Author has written 132 stories for Naruto, Star Wars, Final Fantasy I-VI, Inuyasha, Misc. Movies, Gundam Wing/AC, Dragon Ball Z, Power Rangers, X-Men, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh, Final Fantasy X, Movie X-overs, X-overs, Ironman, ThunderCats, Highlander, Misc. Cartoons, He-Man, Transformers/Beast Wars, Airwolf, Dune, Code Geass, Final Fantasy VII, G. I. Joe, Mega Man, Transformers, Family Matters, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Diablo, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Saw, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Ghost Rider, Six Million Dollar Man, Superman, Misc. Tv Shows, Mythology, Pirates of the Caribbean, Daredevil, Destroy All Humans!, Tron, and Overlord.
Just got a new computer and plan to begin writing again. I know there was some complaints about my reading story for Queen's champion and I admit that I was mostly trying out the system I was using to see if I would be able to get back into writing with it since it was not up to my usual preference and shortly after I started that story THAT computer crashed. I had planned to delete the actual print of the Queen's champion and use it as a reference to what I think would happen after that story ended as the basis of a new story that would be a launch of a new series that I am planning to write to get back into writing since it's been nearly a year since I actually COULD write. Sorry for anyone I upset using the copy paste to get the placement for that launch story and will be most likely this weekend fixed thanks to my NEW computer and I will be working on a Naruto/Gamer crossover story with a twist using my OC from the reading queens champion story. I hope my you all will like this story as I have had this idea for nearly a year working on it and I give my inspirational credit of this story to a personal favorite Perfect Lionheart who I hope to see someday return to writing on this site or find the site he has move to. Now lets see how many keyboards I can break getting my writing backlog caught back up. Enjoy and review.