Chapter 1

Do Not Fear Darkness, Welcome its Embrace

Perseus Jackson Point of View

For the first time In my life, I can feel the fear of death creeping into my veins replacing all the hope I have in this world. I was dying, I knew it, I am afraid, But I accept it, To save the lives of the many, My life is forfeit.

Emotions were erupting from my soul, contradicting everything in the world, conflicting what is left of my mind. How the fates of the world are cruel, not to even give me peace in my final resting place.

I can feel it, I can feel my blood begin to boil,

Sorrow, Hate, Anger, but most of all Pity,

I felt eternal sorrow, as if someone has their fist wrapped around my fading heart, Sorrow since I would die knowing that the world would not miss me, Sorrow since I would die knowing the people I love the most have turned their backs against me, Sorrow because I have failed, I have failed everyone who looked to me as a friend, who saw me as a hero, but most of all, sorrow because I wasn't enough for the only person In the world I would love.

Hate, Its coursing through my veins, no matter how much I try to deny it, I can't. Athena was right as always when she told me that my fatal flaw would destroy me in the end. All this hate in my soul is directed towards only one. I treated him as a brother in everything but blood, He came into our lives after the war with the Titans, He came bearing a smile that would deceive even the darkest of monsters. He turned everyone against me with lies and betrayal. My very soul calls for his blood.

Anger, The reason my blood boils even in my deathly state. I can feel the darkness engulf my soul as i drown in the pool of my own tears filled with what once been sorrow now turned into anger, I can feel it corrupting my mind, I try to fight it, I try to tell me that its all just misplaced, that I am not this vengeful person, but the fates being ever so cruel flash images into my head, memories that have torn the very fabric of my existence, memories that destroyed the pillars of my faith.

I can see my father, Poseidon God of the Sea screaming at me, his eyes that were once sea green and full of life that I once had as well was filled with anger and hate directed towards me, His own son.

"You insolent fool!, how dare you speak against the true hero of Olympus!"

"But father!, I only say what is true!, I would never turn against you."

"Lies!, I should have let the furies rip out your heart before you even reached Camp Half - Blood, You are a disgrace to the sea and all it holds!"

I saw my self kneeling in front of my very own father with my eyes filled with tears that began to roll down my once carefree face that now sported a look of shock and sorrow, The image dispersed in a ripple of anguish to show me another.

I saw Camp Half Blood, my home, where all my friends were, where I had met the love of my life, but what I saw I wanted to forget, I saw myself secluded from the rest avoiding the hateful glares the rest were giving me, stones were cast against me, words that pierced my very heart,

"You honestly think that I loved you?"

"What are you talking about wise girl? I love you, I thought you did too"

"You really are a poor idiot you know that? Why would I love you when I can love him?"

Annabeth, I saw Annabeth, My tie to the mortal world telling me that everything we had, everything I believed in, everything I held dear to my heart was nothing but a lie, I saw her rip my heart out, I wanted to scream but no words were coming out from my mouth, I begged the fates to change the image, I did not want to relive this. To my relief, the image changed but what I saw clenched my heart and I failed to fight the anger boiling in my veins as I drowned into eternal despair.

I saw my mother Sally Jackson lying down in a hospital bed holding a new born in her hands, while my step father Paul Blofis was holding her hand. I watched the beautiful smile my mother had, but what I saw next drove me to the brink of insanity, I watched as the shadows around the room grow, I watched as the figure I had grown to hate grab my step father's neck from behind and drove a 4 foot celestial bronze blade through his skull as blood splattered on my mother's face as she screamed with all her heart out holding the new born baby trying to hide the baby.

I saw the figure grab the baby from my mother's hands, I saw him drop the baby on the ground as he stomped on the baby's head, the crunch of bones echoed through the room. Tears were already coming out from my eyes, I saw the figure slash through my mothers arms as blood erupted from her limbs, I saw my mother scream in pain, I saw the sadistic smirk the figure had, I saw him slash her head clean off her shoulders as her head rolled of the floor,

I was screaming, I was screaming for blood, I was screaming in rage, I wanted nothing more that to kill him, I wanted to kill him and then myself, I wanted nothing more that to vanish from existence, I wanted revenge, I wanted blood, I wanted to awake from this deathly state and kill them all,

"Do not blame them" a voice said in my head.

"Who are you?! show yourself!" I screamed.

I had forgotten in my rage that I was dying, and the only thing I could see now was nothing, it was pitch black, so empty, devoid of anything, not even a single ounce of hope could be felt where I currently was.

"Perseus" the voice said in a low solemn voice that showed he, she or whatever that was talking to me was sad.

I broke down, I cried as hard as I could, I let all the sorrow leave my body, I let all the anger drown me, I had nothing left but pity for myself, I felt weak, I am weak.

"How?! How can I not blame them?! They destroyed me!" I screamed, half hoping that whoever was listening heard me.

What happened next shocked me to the very core, A woman who's beauty I could not describe, Aphrodite the Goddess of Love would be envious of her. She stood a frame of 5 foot 8 inches tall, her slender body showed grace and elegance with every step she took, her hands cupped my cheek as I continued to cry my heart out, she pulled me in to a warm embrace that I almost forgot what I was angry about, I forgot the reason for my sorrow and despair.

She pulled away and looked me straight in my eyes, and I looked at hers, I was lost in awe, in wonder that her eyes held. I felt so much power coming from her eyes, I was lost in a trance, Her eyes were the most beautiful I had ever seen, It was pitch black, but when you looked closer you could see the stars in them, the bright lights of the universe, I saw hope, I saw love, I saw sadness but most of all I saw creation.

"C-Chaos" I stuttered

She simply smiled at me and I never felt so warm in my entire existence. The mere sight of her made everything, all my pain, all my anger, all my sorrow disappear. I was pulled out of my thoughts when she called my name again.

"Perseus" Lady Chaos said. "Do not blame them, They are not at fault."

"W-What do you mean? How can they not be at fault?" I asked. anger finally left my body, replaced with curiosity

Lady Chaos smiled again, but this time it was sad, and I was overwhelmed with the sadness that her smile held that I began to cry not knowing why tears were running down my cheeks

"Erebus, My son had caused this. He is drowned in anguish after his sister Gaea was defeated, He wanted revenge on the one who had managed to put her back into a sleep like state"

"Erebus? The Primordial God of Darkness?" I asked Lady Chaos, since I was not sure.

"Yes, my son had become vengeful after her defeat. He came to Camp Half Blood and manipulated everyone there to hate you He brought out the darkness in everyone's heart, in whatever form it was in, Jealousy, Anger, Sorrow, and used it to manipulate everyone's mind. and as powerful as the Gods and their Children are, Erebus merely manipulated the darkness in their hearts"

As soon as Lady Chaos said that, I was filled with disgust, I was disgusted at myself, at how I thought that they would all betray me, I was disgusted that I allowed the anger in my heart to gain control, I was disgusted with myself. I thought about my last words before I was put in this deathly state.


Mount Olympus

The Gods were all gathered around in the throne room, as I was kneeling in front of them with tears that filled my eyes, I looked around to see everyone at Camp Half Blood look at me with hate and disgust, I felt the anger rise up within me.

My father Poseidon God of the Sea looked at me with anger in his eyes as were as black as the night

All the Gods were confused on why I was being sentenced to death,

Zeus the King of Gods looked at me with worry in his eyes not being able to comprehend why my own father sentenced me to death he could not do anything unless he risk wage war between the sky and the seas.

Hades the Lord of the underworld was looking at my father with disgust, beside him was his son and the only friend I had left in Camp Half Blood who was looking at the camp with anger visible in his eyes.

Here the Queen of the Gods looked at me with sadness and regret in her eyes, wondering what I had done to deserve a fate like this after saving the world against Kronos and Gaea.

Ares the God of War looked at me with pity evident in his eyes, I suddenly felt riptide lighten within my pocked and I knew that he had lifted the curse he placed on me in our first meeting, I looked at him and gave me a small nod.

Hermes the Messenger of the Gods was looking at me with sorrow in his eyes as he visibly shed a tear

Apollo the God of the Sun, Who was normally care free and happy was downright distraught, sadness evident in the aura he had at the moment

Athena The Goddess of Battle, Wisdom and Justice looked at me with regret evident in her eyes as she as mouthing the words "Sorry"

Dionysus The God of Wine, for the first time in my life I was him not holding a magazine or with wine in his hands, He was looking at me with a pained expression in his eyes, We got along after the Battle of The Labyrinth after his son had died, we helped each other cope with the loses in the camp.

Demeter The Goddess of Agriculture was for the first time not holding cereal in her hands as she looked down on the floor with tears in her eyes, We may not have spoken a lot, but We never had any problems either, since I was one of the people who took care of her children and did not look down on them

Aphrodite The Goddess of Love, could not even look at me as she was crying her heart out but I could feel the sorrow in her heart.

Artemis The Goddess of the Moon, was looking at my father in disgust in her eyes, her hand kept on reaching for her bow and arrow

Hephaestus The God of Fire and The Forge, looked at me with a solemn expression but sadness was evident in his eyes,

Hestia The Goddess of the Hearth was crying in her 8 year old form as she was looking at my father and her brother Poseidon, and for the first time had anger visible in her eyes

I then saw Iris the Goddess of the Rainbow look at me with so much sadness as she reluctantly made Iris Messages that broadcast what was happening on Olympus throughout the whole world

Camp Jupiter was looking at me in shock and confusion, My friends, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Piper, Leo, and even Reyna were crying, not knowing what was happening, Octavian who was looking at me with regret in his eyes as tears were threatening to run down his cheeks, which got me confused since we were never friends, but none the less I felt grateful that they didn't hate me.

The Amazons were all crying even Queen Hylla was crying, I was happy that they cared for me, but I was also sad and angry that they had to see this.

The hunters were crying in outrage on what was happening, We had began to get along after what happened to Zoe Nightshade, They were thankful that I respected them and help protect them whenever the need arises, They once told me that I was the only male they respected and looked at me as a brother, Thalia was different as she was crying hysterically screaming for her father to bring her to Olympus.

Atlantis was in shock, even my step mother Amphitrite was crying, my step brother Triton looked at my father in disgust even more that ever. I was happy that they had finally accepted me. I was happy that even though I was a mistake, and we had a rough start. They had finally accepted me into their family.

I looked back to Zeus as anger began to show in his eyes.

"Brother! What is this?! Why are you sentencing young Perseus to death! " Zeus thundered throughout the throne room, as he summoned all parties to Olympus

Amphitrite stepped forward as soon as she was flashed to Olympus by Zeus "My Lord, Please do not do anything that you would regret" she begged

I looked at my father who showed no sign of Acknowledging his brother or wife but instead looked towards Camp Half Blood and said.

"Do you all think that this piece of thrash should die?!" Poseidon bellowed as his heavenly aura flared throughout the throne room as Annabeth the woman I love stepped forward

"Yes Lord Poseidon, He should die" Annabeth said as I looked at her betrayal evident in my eyes, as it slowly became anger but the shackles that tied me down to the floor prevented me from doing anything, and without another word my father drove his trident into my chest and I fell to the cold hard floor, the last thing I saw was my fathers eyes which was pitch black turn back into his normal sea green that showed me the ocean one last time, as I muttered my last word



"Perseus," Lady Chaos said, "Perseus!"

I snapped back out of my thoughts and looked at her,

She looked back at me with a solemn expression on her face and said. "Perseus, when your father stabbed you with his Trident, I was too late, I broke Erebus hold over him and the other campers too late, and Erebus who was hiding as one of the campers disappeared when he noticed my presence near by. I am sorry" Lady Chaos said in apologetic tone

"It isn't your fault Milady, If anything It is mine, If I was strong enough this would never happen"

"No!" She shouted as I stepped back a bit surprised by her sudden outburst "Don't you dare!, Don't you dare think that this Is your fault!"

I began to tear up again and she pulled me into another warm embrace to calm me down as she patted my back,

"Perseus, I want to offer you new life" Lady Chaos said,

To say that I was shocked was an understatement, my mind could not even comprehend what she had said, I just stood there staring into her wonderful eyes with my jaw wide open, she simply laughed softly but to me was the most beautiful sound in the universe. I snapped out of my shocked state once again, and asked her.

"w-why?, Why would you want me?. I'm just a demigod"

"Simple Perseus, You are pure of heart."

I just continued to stare at her, wondering what she had meant, I had no clue, no matter how hard I think about it. what does she mean pure of heart.

"Perseus!" Lady Chaos shouted as I was once again snapped back to reality, or wherever this place was.

"By the Gods you really do have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and didn't anyone ever tell you that it is not polite to stare"

As soon as those words left Lady Chaos's mouth, I started to blush a beet crimson red in embarrassment,

"Great, I just had to embarrass myself in front of the creator of the universe" I thought to myself

"What do you mean pure of heart? and where are we?" I finally asked

Lady Chaos simply chuckled at my Kelp Headedness.

"The reason why Erebus was not able to control you like he did the others is because you are pure of heart, so he turned everyone against you to create darkness within yourself, and almost succeeded if I had not come to stop it and show you the truth."

"Oh" came my smart reply

"You really are a seaweed brain, but that is also one of the reasons I want you to join me, Your innocence and purity, It even attracts me" Lady Chaos said with a wink that caused me to blush another shade of red that could put a tomato to shame.

"What do I have to do?" I asked my curiously.

"When you finally die, I will take your body and soul back to the Void, where you will be trained by the best warriors in every dimension. You will be my blade, You will deliver justice in my name." Lady Chaos said

"How will they train me? It will take years to do that?, and Erebus is already causing destruction" I asked, I wanted to save everyone even after what had happened.

"Time does not move in the Void, A century in the void is a mere minute on earth" Lady Chaos stated and I was once again thrown into a state of shock but quickly shook it off, replacing it with a look of determination.

"When do I start?" I asked with all seriousness

Lady Chaos simply gave one of her beautiful smiles and said.

"Once you pass from this earth I will bring your Body and Soul to the Void. You will have at least a few minutes left before your body gives out. I also spoke to the Gods in their minds including your father and explained that this was all Erebus's doing. But I told them not to tell anyone since everyone will become fearful and Erebus will feed of their fear. They do not know that I will take you with me, so do not tell them. I will take my leave now and I will see you in a while"

with that Lady Chaos began to disappear and I was left with my thoughts, I immediately forgave everyone and I swore that I will do everything to put a stop to Erebus and whoever he is with.

drip, drip, splash.

I feel something on my face, what is it? Water? Rain? I try opening my eyes, to escape the darkness that had begun to engulf my very essence, my very soul. The light, I long to see it, even if it just a simple glimpse of it, I force my eyes to open with all the strength I have left before It finally leaves my body,

Once I finally open my eyes, I see Annabeth crying over my body, I see my Father on his throne crying his heart out while the Gods try to comfort him, I see Jason and Reyna trying to pry of Annabeth from my body, I can see the Anger evident in their eyes, I slowly reach towards Annabeth's cheeck with my hands, wiping away the tears from her eyes.

Silence engulfed the throne room, as everyone stared at me.

"Apollo! Heal Him!" Zeus thundered as Apollo raced towards me as he began to try and heal me, But I knew I would already die, Lady Chaos told me that I had at least a few minutes left, I put my hand on top of his and shook my head.

Apollo stared at me in disbelief, tears were running down his face, as was everyone around me including the Gods.

"Perce, my man. What are you saying, let me heal you. come on man, Uncle P didn't mean it. the camp didn't mean it, were sorry Perce, fight it please." Apollo begged but I shook my head.

It hurt me to see everyone in tears but I need to do this, To protect them, I need to Die.

Thalia broke of Artemis's embrace and rushed towards me as she grabbed my hand, I saw her face that was full of tears as I felt them dropping on my face, I quickly brushed them off and said.

"Don't cry Thunder Bug, Don't blame them either, It was my fault, I wasn't strong enough"

"Don't leave me Percy, Don't leave me Kelp Head. Your my brother!. I need you! Please! Don't Go! PLEASE!" Thalia pleaded,

I looked over to Jason, Reyna, Frank and Nico who all had tears in their eyes, I motioned them to come near me, as I started to feel my body give out,

"Jason, Reyna, Frank my friends. Protect everyone, Look after the Romans, Do not blame the Greeks, please keep the peace" I told them, and they simply nodded,

Jason began to break down and pull Thalia in to a tight embrace and cry onto each other for support. Frank stood tall and he began to Salute me I noticed that Ares changed into Mars and went to Frank's side and saluted me the same.

Reyna stood strong, which brought a smile to my face, I knew that she would keep the peace.

I looked over to Nico,

"Hey death breath" I said as I heard Nico give out a small laugh but sorrow was still visible in his eyes

"Don't blame the camp, They need you now more than ever. I need you to lead them."

Nico just looked at me in shock. he was about to reply but I simply cut him off.

"Promise me," I said and he nodded.

I smiled at him, I was about to say something else, but I began to cough out blood, my lungs were beginning to give out, I heard Apollo scream frantically telling me to fight it as he desperately tried to close the punctures in my lungs, The gods and everyone else were crying louder.

"PERCY!" I heard Annabeth and my Father scream at the same time, as they broke off the people holding them back and rushed towards my side, I could feel Annabeth's tears on my face again and I wiped her tears again. I looked towards my father and said.

"Father. I forgive you, Please look after the seas." I said, and my father just dropped to his knees and covered his face with his hands and began to cry. It hurt so much to see the people I love and care about cry in front of me, but I told myself that It was all necessary.

I looked back at Annabeth, My wise girl, one last time. I was wiping the tears that were running down her cheeks, as she began to hold my hand and pull it close to her heart.

"Don't go, Please, Don't go!. I'm sorry!. I didn't mean anything!. I love you seaweed brain!. Please,! I need you,! Please don't go!. Please. Please. Please. Don't go.! I need you." she began saying frantically in between her crying.

"I'm sorry Wise Girl, I have to go, but know that I always love you and I forgave you a long time ago." I told her, and she just began to cry even more.

I finally see it, I finally see the light, hope, I feel it coursing through my veins. I smiled on last smile as I closed my eyes and let my soul rest and wait for Lady Chaos to come and get me,


I awoke with a feeling of hope, looking around the room I could only see white , pure white. and the feeling of hope coursed throughout the room.

"So how are you feeling?"

"Lady Chaos?" I asked, slightly confused

"Yes, It is I Perseus"

"Where am I?"

Lady Chaos just stood there with an amused face as she looked at me with her trademark smile,

"You are in the Void my dear, and it is time for you to get up,"

I stood up and followed Lady Chaos out of the room, I was struck in awe by the sheer beauty of the place. Palaces that were made from the most beautiful marble and silver that I have ever seen,

"This is the Void?" I asked dumbfounded

"Yes, what did you expect?" Lady Chaos said with a knowing smirk.

"I don't know" I answered honestly, since I had no Idea about the place, "Lady Chaos, where are we going?"

"We are going to introduce you to your new comrades."

"new comrades?" I asked genuinely confused

"Yes the Creed." Lady Chaos answers

"What is the Creed?" I asked

Suddenly a figure that came from the shadows. He wore pure white robes with accents of blood red in them, black boots and a hood that covered his whole face excluding his mouth. I looked at him strangely and on guard as I drew riptide out and aimed it towards him.

"Who are you? and what business do you have with us?" I asked putting some venom in my voice.

He simply stared at me slightly amused. then looked at Lady Chaos and bowed.

"Omega. stand" Lady Chaos said and looked at me.

"Perseus, this is Omega, The leader of the Creed, He will be your mentor, trainer, confidant and comrade"

I slowly put away riptide and approached Omega with my hand extended, which he accepted. He looked me and I felt as if he was looking at my soul, judging me.

"The Creed is and Order created by Lady Chaos, we do not exist, we work in the shadows, the darkness guides us. we keep the peace and kill those who disrupt it, There is one member of the Creed on every planet, and only I and Lady Chaos know who the other members of the Creed are. Their names and faces. from today onward, Perseus is no longer your name. You will be known as Zeta, and we will begin your training today, Lady Chaos has informed me of your destined mission on earth."

I stared at Omega in complete and utter shock, this was my new mentor and comrade, and he had just given me a new name. He basically told me that no one will ever know who I am, and I felt a pang of sadness in my heart but quickly flushed it out of my system. I do this for them, and If i need to disappear I will do it.

"Perseus, I will bless you, your powers will increase and you will be able to blend into the shadows at will, you will be able faster, stronger, smarter. It will make you immortal, but you may still die if you are stabbed through and only through the heart."

Lady Chaos said as she put her hand on my forehead and began chanting in some ancient language that I did not understand, I felt the power coursing through my veins, I can feel my blood accepting the new found power it had been given, once the process was done, Lady Chaos and Omega were staring at me in utter shock, I was about to ask why but then I felt a sudden flux within my body and I screamed in pain as I began to glow a bright white.

Once the light died down, Omega was bowing down in front of me and Lady Chaos was looking at me with a warm smile.

I felt, stronger, faster, smarter, I felt invincible.

"Lady Chaos? Omega? what happened?" I asked.

"Look around you Perseus." Lady Chaos said

I looked around and found thousands of people bowing down to me, I can see at least 50 people who dress the same as Omega, I am confused on why everyone is bowing down to me that I didn't notice that I wasn't even standing on the ground. I looked around to Lady Chaos who just motioned me to look at the ground. I was flying. To say that I was confused was an understatement.

"W-Whats going on?!" I asked in a Panic as Lady Chaos simply laughed.

"Young Perseus, You my dear. are an archangel." Lady Chaos said as wings sprang out of my back, They were 15 feet wide and pure white.

"What do you mean archangel?" I asked.

"I knew you were destined for greatness, The archangel has been lost to us for millenniums, only one pure of heart, innocence and justice will be able to become the archangel, and for the first time in a many thousand years. You have become an archangel." Lady Chaos said, as I floated down to the ground still dumbfounded

"What happens now?" I asked.

Omega stood up with a huge grin on his face. and said "Do not fear the darkness, embrace it."

"What?" I asked as Omega and Lady Chaos laughed.

"What dear Omega means, is that You do not fear Darkness, embrace it since it is within everyone including me and you. Do not fear it since it as part of you, embrace it and bring it to the light" Lady Chaos said, as she walked towards the crowd with me and Omega by her side.

"Today Is a glorious day!. The New Archangel has been crowned!. The Prince of the Universe found!. Rejoice! as today is a New Day!, the dawn of a New Era of Peace!. Roar for your new Prince!, Roar for Peace! Roar for A new Day! Roar for ZETA ARCHANGEL!"

as soon as she said those words the crown erupted in a deafening roar of approval, shouting my new name.

I was left speechless, I did not know how to respond, But I knew one thing. Erebus and whoever is with him will pay dearly for causing pain to those I love.

To be Continued. . .

Author's Note : Yey!, The First chapter is finally done. I apologize in advance if there are a lot of things that did not make sense, I tried my best to connect everything. I will explain more in the next chapter that will be featuring what happened when Perseus died in the Olympian throne room and when his body and soul vanished. including the gods and everyone else. This was a pure Percy Jackson POV. next chapter will feature multiple POV'S

Please Read and Review, Leave your comments, no flames please. I appreciate constructive criticisms not destructive. I am also open to suggestions,

like if you want to bring back Luke or the others back from the dead.

I'm not sure if this should be a Precabeth story , so I put in a poll on my profile, please check it out.

Don't worry If it won't be a precabeth story. I've already thought of a way to end their relationship. ! :))))) in a very evil way. :)

Leave a review. and if it reaches 20, I'll post the next chapter right away. I'm already writing it as you are reading this. :))