Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Palladium Books. I do own the concept of Anderson Armaments as it is in my Phase World campaign.
Note: While this story contains elements from Rifts RPG it is not an actual crossover, all the action will remain in Potterverse.
Albus Dumbledore looked out across the Great Hall with a fatherly smile. Despite his failure many years ago, he had been able to keep his position as Headmaster if nothing else. Without all the extra politicking he had managed to push for vast improvements in Hogwarts. Despite the class size not yet reaching the pre-War numbers, he had two Professors for each core subject, except DADA, but it was hard enough keeping just one Professor in that position. He'd updated Muggle Studies, moved Binns over to proctoring detentions, and even managed to add some Muggle subjects like Physics and Chemistry. Hogwarts was once again the greatest school in the world, challenged only by a rare few academies, two of which were mixed among his students now.
"Now that the Champions have been chosen, I wish to remind everyone that you won't be left out of the fun." Dumbledore started his speech, still under the effects of the Sonorous spell. "There are tourneys for all sorts of events from Academics to Wizarding Chess. We even have a cooking contest, where competing teams will create feasts for all of us to enjoy."
The applause was almost deafening as the students of Hogwarts, Beauxbaton, and Durmstang cheered. There had been some concern that most of the students would be left out, but this news put that to rest. However the ovation came to abrupt halt as the Goblet of Fire sparked red flames once again and spit out another piece of parchment. Everyone was so shocked that they had paused in mid clap and whistle. One could hear a pin drop as the scrap landed directly in Dumbledore's hand.
"Harry Potter of the Alexandria Alchemical Academy?!" To say Dumbledore was shocked would be an understatement. Years ago Harry had disappeared from Privet Drive and none of the devices he'd made to keep track of him functioned. The Wizarding world refused to believe he was dead, even if Albus had been ready to accept it. He'd quietly mourned the boy he had failed so horribly, but let the public believe as they would. Now he had proof in his hands that he had been wrong.
"What kind of joke is this, Dumbledore?" Karakoff barked out the question in a tone that made most of his students flinch. "I do not remember this school being a part of the tournament."
"I assure you, Igor, I would not make a jest like this." Albus shuddered. "My own pranks tend to be more along the lines of gag gifts from anonymous sources."
"Eet was you!" Madam Maxime cried out as if she finally realized something. The truth was she had, on her birthday after her breakup with yet another suitor, received a package anonymously. It had been a statue charmed to sing a certain Muggle Song that was both inappropriate and made her smile.
"Yes, I though you could use a smile. I do so enjoy Sir Mixalot, and thought you might like the song." Dumdore chuckled eyes twinkling.
"I do not vant to know."Igor held up his hand to stop any possible continuation of the conversation. "There are more important matters. How do ve find Harry Potter and inform him he must compete?"
"That will not be necessary, Karakoff." Mad-Eye Moody thumped his way up to the platform and addressed the Durmstang Headmaster with a sneer. It was widely known that Moody despised even reformed Death Eaters. "The Goblet will summon Potter now that he is Champion."
As if hearing that statement was all the Goblet needed to hear, the flames turned a brilliant blue and flared almost to the ceiling. The Great Hall was filled with the sounds of explosions and gunfire before a pair of figures were spit out. As soon as that was done the flames extinguished completely leaving the hall oddly silent for a moment.
"So much young tender food." The first figure hissed as it rose to it's feet. He looked vaguely human, but his skin was pale white and his eyes an eerie blood red. His clothes hung in rags and his entire form was thin, but looked wiry and strong. Most damning however, were the long canines that had blood stains marking him a feral vampire. "Oh, I am going to enjoy this."
"The Hell you are!" The second figure surged to his feet and backhanded the first across the jaw. As the vampire was flung up over the Gryffindor table to slam into the wall, the heavily tattooed warrior leapt after him. He seemed to conjure a silver longsword with neither incantation nor wand. Without hesitation he drove the blade through the Vampire's heart and into the stone wall. "Stick around. I've got some something fun for you."
The entire Great Hall was stunned silent. They had thought they had seen violence before, but sanctioned Duels had nothing on seeing a man drive a sword through someone else. Of course seeing the vampire rapidly wither away into a skeleton was just as shocking. The students had met just one vampire in their time at Hogwarts, the relatively harmless Baron Sanguini. So this was a shock.
"Alright, it survived the trip." The warrior said as he pulled out a small black orb. Without a further word he shoved it in the vampire skeletons mouth before pulling his sword out. "Come on, leach. Wake up."
Everyone in the Great Hall was frozen in horror. The vampire skeleton steamed for a moment as it fell to the floor in a heap. Then the sickening sight of muscles and tendons forming gave everyone a few new nightmares. In just seconds the vampire was whole again and surging to his feet. Only to be punched in the jaw again, this time causing the Orb to burst. It was not unlike a water balloon popping, except this one had two hundred gallons of Holy Water inside. As the blessed water flowed over the vampire it was melting like sugar in the rain, in moments there was nothing left but a puddle.
"Told you it would be fun." The tattooed warrior quipped as the sword he'd been holding dissipated. After a moment he turned to face the hall and gave a slight half smile. "Oh, sorry for interrupting your dinner."
Everyone who knew James and Lily Potter were speechless. Standing in front of them was a tall handsome tanned and very heavily tattooed man that had the same hair and cheekbones of James and the eyes and chin of Lily. It could not have been more obvious to them who this was.
The children who grew up on the tales of Harry Potter were focused mostly on his forehead. There, just like in every story they had of him, was the Lightning Bolt scar. It was still an angry red even after all these years. Only one person in their minds could have such a scar, their hero: Harry Potter.
Both groups took in other details. Like the fact Harry was wearing just blue jeans, combat boots, and a weapon's harness. Slung across his back was a bulky black rifle and a Mad Max Style sawed off shotgun. On one hip sat a silver plated revolver and on the other a matte black automatic pistol. In his left boot was a utilitarian combat knife, while the left housed what looked to be a primitive bone knife. His chest and arms were bare of clothing, but covered in tattoos of weapons, animals, monsters, hearts, and a few skulls. Both males and females noticed something else as well, Harry Potter was definitely fit. He looked much like some of the warrior heroes on the covers of cheesy romance novels. Of course neither group could quite miss that he looked a fair bit older than he should by rights, if anyone had to guess they would say he was twenty instead of just fourteen.
"Harry Potter?" Albus Dumbledore was the first person to come out of shock.
"Yeah, actually it's Harrison James Perseus Potter-Andrus, but yeah." The now self admitted Harry let his hand drift to his hip where rested his most trusted nonmagical weapon. The Anderson Armament AA-9 was a Proton Thrower that resembled the Ancient Earth Beretta Pistol. He liked the gun because it had power, range and accuracy even if it cost as much as a rifle. "Who the Zeus' Left Nut are you? Where in Hades' Rectum am I? Better yet, how in the name of Aphrodite's Tight Ass did you summon me? I swear if you are one of Hermes' priests playing a prank again, you'll beg for Hecate to break out the strap-on to have a somewhat pleasant memory compared to what I do."
"Mr. Potter! Language!" Minerva McGonagall was the first person to recover from the rather colorful semi profanity. Actually, Albus had not been as shocked as he had been amused, but still he hadn't spoken. So it fell to Minerva to attempt to glare the newcomer down.
"Language? I wasn't even warming up, lady." Harry shot back, staring right into the older woman's eyes. He was impressed by the glare, but when you have faced Master Vampires and Major Daemons, a school teacher was not all that scary. "One moment I am with my family cleaning out a vampire lair, the next I am part of a dinner show for school children. Tell me just how in the name of Hephaestus' Swinging Codpiece you'd be talking if someone tore you away from your students for entertainment? Perhaps you'd prefer I use true vulgarity instead of watering it down? Believe me I could turn the air blue in here. I spent two years training with the Warlock Marines."
"I do not believe that will be necessary, Mr. Potter. We are quite willing to discuss everything if you'll just join the others in the antechamber. After all, I have no doubt once you are told the vulgarity will get much worse and we have impressionable eleven year olds here." Albus moderated in as kind a voice as he could muster at the moment. He had to suppress chuckles as he did so, he always did enjoy creative profanity. "You have my word we will tell you all we know."
"First he must be disarmed." Barty Crouch Sr. sneered as his eyes raked over the supposed Boy-Who-Lived. "Not that Muggle weapons are a threat, but we cannot allow him to be armed."
"Now Bartemous, that is not necessary…" Albus had started to intercede, but the commotion that came next cut him off.
Harry, not wanting to see just what everyone would do, drew his AA-9 and sighted on the wall just behind Crouch. A squeeze of the trigger and a blue white beam shot out. When the bolt connected with the wall, there was a thunderclap as the charged coherent protons overwhelmed the impervious and duro charms that had been layered on the wall. The effect was a volleyball size hole through the granite wall of the Great Hall. Everyone stood shock as more than a few of the smarter people were afraid Harry might turn the weapon on them.
"If anyone tries to take anything from me, first I will shoot off their legs at the knee and arms at the elbow." Harry growled. "Do we have an understanding or do I get to send people to Hades?"
"…As I was saying Mr. Crouch, every student in Hogwarts possesses a deadly weapon. There is no reason to disarm Mr. Potter." Dumbledore had been the only person to seem unfazed. Secretly he was in needed some of his lemon drop flavored vodka to calm his nerves. "Now, Mr. Potter, if you'll be so kind as to holster your weapon and head down that hallway to join the others, I would appreciate it."
Harry was set to refuse for a moment, but something in him decided that perhaps playing along would be better. Of course he'd still vent his anger on those who earned it. Nodding, he slipped his AA-9 back in the holster after thumbing the safety back on. Without a further word he headed down the hallway pointed out to him.
Fleur Delacour was barely suppressing her nervous energy. Despite her mask of self assurance she had doubted the Goblet would choose her. She never seemed to be able to come out from under the shadow of being a Veela. It didn't matter to others that she was the top of her class in Beauxbatons. It didn't seem to matter that she was literally the most magically powerful witch seen in France for at least three centuries. No one seemed to care that she was the first Charms Mistress to attain her Mastery before she graduated. All they saw was that she was a Veela and daughter of Appoline Delacour, neither of which stood her in good stead with her fellow students. This tournament was her way to prove she was worthy of respect.
In some ways she was happy her competition was so well renown. She of course knew Viktor Krum, seeker of the Bulgarian National team and youngest professional Quidditch player in history. Of course it wasn't just Quidditch the young man was known for. He was a feared contender on the Amateur Dueling Circuit. He was known for his flashy style of transfiguration dueling that reminded many people of Dumbledore. Viktor wasn't quite as powerful or skilled at the legendary duelist, but he was young yet. As for Cedric Diggory, the young heartthrob of Hogwarts was known to be an excellent Quidditch player as well, supposedly scouted by the Vrasti Vultures. More interestingly was that Cedric as on the Professional Dueling Circuit as the student of Filius Flitwick, and while he had yet to climb into the single digit placings, he was also ten years younger than all his competition. This meant he was either really good, or very damned lucky. All in all she felt even if she lost to these two men, that she could not really be looked down upon, as none of her classmates could hope to defeat either of them.
It was in the middle of evaluation of her competition that a completely unknown variable entered the room. Fleur had met a lot of dangerous men in her life. It came with who her mother was. She had never been as uneasy around any of them as this one made her feel. He was taller that even Krum by at least two inches and heavily muscled. Fleur had to admit, whomever the newcomer was he was far more fit than any wizard she knew of. However it wasn't his apparent strength, the weapons he carried or the tattoos covering his exposed chest and arms that unnerved her. It was those emerald eyes that did not dull when they met hers. Not even her own mother could completely resist Fleur's Allure without effort, but this man did. That excited and frightened the Veela.
"Who are you?" Fleur blurted out, but luckily she said it at the same moment as Cedric and Viktor.
"Wow. Did you practice that?" Harry had been a little amused by the unintentional unison query. It did a lot to soften his mood. "Seriously, it was pretty good."
Before anything much could be said the entire Tri-Wizard Tournament Official entourage entered the small antechamber, led by a smiling Ludo Bagman. Of course the fact that only Ludo was smiling was not lost on anyone except the former Quidditch player himself. Dumbledore's expression was grave. Madam Maxime seemed puzzled. Karakoff was livid. Meanwhile Barty Crouch shot Harry a look that could have killed.
"May I present, for the first time in history, the Fourth Tri-Wizard Champion Harry Potter." Ludo was positively giddy. The more attention this Tournament got the more betting would occur and the more betting that occurred the less he had to worry about paying back the Goblins. With Harry Potter suddenly appearing after thirteen years of absence, there wasn't a single bigger story to be found in the Wizarding world. "It's completely unprecedented, but the Goblet summoned him."
"Vairy funny joke, Meester Bagman!" Fleur had recovered just enough by this moment to reassert her exaggerated accent.
"Oh, it is no joke Miss Delacour, the Goblet of Fire spat out a scrap of parchment with Mr. Potter-Andrus' name and then a moment later he and some perversion of a vampire was summoned." Albus Dumbledore was still trying to unravel what just could have happened.
"But, zhe Boy-'Ou-Lived is only fourteen, no?" Fleur couldn't help blurting this out, even if she had her accent in place. "Zhis man is at least eighteen."
"Twenty Five." Harry shrugged. "My Dad figured I was one when he found me on that porch, I have lived on Alexandria for twenty four years. In fact tonight was the celebration of them bringing me home."
"You celebrate by cleaning out a Vampire nest, Monsieur Potter?" Madam Maxime asked, her brow furrowing as she remembered the young man's rant.
"Well, yeah. The whole Andrus clan was gathered. Last time that happened, well we had to rebuild an entire city. The friendly brawl got a little out of hand." Harry shrugged. "Gather a few score Undead Slayers, a company of Warlock Marines, some Scathach Druids, some Battle Magi and a platoon of CyberKnights together, it gets rowdy. Not that the so-called intellectuals of the Clan are much better. I scouted out a massive nest, about ten thousand Vampires and we decided to have some fun."
"Are we seriously going to listen to these delusions?" Barty Crouch fumed. "This is obviously some trick by Dumbledore to get people to forgive his past sins."
"I assure you Mr. Crouch that I had precious little to do with all of this." Dumbledore sighed. "I had truly thought Mr. Potter lost to the world due to my shortsightedness. While I am happy to be proven wrong, I can take no credit for this."
"Question my sanity again and I will have no problem arranging a meeting with Hades for you in the most painful way I can think of." Harry growled at Barty Crouch Sr. Seeing the man quail a bit, Harry turned to the others. "Now, are we going to start discussing just how I why I was brought here, or do I need start enhanced interrogations."
"Enhanced interrogations?" Cedric raised an eyebrow as he asked that question, he had a small clue, but he hoped he was wrong.
"Thumbscrews, bamboo splinters, the rack, waterboarding, Justin Beiber music…though the last is banned in the Three Galaxies." Harry shrugged. "Judiciously applied they tend to convince people to talk, unless they are masochists, then I threaten not to use them. I am quite proficient in their use, except the Beiber music, because only whose commit Genocide, Child Molesters and talking in the cinema deserve to hear that garbage."
"Ah, man after my own heart." Krum nodded in agreement, he despised people who talked during a movie, unless they were children. Children deserved a little slack. "Especially, if they talk during Star Wars movies."
Everyone except Harry and Dumbledore looked askance at the Bulgarian seeker as if they had not a clue what he could possibly mean. Of course he offered no explanation as really outside of seeing the movies there was no way to grasp the importance.
"Enhanced Interrogation will not be necessary, Mr. Potter-Andrus." Dumbledore decided to get the conversation back on the right track. "You have been selected by the Goblet of Fire to participate in a magical contest known as the Tri-Wizards Tournament. Unfortunately, due to the age and extreme magical nature of the Goblet, you are bound to a magical contract. Failure to compete would be to surrender your soul to the Goblet."
"Ares' Limp Dick!" Harry cursed loud enough that it was likely he could be heard back in the Great Hall. "Who in Apollo Swollen Testicles thought this was a good idea? Wait, never mind. It's probably a level of stupid that has yet to be full plumbed and I'd be afraid it might be contagious. Seriously, you use a Rune Prison to bind people to a contract for a Tournament? I'd hate to see what the Bankers use to secure a Mortgage."
"Rune Prison?" Cedric murmured, he wasn't going to voice the other questions he had.
"I'm not a Rune Smith, or even a Diabolist, but I can recognize a Rune Item when I see one. That Goblet is a Rune Prison. I would guess some sort of Lesser Old One linked to fire, probably only strong enough to rule a world or two if released." Harry shrugged. "Luckily that is as about as likely as the Kreeghor Emperor taking a vow of pacifism. But to get back on track: Obviously, I did not put my name in the thrice damned Goblet, so how in the name of Artemis' Untouched Quim did come out?"
"Monsieur Potter, vould you cease zhe vulgarity, s'il vous plait?" Madam Maxime had to pretend to be highly offended, in fact she was very amused and was wondering how to work those phrases into her fits of temper. After all sometimes her students just drove her to the edge.
"Since you asked nicely, yes I will." Harry sighed. "But we still need to answer my question. Have never been here before in my life, so how did my name get in that…thing?"
"I do not know, Mister Potter, but rest assured I will have it investigated thoroughly." Albus took his chance to take control of the whole situation. "Now, while I make the proper inquiries as well as arrange for your stay here at Hogwarts, I will leave you in the capable hands of Mr. Ludo Bagman, one of the Tournament's orchestrators."
Harry stared at the man who had just given them the rundown of the tournament rules. That hadn't been so bad. So he could only bring wands. He had a way around that, thanks to his Aunt. Even if he didn't he had his Tattoos. It's hard to separate a person from their Tattoos, not that people hadn't tried. No, what struck Harry as stupid was the first Task of this tournament was being done blind. He couldn't help but think the Tournament was a way for this society to eliminate people who were too powerful.
"Okay, let me get this straight. I'm not a wizard like you, but I'll be forced to just fight with my wands?" Harry asked arching an eyebrow. "And I know nothing of this world, and the First Task to face the unknown. Hell, even if you told me what it was, I would likely have no clue what you mean."
"Yes and Yes." Ludo shrugged. "I am sorry, Harry, but we cannot change the rules just because you are the Boy-Who-Lived."
"Okay, just wanted to see how royally screwed I am, thank you." Harry's mild sarcasm was lost on the former Quidditch player. Seeing the other Champions begin to file out, Harry decided he needed to talk someone in the same boat. "Well, if you will excuse me."
Harry never waited for Ludo to respond, instead he pivoted on his heel and started towards the Champion he thought would give him the straight answers. While Krum shared his loathing of people talking in the theatre, he also gave the appearance of someone who took competition seriously and would use any advantage. Cedric seemed the same way. That left one option, which if Harry was honest with himself he preferred anyway. After all who wouldn't want to spend time with a silver haired Goddess.
"Miss Delacour, I was wondering if perhaps I might pick your brain." Harry said as he caught up to the woman. As he approached he swore he felt some sort of aura flow over him, but he'd long ago mastered his own mind and it did nothing. Seeing her quizzical look he decided he should not use idioms as much as he usually did. "It means I think you would be the best person to answer some of my questions."
"Bon, I zhought zhat vas zhe case." Fleur offered a smile. "I vaz vondering a few things myself."
"Well, if you drop the faux accent when we're alone, then I will answer your questions for as long as you answer mine." Harry smiled as he saw the smile light up Fleur's face. "I'll start. You mentioned I am the Boy-Who-Lived. What does that mean?"
"Merde, I was hoping not to have to explain this to you 'Arry." Fleur sighed brushing a few stray locks out of her face. "I suppose it had better come from someone who can look back objectively. You see 'Arry it is like this…"
"You mean to tell me that I am famous because the Wizarding World back then was scared of a man who called himself 'Flight from Death' and I somehow managed to survive him? Wow, no offense meant but that really does not reflect well on this society." Harry shook his head sadly as he processed the story. "Makes me glad I grew up on Alexandria."
"Oui, I have always thought it was silly as well. Of course when you turned up missing, well the Wizarding World just assumed that Headmaster Dumbledore had hidden you away and was training you in secret." Fleur shrugged as she explained that part. "Now, I have answered your question. I have one. Why did you choose me to tell you these things?"
"Oh, that's a little complicated." Harry chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck. "Comes down to you remind me of one of my adoptive cousins, one of the people I am closest too. Well, except you are definitely more beautiful and you're not trying to get in my pants."
"Get in your pants?" Fleur arched an eyebrow as she pondered that expression, then the meaning came to her and she blushed. "I do not know if I should be offended or not."
"Don't be, Nicola is a Priestess of Aphrodite and takes it as her personal duty to make sure all her non-blood relatives know how to please a woman." Harry shrugged. "But aside from that she's sweet, intelligent and one of the toughest women I know. She once fought a Balrog hand to hand and whipped it's arse. Literally, took it's flaming whip and chased it around whipping it's backside. I almost died laughing, she's only five foot nothing and maybe eighty five pounds if we put lead in her pockets."
"Then I will take it as a compliment." Fleur snickered as she imagined the sight of a tiny woman chasing a major daemon around with it's own whip. "And what else would you like to know, 'Arry?"
"Well, that's all for now, but I am sure we'll get more time to talk in the future. I will bid you a good night as I can see your Headmistress is waiting for you." Harry smiled warmly as he took her hand and kissed the top of her knuckles.
"Bon nuit, 'Arry. And we will talk again very soon." Fleur smiled as she curtsied before heading off with Madame Maxime.
"Ah, Mr. Potter-Andrus I trust you had an enlightening conversation with Miss Delacour?" Albus Dumbledore's every present twinkle in his eyes brightened for a moment as he greeted the subject of his greatest failure. Seeing the younger man nod, the smile on the old wizard's face only widened. "I am certain she appreciates it as well. Miss Delacour is blessed and cursed to be one of the most powerful Veela in the world. Even restraining her Allure as she is, most men fall under her thrall quickly. I would dare say that between the drooling and boasting most men and some women do around her that she has had a lack of good conversation."
"So that is what that was." Harry mused for a moment as he finally got an answer to what was flowing over his mental shields. "I could see how that would be frustrating for her, but I do not believe that is why you wish to speak with me."
"You would be correct, Mr. Potter-Andrus." Dumbledore sighed as he motioned for Harry to follow him. "I find I must apologize for what I did to you, Mr. Potter-Andrus. Despite the fact you had what looks to be a productive and happy childhood, my actions had placed you in danger. I was so focused on the Greater Good that I failed to realize I was abandoning a child on a porch. It is only sheer luck that your adoptive father found you before you froze to death, warmer charm or not."
"Well, see I have a problem forgiving you here, Headmaster." Harry said and didn't miss the flinch and pained expression. "Actually, there is a whole planet of people out there somewhere that would want to thank you for what you did. If I hadn't been on that doorstep and my Dad hadn't passed by, well they would be dead. So, the way I figure it, you helped save their lives. So trying to forgive you for that seems…wrong."
"That is a rather simplistic view, and perhaps one I should take to heart." Dumbledore sighed softly. "It also brings up another topic I need to speak to you of. From what I have gathered, Alexandria is not on this Earth. You have also mentioned other worlds. Am I to assume that you have the ability to travel dimensions?"
"Yes and no. I have been to Hell, Hades, the lower reaches of Olympus, and once I was actually in a universe completely made of lemon drops." Harry chuckled as he shook his head. "And while I was taught how to activate Stone Magic Pyramids, I really have no other way of travelling to other worlds of dimensions. I'm likely stuck here until my clan comes looking for me, if they come looking for me."
"Hmm, for that I will off apologies for the lax security around the Goblet of Fire." Dumbledore sighed. "I had placed an Age Line and a charm to prevent people from simply throwing entries in. I had not thought to place a ward so that one could only enter their own name. It would seem someone entered your name and the name of the Alexandria Alchemical Academy. I had never even heard of such a school."
Harry paused in midstep. He had been told his name came out, but not the school name as well. He should have guessed there would be a school name, but why not something made up. How did the name of his actual school get on the slip of paper? Did someone know exactly where he had been? He doubted it as Dumbledore seemed puzzled. However he was not just going to assume it was coincidence.
"Well, it is where I was learning something vital to the clan. I am the youngest to date to take it up, but I was coming along well." Harry replied, not wishing to go into details. "Perhaps the Goblet knew and added it to the slip of paper. Rune Prisons can be very powerful in their dedicated magicks." The more he thought of it, the less he believed it. "Though, I am probably the only member of that school even remotely near this planet."
"Hmm, interesting." Dumbledore scratched his chin through his great beard. "Ah well, a mystery for another time. Considering you have no representation on the Judges board I have taken the liberty of contacting a few people who truly wish to see you. While the majority of your bloodkin have gone on the next great adventure, your father and mother were very close to a select few. Your Godfather Sirius Black, who has taken me to task several times over your disappearance, is most eager to meet you. As is your honorary Uncle Remus Lupin, your Honorary Aunt Andromeda Tonks and her darling daughter Nymphadora. Though, I suggest not calling the latter by her name as she has been teased about it mercilessly, oddly not ever once by her prankster cousin, given his propensity for making light of his name. Please understand, I only contacted them so they could have some closure over your disappearance, you will not be forced to interact with them for long."
"I consider family to be very important, whether by blood or bonds of love." Harry replied with a slight grin. "I will be glad to get to know them. Now, I need a bath and a bed. It has been a long day for me and I would guess yourself as well."
"And perfect timing." Dumbledore smiled as the pair of them stopped in front of a magnificent painting of Helen of Troy. "Ah, Helen, this would be young Mister Potter-Andrus. Mr. Potter-Andrus I present Helen of Troy, the guardian to your quarters."
"Ah, so this is the young man who has set the entire castle in an uproar." Helen chuckled as she reclined in her divan and gave Harry an appraising look. "Little wonder the Nymphs tried to invade my frame. It is a pleasure to meet to meet you, Mr. Potter-Andrus."
"Please, both of you. Call me Harry." Harry smiled a bit as he wondered just how the Clan would react to hearing there was a semi sentient painting of one of their ancestors. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Helen. I have heard much of you, many good things and a few things that show even the greatest of people are still human."
"Oh, I like you." Helen purred a little. "When you have a painting made, hang it next to mine. You'll be welcome in my frame any time."
Dumbledore had to suppress a chuckle over that. Leave it to Harry Potter to charm a painting. "As interesting as this conversation could be, I must head off to my bed. I have to be awake far too early tomorrow. Ah, I have set the password to Buckeyes. I bid you both a good night."
There you are, the opening chapter in what I hope will become one of three stories I will be updating frequently.
Please leave a review and tell me what you think. As always anonymous reviews that merely flame and insult will not be shared. If you have legitimate criticism I am quite happy to post them.