Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Well, here you go, another chapter for you to read. Those of you who are whining, or in some cases still whining, about this fic not being canon, who really cares? It's fanfiction, I'm here to write, not to please, and if you don't like what you read, stop reading the story.

And if anybody has been getting guest reviews from some of the same names, the ones that are just spewing hatred so that they can have some form power of you, well there are two options to dealing with that. Keep writing, which ticks them off even more because it means their little power trip fizzled out completely, or stop writing, let them think they have any kind of authority over anybody.

As for me, I'm going to keep writing, since what's the point of pleasing those that could never be pleased ever, hm?

Couples reminder

Naruto-with him now













Naruto-still to come








Current Pairings











Possible Pairings







After a week of dealing with the nation across the sea, Naruto, with his now quad of brides, boarded the airship that well take them back to the Elemental Nations. During the first part of the week, Koyuki gave them a tour of most of Spring Country, minus the military parts of course.

Koyuki was more than pleased to do this, since it gives her time to not only get to know her new family, but also take a break from being a Daimyo. Along with the fact that she could use Naruto as her own personal horse. When asked why, she said not only was Naruto built and hung like a stallion, causing the girls to blush, she also needed him to pay for breaking her royal ass from their session. Unlike the three kunoichi, she was not built to take such a pounding down below, and even with Hinata's healing, walking properly was out of the question for a while.

The second part of the week involved talking with the council and discussing what was agreed upon both Spring and Fire Country, with Konoha being an extension of the deal. Mainly what the leaders and the countries well be getting out of everything. With the family, like with Suna, multi citizenship of the countries since everybody would like to see Koyuki come back and visit occasionally.

Yet when it was brought up on how they would like their child to take the throne in the future, Naruto put his foot straight down, not caring who he pisses off.


After getting most of the business taken care of, one of the councilwomen looked at Koyuki with a concerned look, since the woman was giving off a bit of a zombie impression. With a little back and forth between Koyuki and the council, it ended with a lot of women blushing when she told them that the tales of Uzumaki stamina were severely sugarcoated.

Getting back to business, "So, Lord Namikaze, what we have been discussing is that we would like to have your eldest child with Lady Koyuki to become the Spring Daimyo in the future . . ." The Council Leader started to speak, only to be interrupted.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, that is not going to happen." Naruto said, catching them off guard, "While I'm pretty sure me and Koyuki well have more than one child, but becoming a Spring Daimyo would have to be their choice, not by force."

While the older members looked like they just swallowed a big lemon, Koyuki stepped up, deciding to stand by her future husband. "I agree with Naruto, since what good would it be to force somebody like a child to train for something they aren't meant to be." She said, shocking those on the council, "I can recall times when my father expressed guilt for taking what Doto was originally training for, and how he tried to stop certain villagers from rubbing it in his face."

When she said that, the ones that knew exactly what Koyuki was talking about just looked away. Throat coughs, avoiding eye contact, not wanting to admit that they might have pushed things to far by reminding him of his losses.

Flashback Ends

After some back and forth, with Hinata using her clan as an example of moving on from old traditions, an agreement was reached on both sides. While Naruto and Koyuki well raise their children their way and let them choose if they want to become a Daimyo, the council well have somebody act as a temporary in Koyuki's place until further notice. If a child does accept, that child would be brought back for training, with Koyuki as one of the teachers. Otherwise, Koyuki can enjoy her new life, unless Springs/Snow needs her to return under extremely dire situations.

So now, after everybody was boarded, the airship took off on a long journey towards the Elemental Nations. With a good portion of the Spring Capital population yelling out a farewell to their daimyo.


Konoha-Flower Shop

Ino is working at her family's shop, handling the plants in the back, while her father worked the front desk. When she told them that she plans to keep herself busy with her kunoichi duties, and working at the shop, Inochi and Jade are more than pleased to spend more time with their daughter.

Right now she is talking to Kaede, who is feeling bored due to the fact that Konohamaru and the other two girls are doing team missions outside of the village. She was asking a few questions about the CRA, since Ino was a clan heir and would have more of a clue on how it works.

"So one question, if I wasn't going to become apart of the family, would they . . ." Kaede started to ask, but wasn't sure on how to finish the question.

"Actually no, they won't be allowed to get married until they are at least 17." Ino said, trying not to giggle at the girl releasing the breath she is holding. "They could get married now, but nobody would let them start the honeymoon until they, and you, can prove that you are ready to take care of yourselves."

After hearing that, "But won't somebody try to force us to?" Kaede asked, once the thought came to her head. "With Konohamaru being the last male Sarotubi, won't they want his clan to be restored right away?"

"The laws would prevent them from doing so." Inochi said, as he stepped out from the back, after overhearing the conversation, "After the Third War, when the Sandaime stepped down, a lot of changes were made to help build toward a new era."

"So the Yondaime changed the CRA when he came to office?" Ino asked, curious since this is the first time she was hearing this.

Giving a small nod, "Well, it is one of the first that Minato started with when he took office." Inochi started to explain, "While he can't touch the clans when it comes to marriages, due to certain charters and all of that, he can make changes when it comes to things like the CRA."

"What was the CRA like before the Yondaime changed it?" Kaede asked.

"Let's just say it's something you're better off not knowing about." Inochi said, with a look that said it was really bad. "The old laws were made when people just didn't care about anybody's wellbeing, just bring a powerful clan under somebody's thumb."

"Is that the reason why some people have been trying to force Naruto and Sasuke to marry somebody they don't want to?" Ino asked, having a sneaking suspicion about the marriage requests, since before Pain's invasion, some people just thought of Naruto as just a nuisance to the village.

"Oh yeah, that is pretty much the only reason why people would want to take an interest in those two." Inochi said, sharing some of the things that have been discussed since after the Uchiha Massacre, "If somebody can get a strong enough hold in things, from the blood line to the fund, certain families would be set for life as long as they have some form of self-control. And if they can get their hands on some powerful jutsu scrolls, they could sell them off for a pretty profit, even if it puts the village at risk."

Seeing a look on Kaede's face that she has sported herself multiple times, "I know, it doesn't make sense why people would choose money over loyalty, but it happens more often than anybody would like." Ino said, "The sad truth is, some get away with it if they have the right 'friends' in the right places."

Getting the feeling that this would be the end of the conversation, "So about the CRA, what would I be allowed to do since I'm not a kunoichi, or anything like that?" Kaede asked.

"Well, actually the CRA just sets the parameters on how big and how soon the clan needs to start growing." Inochi said, "As for the clan itself, the only ones allowed to make the decisions are those running it."

"But with the Sarotubi being considered inactive at the moment, you still have time to figure some stuff out for yourself." Ino continued, while her father went back to work.


At a local cafe, Sasuke is sitting down to a cup of black coffee, and a good book. After reaching the weekly quota of missions he needed for his parole, Iruka, who was in charge of the mission hall at the time, told him to take some time off to relax.

After getting used to the routine, Sasuke decided to look into things he can do to relax, that didn't involve training of some kind. Once he decided to start reading a book during his breaks, he got annoying comments about how it isn't porn like Kakashi reads. Even bringing up the fact that it was Kakashi that trained him during the Chunin Exam finals, that they thought his sensei's favorite past time would be passed onto him. Understandable, but still really annoying to hear it over and over.

When he turned a page, a loud "You!" snapped him out of his thoughts. Looking up, he noticed Karui trying to march towards him like she plans to commit murder, while Neji was trying his hardest to talk her out of it. Giving a small sigh, Sasuke marked his spot in the book before closing it and storing it into a scroll.

Once she finally reached her destination, the first thing Karui did was punch Sasuke hard across the face, knocking him out of his seat. "You had that coming, you pathetic bastard." This caused an audience to form

After shaking the cobwebs out of his heads, "Well, now that you've joined the club, I think somebody owes you a t-shirt." Sasuke said, before attempting to get back onto his feet. Only for Karui to kick him in the face in response.

"Keep talking smart guy, and I'll make sure to knock your teeth out." Karui said, getting ready to deliver her next attack.

"You will do no such thing." Guren said, getting people's attention as she walked up to Sasuke. "Instead, we will sit down and talk like decent human beings."

"And why should I listen to somebody who used to be one of Orochimaru's soldiers?" Karui asked loudly, her anger getting the best of her.

"Why should you attack somebody when you come from a village with questionable methods of obtaining a bloodline?" Guren asked, which silenced the place.

Karui just stood there, clenching her fists, wanting to start cracking skulls, but instead, walked out of the café in anger. With Neji not sure what to do, before leaving in the opposite direction. Figuring it would be better to let her cool off by destroying a training ground, instead of letting her destroy every bone in his body.

After helping Sasuke back into his seat, Guren asked him if she can join him. To which he gladly accepted.


Here is the latest chapter. Next one is going to be Naruto and his groups journey to Demon Country, along with whatever comes to mind. Read and Review, and stay safe during the craziness known as the year 2020.