Once Naruto got back on the bank he frowned twisting his shirt trying to get some of the water out of it and said "If Kakashi-sensei shows up before I get back tell him I went home to change cloths." as he turned and started to walk away.
Sasuke said "You mean you actually have more then one outfit dobe." with a smirk.
Naruto glared at Sasuke and said "I hope someday you know the pain of having nothing to you name teme." as he turned and started to walk away.
Sakura said "Don't talk to Sasuke-kun like that and you can't leave. We have to wait on Kakashi-sensei."
Naruto said "Then maybe you shouldn't have been such a bitch and knocked me in the water Sakura." as he ran off.
Sakura and Sasuke eyes widen as they heard Naruto and Sakura screamed "Get back here Baka or I'm going to kick your ass."
Naruto ignored her and thought "Sasuke...Sakura...you both deserve each other. A bastard and a bitch...I want to make them both pay...and Ino as well...Oh, that gives me an idea."
30 minutes later after Naruto changed cloths into a pair of black pants and a blue shirt he was walking through the village and entered a Akamichi family BBQ stand.
All noise in the shop stopped when he walked in and Naruto felt the eyes of everyone land on him and thought "Assholes...wait, there he is." as he moved toward a table.
A woman in a waitress uniform got in front of him and said in a snobbish voice "I'm sorry, we are full."
Naruto said "Oh, no problem since I'm only here to deliver a message to that guy over there." as he pointed to Inoichi Yamanaka.
The waitress said "Well give me the message and get out."
Naruto said "Um...well sure," as he raised his voice higher and said "I just came to tell Ino's dad to remind Ino not to forget the condums tonight since I don't want to be a daddy yet."
The sound of people choking or spitting out thier drinks was heard all over the stand and Inoichi turned his eyes toward Naruto in shock for the first time since he arrived having been minding his own business and he said "What did you say." in a demanding tone as he got up.
Naruto said "Damn, I see where Ino get's her bossy attitude about. Look, I don't want any trouble. I just don't want to get Ino pregnant. I'm to young to be a dad right now."
Inoichi said "You better have a good reason for saying my daugther would have sex with you."
Naruto crossed his arms and said "Look, it's not really sex, it's more like rape since I don't want to do it. Your daughter won't take no for an answer. She's broke into my apartment, tied me up, stripped me, stole all my cloths, gave me these, replaced all my hygene products, told me I was her boyfriend and I didn't have a choice in the matter, told me that I was going to use my body and skills to get into hard to reach places for her and other girls, she used one of her friends while I was tied up to wax every hair on my body besides those on my head, she told me that I was to be at my apartment tonight at 7pm for dinner and who knows what else since she's already spent time yesterday and today playing with my manhood and I tried to tell her I didn't want to do it because I only want to be with someone out of love and she said she doesn't care and that she always get's what she wants. If you don't believe me have either Choji dad there go get her or Shikamaru dad and ask her yourself. You can also go get Sakura and Sasuke on training ground 7 because Ino came there and was all over me there in front of them when she was basically advertising me to them...I feel so cheap and used...the worst thing is I think both Sasuke and Sakura were interested in what Ino was advertising." as he shivered and looked down.
Everyone was wide eyed and Inoichi said "Why should I believe you."
Naruto looked up and said "Because Ino brag about how you had to warn her about using your family jutsu on me before she entered the accademy. She also brag about how you laughed at the ninja who couldn't catch me when I pulled a prank. If that's not enough I'll strip right here and show you what she had that other girl do to me and show my claim about being waxed is true. Hell, ask the Hokage. Ino and the other girl left me tied up in my apartment naked and defenseless and my own sensei found me and freed me but reported the other girls involvement in it since he didn't know about Ino's part. Now you can either believe me or believe I'm lying and wait until Ino or who ever it is she's basically pimping me out to get's pregnant. I don't want this but if I fight back odds are I'll be arrested, killed, or banished since there are so many people like Mizuki. I can't help I have legendary stamina, I can't help that I got a bad boy reputation, I can't help I'm larger then Sasuke according to Ino. I can't help that my kagebunshin allow me to do multiple things at once that could be of service so if you don't believe me then fine, C-ya around Grandpa." as he turned and started to walk away.
Murmors broke out and Naruto froze in place and the voice of Shikaku said "Troublesome, Inoichi, let Chouza go get Ino and we can get this straightened out. If we don't rumors are going to spread around that will haunt everyone involve for the rest of our lives. Do you want that."
Inoichi frowned and said "Fine...but if your lying boy I will have you arrested for slander."
Naruto said "I'm not worried because I know I'm the victim here...but since you might be unwilling to accept the fact Ino is not the perfect little princess you think she is let me ask her in front of you and everyone here about each incident. Tell her she can only answer yes or no. That way she can't try and sway you and others away from the truth or does a victim not have the right to face thier aggressor to have justice done because they aren't popular with most people."
Inoichi narrowed his eyes as did Shikaku and Inoichi said "Only if I get to requestion Ino on anything that is not explained. Innocent until proven guilty."
Naruto said "Yeah right...I'll agree but you and me both know the innocent is sometimes considered guilty until proven innocent."
Inoichi glared at Naruto and Ino's voice was heard coming in the stand "What's going on Chouza, what does dad want with me."
Every eye turned to Chouza who was coming in with Ino and Ino blinked and blinked again and said "Naruto-kun, what are you doing here."
Naruto started to say something when Inoichi said "Ino...Naruto here has said some things that I want to find out the truth about from you. Naruto is going to ask a few questions of you and I want you to answer only yes or no to those questions. If I want to know more about what he asked I'll ask you to explain. Alright."
Ino frowned and crossed her arms and said "Is this because you don't want Naruto to be my boyfriend because if it is I don't care. I want him and I get what I want daddy. Nothing you say will stop me from being with him."
Inoichi eyes widen as did everyone elses and Naruto said "Told you." as he looked at Inoichi.
Inoichi frowned and said "Ino, did you really break into Naruto place and take his cloths and replace them with those he has on."
Ino blushed and said "Yes. I know orange is his favorite color but I got plans for him and me in the future and I want him to look good for them."
Naruto said "See, it's just like I said. She also said that she thought I was better then Sasuke. Right."
Ino nods and Naruto said "She also said that it was my skills that caught her attention. Right, you told me when I was training that you thought my ninja skills could be useful in the future and that I could make you and other women feel good by doing something for you, didn't you."
Ino eyes widen and blushed and said "Yes but you said you didn't want to do that."
Naruto said "But you told me you always get what you want and you didn't care if I love you or not, that you would have me."
Ino frowned and said "Yeah, so what's the problem."
Naruto was laughing inside when he saw Inoichi pale face and the shock look on everyone but Ino face and thought "Never mess with the best Ino." and said "No problem, since I don't have a choice, I just came and asked your dad to pass a message to you for tonight before you came to my place. Since you pretty much confirmed everything I guess I better get back to my team meeting place before Kakashi-sensei shows up...but I want to know one last thing, is anyone but you coming tonight. I need to know so I can be ready if I need to prepare for more then one person."
Ino said "No, it's just me tonight and don't be late. I expect you to be ready to make sure we have a good time tonight."
Naruto sighed and said "Since any Hokage has to see to the needs of those under him I guess I have to get use to this now. I'll see you at 7 Ino but please be sure to bring everything we might need that I don't have since you know how hard it is for me to get some things and you already know what I have in my apartment...C-ya later Ino...gramps." as he ran out of the stand.
Murmors broke out as well as whispers as Ino said "C-ya Naruto-kun."
After he was gone Inoichi who was pale walked to the bar and said "Sake...a bottle please."
Ino walked over and said "So what did Naruto-kun want dad."
Inoichi frowned and said "Ino...How big is Naruto."
Naruto blinked and said "What do you mean dad."
Inoichi turned and said loudly "HIS DICK INO, HOW BIG IS HIS DICK." as he unleashed some KI accidently.
Ino became scared and used her hands to show how big Naruto was and Inoichi said "Ino...your an adult in the eyes of the village now and even though you are my little girl I can't tell you what to do...but I don't want any grandkids so I'm going to get you some condums to carry with you so when you and your...boyfriend...do it you protected."
Ino said "BUT..."
Ino thought "Why is dad wanting me to have sex...could he..." and said "Fine...I'll have sex with him and use condums." as she crossed her arms and turned and stomped out.
Inoichi downed a shot of sake as Chouza and Shikaku came over and pat Inoichi on the back and Inoichi said "What am I going to do. How am I suppose to teach her responsibility and to grow up if I baby her...but how can I not baby her when she's..."
Chouza said "If I was you...I would thank Naruto because he came to you for help with Ino before things got out of hand...Some people wouldn't have done that."
Inoichi said "But what am I going to do. I mean he claims he doesn't want to be with Ino."
Shikaku chuckled and said "I wouldn't be to sure about that. He set you up Inoichi."
Inoichi said "What do you mean." as he looked at Shikaku.
Shikaku said "Remember how he wanted the right to chose which questions were asked or answered. He wanted everyone to know that it was Ino who chose everything in thier relationship. I think he's afraid that some of the less open minded people in Konoha would think that Ino was under his control so he came here publically to draw attention to his relationship with her so that way there won't be any problems."
Inoichi thought a moment and said "Son of a bitch."
A female voice behind them said "You boys talking about Kiba." causing all 3 men to turn around and see Tsume Inuzuka there.
All 3 men groaned and Tsume said "I'm so proud of your daughter Inoichi. Maybe I should have Hana talk to her about services."
Inoichi said "What are you doing here Tsume." as he glared at her.
Tsume said "I came to get some steak. Well good luck gramps." as she laughed as she walked away.
Inoichi said "Give me another bottle bartender. I think I'm going to need it."
When Ino got back to the flower shop she blinked and thought "I could have swore I locked this door." as she walked in and saw someone sitting on a stool behind the counter with a cloak on hiding what the person looked like and said "Who are you and what are you doing here."
The figure was covered in smoke showing and Ino saw Naruto sitting there who smirked and said "Hi."
Ino frowned and said "What do you want Naruto."
Naruto said "I just brought you a little gift." as he held up a scroll.
Ino looked at the scroll and asked "What is this."
Naruto said "A map to the secret location where everything from Sasuke apartment is now." causing Ino's eyes to widen and asked "How."
Naruto said "A good prankster never reveals his secrets...Oh, by the way." as he smirked "Paybacks a bitch Ino. C-ya." as he went up in smoke showing Ino that it was a kagebunshin.
Ino glared at the spot Naruto had been moment before and she walked around and sat down and open the scroll and read
Gotcha Ino,
This is an official declaration of a prank war. You started it by using Hinata, waxing me, breaking into my apartment and stealing my stuff before using me to make Sakura and Sasuke jelous. Well 2 can play that game, let's see how you feel after going up against the best. Earlier you fell for my prank because when I went to the BBQ shack I told your dad that you were basically forcing me to become a gigolo who you planned to pimp out which is why you got me the cloths and wax me and a few other things and you fell for it. I also told him that I didn't want to be a daddy yet which is why he was talking about getting you condums. Now you got the reputation of a pimp. Take that princess. You can quit while you are ahead and admit that I am the master or you can try to challenge me and we can see who the best blond is. I've got the balls to win, you felt them earlier, remember...by the way, I'm going to be the HO-kage so that means your the bitch.
Ino clenched her fist as she finished reading the scroll and to her shock it went up in smoke and she thought "Game on Naruto-kun. 2 can play this game."