Chapter 5

A/N: Here's the next chapter. Hope you guys like it.

And wow! Legit over 100 faves and follows. Thanks guys. Thanks for following and faving, I appreciate it :)

I originally thought about writing this chapter a while ago, but you can blame this on this fag that decided to flame me. Additionally, you should also blame it on school. Goddamn teachers. Y'all gotta chill on the tests, like damn. CS also took up a bunch of my time lmao.

Hmu if you also play CS:GO as well. Just pm me to get a game or something. I may not add all of you if there is too many people adding me :))))))))

I thought about writing a lemon over again, but I had decided against it because I planned something else that would happen in this chapter and thought that a lemon would interfere with it. But I added some fluff? That's what you call it right? :)

Once again sorry for the month long delay.

On with the story :)

Z-day, 7:00

The group arrived at their destination within 20 minutes.

Their destination revealed a 3 story house that seemed like it would have costed a small fortune to buy. At the edges were fences reaching up to 8 feet high, providing the house with sufficient safety from a small horde of 'them'.

As the group stepped through the gate, lights lit up as a hidden motion detector sensed them. The light revealed a Humvee. It was a sandy brownish color and looked like it could plow through 'them' easily.

'So that was the 'tank' Shizuka was talking about?' Takashi thought to himself.

"W-wow," Yuuki stuttered out.

"So you weren't lying Shizuka-sensei," Rei said.

"We should be able to get through them a lot easier now," Saeko commented.

While everyone was standing there admiring the view, Kohta exploded with excitement from seeing the vehicle.

"Oh my god! No way! It's a Humvee! And it's a military M1025 model! I'm so lucky to see one!" Kohta said prancing around, reveling in the joy of seeing such a car up close.

"Stop making a fool of yourself, fatass," Saya said smacking Kohta in the head, stopping him from prancing around more.

"Owww, that hurtsss," Kohta whined.

"Put a lid on it fatass," Saya immediately snapped back.

That left Kohta in a depressed state of mind, having been rejected like trash. He retreated to a corner and started tracing circles on the ground, crying.

"Who's your friend Shizuka? A normal citizen wouldn't have a vehicle that's built up like a mini-tank," Takashi asked, trying to ignore all the commotion going around in the background.

"My friends is part of the SAT, the Special Assault Team," Shizuka explained. "But she's usually out of the country for missions and things of that sort, so she gave me keys to let clean up the place from time to time."

A sudden image of Shizuka wearing a maid uniform with the top revealing a lot of cleavage and short skirt revealing her legs popped up in Takashi's mind. 'Ah, what I would give to see that,' Takashi thought, mind wandering.


The sudden noise woke Takashi out of his reverie.

"We're going inside! How long are you going to stand there daydreaming?" Rei shouted at him.

"O-oh, sorry! Coming!" Takashi shouted as he ran in the house after them.

The inside of the house was nicely decorated and it was clean, thanks to the effort of Shizuka's regular cleaning.

After checking around the house, the girls went inside the bathroom, presumably to take a bath.

"If you two go in, I swear to god I will cut your dick off," Saya said letting the threat hang in the air before going inside the bathroom.

Both Takashi and Kohta gulped. They stood there wondering if she was actually kidding or not.

"Anyways, I'm willing to bet that this friend of Shizuka-sensei's definitely has a gun or two around if she has a military model Humvee," Kohta said trying to brush off Saya's threat.

Resuming their search, they walked over to a black locker on the wall. Takashi tried to open it but it was locked.

"This might be it actually," Takashi replied, putting the crowbar in the grooves of the locker.

"Pull on the count of 1, 'kay? 3… 2… 1!" The two pulled on the crowbar with all of their strength. The locker resisted for a few moments before giving away.

The sudden release caused the two to lose balance and fall on their asses.

"Oww," Kohta said.

"Holy shit…" Takashi was staring wide eyed at the sight ahead of him. In the lockers were a sniper rifle, assault rifle and a pump action shotgun.

"OH MY GOD! W-WOW!" Kohta screamed as he just kicked Takashi out of the way to check out the guns.

"Hmm, this looks like an SR-25… No, actually, this is a modified AR-10 built to look like a SR-25… Ooohh! And this is a Springfield M1A1! And is that an Ithaca M37 riot shotgun? Ahhh I'm in loovee!" Kohta shouted as he hugged the guns.

"Wow, cool!" Takashi said enthusiastically. "But wait… How do you know about these guns?"

"Huh? Oh, I went to America over the summer and got trained in a weapons course by the ex-captain of the Blackwater," Kohta explained.

"No wonder why you know so much about guns," Takashi said. He walked over to the bathroom. "Anyways, why are the girls spending so much time in the bath?"

Hearing Takashi talk about the girls in the bath made Kohta's face burn up as his imagination ran wild.

Takashi and Kohta walked over to the bathroom doors. From inside the bathroom there were a bunch of moans and laughs coming from inside the bathroom.

"H-hey, wanna peak?" Kohta asked Takashi, his face completely red and blood dripping out of his nose. He was extremely excited hearing the girls moan inside.

"B-but Saya said she's going to cut i-it off if we do peek..." Takashi said. He was actually scared of Saya's threat.

"C'mon! Take one for the team Takashi!" Kohta shouted.

Kohta then opened the doors slowly, making sure that he didn't make noise. The moans got louder now as the doors were slightly open.

Suddenly, without any warning from Kohta, he was shoved through the bathroom door into the still unsuspecting ladies inside.

"HEY WHAT ARE YOU-" Takashi managed to shout as the door was closed in his face.

'WHAT THE FUCK! THE GIRLS ARE GOING TO KILL ME!' Takashi frantically thought as he slammed against the doors. He suddenly realized that the bathroom had gone silent after he was shoved through. He shut his eyes and turned around, but he hit something warm and soft. His face was completely buried in that soft thing.

Takashi realized that something was seriously wrong when he heard a moan.

"Huh?" Takashi said as he opened his eyes. His eyes nearly popped out of his sockets as he realized that he was in between Shizuka's oversized breasts.

"GYAH! WHAT! HUH?" Takashi spluttered out as his brain started short circuiting. He tried to step back but slipped on the wet floor and fell on his ass, causing Shizuka to fall on top of him as well.

"Ahh," Shizuka cried out as she fell on Takashi.

Saeko and Rei had started walking towards him, their movements unsteady and faces red.

'What the hell? Are they drunk?' Takashi thought as he spotted a strong bottle of alcohol on the sink, completely empty.

They were making no attempts to cover up themselves. He nearly let out a scream as Shizuka started nibbling on his ears. He then felt another pair of breasts on his arms as if Shizuka's wasn't bad enough already. Rei licked his neck and started touching him. Takashi started waving his free hand around, trying to free himself. His hands hit Saeko's breasts who let out a moan as he did so.

Takashi nearly cursed out loud when he felt his 'little Takashi' stir. 'Fuck! Think of something else, think of something else!' Takashi thought, trying to suppress a boner.

"Nnn, Takashii, you naughty boy, someone's excited," Shizuka said feeling something pushing against her belly. She reached down and touched the tent created from Takashi's semi-rigid member.

"Gah! D-don't touch me there!" Takashi was scared of getting raped by the 3 beauties on top of him. "Saya! Yuuki-senpai! Help me! Don't just watch!"

Realizing that Saya and Yuuki were both also drunk, he pushed Shizuka, Rei and Saeko off of him roughly, not caring about even being gentle with them, trying to escape from their drunken stupor and from getting raped.

As Takashi got out of the bathroom and slammed the door closed, he hit Kohta, who was listening to what was happening inside the bathroom. Seeing Kohta eavesdropping and nose bleeding infuriated Takashi. He had never wanted choke someone more than ever at this moment.

"The hell man! Why did you do that! I nearly got raped!" Takashi yelled at Kohta.

"It's fine man. You didn't get raped or beaten," Kohta said. "So, you want to help me fill up the gun magazines?"

"*Sigh* Fine." Takashi just gave up and helped Kohta with loading and cleaning the guns.

For the next hour Kohta taught Takashi how to shoot and clean the guns while they filled up the magazines. When they were done, Takashi realized that the girls still hadn't come out yet and decided to call them out.

When Takashi got to the bathroom, he realized that the bathroom was silent. 'Strange,' Takashi thought. 'It's all quiet here.'

Takashi opened the door and saw all of them sprawled on the floor, fast asleep.

He took one look and facepalmed.

'They make it seem like they don't even care about what happened,' Takashi thought. 'Guess it's up to me to bring them to bed… Kohta might touch them or something.'

Takashi took a few towels and dried the girls up and wrapped them up with the towels. Then he took them and brought them to bed.

Kohta was in the kitchen searching around for some food when Takashi went in the kitchen.

"Hey, what were the girls doing?" Kohta asked, still searching for food.

"They fell asleep," Takashi said. "I had to put them to bed or they'll get a cold."

"HUH? YOU PUT THEM TO BED? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?" Kohta yelled, mad that Takashi saw them naked and touched their bodies. It didn't help that they were all beauties.

Takashi sweatdropped at Kohta's outburst.

"Anyways is there any food?" Takashi said as his stomach let out a growl.

"I was searching before you came here," Kohta said, still mad.

"Well, did you check the pantries?" Takashi asked.


Takashi walked over to the pantries and opened it. He immediately found what he wanted and held it up like a prize.

"Hehehehe, I found some chicken noodle soup! These are absolutely delicious," Takashi said as he opened it and poured it into a bowl for microwaving.

"Hey get me some too!" Kohta said.

"Make some yourself, I'm not your maid," Takashi said to Kohta. "I'm not making you anything because you shoved me into the bathroom. I nearly got raped asshole."

"Hey you should be happy that you got to see them naked," Kohta said while getting chicken soup and putting it in a bowl.

"I'm not a pervert like you," Takashi deadpanned.

"Ow. That hurt," Kohta said as he retreated into a corner and started crying.

"Whatever," Takashi said taking his soup out of the microwave and eating it. He finished eating and retreated for the night. "When you're done turn off all the lights. We don't want to attract any unwanted guests."

"O-okay..." Kohta said from under the tables.

Takashi left the kitchen and got on the couch and slept.

The next day, Z-Day +1 8:00

Takashi woke up with a start, hearing a scream come from upstairs. Takashi immediately dashed upstairs and opened up the doors to the room where the girls were sleeping. He saw a naked Saya screaming, surrounded by the others who were still sleeping.

Kohta ran up the stairs and appeared next to Takashi, only to nose bleed at seeing all the girls naked.

Seeing Kohta only made Saya throw the alarm clock next to her at Kohta, which hit him square in the head, knocking him out.

Takashi turned around to avoid looking at Saya and ending up like Kohta.

"Wh-Why are we all here? And why are we naked?!" Takashi heard Saya say behind him.

"Well, I came in to check on you guys because you were in there for over an hour. You were all passed out from drinking. Why were you guys drinking anyways?" Takashi asked.

"I-it's none of your business!" Saya spluttered out.

"Sorry… You guys would have gotten a cold if I didn't bring you guys out. But don't worry though, I didn't do anything to you or the others." Takashi said almost positively babbling.

"Enough, fine." Saya said.

Their fighting had caused the other sleeping beauties to stir, and Yuuki got up and stretched, screaming when she realized that she was completely naked.

Takashi closed the doors to avoid any more misunderstandings. He grabbed Kohta by the collar and dragged him over to the balcony, where he smacked him several times across the face to wake him up.

"H-huh? Where am I?" Kohta said as he woke up. "Ah, yes, those mounds… Those sweet beautiful m-mounds…" Kohta started to drift off again before Takashi grabbed him and started to shake him.

"What?" Kohta said irritated.

"Stay on lookout. We never know when some of the uninfected might come here to ransack this place." Takashi said.

"Oh… Right."

"Hey Takashi." Kohta said as he handed Takashi a binocular. "You might want to see this."

Takashi brought the binoculars to his eyes and saw in the distance a man and girl being chased down by a small horde of 30 of 'them'. They ran into a yard and shut the gates. The man started slamming his hands on the door yelling while the girl cried, the small horde of them already at the gates and pushing. The doors had finally opened and the family living in the household stabbed the man who had a look of surprise.

Takashi dropped the binoculars and started running downstairs, shouting, "I'm fucking going to save them!"

He was stopped by Saeko, who came after hearing Takashi shout.

"We can't go saving around others like that. We need to consider the lives of this group as well." Saeko said.

"You can't stop me. I'm fucking going! There's a damn girl stuck there helpless between a bunch of people that won't help her and 'them'!" Takashi shouted at Saeko.

Saeko blushed and said, "I'll come with you then."

Takashi smiled and grabbed Saeko's hand and dragged her down.

Once outside, Takashi opened the gates and got on his bike while Saeko got on the seat in the back, holding her bokken.

"Alright! Let's fuckin' go!" Takashi yelled as he put the bike on max speed and charged through them, Kohta shooting those that came too close to them.

The two reached the little girl in no time, crashing through the gates while Kohta took 'them' out. Saeko slashed her bokken here and there, taking 'them' out easily while Takashi tried to get the girl out of her little corner.

"Takashi hurry up! There are more of 'them' coming!" Saeko yelled. Meanwhile, the gunfire ceased, meaning that Kohta had to reload.

Despite all of Saeko's best efforts, a few of them got past her, after the screaming girl. Takashi who still hadn't notice them yet, turned around just to see one of them lunge at him, latching on to his arms and taking a bite.

"AAGH!" Takashi screamed, while its head exploded suddenly. Blood ran down his arms as he held it.

"TAKASHI!" Saeko screamed as she quickly dispatched all of 'them' near her, kicked the gate shut and ran over to check on his arms.

Takashi gingerly rolled up his sleeves and saw a bite mark on his arms, oozing blood. There was only a bite mark. It seemed that it had only had enough time to bite through his jacket and broke his skin before it was killed by Kohta.

"I-I'm bitten…" Takashi choked out. "Saeko… go on without me. I'm a goner anyways. I'll distract them."

"What? No! I'm not leaving you. I will never leave a comrade in the battlefield. Either we go together or we don't." Saeko said stubbornly.

Meanwhile, the girl had crawled out of her hiding space, tears on her face. Takashi noticed that her face was completely white.

"O-onii-chan are you alright?" the girl whispered with a frightened look in her eyes.

"Yeah." Takashi said as he wiped her face and turned to Saeko. "We came to rescue her. We can't leave her here. Please! While I still have some time left, go!"


Sighing, Takashi gave in to Saeko. 'She's really fucking stubborn.' Takashi thought.

"Fine." Takashi said. "We can't escape through the gates so how are we going to escape?"

"We can escape from the top of the walls," Saeko said. "The walls are thick enough for us to walk on."

Saeko kneeled down and turned around to the opposite of the girl and said, "Get on my back, we're leaving."

The girl nodded and got on Saeko's back while Takashi tried to climb the wall. He winced as the exertion from climbing the wall sent pain all over his arms. Already, he could feel himself growing weaker by the second. He finally managed to climb on and stood on top of the walls and signaled Saeko to get on. Saeko took one jump and a swing to get on the wall, easily taking the lead.

"Quick! Run! They aren't fast!" Saeko shouted at Takashi.

Takashi went as fast as he could on the wall, without falling. 10 feet away from the gates, Takashi collapsed, allowing 'them' to nearly catch up to him.

Back at the house, Kohta's grip tightened on his AR-10. "C'mon Takashi stand the fuck up!"

Takashi slowly got up as a whole bunch of 'them' were taken down by Kohta.

Saeko rushed towards Takashi and practically lifted him up princess style, despite Takashi's muffled complaints.

As Saeko ran towards the gates, Takashi felt his consciousness slowly fade away.

Saeko leapt through the open gates while Kohta slammed the gates shut.

Far off into the distance, he could hear shouts, although unable to comprehend what the message was.

'Sorry guys,' Takashi thought as he faded away.

A/N: Lol. Sorry for leaving you guys with a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed.

Suggestions are always welcome.

Peace out :))