Author has written 7 stories for Tales of Symphonia, Naruto, and Fire Emblem.
Note: Yes I know that I spelled "Guardian" wrong in my profile name. Boo-hoo. Deal with it. That is all.
Gender: Male (just wanted to put that out there, don't want to be confused by anyone)
Area of residence: Iowa (no, I don't live on a farm or live in a town with only fifty people in it).
Hobbies/Obsessions: Reading, writing, fanfiction, manga, watching baseball (go Cubbies!), playing the cello, youtube (as a viewer), Star Wars XD...more when I think of others.
Favorite Video Games: Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess are my favorites), Tales of Symphonia (I'm obssessed with that game, I swear), Fire Emblem games (two favorite being FE7 and FE9), Skies of Arcadia, Super Smash Brothers (I'll smash all of you with Link :D) , Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Baten Kaitos, Mass Effect
Videogames I write about: Zelda (any that I've played), Tales of Symphonia, Fire Emblem
Videogames I may write about: Skies of Arcadia
Favorite Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Baccano, Death Note, Full Metal Alchemist, and OHSHC (one of these things are not like the other...)
Fire Emblem 9/10 pairings I like: Ike/Lethe (favorite), Ike/Jill (I can really see potential in this pairing, seriously), Rolf/Mist, Sothe/Astrid, Oscar/Tanith, Sothe/Micaiah, Tormod/Vika or Sanaki, Rhys/Mia
Fire Emblem 7 pairings I like: Eliwood/Ninian, Eliwood/Lyn, Hector/Florina, Matthew/Serra, Priscella/Heath or Guy, I guess Jaffar/Nino, Wil/Rebeca, Bartre/Karla, Dart/Farina
Fire Emblem Survey
1: What is your favorite FE game: FE9 and FE7
2: Which FE game do you find the easiest: Shadow Dragon hands down
3: Which FE game do you find the hardest: FE7; Three words: Hector Hard Mode
4: What is your favorite character: Sothe
5: What is your favorite main character: Ike
6: Which is your least favorite main character: Erika
7: What is your favorite class: Thief
8: Which class do you hate the most: Uh…fighter? Maybe?
9: What is your favorite weapon type: Lance
10: What is your favorite magic element: Anima
11: What is your favorite weapon: Spear (ubber strength plus distance=awesome)
12: What is your favorite chapter: I’m partial to Blood Runs Red in FE9
13: What is your favorite villain: Nergal, best back story of all FE villians
14: What is your favorite skill and mastery skill (applies to FE9: PoR and FE10: RD): Adept and Luna
15: What is your favorite character from FE7: Matthew
16: What is your favorite character from FE8: Colm
17: What is your favorite character from FE9: Sothe (seeing a pattern, aren’t we?)
18: What is your favorite character from FE10: Sothe again!
19: What is your favorite Laguz from FE9 or FE10: Lethe because she has great development
20: What is your favorite boss in any FE game: Black Knight hands down
21: What is the hardest boss in your opinion in any FE game: Ashera obviously. Kill her with anyone besides Ike…SURPRISE!!
22: What chapter do you find the hardest in any FE game: FE7: Bonus chapter after the desert Hector Hard mode. I got stuck for so long on that damn level!
23: Do you use stat-up items the second you get them or around the end of the game: Most of the time save till the end of the game
24: Do you conserve S/SS weapons until the last few chapters or use them right away: Conserve conserve conserve. Use them when they’re needed!
25: Do you balance your party or have only a few strong characters: Try to keep balanced but some kind of tend to run ahead of the pack (damn paladins for being soooo broken)
26: When a character upgrades classes, do you use their new weapon type usually: To a minor extent
27: Who do you think is the best FE main character: Ike
28: Who do you think is the best character in FE7: Raven
29: Who do you think is the best character in FE8: Ross
30: Who do you think is the best character in FE9: (besides broken Ike or Laguz royals) Rolf; use him and you’ll know what I mean
31: Who do you think is the best character in FE10: (besides broken Ike or Laguz royals) Edward…can anyone say all maxed stats?!
32: Which Laguz variety do you think is the best ignoring their leaders: Ravens…kinda pointless question almost
33: Which Laguz leader do you think is the best: Tibarn no doubt
34: If the entire party from each FE game where to fight each other, who would win: FE10 for crazy stat growths
35: Who is your favorite FE character in the smash series (melee & brawl): Ike- “All my attacks are smash attacks!!”
36: If another character could be in the smash series from FE (main or not), who would you want: Sothe!!
37: If there could be an FE boss in brawl, who/what would you want it to be: Ashnard, that would be intense with him flying all over
38: What is your favorite Fire Emblem music (can be from any game): Life Returns FE9 and FE10
39: Which Fire Emblem character has a personality like yours: Ranulf :D
40: What Fire Emblem game was your least favorite out of the 4 listed: FE11 was a waste of my hard earned money...