

"That's why I decided that first and foremost I want to devote myself to our relationship Lala, I love you and I know that for a fact. If in the future we want to include other women like Haruna in our relationship that's something we can do together if they are willing. But you will always be the girl I can truthfully say I was really in love with first, so my question Lala is will you be my girlfriend?"

Lala's head was spinning; this was not where she had expected this conversation to go. Yes Rito had confessed his love to her and nothing had really changed in their relationship since. She had not been upset by that, she had spent the last week thinking of ways to push Rito and Haruna together confident of her place as second in Rito's heart. But now she found that this was not true, she was not second but first. True he did have feelings for Haruna but they were undeveloped feelings of youth while their relationship was matured due to the experiences they shared together. He did like Haruna but he loved her and he was upset because he felt like he wasn't taking that feeling seriously enough.

Her mind finally rebooted and her heart leapt into overdrive and she actually felt an intense burst of shyness flood her body as her cheeks heated up. Electricity seemed to be buzzing in the air between them, but nowhere more intensely than the place where their hands were connected. Rito had asked here to officially be his girlfriend and all that that entailed and she needed to give him a proper answer.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Rito," she said softly looking up at him through her bangs.

Rito smiled a relieved look on his face, "thank you Lala it means a lot to me that you said yes. Now I have two more questions for you, the first is if in celebration of our now official relationship would you like to go to dinner and a movie with me tonight?"

"That would be wonderful yes," Lala cried her face lighting up with excitement. "Whats the second question then?"

Rito suddenly looked very shy his eyes shifting back and forth and his hand squeezed hers reminding her that she still held it. "The last question Lala is if as your boyfriend can I kiss you?"

The question once again froze her thoughts and the shyness flooded her again, Rito wanted to kiss? The thought made the electricity pulse stronger between them and the air seemed charged. Blushing fully now she couldn't seem to bring herself to speak out loud so she finally looked him in the eye and nodded slowly.

With permission granted Rito slowly stepped forward until they were flush against each other, his free arm went around her waist and the hand that holding Lala's flowed up her arm over her shoulder across her neck until it cupped her cheek. Lala's hand that had been in his followed his hand as it made its way to her cheek and she held it there over his as though to make sure he didn't take it away, her other hand rested softly over his heart feeling its beat as her tail coiled around the arm circling her waist.

Her breath came in shallow gasps as Rito slowly inched forward, the feeling of her breasts pressed firmly against his lightly muscled chest was heavenly and she knew he could feel her erect nipples poking through the thin fabric of her dress as she wasn't wearing a bra. Slowly they got closer and closer to the point where she could feel his breath against her face and a static charge seemed to be pulsing between their lips on millimeters apart and then.

It was like fireworks going off in her head, his lips pressed firmly against hers and she couldn't stop the moan of satisfaction and pleasure she released at the feeling. They were soft and warm and molded against her own eagerly, her head tilting up as his tilted down for a better angle they worked their lips against each other's. She fisted her free hand in his shirt as Rito tightened his grip on her waist pulling her as close as he could get her.

Rito felt he had just died and gone to heaven; it was pure bliss to be kissing Lala and never wanted it to stop. If had had any doubt about his feelings for her they were long done now. Without really thinking about it he opened his lips against her and ran his tongue across her lips, in response to his unasked question she opened hers allowing his tongue to meet hers in the middle and suddenly he found something better than the feeling of her lips.

It was the taste of her tongue and mouth and he wanted to devour her completely, in a rush of force he battled her tongue into submission and forced it back into her mouth. He plundered the hot wet cavern greedily, running his tongue around and over hers like a snake and mapping the contours of her mouth and teeth until he was sure he could picture them perfectly in his head. The whole time Lala showed no signs of disliking the kissing, if the sounds of her needy moans were anything to go by she loved every second if it.

Finally however the need for air claimed them both and they broke apart sharply, a trail of spit still connecting their mouths while their bodies remained as close as they could get them while they panted for air. "That…Was…Amazing…" Rito panted between breaths.

Lala laid her head against Rito's chest and tried to catch her breath, it had been the most intense experience of her life. Research had not prepared her for the intense desire she felt at that moment, she would not have complained one bit if at that very second Rito decided to push her back on her bed and ravage her. Her loins were burning with need and she was sure she could cut diamonds with her nipples; the feeling of a hard tube of flesh pressed against her lower belly told her that Rito felt much the same way and a thought suddenly filled every corner of her mind.

"Yes, amazing. I'm so happy right now Rito I can't even begin to describe it," she looked up from his chest to stare into his eyes so he could see the emotions there. "There's something I want to do Rito, to thank you for this and for everything you're going to do later, can I do it?"

"I would accept anything if it was from you Lala," Rito said without hesitation which made Lala smile. He didn't realize right away when Lala suddenly took a step back and dropped to her knees but when she pulled down his zipper and unbuttoned his pants pulling both his shorts and his underwear down exposing his rigid cock to the cool air he suddenly got the message. "Lala! Wait are you sure you want to do that?"

Lala just looked up at him with those big green eyes and nodded, "yes Rito I know all about this, I know I act like I don't but I know all about sex. I have been thinking about doing things like this for a long time and I want to give you pleasure Rito, let me please?"

This had gone far beyond what Rito thought it would but two things plated in his favor, the first was that he loved Lala and really wanted to do things like this with her. The other was that Lala was obviously more knowledgeable than he had given her credit for and thus he did not feel like he was manipulating her into doing something she didn't understand. So he didn't say anything, he just nodded.

Lala smiled a brilliant smile and then turned her eyes on Rito's cock, it was rigid and curved upward pointing straight up in the air. Her mind calculated that it was about 7 inches long and about 2 wide which made him just above average in size. Moving her hands up his legs she smiled coyly up at him before grabbing his cock with her hands.

Rito hissed the moment he felt Lala grip his shaft with her silky soft hands, he suddenly realized that he was pressed up against the table with the strange new invention when his hands gripped so hard against the wood that his knuckles turned white, looking down at the girl on her knees with his cock in her hands he felt like he was going to blow his load and she hadn't even started stroking yet!

"Are you ready Rito," she asked in a husky voice. When he nodded again she took one hand off his cock and spat a large glob of spit into that hand, then she placed that hand on the crown of Rito's cock and started to lube the tube of flesh with her spit. "You like that don't you Rito," Lala asked as she worked her spit covered hand over his cock. She spat in her other hand as well and then wrapped both hands around his shaft and squeezed while pumping up and down.

Rito's eyes rolled up in his head from the sensation and his head fell back, the pleasure was like nothing he had every felt before. Suddenly he felt something new and looked down, only to feel his heart try to stop in his chest, Lala eager to move forward had opened her mouth and latched onto the top half of his cock with her mouth with the bottom half was still gripped in her hands.

Her eyes were crossed as she stared down at his member in her mouth and her head started bobbing rapidly on his cock, he could feel her tongue lavishing his dick head. The electrical pleasure was pulsing up his cock and into his balls and stomach causing both to clench rapidly, "FUCK! Lala that's feels incredible, if you keep that up I'm gonna!"

Lala heard what Rito was saying and understood what he was implying was about to happen, but at that moment she just didn't care. She was hot and horny and just flat out turned on by the act she was committing. More so than she every realized she could be, she hummed around Rito's cock and stroked the underside with her tongue coaxing it to cum. She could feel his heart beat and the heat of it in her mouth and the moment she felt it swelling she pulled back and held her mouth wide open while her hand blurred on Rito's cock coaxing him to cum.

Rito cried out in pleasure as a rushing sensation pulsed up from his balls and down his shaft, with a twitch and a groan he exploded. Thick white spurts of cum shot into Lala's mouth and splattered on her nose and chin giving her the look of a glazed doughnut and he went boneless. All the tension in his body drained away and a feeling of satisfaction like he had never known before overcame him, he leaned back against the desk and in his blissful state he didn't notice his hand bump against a button behind him.

Lala felt a sense of accomplishment at the look on Rito's face as she swallowed his load, it was hot and thick in her mouth and somewhere between sweet and bitter in taste. It wasn't bad and she felt a shiver run down her body as she felt the heat slide down her throat, she was about ask Rito if he wanted to go farther when a sudden buzzing sound started on the desk behind Rito.

Rito came back down to earth by a familiar sound he knew all too well, his looked over his shoulder at the device on the desk he had noticed before. The computer was flashing random lights and the pod was the source of the buzzing and he knew that something bad was about to happen, "Shit look out Lala!"

Lala twitched in surprise when Rito yelled out and was caught off guard when Rito's leg came forward and kicked her right in the chest, it didn't hurt. Rito didn't have the ability to physically harm her and he knew that, but due to her position on her knees and being caught off guard Rito's kick did its job and she was kicked several feet away across the floor just as the buzzing reached a crescendo and the pod flashed with bright light.

Lala watched as the light bathed Rito from behind throwing his shadow over her, it only lasted for a few seconds and there was no explosion like she expected there to be. Then suddenly the light faded and her invention whined as it lost power and turned off and she could see Rito again. She gasped at what she saw; at first glance he didn't look any different. But she knew Rito very well and could spot the sudden changes; he had gained what looked like almost three inches in height and on top of that his body had filled out with wiry muscle which bulged under his shirt.

His member also seemed bigger from moments before but she couldn't fully tell as it had deflated somewhat after he had cum, his skin tone also changed. It seemed to have some sort of healthy glow to it and his face was different, it still looked like Rito but it also seemed more balanced. Like the right side of his face perfectly mirrored the left, that might not seem like much but all faces had small imperfections at minimum and she couldn't see any on Rito. The symmetry of his face made him look very handsome to her, well more so than before.

The first really different thing she noticed was that his hair now had tips of silver on top of the orange red he usually had which now seemed to be a richer color, his ears normally rounded like any other humans now sported points. Finally she noticed something dark behind Rito's waist and she recognized it instantly, waving in the air was a black trident pointed tail with armored ridged running down its length.

"Ow, that felt weird," Rito said putting on of his hands against his head. "Well at least it didn't explode eh Lala?"

"Rito," Lala said slowly as she stood he mind calculating exactly what must have just happened. "How do you feel, are you in pain or do you feel light headed?"

Rito looked at her confused as he thought about it, "no I don't think so. In fact I feel pretty good not that I think about it Lala, what did that machine of yours do to me?"

"Look behind you," Lala said.

Rito looked down and behind him and spotted the tail jutting from his back just above his ass and freaked, "AH! What the hell! I've got a tail!" He grabbed the tail reflexively and instantly felt himself touching the tail that was now connected to him, his panic rose and suddenly the tip of his tail began to glow. Without warning a blast of energy shot from his tail and impacted the ceiling, luckily it was not that strong and only blew a small hole in the ceiling. But it was enough to freeze him in place and stop his panic, "ok calm down. This is not the strangest thing that has happened to me because of your inventions, got an explanation Lala?"

Lala walked forward as Rito pulled up his pants wincing as his tail caught in the top of his pants, "I think so, hold on I will get Peak to modify your pants. Peke!" Lala's floating robot companion came into the room and noticed Rito right away.

"Rito-san you look different," Peke said pointing at Rito's tail.

"My invention did this," Lala explained to Peke. "For now can you modify Rito's pants to accommodate the tail and his other clothes as well? This might take a while to undo." Peke beeped an OK and with a flash Rito's new tail was now comfortable sticking through a tail in his pants. Lala took a second to wipe her face clean with a napkin and threw it away as Peke left to fix the rest of Rito's clothes.

"Thanks Lala," Rito said as he continued to examine his new appendage.

"No problem Rito," Lala said happily as she picked up a scanner and ran it over Rito's body. It clicked and beeped at her for a moment before a look of relief washed over her. "That's good, looks like your DNA is stable."

"That's always good," Rito muttered but with a good natured undertone so Lala knew he wasn't mad at her. "Care to tell me what just happened, that is what happened after you gave me a blow job."

Lala blushed slightly at Rito's sudden boldness; she liked it and was surprised by it as well. Rito also seemed surprised by his own words but other than a light blush didn't counteract his own words. "Well that device was something I was working on for Mikado Sensei, its designed to go into someone's DNA and modify it. There was DNA from myself, Dr. Mikado and Celine in there and it appears to have transplanted that DNA on top of your own human DNA."

"If it was your DNA does that mean were related somehow," Rito asked. It was easy to note Rito was more concerned with being related genetically to Lala than his own sudden transformation into something not human.

"No it's my DNA but it got scrambled in the transfer so it's still Deviluken, same for the other two. So you're not related to me or the other two genetically. You might be a cousin three or four times removed but that's the closest we would be related genetically, let's see ok I think I've got it figured out," Lala said with a smile as she snapped her fingers.

"So whats the damage," Rito asked not feeling scared in the least.

"Well for starters it seems like you got the energy generation powers of a Deviluken, our strength speed and energy projection along with our increased lifespan compared to humans. From what I'm seeing here you're about on the same level as me making you a high class Deviluken. Dr. Mikado is from a race called the Galen they have the ability to heal almost instantly from any injury, the majority of the race works as doctors or healers as they have a real passion for healing. Celine's DNA has had probably the most effect, her cells are a combination of plant and animal cells and now yours are as well which is why you face and the rest of your body are symmetrical now. You should also be able to draw more energy from sunlight while you are outside and your appetite might have changed as well, avoid soda," Lala explained.

"That all actually sounds pretty cool," Rito said and to prove his point he picked up a large metal bar that had to weigh 150 pounds with one hand and then bent it into a knot with little effort. "How long until this wears off then?"

"That's the problem," Lala said slowly. "This device was designed to be a medical tool for aliens I designed for Dr. Mikado; it's not like my girl ray gun that will wear off after the energy runs out. The effect is going to be permanent in 24 hours, luckily I should be able to whip something up in about 16 hours that should change you back to normal."

"Now hold on a moment," Rito said putting a hand on Lala's shoulder as she made to get to work. "This might actually be a good thing Lala, I never really thought about it before but you said Devilukens have a longer life span than humans. Staying like this would make sense so we could spend our lives together right?"

Lala blushed at the thought of spending her whole life with Rito and her heart fluttered at the thought that he was thinking in those terms. "That's ok Rito, there are medicines on Deviluke that can extend your lifespan and cure any disease you humans have."

"Well that's good to know but what about when another suitor or alien assassin comes after us again, I don't know about you but I'm tired of getting my ass handed to me in those situations. I would like to be able to protect you every once in a while you know?" Rito said with a slight blush.

Lala smiled as well and reached up to peck him on the cheek "thanks Rito that's sweet. Though I hope you don't have to put yourself in danger to protect me, I just thought you would prefer to be human. I don't want you to lose being human for my sake."

"I really don't mind," Rito chuckled looking down at himself. "It could be worse, I still look and feel like me. If this lets me be on an even playing field with you then I want to keep it, the only deal breaker I can think of right now is if this makes me infertile or something."

Lala quickly brought up her scanner and punched a few buttons as she ran it over his body before it beeped at her and she smiled in relief, "nope if anything you're ten times more fertile than you were before with a very high sperm count. Though we should have guessed that after you glazed me like a doughnut earlier."

Rito blushed lightly but laughed, it was strange that he didn't feel all that much embarrassment. Maybe it had something to do with his sudden genetic splice but he liked it a lot, "that settles it then I'm staying like this."

With that he reached forward and pulled Lala into a passionate kiss, caught by surprise Lala moaned and dropped the scanner as Rito wrapped his arms around her. Rito held her close by her thin toned waist and her tits smashed up against his chest, he pushed forward with his tongue and traced Laal's lips tasting her sweetness. Lala groaned louder and opened her mouth allowing them both to wrap their tongues around each other in a deep kiss, they stayed like that for nearly two whole minutes before they were forced to break apart gasping for air and resting their foreheads against one another.

"I think I'm going to enjoy kissing you more often," Rito said though gasping breaths.

"You can practice all you want tonight on our date," Lala said with a smile. "And then tonight you can practice kissing me everywhere else."

Rito felt a surge of lust shoot through him and Lala gasped at the primal look in his eyes before he got it under control. "I look forward to it but there's something we need to do first Lala."

"Whats that," She asked.

"We have to tell Mikan, Momo and Nana that we are officially dating and about my new genetic status," both of them laughed at the thought. Wondering what the future held for them from now on.

PAN: Chapter 2 is already done and will be posted in a little bit while chapter 3 is almost done as well. Hope you enjoyed this and are looking forward to more. Please review but no flames, those will be deleted.