Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural/Harry Potter or the characters from either show/Movie.

AN: This story is based off of chapters 1-3 of UnknownUnseenUnheard's story 'Reincarnation Roulette'. I'm following the first three chapters of their story like a template for the beginning of my story. But I'm going to stretch mine out. So there'll be at the very least one or more chapters for each year that Harry/Bobby is at Hogwarts! But once we get passed their Hogwarts years and to finding the boys I'll be all on my own lol.


The Reincarnation of a Hunter

Chapter One: An unexpected outcome


There are many religions and beliefs around the world. Many stories, many different views of the afterlife, and many different deities that people believe or once believed governed over them. They vary in many different ways, but some particular things usually match and happen to be true. One such belief is that of the human soul. Eternal and indestructible, the soul is a thing that everyone has. And sometimes when a person dies, that soul can be reborn into someone new.

Now, contrary to popular belief, the world exists in four separate dimensions, not three. There are three that we can conceive that make up the physical world. The last, and most important of all, is time. Time is fluid and souls are capable of moving throughout it with ease once separated from the physical plane of existence. A person could die in 2012 and be reborn in 1994. Which is how eventually, Bobby Singer became Harry Potter.

But usually a person does not remember their past life. And for a normal person, most of the time, the memories of a past life could sometimes drive them crazy. But Bobby Singer and Harry Potter were not normal. And the way that Harry Potter remembered his past life as Bobby Singer was anything but normal…


October 31st, 1981, Godric's Hollow

"Not Harry, please!"

"Move aside, silly girl."

"Not Harry!"

Little Harry Potter didn't understand. All he knew was that there were scary noises, his mummy was scared, and there was a weird looking man standing right in front of him. Then suddenly there was a flash of brilliant green light. Little Harry scrunched his eyes and looked away.

There was a loud thud, and Harry glanced back to see his mummy lying on the floor asleep. Harry frowned at this. He didn't want nap time! Especially not with that weirdo in the room. Little Harry looked down at his mother and did what all babies do to get attention, he started crying loudly.

Voldemort let out a small snarl. This was the brat fated to defeat him? Hah! With a twirl of his wand the dark lord let loose a green lighted curse upon the unsuspecting child.

Now, the method of which the killing curse takes lives is not so different from how a Dementor leaves its victims scared. It's just far messier. You see, the killing curse forcibly causes the human soul and spirit to split from the body. This causes the victim to drop dead without any physical sign. They just cease to be.

But what Voldemort didn't know, was that Lily had taken precautions to protect her child from him. She knew that Voldemort would use the killing curse and had spent hours poring through book after book looking for a way to protect against it. And she'd found one just a few short days before.

As the green lightning arched towards the child, the blood runes Lily Potter had carved into the crib and energized with her own willing sacrifice, activated. Voldemort had a brief 'oh shit' moment before the curse backfired and blasted him. Little Harry screamed as the room exploded around him and the Dark Lord was blown to smithereens.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, there was an unforeseen consequence to Voldemort's act that night. The killing curse is a spell that assaults the very soul of its victims. Because of that one little detail, something unexpected happened. As little Harry was the first survivor of the killing curse in recorded history, it could not have been foreseen.

Little Harry swayed back and forth before falling backwards into his pillow, unconscious. Getting memories from a past life at such a young age tends to do that to you after all…


AN: So this chapter is basically the same as chapter one of UnknownUnseenUnheard's story 'Reincarnation Roulette', with just a few small changes here and there.