A/N: Sorry if this causes unexpected excitement; sadly this is not a new chapter just yet. I wanted to first announce that I have updated Chapter 1 to read better and to show enhancements to my writing style. I am also going to focus on making the characters feel more in-line with their originals which I noticed I hadn't done an exceptional job of.

I also realized based on a recent PM conversation- I hadn't been clear on the timeframe that I decided for this story. Please note that the start of The Sibling Complication takes place just before the start of Volume 4 Chapter 4 (i.e. before we find out Kirino's intentions to go to America) thus works to my original intent to write about the semester ending.

I also also realized that this does cause some continuity errors in certain chapters thus why I've decided to start rewriting my chapters to my benefit. I hope to quickly run through all 40 chapters in quick succession since all the material is there, just make it more digestible and legitimate. Nonetheless I hope to have a brand new chapter out soon for you to enjoy.

Thank you all for your support and encouraging words; it is indeed good to be back. If you do not mind also letting me know which chapter was your favorite thus far- it will help me know how to properly emphasize this story moving forward.